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I will add a word or two more, in proof, that the Christian Religion was founded upon fable. At the conclusion of the Epistle to the Romans, there is an assertion, that the mysteries of the Christian Religion were as old as what is called the creation. In the Epistle to the Colossians, chap. i. ver. 26, it is stiled "the mystery which hath been hid from ages and generations but now is made manifest to the saints." In the second Epistle to the Thessalonians, chap. ii. ver. 15, he says: "Hold the traditions which ye have been taught." In the Epistle to the Philippians chap. i. ver. 15 he says: "Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife.” Aud the succeeding verses seem to hint, that all preaching of Christ but his preaching was an opposition to him and an effort to afflict him. At 2 Corinthians, chap. xi. ver. 4, be speaks of those who preach other Jesuses than the one which he preached, and other Gospels. These are all so many proofs, that the whole of the tale or tales about Jesus .Christ is fabulous. In proof of this, I will trace them to Hindostan and China. It is not now to be said where this fable about the son of God first originated; but the Indians had the story about the Carpenter, Carpenter's son, and Virgin Mother, time immemorial before Christianity sprang up: but these Indians had not the grovelling notion with the Christians, to suppose that this Carpenter was a putter together of houses and hog-sties! no! by the word Carpenter, they meant, the GREAT BUILDER, or what we now call the "ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE." They had a sublime notion of this God and his Son that were Carpenters. Their word which expressed Carpenter was equivalent to our word Creator. The truth as to these matters is this: The earth as an habitable planet to man and other animals is incalculably older than the "Jewish fables" represent. Mankind have been the same sort of animals as they now are from their first association. Doubtless, great human events have taken place formerly as now. These for the want of a universal written language have been handed dow from generation to generation, and from nation to nation, as

traditions, changing at almost every step, and thus one thing has been jumbled with another so as to make the whole of ancient history fabulous. I am of opinion, that there is not a fact, stated as it happened in the whole of the first fourteen books of the Bible; and, with a very few exceptions, I will include the whole of the books of the Old and New Testament, and the bulk of history that is three thousand years old, or before some of the Grecians wrote the affairs of their own country and times in a language that is now well understood and a country that is now well known.

Now, my Judge Bailey, I have given you a fair and true epitome of the New Testament, in the Critique on the Sermon on the Mount, and in an analysis of the character of Saint Paul and bis Epistles. You may now be able to see better, as to what these early Christian Lights really were. I have not sought the testimony of an opponent to defame Christianity and the early Christians; I have taken the internal evidence of Saint Paul's own writing; but I will here say, that neither in Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, which I consider the truest Christian History extant, nor in any Ecclesiastical or other history, have I seen an accusation against the first Christians, but what the New Testament itself in some measure warrants.

I will not say that this shall be my last letter to you; but it will be the last for a time, or until I again find that I have no more immediate, important, pressing matters to attend to than your book of notes to the Common Prayer. I have never yet sent you one of my printed letters; but I promise to correct the errors made by the printer in this and the last` and send them to you with all speed, that you may judge whether I have done myself justice in the passing of my last five years under your sentence of imprisonment.

To this letter I shall append, first, the Samanean Doctrine, second, the Religious Principles of Fot, and third, the Parallel between Crishna, and Christ, all taken from Mr. Taylor's Clerical Review: and if one number of my publication will contain the whole, I shail add the Gospel of the

Infancy of Jesus Christ; if not in a succeeding number: so farewell Bailey! until you read, and feel well after you have read, this; and no more at present from that thorn in your flesh



ALL the eastern writers agree in placing the birth of Beddou, 1027 years before Jesus Christ. The doctrine of this deity prevails over Japan, China, and Ceylon; it is the same as that of the Sectaries of Orpheus, of the Essenians, of the Ancient Anchorets of Persia, and the whole eastern country. According to the sacred tenets of this religion, "God is incessantly rendering himself incarnate," but his greatest and most solemn incarnation was three thousand years ago, in the province of Cassimere, under the name of Fot or Beddou. Fot or Beddou was believed to have sprung from the right intercostal of a virgin of the royal blood, who when she became a mother did not the less continue to be a virgin: that the king of the country uneasy at his birth, was desirous to put him to death, and caused all the males that were born at the same period to be massacred; that being saved by shepherds, he lived in the desert to the age of thirty years, at which time he opened his commission, preaching the doctrine of truth and casting out devils; that he performed a multitude of the most astonishing miracles, spent his life in fasting and in the severest mortifications, and at his death bequeathed to his disciples. the volume in which the principles of his religion are contained.


HE that forsaketh his father and mother, says Fot, to follow me, shall become a perfect Samanean, or heavenly being.

He that keepeth my precepts to the fourth degree of perfection, shall acquire the power of flying in the air, of moving earth and heaven, of protracting or shortening life, and of rising again.

The Samanean looks with contempt on riches, and makes use only of such things as are strictly necessary. He mortifies the flesh, subdues his passions, fixes his desires and affections on nothing terrestrial, meditates without ceasing upon my doctrine, endures injuries with patience, and bears no enmity against his neighbour.

Heaven and earth shall pass away; despise therefore your bodies which are composed of the four perishable elements, and think only of your immortal souls.

Hearken not to the suggestions of the flesh; fear and sorrow are the produce of the passions; stifle the passions, and fear and sorrow will thus be destroyed.

Whosoever dies without having received my doctrine, becomes again and again an inhabitant of the earth, till he shall have embraced it.


WE shall in this, and subsequent numbers, demonstrate that almost every fact and feature of the fabulous history of Cabalism, is to be traced in the Brahminical, Druidical, Greek and Roman Superstitions, many ages before they were new modelled, and palmed a second time on human credulity and ignorance, under the much abused name of Christianity; and surely a clearer detection of stolen goods, cannot be conceived, than the tracing them back to the identical places from which they were taken,



THE second great divinity, Crishna, passed a life according to the Indians, of a most extraordinary and incomprehensible nature, (this incarnate Deity) was the son of Devaci, by Vasudeva; but his birth was concealed through fear of the tyrant CANSA, to whom it had been predicted, that a child born at that time, in that family, would destroy him: he was therefore fostured in Mathura, by an honest herdsman, named ANANDA, or the happy, and his amiable wife, YASODA, who like another PALES, was constantly occupied in her pastures and her dairy. Page 259. Crishna continues to this hour the darling God of the Indian women. The sect of Hindus, who adore him with enthusiastic and almost exclusive devotion, have broached a doctrine, which they maintain with eagerness, and which seems general in these provinces, that he was distinct from all the Avatars, who had only an ansa, or portion of his divinity, while Crishna was the person of God himself, in a human form; hence they consider the third RAMA, his elder brother, as the eighth Avatar, invested with an emanation of his divine radiance; and the principal Sanscrit Dictionary, compiled about two thousand years ago, CRISHNA, Vasudeva, Govinda, and other names of the Shepherd God, are intermixed with epithets of Narayan, or the Divine Spirit. Page 260.

That the name of CRISHNA, and the general outline of his story, were long anterior to the birth of our Saviour, and probably to the time of Homer, we know very certainly. The incarnate Deity of the Sanscrit romance was cradled, as it informs us, among herdsmen; but it adds that he was educated among them, and passed his youth in playing with a party of milk-maids. A tyrant at the time of his birth, ordered all new-born males to be slain; yet this - wonderful babe was preserved, by biting the breast instead of suckling the nipple of a nurse, commissioned to kill him. He performed amazing, but ridiculous miracles in his infancy; and at the age of seven years, held up a mountain on the tip of his finger. He saved multitudes, partly by his arms, and partly by his miraculous. powers. He raised the dead, by descending for that purpose to


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