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cording to their peculiar taste and notions, he
must avail himself of the present opportunity
to remind them, that if good people (and such
he verily believes them to be) cannot con-
scientiously adopt his diction and doctrine, it is
a little questionable in them to impose upon
him theirs, which he may as honestly hesitate to
receive. Yet this is the Cross, by which every
Author of a hymn, who hopes to be useful in
his generation, may expect to be tested, at the
pleasure of any Christian brother, however
incompetent or little qualified to amend what


may deem amiss in one of the most delicate
and difficult exercises of a tender heart and an
enlightened understanding. This indeed is "a
thorn in the flesh," which the sufferer must
learn to bear with meekness, and, if possible, to
profit by the humiliation; though a versifier of
any other class might, perhaps, be forgiven, if
he indignantly resented it. It has been, on this
account, that the individual (who now presents
himself for judgment at a tribunal from which
there is no infallible appeal,) has emphatically
entitled his lucubrations," Original Hymns,
by J. M.," meaning only thereby, that they are

now given to the world in that form of words, for which he can, at present, hold himself responsible; being persuaded, that they will be generally accepted with the same candour and indulgence with which a few of them have been extensively read by private persons, and introduced to churches and congregations by faithful and true ministers of Christ's Gospel.

Having, on three former occasions, expatiated freely on Hymnology and Sacred Poesy *, I will close this egotistical preamble to the most serious work of my long life (now passing fourscore years), with a brief quotation from what may be esteemed a sainted authority on such a subject. Bishop Ken, somewhere, says, beautifully, humbly, and poetically,

"And should the well-meant song I leave behind,
“With Jesus' lovers some acceptance find,
""Twill heighten even the joys of heaven to know,
"That in my verse saints sing God's praise below."

And was not this hope prophetic! fulfilling

* See Introductory Essays to the "Christian Psalmist," the "Christian Poet," and an edition of the "Olney Hymns." Published by William Collins, Glasgow.

continually to this day, nor ever likely to fail while the Gospel is preached throughout the whole world in the language of Britain! It may even be doubted whether there is a stanza of four lines in the compass of our literature, which has been so often remembered, repeated, and sung, as the Doxology, appended to each of the good prelate's inestimable Triad of Hymns, for Morning, Evening and Midnight?

"Praise God, from whom all blessings flow,
"Praise Him, all creatures here below;
"Praise Him above, ye heavenly host,
"Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost."

And who that has learned this rapturous strain on earth, can be presumed to forget it in heaven, if he reaches that consummation of glory, and of bliss?

The Mount, Sheffield,

January 1. 1853.







A BLESSING on our pastor's head
According to Thy gracious word
A child, a youth, a man .....
A child is born,—the birth proclaim
A child of man, a child of GOD
A children's temple here we build
Again, on this rejoicing day
Again our ears have heard the voice
A grain of corn an infant's hand

A hundred years ago, not one

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All glory to the Father be (Doxology)
All hail! our Church's Elder dear.............
All hearts are open to Thy view
All hearts to Thee are open here

All Thy works, with one accord...................................................................
All ye Gentiles, praise the LORD
Almighty God, in humble prayer
And did the Son of GoD appear
Angels from the realms of glory
Angels, the first-born sons of light

Another day, a day of grace

A race on earth, a race we run

Arise and shine, your light is come .................
Around the throne of grace we meet

As from the winter sky








Ask, and ye shall receive............................................................................................ 71
Assembled in Thy house of prayer

As the hart, with eager looks

A sure and tried foundation stone ..........






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At every motion of our breath .......
A world of sinners once was drown'd
A year, another year is fled

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Call JEHOVAH thy salvation
Children of Adam! Adam's fall
Children of Zion, know your King




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Come, and behold the works of GOD
Come from your dwellings, girls and boys
Come in, thou blessed of the LORD
Come, let us go to heaven;
Come let us sing the song of songs
Come on, companions of our way
Come see the place where JESUS lay

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