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But, with the noblest Pow'rs they have,

His fweet Commands fulfil.]

7. They find accefs, at ev'ry hour,
To GOD within the veil ;

Hence they derive a quick'ning pow'r,
And joys that never fail.

3. O happy fouls! O glorious ftate

Of over-flowing grace!

To dwell fo near their FATHER'S feat
And fee His lovely face!

9. LORD, I addrefs Thy heav'nly throne Call me a child of Thine;

Send down the fpirit of Thy Son,
To form my heart divine.

10. There fhed Thy choiceft loves abroad, And make my comforts ftrong;

Then fhall I fay, My Father GOD,
With an unwav'ring tongue.





To his bright day of gladnefs foom
Succeeds a night of woe.

The night of woe refigns

Its darkness and its grief;

And then the morn of comfort fhines, And brings our souls relief.

Yet not to fickle chance

Is man's condition giv'n;

His dark and profp'rous hours advance
By the fix'd laws of heav'n.

GOD measures unto all

Their lot of good and ill;

Nor this too great, nor that too small,
Ordain'd by wifeft will,

Let man conform his mind

To ev'ry changing state;

Rejoicing now, and now refign'd,
Nor vainly ftrive with fate.

6. Hopeful and humble bear
Thy evil and thy good;
Nor by prefumption nor despair
Weak mortal be fubdu'd.





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XXI. The new Creation.

TTEND, while Go D's exalted Sox
Doth His own glories fhew:

"Behold, I fit upon my throne,
"Creating all things new!
"Nature and fin are pass'd away,
"And the old Adam dies;

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My hands a new foundation lay; "See the new world arife! "I'll be a fun of righteousness

"To the new heav'ns I make "None but the new-born heirs of grace My glories fhall partake."

4. Swif

4. Mighty REDEEMER, fet me free
my old state of fin;

O make my foul alive to Thee,

Create new pow'rs within!

5. Renew mine eyes, and form mine ears,
And mould my heart afresh!
Give me new paffions, joys, and fears,
And turn the ftone to flesh !

6. Far from the regions of the dead,


From fin, and earth, and hell,

In the new world, that grace has made, I would for ever dwell.

*XXII. The Chriftian Race.


・AWAKE our fouls, away our fears Let ev'ry trembling thought be gone! Awake, and run the heav'nly race, And put a chearful courage on! 2. Strait is the gate, narrow the road, And mortals stop, or tire and faint But they forget the mighty GoD, That calls and strengthens ev'ry faint. 3. From GOD, the overflowing fpring, Our fouls fhall drink a fresh supply; While fuch as truft their native ftrength, Shall melt away, or droop and die. 4. Swift as an eagle cuts the air,



We'll mount aloft to thine abode
On wings of love our fouls fhall fly,
Nor tire ainidft the heav'nly road.

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WAKE, ye faints, and raife your eyes,
And raise your voices high;
Awake, and praife that fov'reign love,
That fhews falvation nigh!

2. On all the wings of time it flies,
Each moment brings it near;
Then welcome each declining day!
And each revolving year!
Not many years their rounds shall
Nor many mornings rife,


Ere all its glories ftand reveal'd To our admiring eyes.


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Ye wheels of nature, fpeed your course;
Ye mortal pow'rs decay;

Faft as ye bring the night of death,
Ye bring eternal day.

XXV. The Benefit of public Ordinances.


WAY from ev'ry mortal care!
from earth our fouls retreat!
We leave this worthlefs world afar,
And wait and worship near Thy feat.

2. LORD, in the temple of Thy grace
We fee thy feet, and we adore;
We gaze upon Thy lovely face,
And learn the wonders of Thy pow'r.

While here our various wants we mourn,
United groans afcend on high;

And pray'r brings down a quick return
Of bleffings in variety.

[4. If Satan rage, and fin grow ftrong,
Here we receive fome chearing word;
We gird the Gospel armor on,
To fight the battles of the LORD.
5. Or if our fpirit faints and dies,
(Our confcience gall'd with inward ftings)
Here doth the righteous fun arife
With healing beams beneath his wings.]
6. Father, my foul would still abide

Within Thy temple, near Thy fide
But if my feet muft hence depart,
Still keep Thy dwelling in my heart!

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Fear fhall in me no more take place : My SAVIOUR doth not yet appear, He hides the brightness of his face:

2. But fhall I therefore let him go,
And bafely to the tempter yield?
No, in the ftrength of JESUS, no
I never will give up my fhield.
3. Altho' the vine its fruit deny,
Altho' the olive yield no oil,
The with'ring fig-tree droop and die,
The field illude the tillers toil,
4. The empty tall no herd afford,
And perith all the bleating race;
Yet will I triumph in the LORD,
The GoD of my falvation praise.

XXVII. * A View of Heaven.


WAY with our forrow and fear!
We foon fhall recover our home:
The city of faints fhall appear,
The day of eternity come :

2. From earth we fhall quickly remove
And mount to our native abode ;
The house of our father above,
The palace of angels and God.
3. By faith we already behold
That lovely Jerufalem here:
Her walls are of jafper and gold,
As crystal her buildings are clear.
4. No need of the fun in a day
Which never is follow'd by night;
Where JESUS's beauties difplay
A pure and a permanent light.
5. The flame of angelical love
Is kindled at JESUS's face;
And all the enjoyment above
Confifts in the rapturous gaze.




XXVII. God fovereign and gracious.

Denmark, 4 L. M.

Bre nations bow with facred joy;

EFORE JEHOVAH's awful throne

Know that the LORD is GoD alone,
He can create and he destroy.

2 His fov'reign power without our aid
Made us of clay, and form'd us men ;
And when, like wand'ring fheep, we ftray'd,
He brought us to his fold again.

3. We'll croud thy gates with thankful fongs,
High as the heav'ns our voices raise ;
And earth, with her ten thousand tongues,
Shall fill Thy courts with founding praife.
4 Wide as the world is Thy command,
Vaft as eternity Thy Love:


Firm as a rock Thy truth must stand, When rolling years shall cease to move.


+ XXIX. Mercy.

EHOLD a wretch in woe,
A fellow mortal mourns;
My eyes with tears of pity flow,
My heart his fighs returns.
I hear the thirty cry,

The famifb'd beg for breads
O let my fpring its ftreams fupply,
My hand its bounty shed!

3. Lo, the poor debtor fues,
Pale at the penal threat,
A ftarving family it fhews;
I cancel all the debt.

And shall not wrath relent,
Touch'd by that humble ftrain,
My brother crying "I repent,
"Nor will offend again ?"

How elfe, on fprightly wing,
Can hope bear high my pray'r
Up to thy throne, my God, my king,
To plead for pardon there?

6. The pitiful and kind
Thy pity will repay;



With thee fhall the forgiving find
A fweet forgiving day.

But juftice lifts her fcale,
And shakes her rod on high;
Nor pray'rs, nor fighs, nor tears avail
The fons of cruelty.

XXX. The Pharifee and Publican.


EHOLD how Sinners difagree, The Publican and Pharifee! One doth bis righteoufnefs proclaim, The other owns his guilt and fhame. 2. This man at humble distance stands, And cries for grace with lifted hands; That boldy rifes near the throne, And talks of duties he has done.

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Ye pleafing fcenes adieu,
Which I fo long have known
My friends, a long farewel to you,
For I must pass alone.

And thou beloved clay,

Long partner of my cares,

In this rough path art torn away
With agony and tears.

But fee a ray of light,

With fplendors all divine,

Breaks thro' these doleful realms of night,
And makes its horrors fhine.
Where death and darkness reigns,
JEHOVAH is my stay;

His rod my trembling feet fuftains,
His ftaff defends my way.

Kind fhepherd, lead me on;
My foul difdains to fear;

Death's gloomy phantoms all are flown,
Since Life's great LORD is near.

+ XXXII. No return from Death. 1.BEHOLD the path which mortals tread

Down to the regions of the dead!
Nor will the fleeting moments ftay,

Nor can we measure back our way.
2. Our kindred and our friends are gone ;
Know, O our fouls, this doom your own;
Feeble as theirs our mortal frame


The fame our way, our home the fame.

From vital air, from chearful light,
To the cold grave's perpetual night;
From fcenes of duty, means of grace,
We must to God's tribunal pass.
4. Awake our fouls, the way prepare,
And lofe in this each mortal care;

With fteady feet that path be trod,
Which thro' the grave conducts to God.
5. Then fhall we smile, fecure from fear,
Tho' death fhould blaft the rifing year;
And joy to reach the blissful shore,
From whence we fhall return no more.


I XXXIII. The Banquet of Love.

EHOLD the rofe of Sharon here,
The lily which the vallies bear!
Behold the tree of life that gives
Refreshing fruit and healing leaves !
2. Amongst the thorns fo lilies fhine;
Amongft wild gourds the noble vine
So in mine eyes my SAVIOUR proves,
Amidft a thousand meaner loves.
3. Beneath His cooling fhade I fat,

To fhield me from the burning heat;
Of heav'nly fruit He fpreads a feaft,
To feed my eyes and please my taste.
[4. Kindly He brought me to the place,
Where ftands the banquet of His grace;
He faw me faint, and o'er my head
The banner of His Love he fpread,
5. With living bread, and gen'rous wine,
He chears this finkiug heart of mine ;
And op'ning His own heart to me,
He fhows His thoughts how kind they be.]
6. O never let my LORD depart,
Lie down and reft
I charge my fins not once to move,
Nor ftir, nor wake, nor grieve my love!


upon my

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