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our entire force brought upon the field, we should have destroyed the enemy's army almost literally. Attacked in front, on the flank and in the rear, he could not possibly have escaped, except at the loss of thousands of prisoners and all his batteries, while the field would have been strewed with his dead.

where your correspondent stood. Gens. Beau- | Gen. Ewell been received and carried out, and regard, Johnston, and Bonham reached this point at 12, and one of these balls passed directly over and very near them, and plunged into the ground a few paces from where I stood. At a quarter past 12, Johnston and Beauregard galloped rapidly forward in the direction of Stone Bridge, where the ball had now fully opened.

The artillery were the first to open fire, precisely at 11 o'clock. By half-past 11, the infantry had engaged, and there it was that the battle began to rage. The dusky columns which had thus far marked the approach of the two armies, now mingled with great clouds of smoke, as it rose from flashing guns below, and the two shot up together like a huge pyramid of red and blue. The shock was as tremendous as were the odds between the two forces. With what anxious hearts did we watch that pyramid of smoke and dust! When it moved to the right, we knew the enemy were giving way; and when it moved to the left, we knew that our friends were receding. Twice the pyramid moved to the right, and as often returned. At last, about two o'clock, it began to move slowly to the left, and thus it continued to move for two mortal hours. The enemy was seeking to turn our left flank, and to reach the railroad leading hence in the direction of Winchester. To do this, he extended his lines, which he was enabled to do by reason of his great numbers. This was unfortunate for us, as it required a corresponding extension of our own lines to prevent his extreme right from outflanking us -a movement on our part which weakened the force of our resistance along the whole line of battle, which finally extended over a space of two miles. It also rendered it the more difficult to bring up reinforcements, as the further the enemy extended his right, the greater the distance our reserve forces had to travel to counteract the movement.

This effort to turn our flank was pressed with great determination for five long, weary hours, during which the tide of battle ebbed and flowed along the entire line with alternate fortunes. The enemy's column continued to stretch away to the left, like a huge anaconda, seeking to envelope us within its mighty folds and crush us to death; and at one time it really looked as if he would succeed.

Finding that his orders had in some way failed to be executed, Gen. Beauregard at last ordered up a portion of the forces which were intended to cooperate with Gen. Ewell. It was late, however, before these reinforcements came up. Only one brigade reached the field before the battle was won. This was led by Gen. E. K. Smith, of Florida, formerly of the United States army, and was a part of Gen. Johnston's column from Winchester. They should have reached here the day before, but were prevented by an accident on the railroad. They dashed on the charge with loud shouts and in the most gallant style. About the same time Major Elzey coming down the railroad from Winchester with the last of Johnston's brigades, and hearing the firing, immediately quit the train and struck across the country, encountered the extreme right of the enemy as he was feeling his way around our flank, and with his brigade struck him like a thunderbolt, full in the face. Finding he was about to be outflanked himself, the enemy gave way after the second fire. Meanwhile Beauregard rallied the centre and dashed into the very thickest of the fight, and after him rushed our own brave boys, with a shout that seemed to shake the very earth. The result of this movement from three distinct points, was to force back the enemy, who began to retreat, first in good order and finally in much confusion. At this point the cavalry were ordered on the pursuit. The retreat now became a perfect rout, and it is reported that the flying legions rushed passed Centerville in the direction of Fairfax, as if the earth had been opening behind them. It was when Gen. Beauregard led the final charge, that his horse was killed by a shell.

We captured thirty-four guns, including Sherman's famous battery, a large number of small arms, thirty wagons loaded with provisions, &c., and about seven hundred prisoners. Among the latter were Gen. Burnside, of the Rhode Island brigade, Col. Corcoran, of the New York Irish 69th regiment, Hon. Mr. Ely, member of Congress from New York, Mr. Carrington,* of this State, a nephew of the late William C. Preston, who had gone over to the enemy, and thirty-two captains, lieutenants, _ &c. We came near bagging the Hon. Mr. Foster, Senator from Connecticut.

The moment he discovered the enemy's order of battle, General Beauregard, it is said, despatched orders to Gen. Ewell, on our extreme right, to move forward and turn his left or rear. At the same time he ordered Generals Jones, Longstreet, and Bonham, occupying the centre of our lines, to coöperate in this move- The official reports of the casualties of the ment, but not to move until Gen. Ewell had day have not yet come in, and consequently it made the attack. The order to Gen. Ewell un- is impossible to say what our loss is. I can fortunately miscarried. The others were deliv-only venture an opinion, and that is, that we ered, but as the movements of the centre were lost in killed, wounded, and missing, about 1,500 to be regulated entirely by those on the right, These are errors. Gen. Burnside and Mr. Carrington nothing was done at all. Had the orders to were not captured.-Ed. R. R.

-of which about four hundred were killed. | chivalric Colonel to the last. The more furious The enemy's loss was terrible, being at the lowest calculation 3,000.

Thus far I have said but little of the part taken by particular officers and regiments; for the reason that I desire first to obtain all the facts. Nor have I said any thing of the gallant Seventh and Eighth regiments from Georgia. This part of my duty is most melancholy. It may be enough to say, that they were the only Georgia regiments here at the time, that they were among the earliest in the field, and in the thickest of the fight, and that their praise is upon the lips of the whole army, from Gen. Beauregard down. Col. Gartrell led the Seventh regiment, and Lieutenant-Colonel Gardner the Eighth, the whole under the command of Col. Bartow, who led them with a gallantry that was never excelled. It was when the brigade was ordered to take one of the enemy's strongest batteries, that it suffered most. It was a most desperate undertaking, and followed by the bloodiest results. The battery occupied the top of a hill, on the opposite side of Bull Run, with a small piece of woods on the left. Descending the valley along the Run, he proceeded under cover of the hill to gain the woods alluded to, and from which he proposed to make a dash at the battery and capture it. On reaching the woods, he discovered that the battery was supported by a heavy infantry force, estimated at 4,000 men. This whole force, together with the battery, was turned upon the Eighth regiment, which was in the van, with terrific effect. Indeed, he was exposed on the flank and in front to a fire that the oldest veterans could not have stood. The balls and shells from the battery, and the bullets from the small arms literally riddled the woods. Trees six inches in diameter, and great limbs were cut off, and the ground strewn with the wreck. It became necessary to retire the Eighth regiment, in order to reform it. Meanwhile, Col. Bartow's horse had been shot from under him. It was observed that the forces with which his movement was to be supported had not come up. But it was enough that he had been ordered to storm the battery; so, placing himself at the head of the Seventh regiment, he again led the charge, this time on foot, and gallantly encouraging his men as they rushed on. The first discharge from the enemy's guns killed the regimental color-bearer. Bartow immediately seized the flag, and again putting himself in the front, dashed on, flag in hand, his voice ringing clear over the battlefields, and saying, "On, my boys, we will die rather than yield or retreat." And on the brave boys did go, and faster flew the enemy's bullets. The fire was awful. Not less than 4,000 muskets were pouring their fatal contents upon them, while the battery itself was dealing death on every side.

The gallant Eighth regiment, which had already passed through the distressing ordeal, again rallied, determined to stand by their

the fire, the quicker became the advancing step of the two regiments. At last, and just when they were nearing the goal of their hopes, and almost in the arms of victory, the brave and noble Bartow was shot down, the ball striking him in the left breast, just above the heart. Col. Bartow died soon after he was borne from the field. His last words, as repeated to me, were: "They have killed me, my brave boys, but never give up the ship-we'll whip them yet." And so we did!

The regiments that suffered most and were in the thickest of the fight, were the 7th and 8th Georgia, the 4th Alabama, Fourth South Carolina, Hampton's Legion, and 4th Virginia. The New Orleans Washington Artillery did great execution.


BATTLE FIELD OF BULL RUN, July 22. After the repulse of the 18th inst., the enemy withdrew towards Centreville, and, except in burying the dead, appeared to be inactive during the 19th and 20th, until about midnight. At that hour, the rumbling of artillery over the stony roads, the barking of dogs, etc., etc., told that vast preparations for the attack of the morrow were going forward. To the ears of the Kershaw's detachment, who were thrown out half mile to the left, and in advance of our centre, Mitchell's Ford, those sounds were quite distinct. At 5 o'clock A. M., a cannonading, on the right, begun, apparently from the point of attack of the 18th inst. A few minutes later, the firing of heavy guns was heard on the left, also, in the direction of the Stone Bridge. The calibre of the pieces was, evidently, from the sound, greater than that of those used on the 18th, and together with the peculiar whirr of the shells, and stunning detonation of the mortars, gave ample proof that the Northern generals were determined to use every effort to annihilate us that day, the memorable 21st, as they had promised to do on the first fair occasion. Gradually the cannonading on the left increased, whilst that on the right grew less. The post of the picket guard of the 2d Palmetto regiment was upon a hill overlooking all the country to the north and westward. And from this point, curling up over the tree tops, which hid the battle field, could be seen the smoke, but nothing more. About 10 o'clock there rose a great shout, and a rumor soon came down to us that our boys were driving back the enemy. This seemed to be confirmed by the smoke, which receded to the northwest. The Confederate cavalry, too, were seen galloping in that direction, perhaps to cut up the flying columns of the Yankees. More than an hour passed on, and nothing of the strife is heard but the roar of ordnance and the rattle of musketry.

Suddenly an order comes, borne, I believe, by Gen. McGowan, for the 2d and 8th Palmetto regiments to hasten to the assistance of the left wing. Couriers are despatched to Capt. Perry




man, out scouting, and Capt. Rhett, on picket | had retrieved the lost battle and gained the guard, to march across the fields to the left, and victory of "Stone Bridge," with two regiNow we halted under an order from Gen. join their regiment, the 2d, which is on the ments and a battery of four pieces. march to aid the left wing. This regiment, to which was attached Kemper's battery, fol- Beauregard, not to engage the enemy, should lowed by the 8th, Col. Cash, hurried to the he form again, without reinforcements. Such scene of action. It was met along the way by as could be had were now hurried up. He innumbers of the wounded, dying, and retiring, spected the division, thus increased, consisting who declared that the day had gone against of the 2d and 8th South Carolina regiments, us; that Sloan's regiment, the 4th, was cut to the shattered remnants of Hampton's Legion, pieces; that Hampton's Legion, coming to the about 150 strong, whom we had rescued, (what rescue, and the Louisiana battalion, were anni-with the killed, wounded, and those attending hilated; that Gen. Bee and Col. Hampton were them, few were left in the field,) and one commortally wounded, and Col. Ben. Johnson pany-partly of Marylanders, and partly of killed; and that the Confederate forces were Crescent Blues of New Orleans. Kemper's out-flanked and routed, and the day lost. This battery had not been able to keep up with us was the unvarying tenor of the words that in the flight of the enemy and our rapid purgreeted us from the wounded and dying and suit, for want of horses. Ten minutes we haltthe fugitives who met us during the last mile ed, until joined by another small regiment-Presof our approach to the field of battle. To the ton's Virginians, I believe-and then moved on sharp cry of the oflicers of the 2d regiment, in the chase. Two miles further on, the cavalOn, men, on! these fellows are whipped, and ry joined us; but, finding the enemy posted on think that everybody else is," the troops re- a hill, with artillery covering the road, we battle. But the Yankees, after firing a few sponded nobly, and closing up their columns threw out skirmishers, and formed in line of marched rapidly and boldly forward. cannon shot and Minié balls, again fell back. On we went, and Kemper having now overtaken us, we deployed, and allowed him to unlimber and give them two or three good rounds, which completely routed the Yankee column again. Their artillery, which was in rear, now plunged wildly forward upon the wagon train, overturning and jamming them in mad disorder. Saure qui peut. Devil take the hind most, became the order of the day, and the setting sun saw the grand army of the North They left in our hands flying for dear life upon wagon and artillery horses cut loose. thirty-odd pieces of cannon, many wagons, an immense number of small arins, and plunder of every kind and description. To-day we can hardly recognize the members of our own company, by reason of their changed exterior. New habiliments and accoutrements abound. Truly, these fellows are well provided.

The fast flying cannon shot now cut down several of our number before we got sight of the foe. Presently they became visible, with banners insolently flaunting, and driving before them the remains of our shattered forces. But the 20, undaunted by the sight, ployed column, and, with a shout, charged up the hill at the double quick. The Yankees could not stand the shock, and fell back into the wood on the west of the hill, pouring into us a galling fire. Driven through this wood, they again formed a brigade of their men in a field beyond, and for half an hour a severe struggle took place between this regiment, with Kemper's battery attached, unsupported, and an immense force of United States troops. We poured in a steady While the and deadly fire upon their ranks. battle raged, the 8th South Carolina regiment came up, and Col. Cash, pointing to the enemy, "Col. Kershaw, are those the d-d says, scoundrels that you wish driven off the field? I'll do it in five minutes, by God!" "Yes, "form on our left, Colonel," says Kershaw, In a few moments the and do it if you can." 8th got close up on the left, and poured in a murderous fire, under which the enemy reeled and broke.


Thus you see that, on the right wing of the enemy, their chief force, the 2d and 8th South Carolina regiments, assisted by Kemper's battery, maintained the day, and upheld the ancient honor of the State. As Jeff. Davis, at a the Mississippi and Louisiana regiments, "The late hour yesterday, said, in urging forward 2d and 8th South Carolina regiments have saved the day, and are now gaining a glorious victory."

Again they formed on a hill, and new legions covering the hills around rushed to their supDuring the action, the lion-hearted Kershaw port, but the terrific fire of Kemper's battery was too much for them. They reeled again and broke. "Forward, Second Palmetto regi- received no orders and saw none of our Gensays Kershaw. "Now is the time! "erals, but fought it out on his own plan-drivThe Second and Eighth now dashed forward, ing the enemy in immense numbers before him. fast but steadily, and the victory was won. Too much honor cannot be given to Capt. KemThrowing down their arms and abandoning per. His coolness and presence of mind was their cannon, the United States troops fled precipitately. The Second and Eighth pursued them to the Stone Bridge, about a mile, and there for the first time Kershaw received an order, since leaving the entrenchments. He

unshaken at any moment, and his rapidity and accuracy of fire was astonishing. At one time surrounded and taken prisoner, he owed his escape to his cleverness. As soon as he found resistance useless, he cast his eyes round, and,

seeing a regiment of Virginians near, said, | until 7 o'clock, when the firing of cannon and pointing to them, "Take me to your Colonel." musketry became very hot and the action was His captors ignorantly did as he suggested, and fairly opened. Iere an unfortunate mistake for actually carried him into the midst of the Vir- a time threw our lines into confusion. The ginians before they saw their mistake. In a few Yankees, infamous in their tricks of war as moments he was rid of them, and again at the well as trade, advanced a large column headed head of his battery, hurling destruction into by the Confederate flag, and when within fifty the ranks of the foe. Kershaw and Kemper yards opened a deadly fire upon the Fourth both deserve to be made Brigadier-Generals, as Alabama regiment. This caused a retreat, this great victory is undoubtedly due to their which the South Carolinians observing, they commands. opened upon the Alabamians, thinking them enHampton's Legion and Sloan's regiment dis-emies, and nearly decimating their ranks. played the utmost gallantry, but, in the face of superior artillery and great odds, were not sufficiently sustained. We hear that our troops succeeded in capturing cannon from the enemy's left wing, also, to the amount of ten or twelve pieces. If that be so, we have captured forty odd pieces, amongst which is Sherman's celebrated battery. The Palmetto Guard have taken a flag and one or two drums. The Brooks Guard have captured a flag-staff and two kettle drums. The other companies have various articles. I have written the above in great haste, but the facts are correctly stated. I will give you some other incidents at another time. -Charleston Mercury, July 29.


About the same time, Gen. Beauregard heard heavy firing several miles to the right, and immediately went with our main body to the scene of supposed conflict. But this was another decoy. The Yankees had sent a large quantity of ordnance with only men sufficient to man the guns, so as to distract the attention of our forces from the main point of attack. Quickly discovering the ruse, Beauregard double-quicked his troops to the former battlefield from which we had been driven back some two miles. Now came the tug of war.

The fortunes of the day were evidently against us. Some of our best officers had been slain and the flower of our army lay strewn upon the field, ghastly in death or gaping with wounds. At noon the cannonading is described MANASSAS, VA., Monday, July 22. as terrific. It was an incessant roar for more Sunday, July 21, will ever be a memorable than two hours, the havoc and devastation at day in the annals of America. Next to the sa- this time being fearful. McDowell, with the cred Sabbath of our Independence, it will be aid of Patterson's division of twenty thousand the eventful era in the history of Republican men, had nearly outflanked us, and were just in Governments. The military despotism of the the act of possessing themselves of the railway to North, proud, arrogant, and confident, has been Richmond. Then all would have been lost. But met in the open field, and the true chivalry of most opportunely, I may say providentially, at the South, relying upon the justness of their this juncture, Gen. Johnston, with the remnant cause, though comparatively weak in numbers, of his division-our army as we fondly call it, have gained a victory that in completeness has for we have been friends and brothers in camp never been paralleled in history since the Amer- and field for three months-reappeared and ican continent first dawned from its ocean-girt made one other desperate struggle to obtain the womb upon the eye of the longing discoverer. | vantage ground. Elsey's brigade of MarylandBut the victory has been dearly won-purchasers and Virginians led the charge, and right ed, indeed, with the hearts' blood of thousands of the bravest and truest men of the Confederate States. But this blood will not only cry aloud to the heavens for vengeance, but so fructify the soil of the South that here more than elsewhere will ever bloom and blossom the glorious tree of liberty.

It was not the good fortune of your correspondent to be in the engagement, that portion of Gen. Johnston's army to which the Kentucky battalion is attached having been detained at Piedmont by a railroad accident. We reached the field of battle just as the victory had been gained, and only had the mingled satisfaction and sorrow of joining in the huzzas and uniting in the sad lamentations.

The battle opened on Sunday morning, about 5 o'clock, near Bull Run, some four miles from Manassas Junction, the Nationals advancing with an immense column 54,000 strong, under Gen. McDowell. The engagement was not general, the artillery only playing at intervals,

manfully did they execute the work. Gen. Johnston himself led the advance, and wild with delirium, his ten thousand advanced in hot haste upon three times their number. Twice was Sherman's battery, that all day long had proven so destructive, charged and taken, and our men driven back. The third time, Virginians, Carolinians, Mississippians, and Louisianians, captured the great guns and maintained their position.

About the pieces the dead and wounded lay five deep, so protracted and deadly had been the struggle. Now hope again dawned upon us, and just as the tide seemed turning in our favor, another good omen illuminated the fortunes of the day that at times seemed so illstarred. Riding in a half column along our lines was a single horseman with hat in hand, waving to the men and speaking brief words of encouragement. By intuition all knew it was President Davis, and such a shout as made the welkin ring arose-a shout of joy and de

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fiance. The President had just arrived by spe- | own conclusions, and solve the terrible political cial train from Richmond, and Providence problem it presents to the American people. seemed to be with us again. The contest was no longer doubtful. As I heard one of the officers say, our men could have whipped legions of devils. The word "Onward!" was given, Davis bareheaded in the van. No more lingering or dallying. It was a grand and sublime onset of a few determined sons of liberty against the legions of despotism. The lines of the enemy were broken, their columns put to flight, and until after dark the pursuit was continued. The rout was complete. Off scampered the Yankees, throwing away guns, knapsacks, clothing, and every thing that could retard their progress. Thus was the day won, and the long bright Sabbath closed, a lovely full moon looking down calmly and peacefully upon the bloodiest field that the continent of America ever witnessed.

Our loss is fully two thousand killed and wounded. Among the killed are Gen. Bee, of South Carolina; Gen. E. K. Smith, Gen. Bartow, of Georgia; Col. Moore and all the Alabama field officers; Col. Fisher and the North Carolina field officers; Adjutant Branch of Georgia, and a host of other leading men.

Thomas G. Duncan, of Nelson County, Ky., was in the fight, and shot through the left shoulder. His wound is not dangerous.

Col. Barbour, of Louisville; Capt. Menifee and Shelby Coffee, of Kentucky, were in the hottest of the fight.

We took thirteen hundred prisoners, sixty pieces of artillery, ten thousand stand of arms, and an immense amount of baggage.

This is a sad day. The rain is pouring in torrents. The killed and wounded are being brought in by hundreds, and a gloom pervades all hearts, that even the sense of our great victory cannot relieve. SE DE KAY.


It was impossible for me, in the heat of a terrible engagement, exactly to locate the position of our forces during the battle; but I find my conjecture of yesterday verified, that it was not at Bull Run, but at Manassas Gap. In other words, that General McDowell, with an army which, including the reserves at Centreville, did not number more than forty thousand, actually attacked the rebel forces at Manassas Gap, where Beauregard has been for months preparing his fortifications, and where he had lined the hills with elaborate and carefullyconstructed intrenchments, behind which were rifled cannon of large calibre, properly manned and supported by an army which subsequent information leads me to estimate at nearly a hundred thousand men. Behind these batteries the Southern troops fought. They were constructed in a manner calculated to deceive the most experienced eye. The breast works were in the shape of a gently sloping hill, neatly sodded, with here and there a tree left growing, to more thoroughly deceive our troops as to their existence. Their line of batteries covered two or three miles. The whole region seemed literally to be one masked battery. What appeared to be a natural declivity, would in a moment bellow forth a most fearful charge of grape-shot, shell, and cannister; and from every clump of bushes or shrubbery, the terrible messengers of death would come at the most unexpected moment.

I mention this in order that you may more properly understand the details of this great battle, and more properly appreciate the gal lantry of our men. Notwithstanding they had slept on their arms, and had marched ten miles to the place of engagement, they rushed into the contest weary, wanting food and water; they drove the enemy from battery and battery; slowly and slowly pushing them from their position. From nine o'clock till three, the battle was a victory, and if at three o'clock there had been ten thousand fresh men to assist them; if General Patterson had only come from Martinsburg, or McClellan over the Blue Ridge from Western Virginia-or if even Miles' divis

WASHINGTON, July 22, 1861. There is no use of concealing the fact, however terrible it may be to realize, that the army of the Union, under command of General MeDowell, has been completely routed. I endeavored to intimate the sad intelligence in my letter of yesterday; I had hoped, however, that sub-ion of reserves could have been marched from sequent advices would have enabled me to say that the gallant, the superhuman conduct of our troops had met the rewards of bravery. Every account that comes, comes filled with disaster. Every eye is sad, and the exultation of yesterday has given place to the gloom and apprehension of to-day. The present is one of sorrow, the future has but few gleams of hope. We have sent into Virginia the best appointed division of our grand army, we have fought the greatest battle ever fought on the continent, and we have been not only beaten, but our army has been routed, and many of its best regiments wholly demoralized. The narrative of this disaster will be my duty; you may make your

Centreville, we could have driven them from the field and won the day. Our men were weary, and in many cases inefficiently commanded, The enemy was being constantly reinforced. So rapidly did they arrive, that many of their regiments rushed into the field with their knapsacks on their shoulders, and I could distinctly see with a strong spy-glass, even from the hills beyond Centreville, regiment after regiment of the rebels coming from the neighboring districts, and passing over the roads to Manassas. In many cases the colors of their flags could be easily distinguished.

The causes of our defeat appear to be these: A premature advance on the enemy without a

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