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must be good from whence these bran-look and be saved. If he then, said ches come; and proceeded to shew he, he a Saviour for all the world, how them how every man by nature was is it that the Europeans, who appear to averse from these righteous com- have had him revealed to them, did dmanments, and of course from the not all this time make him known to God who gave them; which state of us? I told him, this did not lessen the mind must be a state of wickedness, truth of my assertion; for that all the and of the utmost danger. They then Europeans whom he saw in India were shewed them how Jesus Christ came not Christians." into the world to deliver men both March 11. The Missionaries having from the guilt and the dominion of heard that at Chagda, about 24 miles sin; and that their errand into this from Serampore, a large concourse of country was wholly to bring a message people would be asembled, sent thithof love, to make known these glad ti- er Jonathan Carey, with the native dings to them, and beg them to come converts Deepchund and Vikoontha: to Christ and share the blessings which They arrived there the next morning they themselves enjoyed, appeal- at seven. "Here," the itenerants obing to them whether, in the twelve served," a spectacle was exhibited years that they had resided near them, which we seldom witness. The river, any thing had appeared in their con- which at this place is about three quarduct which could lead them to deem ters of a mile wide, was covered with them enemies instead of friends? men, women, and children, nearly to They answered, 'No;' and seemed the middle of the stream. In one extremely attentive to the discourse. place was a Brahmu and his train of Feb. 23, 1812. "In the afternoon," followers, dipping themselves with the observes one of the Missionaries, "I greatest devotion in the sacred stream; renewed my visit to the once harden- in another, a mother was seen draged prisoners in the house of correction.ging her shivering child into the river; The women here are but little interes-in another, a Gooroo instructing his dised; but the men, both old and young, cipies in the rites and ceremonies pracHindoos and Musselmans, when I tised on these occasions; in short, every compared their conduct towards God one, from the grey head to the youth to that of the prodigal, and set forth scarcely versed in idolatrous ceremohis long-suffering and mercy through nies, rich and poor, Brahmuns, and the Son of his love, were so affected Shoodrus, all seemed intent on the that both they and myself found it a same object. The immense crouds painful task to part. They followed which thronged the shore seemed like me as far as they could, and when we a forest of heads. Some had travelparted it was with tears. One of the led journeys of several days; some seapoys on the guard, a Hindoost'ha- had come from Chitagong, others from nee man, told me with tears also, that Orissa &from other parts of the country though I had spoken in Bengalee the not less than a hundred miles distant. words had pierced his heart. During About seven in the morning we went my address, an Inquisitive Hiudoo in-out, and Deepchund began to speak to terrupted me, by asking me where our the people; but so great was the press Lord Jesus Christ the new Saviour that we were obliged to climb a boat that I declared to them, had been for which lay on the shore with its bottom so long a time, that he had only now upwards: from which place we declar heard of him? I told him that the ed to them the inefficacy of the act Saviour I preached was no new Sav-they were then performing to remove iour, but the only one appointed of their sins, and pointed them to the God, even that God against whom we had sinned; and that to him alone all the ends of the earth are exhorted to

Lamb of God. The people listened with the greatest attention. After preaching for more than an hour, we brouhật

from our own boat a number of scrip- went to the market, and from thence to ture-tracts, but we were again obliged a place where two robbers were hung to ascend the boat, where the people in chains: here the people's attention followed us, clambering up the sides was drawn off from our discourse, by till the boat stself was covered with a number of lewd fellows; and night the crowd, all eager to obtain books. coming on, we returned to the boat. Thinking our situation unsafe, on ac-In our way, we beheld a most gratifycount of the pressure of the crowd, we ing spectacle: a number of people retired to our own boat; but there al- were setting under a tree, growing so the people followed us for books; close to an old temple in ruins, dedisome up to their necks in water; some cated to Shiva; and in the midst of even swam to the boat, and having ob them, a Brahmun who had obtained a tained the pamphlets, swam again to pamphlet, was explaining its contents the shore. After resting a few min- to the attentive croud. I could not utes, we landed a little way higher up help stopping to contemplate this scene and ascending a small hillock, where a for a moment-one of these images large number soon surrounded us, we of the divinity,' with a poita hung again declared the truths of the Gos-round his neck who had just been pet. A young Brahmun, who said he bathing with the rest of the people in was acquainted with Mr. Carey, rais-the sacred stream, and from whose ed a shout among the people crying lips nothing had ever proceeded but out Huribul,* which was soon vocife-the praises of the gods, at the very rated by the whole croud, so that all door of the temple too, within whose our efforts to be heard, were ineffectual walls he perhaps had been accustomed The noise having in some measure to pay his idolatrous adorations, and subsided, we resumed our discourse. from which very likely he had all his At length, Vikoont'ha discovered some life received his maintenance--this people from his native village, whom man became an unwitting teacher of he addressed for more than an hour; the Gospel! This sight was so new after which a Brahmun, whose house and so cheering, that it compensated lay at the entrance into the town of for all our trouble. Returning through Chagdu, entreated us to come and ex-the Bazar, we saw a man, who had plain this new doctrine. We went, been disappointed in obtaining a pamand hither a croud followed us to phlet, buying a book of a boy who had whom we explained our message. Du-received it from us gratis. On the ring the discourse, a lewd Brahmun whole, considering the vast concourse came up, and, insulting us, said, that if of people, we have reason to bless we would bestow upon him the means God for what was done; some thouof gratifying his lewd desires, he would sands of scripture-tracts were distribubecome our disciple. Upon this, the ted, many of them to people who had Brahman who had invited us took up come more than ten days' journey, the matter, upbraided him for uttering and who will carry them back into such vile sentiments, and continued their own country; so that though they disputing with him a considerable time. went to Chagda to worship a river, I was glad to observe, that the people they may have found Him who is the seemed to exult at his being put to pearl of great price; and perhaps shame. Having unanimously driven others also may become inclined to him away, they entreated us to pro-read these painphlets, and may be conceed. After preaching for a long time, verted. Night coming on, and all our we distributed a number of tracts which the people received with the greatest eagerness. From hence we * A Sort of Huzza! as-Great is Diana of Che Ephesians.

stores being exhausted, we took our leave, and arrived at Serampore on Friday night, where we learned that the printing-office had been consumed two days before."-[To be continued.\




inflamed, property dissipated, health undermined, reputation and ered The alarming judgments of God blasted, judgment impaired, and souls pouring on our contry are evidence of destroyed. The consequences our guilt and his displeasure The pi- deplorable --Wives broken heartet, ous will observe and endeavor to un- children in hunger, rags and ignoderstand these dispensations. Therance. Self condemuation with want thoughtless and the wicked will dis-of resolution to amend! bloated pise them till hardened through the countenances, and bodies unnerved, deceitfulness of sin, they are over-dropsies, epilepsies, delirium, distracwhelmed in ruin and destruction. tion, despair; a midnight of misery, Similar sins in every age are visited before the mid-day of life ; a death full with similar judgments. Swearing, of horror and pain; a grave unlamenprofanation of the Sabbath, drunken-ted.

ness, lying and injustice, brought the From such scenes can honor, truth destroying sword on the flourshing na-and rectitude be expected. Promises tion of Israel, and has made Judah va-are rashly made and never remembergabonds on the earth for nearly two ed. Engagements are entered into thousand years. These sins shame- and never fulfilled. Difficulties profully prevail in our land, and for these duce falsehood and evasion, and teri now mourns. minate in fraud and dishonesty. That profanation of the name of Is this picture overcharged? Listen God, fearful imprecations, and lan-to the language of our streets-visit guage blasphemous and obscene, families of dissipation in the severity abound among all ranks, and contam- of winter-attend the Police officeinate our taste and our youth, impu- examine the calendars of dram-shops, dence itself will not deny. In meet- and listen to their annals, and you ings for social and civil purposes, in will be compelled to exclaim, the half our streets, in common conversation, is not told. and in the sacred bosom of many fam- Have we no laws to restrain such ilies, language is frequently heard that vices, and to punish such offenders? would cover a heathen with blushes. We have, and the 34th chapter of the The ear of hoary age and female deli- laws of our state, an act for surpresscacy is not respected; nor does rising ing immorality, is clear and applicable. modest youth escape the foul assault. Have we no magistrates to enforce Profanation of the Sabbath,as might these laws, and carry them into exebe expected, accompanies contempt cution? We have magistrates, virtuof the name of God. Sabbaths are ous, vigilant and discreet; but the of hardly enjoyed by our cattle and our fences and offenders rarely fall under servants, through feasting and dissipa-their eye; and citizens who daily are tion. Our streets, our taverns, and insulted by them are loath to comour drawing rooms, are more frequented than our churches.

plain and unwilling to prosecute.

The friends of humanity and morals might form voluntary associations, when by their numbers and their influence they might claim respect to aid magistrates in detecting and prosecuting offenders.

The use of ardent spirits prevails in our land to a disgraceful extent, and in the most dangerous excess. In the hours of labour, and in the hours of rest, in society and solitude, by day and by night, in the bosom of domes- In London, and the principal cities tic retirement, as well as in the tavern, of Britain, men of prudence, temperthis deleterious, this impoverishing ance and fortitude, have entered into cup incessantly circulates without such associations with uncommon suc moderation. In this inglorious man-cess, and annually receive from their ner tempers are corrupted, passions fellow-citizens the applause which

their exertions, and impartiality merit. || this place. I mentioned in that, that Under these impressions, and anim- the Bengal Government had advised ated with such examples, several citi-that we should not be allowed to rezens, though conscious of their own main here, and my fears that we should insufficiency, yet conscious of the up-ultimately be sent to England. The rightness of their intention, have resol-explanation of our conduct, which we ved to attempt the formation of a so- made to the government here, produciety of this nature, and they earnest-ced so favorable an impression, that we ly invite, and fondly hope, that every had begun to entertain great hopes of well-wisher to the prosperity of morals success in our attempt, when a new in our city, and whose circumstances difficulty unexpectedly arose ¡—a diffimay permit, will hasten to join them.culty which makes our present situaThe object of the society will be, tion very doubtful, The Aligator from to engage the members themselves to Salem put into Calcutta from stress of greater circumspection in their own weather, and was taken possession of conduct and conversation, and to dis-by government, because she had viocountenance and discourage impiety lated her privilege with which she and immorality by christian exhorta- left your country, by cruising about tion-to devise the most prudent and the Cape of Good Hope to give inforeffectual measures for the detection mation of the war to American ships. and prosecution of public offenders, That the Governor has informed us, and to aid magistrates and the officers he fears he shall be under the neof the police in reclaiming them by cessity of sending us to England, confine, or otherwise—to give aid and fa-sidering the fears which the General cility to constables and other officers Government manifest that political and be minwhen employed in the faithful dis- missionary purposes are or may charge of their duties. In fine, that gled in the American mission. What as much as possible they may pro-will be the event, God only knows.scribe from our streets filthy and im-The Governor here expresses his firin pious language-the reeling drunkard, confidence in the integrity of our deand the noisy sabbath-breaker without respect to persons.

signs; and we yet indulge much hope, and particularly, because we have not A meeting of the friends of this been ordered to go by the ships which measure is requested at Mechanic will carry this letter. We know that Hall, on Tuesday the 27th day of the same God who delivered us once September inst. at 6 o'clock in the before, and brought us safely to this evening, when the plan of a constitution place when every arrangement had will be laid before the meeting for been made for carrying us on board a their consideration, and ulterior meas-ship for England, is able to deliver us We trust it will yet appear to ures taken for the organization of the now. be His sovereign will; that we shall society. endeavor to be prepared for the worst, and it would not be surprising if we should be sent to England by the next ship. I am happy to tell you that God has given us a little daughter, born the 24th of May, a proper and healthy child. May she be the Lord's from infancy to age, and through eternity.

Bombay, July 28, 1813.

My dear parent,

My last letter was written from this place in March last, and sent by the way of England.

That letter, which I hope you will have received before the arrival of this, stated to you our situation in

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We have determined to call her Harriet, after our deceased sister Newell, whose early death we most deeply regret. The circumstances of that distressing event you will probably

have heard, before you receive this. The LORD comfort her friends:

Spirit: and yet dying every day, and going to the bar of GOD!

In the midst of these things my heart is often insensible; but still I must beg you to feel for them and pray for them: pray for them with earnestness and faith.

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Mrs. Nott enjoys very good health and I may say the same of myself. We live quietly in our own house with brother Hall, and have the common blessings of life in sufficient abundance; also, kind friends to add to our com- We long to hear from you. I do fort. We have heard nothing from not yet despair of hearing by the Sa-, you since we left America. We have lem Schooner. Oh, that we could been expecting to receive letters by have news of your prosperity, and esthe American vessels mentioned pecially, that the church prospers, in above, but as yet we have received the midst of the calamities which are none. Ever since our last letter, broth-falling on the land. If the unhappy er Hall and I have been studying the war should cease, you would have Mahratta language, under the tuition many opportunities of sending to Calof our Bramin, with whom we con- cutta to the care of the Baptist brethverse considerably; and have read aren.

Your dutiful Son,


BOMBAY, Dec. 22d, 1813.

My Dear Parent,

This morning I directed to you a half sheet of paper written partly by

part of a book. This language is spo- August 15. I am happy to say that ken by the inhabitants of this Island, we are all well to this date. We have and the neighboring Island and counjust heard that brother Judson has try. This Island contains 220,000 gone to Rangoon. Brother Newell is inhabitants,—all buried in gross igno- at Ceylon waiting to join us. rance and stupidity: surely a number worthy of our exertions and prayers, if souls are truly valuable. I suppose that this Island with two adjacent ones contains more inhabitants than our native state. Oh, how different their moral condition! In the one there are hundreds of thousands of Bibles ;-in-myself, and partly by Mrs. Nott, and numerable books to explain and enforce its doctrines and present its hopes;-multitudes of Ministers laboring, instructing, and awakening; saints fiving upon the word;-obeying their Heavenly Father; receiving their comfort from his presence: and above all the Holy Spirit teaching ministers and churches to cry, Abba,Father, and frequently shedding down his influences, and bringing sinners from darkness to light. Here there are some who are called Christians. Among the few English there are, perhaps, none that love the Lord. There are 30,000 Roman Catholics, but as ignorant as the heathen. The remainder are heathen or Mahomedans.-No Bibies; no religious books;-no knowledge of the doctrines of the gospel ;-no minis-ing allowed to remain in this place.ters giving them line upon line and urging them to their happiness ;-no saints living upon the word—no Holy

sent it off for the packet, which was then closing; but understanding that the ships will not sail till to-morrow morning, I began a new letter.* I seem, my dear parent, in a kind of amazement. I wonder and adore all God's gracious deliverances in such an hour of distress as ours was yesterday. Our going to England seemed then absolutely certain. Think of us packing up with all our might; laying in stores for a six months' voyage; settling our accounts; receiving letters for England! parting with our friends; sending our baggage out of the house; and then consider how strange-how marvellous-how worthy of gratitude to find ourselves seated writing, instead of going, and indulging the hope of be

Thus GOD has delivered us now.—

*The intelligence contained in the letter here alluded to is comprised in this.

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