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a translation conformable to its own|tures. Infidels are not often overburcreed. By the simple principle of the thened with solid learning and extenBible Society, this confusion is happi-sive information; they may, however, ly prevented. Amidst the heat of learn from history, that philosophy has controversy, the shock of parties, and never been equal to the task of weakthe collision of argument, it is highly ening, much less of destroying, the gratifying to a benevolent mind to dis- powers of idolatry and superstition. cover a temple of peace, at the gates In the states of Greece, where philosof which weapons of hostility are ophy shone in her brightest splendors, thrown away, and where all may meet the people worshipped thirty thousand as fellow-citizens of the Heavenly Je- || deities, while Jehovah, the Lord of the rusalem. Admitting that we have universe, was the unknown God; and truth on our side, we may very rea-modern Bengal furnishes an example sonably be grieved, that others should of a similar kind. Only by the Gospel set up systems in direct opposition; were the Pagan altars overturned, eibut, surely, it is unreasonable, it is lit-ther in Greece or Rome. Deism is a tle short of madness, to be angry with tare which flourishes only in the field one another, because we happen to where the seeds of Christianity have think alike, and that upon a question previously been sown. Hence a senwhich, by universal suffrage, is of sible Deist, conscious of the insufficienparamount importance. The disunion cy of philosophy to promote his derecommended by the opponents of the signs, must be a friend to the spreadSociety, would effectually defeat the ing of the Gospel in Pagan nations. object of all parties, without providing Idolatry, with its sanguinary rites, beany thing as a remedy for so great ing overthrown, the lurid gloom of sua damage. What is it that constitutes perstition dispersed, and the notion of the glory of this institution, and reflects one God generally established, then is honor upon the name, Christian, the the time for the Deist, with his false highest style of man? It is the principle philosophy, to work, persuading manof union and co-operation. What is it kind that this knowledge is the offspring that charms down the dæmon of dis-of nature alone, and that revelation is cord-lessons the features of deformi- unnecessary. Thus infidelity may ty, which the fogs of prejudice had look favourably on the dispersion of magnified, and even converts deformi- the Bible, hoping that thereby its inty into beauty, amongst contending par-terests will be eventually promoted by ties? It is the principle of union and co-operation. What is it that secures the dispersion of the Scriptures, pure Christians and fellow-citizens, let and unadulterated, according to the no opposition damp your generous arauthorised version? It is the principle dour or weaken your exertions. Your of union and co-operation. What is it object is good, it is humane, it is Godthat creates the bones and the muscles, || like,-to send the Apostles and the the nerves and the blood of the sys- Prophets to preach to all nations, in tem, and gives life, motion, and ener- their own languages, the wonderful gy to the whole economy? It is the works of God. Your success is cersame principle of union and co-opera-tain: Omnipotent Love is engaged in tion. Disunion would stain our glory your cause, and it must prevail.and paralize all our exertions.-Gen- To exceed the limits of your comtlemen, it may probably appear para-mission is impossible. Hear once doxical-it is nevertheless, a truth-more the solemn mandate: "Go ye that the Deist, if a man of sense and forth unto all the world, and preach humanity, in order to act consistently the Gospel to every creature." By with his own sentiments, ought to take the invention of the art of printing, a part in the distribution of the Scrip- the construction and application of the

introducing the Golden Age of Reason, the Millennium of Infidels.

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LETTER FROM MR. WILBERFORCE. The following paragraphs are extracted from a letter lately received by the Rev. Dr. Morse from the Hon. William Wilberforce, Esq. a gentleman whose excellent character and admirable exertions for the promotion of human happiness, are familiarly known in this country. Dr. Morse, in the letter to which the following is an answer, had larented the existing war between G. Britain and the United States, particularly as it impedes the efforts of Christians in both countries for the diffusion of Christianity. PAN.

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"North London, March 17, 1814. My dear Sir,

mariner's compass and the subsequent ||lence of the whole Empire; amongst improvements in the art of navigation;||forty societies, auxiliaries to the parby the discovery of countries, for ages ent institution, which have all done lost in impenetrable obscurity: by ex-well, without ostentation, thou holdest tending the British empire to every the pre-eminence. May thy glory nepart of the globe; by opening a com- ver depart! May thy resources never mercial, or at least, a friendly inter-be drained! Mayest thou ever contend course between those distant countries (it is an honest warfare) for the highand our own by directing the sons of est place in the scale of benevolence. science to the Eastern world, as to a field of ancient literature unexplored; by making many of the Heathen, at different times, acquainted with some of the leading doctrines of Christianity; by rousing the attention of the religious world, particularly in Britain, Germany, and America, Providence hath been employed for many centuries, preparing facilities for the execution of your designs. And now, Gentlemen, is the time for action; the fields are already white unto the harvest. Press forward in your glorious career. If angels are spectators of what passes here below; if their be joy amongst them over one sinner that repenteth; however they may look down, with pity or contempt, upon the agitation of the childish and criminal passions of mankind, they behold you with peculiar approbation; they mark your progress, and attune their heavenly voices, as you advance, to strains such as the shepherds of Bethlehem once heard; Glory to God in the high- "The wise man, or rather the Wisest; on earth, peace, good will to-dom of Revelation, has compared wards men." Oh, England! England!" good news from a far country" to my native country, I love thee from the gratification of the most importumy heart: and, while yet a nook is nate of our bodily wants and appetites; left where English minds and manners and surely this news is justly more may be found, shall be constrained to grateful, when it conveys the accents love thee. Great are thy crimes, but of peace and love from a country, once great are thy virtues. Awful and dig-a land, literally as well as figuratively, nified is thy posture; firm amidst the of brethren, but since rendered not onwreck of kingdoms; that by the be-ly strange but hostile; and when those nevolence of thy sons, the God of mercy may send forth the Gospel of salvation to all the world. May Omnipotence ever be thy bulwark ! And thou, O Bristol! who hast been eyes to the blind, and feet to the lame; in whose bosom misery, in every form, has found an asylum, and who nobly exhibitest an epitome of the benevo

"I am so very unwilling to loose this opportunity of exchanging, from the heart, your peaceful salutation, that I instantly lay aside some very pressing business, in which I was engaged, for the purpose of scribbling a brief and hasty reply to your most welcome epistle.

accents are strictly in unison with the feelings of the person to whom they are addressed, and, as notes in unison are wont to do, call forth responsive tones of kindred harmony. Indeed, my dear Sir, I bave scarcely been able to confine myself to metaphorical language, while I have been writing the above sentence. We do not la

"Farewell, my dear Sir. I rejoice to think, that amid war and misery the sources of peace and happiness, (their only true sources,) are multiply

ment the death of a wife, or a child in couplets, but in broken and rude sentences; and I have with difficulty restrained my pen from more simple expressions of unaffected grief on ac-ing, in the number and exuberance of

count of this sad war, in which our two countries are engaged."

"It is balm to my wounded feelings to indulge, as I justly may, the reflection, that these feelings of mine are by no means peculiar to myself, but that they are those of almost all good men among us; and surely this consideration may both lead us to hope, that the war will not be of much longer duration, and also that, when peace shall once more be restored, it will be peace indeed, and the two countries will not be likely again to suffer themselves to be drawn into a rupture. But I must turn to other topics, and hasten to a conclusion of my hurried scrawl; for by keeping it beyond to-day, I may lose altogether the opportunity of conveying it to you.

their healing streams, in both our coun
tries. The great, yet still growing suc
cess of the Bible Society, (the British
and Foreign of course I mean,)—the
increased yet still increasing preva
lence of the missionary spirit—the ad-
vanced and the continually advancing
progress of education among adults,
and even the aged, as well as among
children, with various other particulars
which I could specify—————above all,'
the increased and increasing number
of pious and truly enlightened and fer-
vent ministers of our Church Estab-
lishment, as well as the success and
growing charity of various classes of
Dissenters-all these quite warm my
heart, and fill me with hope, as well
as, I trust, with gratitude. It is with
difficulty, that I force myself to con-
clude with begging you to remember
me and my wife, and dear children, in
your prayers, and assuring you that,
I am with, real esteem and regard, my
dear Sir,

Yours very sincerely,



"It rejoices my heart to find, that the friends of religion, on your side of the Atlantic, are interested for the benighted millions of our Indian empire. I will take the liberty of sending you a copy of a publication of two of my speeches (put together) on that subject. The Christian Observer's kind partiality spoke of my efforts on that occasion so favorably, that, were reputation my object, I should have abstained from printing my speeches. This Society held its fifteenth annuBut they contained some passages, al meeting in Boston, on the 24th and (extracted from the ponderous vol- 25th days of May last. The meeting umes of East India Documents laid was opened by singing an appropriate on the table of the House of Commons, psalm, after which the Rev. Dr. Spring, during the progress of the measure,) in the absence of the President, offerwhich appear to me decisive on the ed a prayer. The Society then attendcontroverted points, of the moral char-ed to the following acter of the Hindoos, &c. therefore, as the only way of providing for the diffusion of these, I consented to the publication. On consideration I will send you four copies, as you may perhaps be able to circulate them among your religious friends and connexions in other parts of America."



THE season has again returned, at which it is made the duty of the Trus tees to report to you their doings, and such information as may be interesting and useful, in regard to the great object for which we are associated.

At the last anniversary, such infor- remarkably blessed with effusions of mation was communicated as had then the Holy Spirit, and as being in a ve been received from Messrs. Schermer-ry prosperous state; but many thouhorn and Mills, who, under the patron-sands around them are unsupplied with age, partly of this Society and partly the stated means of religion, and are of other Societies, were engaged in a famishing for the word of life. missionary tour in the western and In the state of OHIO, containing a southern parts of our country. But population of more than 330,000, there they had not then returned; nor was are 78 Presbyterian or Congregational the Board then in possession of a full churches, and 49 ministers; between account of their mission. As general 20 & 30 Methodist preachers, employ, intelligence for the use of missionary ed in different circuits; 10 or 12 Bapsocieties was a great object of that mis-tists societies; several societies of sion, and as the two missionaries were|| Friends or Quakers; considerable num remarkably industrious in collecting intelligence; it is thought right to report a brief summary of what, since their return, they have largely communicated, as the result of their observations and inquiries. The summary is as follows:


bers of a sect called New lights; a few Halcyons, a few Swedenburghers, and too many Universalists & Deists. The district of this state called New-Cons necticut, the inhabitants of which are in great part from the states of Connecticut and Massachusetts, has receiv In the state of PENNSYLVANIA, West ed very particular attention from the of the Allegany mountains, there are Connecticut Missionary Society, has about 20,000 inhabitants; 101 Presby-been recently favored with special diterian* churches, and 57 ministers;- vine influences, and, on the whole, two Methodist circuits, in which are presents a comparatively pleasing and employed 12 itinerant preachers; ve-hopeful aspect. In some other parts ry few, if any Baptists; a few Halcy-of the state some attention is paid to ons; and a society of Germans, who religious institutions, and a few flourishhave all things in common, are remark-ing churches are established; but in able for industry, sobriety and order, the state at large the means of religion and have a preacher, zealous in direct-are but scantily supplied and lightly ing their attention to divine things.In this district there are two small colleges, whose pious instructors make it a very particular object to prepare young men for the ministry; but the means of general education are scanty.

esteemed, and the apparent consequences are such as might reasonably be expected. The Sabbath is awfully disregarded, gross ignorance of divine things is general, and great laxity of morals prevails. At Marietta, The Synod of Pittsburgh, com- Messrs. Schermerhorn and Mills sucposed of Presbyteries partly within ceeded in obtaining the establishment this district and partly within the ad- of a Bible Society, which received the joining state of Ohio, acts as a Mission-support of the pious of different denoary Society; and expends annually, minations; and by which three minabout one thousand dollars for mis-isters were appointed to ride through sionary objects, a considerable part of which sum has been applied for the benefit of the Wyandot Indians. The churches within the limits of this Synod, are represented as having been

the state to preach on the subject, shewing the importance of such an institution, and soliciting subscriptions and donations.

In the state of VIRGINIA, Containing a population of almost a million, there *Under this name are included, not only the Presbyterians connected with the Gen-are only about 70 churches, Presbyteeral Assembly, but also those of the Asso- rian or Congregational, and about 40 ciate Reformed and of the Associate Synod ministers. In what is called Old Vir Covenanters, and Congregationalists. ginia, or the part of the state from the


sea board back to the Blue Ridge, the || are nevertheless active. In 1812 no less Episcopal church, which formerly than 3 infidel publications issued from held a complete ascendancy, and was the press in Lexington; a copy of one endowed, is now in a deplorable con- of which, elegantly bound, was predition. To about one hundred Epis-sented to each member of the legislacopal societies, which have still some ture. In this state there are very few existence, the number of clergymen is schools, owing, it is said, in great part computed at less than thirty. The so- to a prevalent Baptist influence, uncieties have for a considerable time friendly to learning. The mass of been dwindling and the houses decay- the people, extrémely ignorant, are ing; and the district at large, com- either entirely regardless of religion, prising nearly three fourths of the or lamentably blown about by every whole population of the state, though wind of doctrine. The Sabbath retraversed by itinerent Methodists and ceives very little religious regard; and Baptists, yet exhibits, in a religious res intemperance, profanity, gambling pect, an extensive and dreary waste. and lewdness are prevalent vices. The district between the Blue Ridge TENNESSEE, With more than 260and the Allegany mountains presents 000 inhabitants, has 79 Presbyterian a different aspect. With scarcely a churches, and 26 ministers; 19 itinerseventh part of the whole population ant Methodist preachers, employed in of the state, it contains just about one several circuits; 126 Baptist Churchhalf of the total number of the Pres-es, and 74 preachers; a few New Lights, byterian or Congregational churches and some of various other denominaand ministers; and these churches are ||tions. The Presbyterian interest is insaid to be in a more flourishing con- creasing. In east Tennessee, the two dition, than any elsewhere to be found|| Colleges, one at Knoxville and the othin the Southern States. In the re-er in Green County, are great blessings. maining district, comprising the coun- At the latter, (of which the Reverend ties west of the Allegany, there are Charles Coffin, D. D. is President,) but twelve Presbyterian churches and there were several students preparing three ministers; but the Methodists for the ministry, when our missionaand Baptists are considerably numer-ries were there. In this district also, ous. In this ancient and great state there has recently been established a there is a most melancholy famine of Society, Missionary, Tract, and Bible, the word of the Lord. the only Missionary Society, except

KENTUCKY, with a population of ing the Synod of Pittsburgh, west of more than four hundred thousand, has the Allegany. In relation to this so91 Presbyterian churches, and 40 min-ciety, the Rev. President Coffin, in a isters; 20 Methodist circuits, in which letter to Mr. Schermerhorn, says, about as many itinerant preachers are "For our Society we expect more employed; 293 Baptist societies of members than means,and more ground different descriptions, and 148 preach-than our missionaries can occupy. I ers; two Episcopal churches; sever- should anticipate great good were the al societies of New-Lights; a consid- Massachusetts Missionary Society to erable number of Roman Catholic so-turn some attention to this, state. I cieties; some Shakers, Dunkers, and was one who assisted to organize Universalists;and many Infidels. Of the that S; I greatly rejoice in its inBaptists one entire Association, com-crease, and have reason to hope they prising 28 churches, is Arian or Socin- will try to aid us to the extent of their ian. The Roman catholics have a Bish-power."-In West Tennessee, the op, a College, a Nunnery, several chapels in different counties, and are said to be increasing. The Infidels, tho' less open and bold than formerly,

Rev. Mr. Blackburn is of opinion, that many churches might be organized, if there were a proper person employed in the business; and regrets

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