REBELLION RECORD: A Diary of American Events, WITH DOCUMENTS, NARRATIVES, ILLUSTRATIVE INCIDENTS, EDITED BY FRANK MOORE, AUTHOR OF "DIARY OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION." SECOND VOLUME. WITH TWELVE PORTRAITS ON STEEL, AND VARIOUS MAPS AND DIAGRAMS. NEW YORK: G. P. PUTNAM. C. T. EVANS, GENERAL AGENT. 1862. in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. JOHN F. TROW, PRINTER, STEREOTYPER, AND ELECTROTYPER, 46, 48, & 50 Greene Street, New York. NOTE. In closing the second volume of the Rebellion Record, which covers a period most eventful in the history of the United States, the Editor embraces the opportunity to return his grateful acknowledgments for the many acts of assistance and encouragement he has received from various portions of the country. In particular, he refers to the officers of the National army, who have so who have so readily afforded him the use of their valuable official documents; to the Hon. Joseph Holt, for the interest he has manifested in the progress of the work, and for the aid he has rendered in consenting to revise some of the most important documents; to the Hon. Reverdy Johnson, Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson, and others, for similar favors; to the members of the Press, who have, with their usual courtesy, extended every facility for the advantageous prosecution of the work; and last, though not least, to the subscribers to the "Record," who have, from time to time, forwarded to the Editor much of the local material, facts, and incidents, that will be found in the present volume. It is intended to give a supplementary volume of such documents and narratives as may have been lost sight of in the large mass of matter that has passed under review, and the remark is here renewed that "the Editor will be glad to receive from subscribers any material having a reference to the present Rebellion," for this purpose. NEW YORK, January, 1862. |