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You have heard some of the deliver-preaching. The late steps which have ances which have been wrought for us, been taken by us, and concerning us, since our arrival in India by some of have excited much attention; and I our former communications. We hope will be the means of opening the have been several times on the point of leaving for England, and Mrs. Nott was on the point of going-alone after our departure from Bombay in the month of October.t

door to more usefulness. We have many very kind friends, who have stood by us in all our trials. We have been much interested by two Lieuts. in the army lately become serious and I have not time to tell all the partic-who seemed peculiarly devoted. They ulars of our very varied course. We have promising talens, and bid fair have been very minute with the Board for usefulness. One of them is now of Commissioners. Behold what God sitting by me making a copy of some hath wrought!! He hath not dealt of our papers. GOD has in this shown with us after our deserts-May he us a token for good. There are some teach us to glorify Him, for what He others we hope, devoutly interested in has graciously done. I may almost say our staying here. During our late wanthat, humanly speaking, there is now derings, we have made, (not indeed of no doubt of our staying in Bombay our own accord) a most interesting Our friends at Calcutta have obtained visit to Cochin, on the Malabar Coast. the sanction of Lord Minto, the late This is the place where Buchanan Gov. Gen. to our stay, and likewise of was: and in the neighborhood of which Lord Moira, the present. All that is he saw the Jews and Syrian Christians. now wanting is a formal order, which We intend to send home an account Lord Moira said would be very soon of our visit to Cochin, but hurried as issued. As to this Govt. our leaving we now are, we cannot do it, and I Bombay in October, just as they were hardly dare to touch upon the subject about to send us to England, and in this haste. The Syrians seem a (which was not learnt by them till very poor people; but live in villages they had paid 4000 Rupees for our neat and regular, in comparison with passage) was displeasing to them.- those of the Natives. The Church The Gov. has become more favorable which we saw, was large and handof late; and in allowing us to stay af-some. There were three Priests beter having ordered us to go, he had longing to it, whose business seems to given a proof of this. He now implies be principally to chant the Liturgy, that should communications from Ben-(which is in Syriac, a language not ungal be favorable we should remain. derstood by the people) and perform We have made no progress in the the prostration, and other ceremonies Mahratta language of late, but hope of their worship. Except on great soon to recommence the study of it|| Holidays they do not speak to the with renewed vigour. Our varied trou-people. The people can but few of bles have been a very great hindrance them read; and besides they have no to our studies. Hitherto we have not preached in Bombay though we have usually had a very small meeting on the Sabbath in our own family. Should we remain here, the way will I trust be open to do much good by English

Messrs. Nott and Hall attempted an escape to Ceylon in the month of October on account of the severe opposition made to their stay in Bombay, but were brought back. Mrs. Nott, particularly notices this event in letters to her friends.

books of religious instruction in the Vernacular tongue: The only book of the kind in the village was a translation of a few forms of prayer; a book of the size of a New England Primer. Untaught, how can they understand?— But in my haste I should not enter on this subject. Cochin is a most excellent place for a mission.-Indeed there are many excellent places in this land. I wish much to hear of another arrival of American Missionaries.


I hope you are all well, that God most perfect health. Rain prevented has not diminished your number.- her return until the next evening. We are all tolerably well. Your future letters may be sent to Bombay. You will however need no directions: if they are sent to the Commissioner's Agent in London, he will send them here. If they come by American ships they must first come to Calcutta. Your dutiful Son,


DIED, at New-Hartford, (Oneida County) on the 25th of July last, Miss HARRIET WELLS, aged eighteen years, the youngest daughter of the late Mr. Samuel Wells.

the night following, she was taken ill. Every thing that could be thought of, from which there was any hope of benefit, was applied but to no purpose. At day break, medical aid was obtain. ed, but to as little effect. By noon, she was materially changed. Every symptom indicated the most violent attack, and denoted approaching death. But not knowing the real nature of her disease, we yet indulged hope of her recovery. From the commencement of the attack, she had been, tortured with the most excruciating pain. Writhing in agony, with scarce an interval of ease, every breath was The following account of the re-attended with a groan; but this exmarkable incidents attending the sick-tremity of distress, did not extort from ness and death of this amiable young her a single complaint. The sun lady, is chiefly taken from a letter, ad-rose on Saturday morning, and Harridressed, by a sister of the deceased, et was no better. Seing the danger of to her Aunt. her situation, we had great anxiety for A righteous dispensation of Almigh-her immortal soul. ty God, has removed one of onr family into the eternal world. It is my dear sister Harriet. The grave has closed over her. Her mortal remains now lie by the side of those of our be-tended by any plainer expression of loved Father in the cold and silent tomb. Does this intelligence shock you? I will endeavor to give you an account of her sickness and death, Oh! may the Lord enable me to do it in such a manner, as shall deeply impress our minds, with a sense of the justice, patience, mercy and grace of our God!

I put the question, "my dear Harriet, what do you think of your condition?". She replied, "I don't know!" From this answer, which was not at

her feelings, we were fearful her mind had continued as unaffected, during her sickness, as we supposed it had been before. Oh! it is impossible to describe my feelings at this juncture. Imagine them if you can. Apparently on the verge of the grave, and her peace with God certainly not made: now was the trial whether I could ac

From the time sister Harriet re-knowledge God's justice, and submit turned from school, at Hartford, (Con.) to his will in the infliction of eternal last spring, she had, been apparently punishment, when the subject of it, as indifferent to religion, as before, but must be a dearly beloved sister. Το it now seems she had been for a short have done so, I know would have time previous to her death, engaged been my duty. If I could, it must in reading Baxter's Call, her Bible have been through the powerful assisand the Hartford Hymns. It appears tance of divine grace. That I do hope, she read with some attention, for she would have been sufficient for me, and had turned down leaves where proba- would have enabled me to have said, bly the passages struck her mind with " It is the Lord, let him do what seemmore than common force. eth him good.”

On the 20th of July, she visited her friends a few miles distant, and was, to all appearance, enjoying, as usual, the

We had repeatedly the attendance of physicians, who made every effort to arrest the progress of her disease,


At one time her symptoms appeared and besought him to have mercy on a little more favourable, but we were told, we must take no encouragement -the event of her sickness was very doubtful.

During this time she was greatly agitated. After a little interval of quietness, some time in the evening, I said At the disclosure of her danger, to her," Harriet, do you yet think your Harriet did not appear much alarmed, sins are too great to be pardoned?" but what must have been her views" Oh no; the blood of Christ is suffiand feelings at the near prospect of cient to cleanse from all sin." This eternity! She was convinced she was the first ray of hope she manifestprobably must soon enter it, and had ed. After this she conversed much, not a gleam of hope of future happi- and spoke often of Papa, and expressness. Yet, my dear Aunt, precious ised a great desire to meet him in heathe truth of the maxim, "Man's ex- ven. Not a groan escaped her till she tremity is God's opportunity." Let died. She spoke with the greatest us view with astonishment and grati-composure and cheerfulness of death tude the unbounded goodness, the in-and eternity. All fear was gone; her expressible love and grace of God.-mind was perfectly tranquil. To the We do hope there was mercy for her. questions, Are you willing to die? she Saturday afternoon, Mr. SNOWDEN, answered, "Yes, if it be God's will.” our former clergyman came, having Do you wish to recover? "No." She heard of sister's sickness. In her con- said to her mother, "I hope you feel versation with him we were happily resigned to God's will in taking me surprised to hear her confess the sin from you." To her elder brother she of her past life, her great criminality || in not devoting it to the service of God, and acknowledge the vanity of this world, the necessity of preparation for death, the insufficiency of her own exertions to merit salvation, and the justice of God in casting her off forever. It was quickly apparent, that she was under the most pungent con- Her pain, with little intermission, viction. To the remark that her bod-continued to be very great till about ily pains were great, she replied, "Yes, two o'clock Sabbath morning. Morbut they have been nothing in com-tification was supposed to have comparison with the distress of my mind.menced, and the time was fast apI fear my sins are too great to be par-proaching when we must part to meet doned." The conversation was pro- no more on earth. From this till near tracted. He endeavored to impress her death she was almost free from her mind deeply with a sense of the evil of sin, the necessity of repentance, and directed her to rely solely on Christ for pardon and salvation. We joined in a fervent prayer to the throne of grace for mercy for her. Mr. S. left her: yet we had no hope. She had not yet cast her burden of sin upon the Lord.


After this, we had frequent, and indeed, almost incessant conversation of similar import, with her. Our souls were drawn out in prayer to God for her; we plead his gracious promises

said, " Do, my dear brother seek, that you may find, the one thing needful, and give the remainder of your days to God. He is deserving of your whole heart and life. Now, youth is the best time to attend to the concerns of your soul; which, alas! I have spent in folly and vanity.”

bodily pain, and her mind remained perfectly placid and happy. Her views appeared constantly bright and animating. At one time, when it seemed she was just dying, she was asked if she did not think she should leave us soon. She said, not immédiately, but before long I shall go.

She expressed a confidence that her peace was made with God, and exclaimed, "O how thankful I am that I have been permitted to enjoy my reason that I might have an opportunity to make my peace with God,

while others more deserving, have not || unchangeable the love and faithfulness had this blessing.

of God.


Between three and four, Sabbath The Physician who had attended morning, some friends came in; she her most, found it necessary to leave seemed very glad to see them; desir-her; in bidding her farewell, he said, ed to have prayers, and said, "I hope I Harriet I hope we shall soon meet in am sincere, I hope my heart does not Heaven. She cheerfully replied, deceive me." To her youngest broth-trust we shall." Her life was prolonger she said" Brother do you know Ied beyond expectation. Her trials am dying?" Once she expressed a lit-were not yet at an end. It pleased tle fear that she had been brought to the Lord, in compassion to us, to suffer submission from a dread of future pun-her to give still further assurance that ishment. This fear wholly left her before she died.

from a long conversation with her, which she sustained with ease and cheerfulness, to our unspeakable satisfaction, we received additional assurance that the Lord had been gracious to her soul. He interrogated her close

she was prepared to appear at the tribunal of her God. Mr. S. had the opAbout day break, it was thought she portunity to witness the manifestation was dying. All the family was pres-of God's goodness. He came, and ent, and while all around her were in sobs and tears, she without the least emotion, but with the most perfect composure and apparent complacency, took the band of each one and by a most endearing token of affection, took a final farewell. For her youngly. She said she relied for pardon and friends, she expressed great anxiety, salvation on the blood and merits of and said, "Do entreat them not to be Jesus Christ. "My sins," she said, so foolish as I have been, to put off "have been innumerable, but he is apreparing for death till they come up-ble to wash them all away. My sufferon a dying bed; it may then be too late.ings have been great, but nothing in Some one said, "Jesus can make a comparison with my Saviour's. Were dying bed," Harriet immediately re-it his will I could pass through double peated the residue of the verse. A-what I have already endured." She bout sun rise, it was remarked that it was Sunday. She replied, I had not thought of it. Her Mother said, I hope it will prove a Sabbath day's blessing to your soul. She replied, with a smile, I hope it will. Her dis-riet observed," Oh, Yes," solution not appearing so near, at her posal was grateful to the feelings of all. importunate request, Mr. Snowden We all united around the bed of a dywas sent for. Before he came, she ing daughter and sister, in praising God called for the Hartford Hymns, and for rescuing her from eternal misery. immediately selected the 253d desiring Was such a scene ever witnessed? It to have it read. It seemed to express will be impossible for you to realise her sense of the greatness of the atone-the deep feeling of Mr. S. But the afment. At her request, a number more ternoon before, he had left her torwere read, one of which, the 207th, mented with the extremest anguish, she asked to have repeated. On read-from a conviction of sin and guilt, aping the last verse,

The soul that on Jesus hath lean'd for repose,
I will not, I will not desert to his foes;
That soul, though all hell should endeavour
to shake,

I'll never, no never, no never forsake

She exclaimed, how unbounded, how

said Christ appeared to her infinitely lovely, and God infinitely glorious. After much conversation, Mr. S. asked if it would not be proper to join in a prayer of thanksgiving to God, Har

The pro

parently about to be ushered, without repentance and without hope, into the awful presence of an offended God.The thought was too dreadful for contemplation. The shock of feeling was almost beyond endurance. Now he saw her, in the full possession of her

intellectual powers, peaceful and hap-denied? Blessed be our God he will py-her mind calm, placid and joyful, always hear the prayers that are offerviewing the rapid approach of death, ed in faith. He will fulfil the desires with perfect composure, and anticipa- of those that fear him-"he will hear ting her exit from this, and entrance when they cry, and save them" in their into the world of spirits, with the most distress. delightful tranquility. He was now We were favored with the continualmost overcome with joy and gratiance of my dear sister a little longer. tude from a sense of the inexpressible At nearly twelve she asked for her litmercy and goodness of God. With tle bible. She took it in her hands, deep emotion on the part of Mr. S. Harriet took leave of him in the same affectionate manner, she had before done of her other friends, with as much cheerfuness and composure as she could have done had she expected on- || ly a short and temporary separation.

which were as cold as clods, and could hardly sustain the weight, and turned to the 145th Psalm, and desired to have it read; and then repeated.Every word seemed expressive of her feelings, and suited to her condition and frame of mind. Never was any All her concerns seemed now to be person in the possesion of health, and settled, and she appeared to have no-all their powers, more sensible of any thing to do but to die. Earth and all event, than she was of approaching its attractions were vanishing from death. Yet she was perfectly comher view, and she was waiting patient-posed. She would raise her hands, ly for her departure. I do trust we cold and purple-look at them-lay were willing to give her to her God them to her neck-examine her pulse Judge what must have been our feel---and offer them to those who stood ings, at such an awful crisis, had the around her. Lord left her to perish without hope! But I forbear. Thanks to our God, it is not necessary to contemplate an idea so dreadful. Inexpressible was the gratitude we felt, for this great mercy and deliverance. Yet how inadequate it was! Oh! the goodness of the Lord is enough to melt the heart that his justice cannot break.

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From the time we had considered her dangerous, we talked of her death, as freely as we could have done of any common subject. This, after the hopeful and happy change in her feelings, did not alarm or agitate her.Death was then deprived of his sting, and stripped of his terrors. Some one observed to her, "I fear you begin to grow impatient-your trials will soon be over." "Oh! No, (she replied,) I do not. I could endure a great deal

Was not this a triumph of religion, this a test of Christian principles? What calmed the agitations of her mind? What gave peace and joy to her tor-more yet" tured soul? It was a confidence of par- A little before she expired she redon and acceptance by her God,—a || marked she was very sensible she was firm belief that her sins were washed dying, and said she knew us all. At away by the redeeming blood of a cru- nearly four o'clock she had a violent cified Saviour. What sustained us un-struggle; after which she turned upon der the pressure of this chastisement of her side, and at five minutes after four, a mysterious but righteous Providence, which would otherwise have been so terrible an affliction? We do hope it was the powerful influence of divine grace. May we not humbly Thus, my beloved aunt, died my trust, that the prayers of her friends dear sister, and your truly affectionate were heard, and that in great goodness || niece. I have not told you half the and compassion, mercy was extended interesting incidents; yet the story is to her, when it was about to be forever very long: but your goodness, I ain

without a groan, or a motion even of her finger, she sweetly breathed her last, and yielded up her spirit to her dear Redeemer.

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