LORO. 6s & 5s. 6 Scottish Melody. 1. When shall we meet a - gain? Meet ne'er to sever? When will peace wreath her chain BASIL. 8s. 1. { Let me not, thou King e ternal, Enter hell's do-mains in Where is sor - row, where is sadness, Where is sor - row, where is D. C. Where despair is ev er sighing, Where the worm is never fer nal! mad- ness. dying. 1. Star of peace, to wan. d'rers drear-y, Bright the beams that smile on me, Cheer the pi lot's vis ion drear - y, Far, far at sea. ப 1165. 8s, 7s & 4s. 2. Star of hope! gleam on the billow, Bless the soul that sighs for thee, Bless the sailor's lonely pillow, Far, far at sea. 2. Star of faith! when winds are mocking All his toil, he flies to thee; Save him, on the billows rocking, 4. Star Divine! O safely guide him, Bring the wanderer home to Thee; Sore temptations long have tried him, Far, far at sea. AMSTERDAM. 7s & 6s. 1. { 8 portion trace; Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings, Thy bet ter Sun, and moon, and stars de cay, Time shall soon this earth re-move; 9:3 D. C. High in heaven's own light she dwelleth; Full the song of tri-umph swelleth: 1168. 78 & 88. 2. Pour not thou the bitter tear; Heaven its book of comfort opeth; Bids thee sorrow not, nor fear, But as one who always hopeth; Humbly here in faith relying, Peacefully in Jesus dying, Heavenly joy her eye is flushing, Why should thine with tears be gushing? 3. They who die in Christ are blest; Ours then be no thought of grieving; 1169. 7s & 88.* DOANE. 1. JESUS lives! thy terrors now Can no longer, Death, appall me; Jesus lives! and well I know, From the dead he will recall me; * Omit the repeat. Better life will then commenceThis shall be my confidence. 2. Jesus lives! to Him the throne Live and reign with Him in heaven; God is pledged, weak doubtings, hence! This shall be my confidence. 3. Jesus lives! I know full well, Nought from Him my heart can sever; Joy, nor grief, henceforth, for ever. 4. Jesus lives! henceforth is death GERMAN TR. COX VISION. 7s & 6s. Or 8s & 6s. Fine. 2nd Endine 1.5 Stand th'omni - po-tent de cree! Je - ho - vah's will be (Na-ture's end we wait to see, And hear her fin - al D. C. Let those pond'rous orbs descend, And grind us in to (1171) 1. O how cheat-ing. O how fleet-ing Is our earth-ly D. C. And as soon dispersed for-ev er, And as soon dis 9:34 done! groan.) dust. be-ing, persed for-ev-er. D. C. (1170) Let this earth dis - solve and blend In death the wick-ed (1171) 'Tis a mist in win - try weather, Gathered in 9:3 1170. 7s, 6s & 8s. 2. Rests secure the righteous man; Triumphs in immortal powers, 3. Nothing hath the just to lose, 4. Resting in this glorious hope, To earthquake, plague, or sword; C. WESLEY. an and the just; hour to-gether, D. C. 1171. 8s & 6s.* 2. O how cheating, O how fleeting 3. O how cheating, O how fleeting 4. O how cheating, O how fleeting 5. O how cheating. O how fleeting, * Omit the repeat, and sing the D. C. with 2d ending, giving the last line of each stanza twice. |