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1947 SECTION 1. That the counties hereinafter named shall be bounded by boundary lines as set forth in this act. [G. S., § 1, 212.]

1948 SEC. 2. [Adams.] The county of Adams is bounded as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of township five, north, of range twelve, west; thence east to the southeast corner of township five, north, of range nine, west; thence north to the northeast corner of township eight, north, of range nine, west; thence west to the northwest corner of township eight, north, of range twelve, west; thence south to the place of beginning. [Id., § 2.]

1949 SEC. 3. [Antelope.] The county of Antelope is bounded as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of township twenty-three, north, of range eight, west; thence east to the southeast corner of township twenty-three, north, of range five, west; thence north to the northeast corner of township twenty-eight, north, of range five, west; thence west to the northwest corner of township twenty-eight, north, of range eight, west; thence south to the place of beginning. [Id., § 3.]

1950 SEC. 3a. [Arthur.] The county of Arthur is bounded as follows: That all that portion of the state of Nebraska commencing at the south east corner of township seventeen (17), north of range thirty-six (36) west of the sixth Principal Meridian; thence north to the northeast corner of township twenty (20), north, of range thirty-six (36), west; thence west along said township line to the north west corner of township twenty (20) north, of range forty (40) west; thence south to the southwest corner of township seventeen (17) north, of range forty (40) west; thence east to the place of beginning, be and the same shall constitute the county of Arthur. [1887, chap. 21; Amended 1895, chap. 23.]

1951 SEC. 36. [Banner. The county of Banner is bounded as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of section thirty-six in township seventeen, north, of range fifty-three west of the sixth principal meridian; thence due north on the range line between range fifty-two and range fifty-three, to the northeast corner of section twenty-four, township twenty, north range fifty-three west; thence due west on the section line to the point where said section line intersects the east line of the territory of Wyoming; thence south along the west line of the state of Nebraska to a point where said state line intersects the township line between townships sixteen and seventeen, north of range fifty-eight west; thence due east on said township line to the place of beginning.]

1952 SEC. 4. [Blaine.] That all that portion of the state of Nebraska commencing at the southeast corner of township twenty-one (21), range twenty-one (21), running thence north to the northeast corner of township twenty-four (24), range twenty-one (21), township twenty-four (24); thence west to the northwest corner of township twenty-four (24), range twenty-five (25); thence south to the south west corner

ART. I. "An act defining the boundaries of certain counties." G. S., 212. Took effect March 3, 1873. Secs. 12-13 of "An act to correct clerical errors in and to amend an act entitled 'An act defining the boundaries of cer tain counties'" (Gen. Stat., 225, 226) are re-enacted by act of 1879, p. 353, secs. 2 and 3, chap. 18. NOTE, also, that at the 10th session of the legislature called to correct errors in the county boundaries act of the 9th session, two acts were passed for the purposes set forth in their titles, which were: 1." An act to extend the time for making assessments in newly organized counties, and in portions of the state affected by changes in county boundaries by an act entitled 'An act defining the boundaries of certain counties.' Approved March 3, 1873." 2. "An act to make valid and legalize the acts of public officers acting in good faith, and to prevent the failure of justice, or the abatement of actions commenced, owing to any change in county boundaries by an act entitled 'An act de fining the boundaries of certain counties,' approved March 3, 1873." These acts (Gen. Stat., 226, 227) are omitted from this volume. SEC. 1. Cited 22 Neb., 417.

BEC. 36. Erected out of Cheyenne county by vote of electors Nov. 6, 1888.

of township twenty-one (21), range twenty-five (25); thence east to the southeast corner of township twenty-one (21), range (21), to the place of beginning; that the territory within said boundary may be set apart and hereafter known as Blaine county, subject to the organization as such at the will of her people at some future time. [1885, chap. 31.]

1953 SEC. 5. [Boone.] The county of Boon is bounded as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of township eighteen, north of range eight, west; thence east along the northern boundary of the Pawnee reservation, to a point where the dividing line between ranges four and five, west, intersects the same; thence north to the northeast corner of township twenty-two, north, of range five, west; thence west to the northwest corner of township twenty-two, north, of range eight, west; thence south to the place of beginning. [G. S., § 4, 213.]

1954 SEC. 5a. [Box Butte. The county of Box Butte is bounded as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of township 24 north, range 47 west thence north to the northeast corner of township 28 north, range 47 west; thence west to the northwest corner of township 28 north, range 52 west; thence south to the southwest corner of township 24 north, range 52 west; thence east to the place of beginning.]

1955 SEC. 56. [Boyd.] That the unorganized territory lying north of Holt County and in the State of Nebraska be organized into a new county to be known as the county of Boyd. [1891, chap. 20, § 1.]

1956 SEC. 5c. [Same.] The county of Boyd shall be bounded as follows: Commencing at a point in the middle of the main channel of the Niobrara River intersected by the range line between (8) eight and (9) nine west; thence north on said range line to the middle of the main channel of the Missouri River; thence up the main channel of said river to a point intersected by Forty-third (43) north parallel. Thence west on said parallel to a point intersected by the range line between sixteen (16) and seventeen (17), thence south on said line to a point in the middle of the main channel of the Niobrara River, thence down the main channel of said river to the place of beginning. [Id., § 2.]

1957 SEC. 6. [Brown.] That all of that portion of the state of Nebraska commencing at the southeast corner of township twenty-five (25) north, of range seventeen (17) west of the sixth principal meridian; thence west to the southwest corner of township twenty-five (25), range twenty-four (24); thence north to the northern boundary of the state; thence east to the range line between ranges sixteen (16) and seventeen (17); thence south to the place of beginning, be and the same shall constitute the county of Brown. [1883, chap. XXXI.]

1958 SEC. 7. [Burt.] That the territory bounded as follows: Commencing at a point where the north line of sections twenty-one (21), twenty-two (22), twentythree (23), and twenty-four (24), of township twenty-four (24) north, range ten (10) east of sixth principal meridian, intersects the east boundary line of the state of Nebraska; thence west along said section lines to the northwest corner of said section twenty-one (21), thence south along the west line of said sections twentyone (21, and twenty-eight (28) to the south boundary line of the Omaha Indian reservation; thence west on the south boundary line of said reservation to the line dividing ranges seven (7) and eight (8) east; thence south by said line to the south line of township twenty-one (21) north, of range eight (8) east; thence east by said line to the northeast corner of section six (6) in township twenty (20)

SEC. 5a. Erected out of Dawes county by a vote of electors Nov. 2, 1883. A part of the 20th representative district. 36 Neb., 91. SECS. 56, 5c. "An act to form a new county." Laws, 1891, chap. 20. Took effect July 5, 1891. SEC. 6. County divided by vote of electors Nov. 4, 1884, and Keya Paha county organized from it by proclamation of the governor Dec. 17, 1881. Rock county is taken from this county by vote of electors. See note to sec.


north, of range nine (9) east; thence south by section lines one (1) mile east of the guide meridian to the southwest corner of section twenty (20) in township twenty (20) north, of range nine (9) east; thence east by section lines to the state boundary; thence northwardly up said boundary to the place of beginning, shall constitute the county of Burt. [Amended 1889, chap. 4.]

1959 SEC. 8. [Butler.] The county of Butler is bounded as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of township thirteen north, of range four, east; thence north to the south bank of main channel of the Platte river, thence along the south bank of the main channel of the Platte river to the northwest corner of township sixteen, north, of range one, east, thence south to the southwest corner of township thirteen, north, of range one, east; thence east to the place of beginning. [1875, 70. Amended, 1879, 109.]

1960 SEC. 9. [Buffalo.] The county of Buffalo is bounded as follows: Commencing at a point where the dividing line between ranges twelve and thirteen crosses the southern channel of the Platte river; thence up said channel to a point where the dividing line between ranges eighteen and nineteen intersects the same; thence north along said line to the third standard parallel; thence east along said parallel to the northeast corner of township twelve, north, of range thirteen west; thence south to the place of beginning. [G. S., § 7, 213.]

1961 SEC. 10. [Cass.] The county of Cass is bounded as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of township ten, north, of range nine, east; thence east to the middle of the main channel of of Missourie river; thence up said channel until it intersects the Platte river; thence up said Platte river until it intersects the line dividing townships twelve and thirteen, north, the last time; thence west to the northwest corner of township twelve, north, of range ten, east; thence south two miles; thence west six miles; thence south to the place of beginning. [Id., § 8.]

1962 SEC. 11. [Cedar.] The county of Cedar is bounded as follows: Commencing at a point in the middle of the main channel of the Missouri river, at which the line dividing ranges one and two, west, crosses said river; thence south to the southwest corner of township twenty-nine, north, of range one, west; thence east to the southeast corner of township twenty-nine, north, of range one, west; thence south to the southeast corner of township twenty-eight, north, of range one, west; thence east to the southeast corner of township twenty-eight, north, of range three, east; thence north to the middle of the main channel of the Missouri river; thence up said channel to the place of beginning. [Amended 1875, 73.]

1963 SEC, 12. [Chase.] That the following portion of the state of Nebraska, commencing at a point where the first standard parallel intersects the west boundarys line of the state of Nebraska; thence east to the southeast corner of townships five, north, of range thirty-six; thence north to the northeast corner of township eights, north, of range thirty-six; thence west to the west boundary line of the state of Nebraska; thence south to the place of begining, shall hereafter be known as the county of Chase. [G. S., § 5, 225.]

1964 SEC. 13. [Cherry.] That all that portion of the state of Nebraska commencing at the south-east corner of township twenty-five (25) north, of range twentyfive (25) west of the 6th principal meridian; thence west to the southwest corner of township twenty-five (25) north, of range forty (40); thence north on the east line of Sioux county to the northern boundary line of the state of Nebraska ; thence east along said boundary line to the range line between ranges twenty-four (24) and twenty-five (25); thence south on said range line to the point of beginning, be and the same shall constitute the county of Cherry. [1883, chap. XXXII.]

SEC. 10. Cited 42 Neb., 804. 51 Neb., 369.

1965 SEC. 14. [Cheyenne.] The county of Cheyenne is bounded as follows: Commencing at a point formed by the intersection of the forty-first degree of north latitude with the twenty-seventh degree of longitude west from Washington; thence north along said twenty-seventh degree of west longitude to a point formed by its intersection with the forty-second degree of north latitude; thence east along said forty-second degree of north latitude to a point formed by the intersection with the twenty-fifth degree of nongitude west from Washington; thence south to the northeast county of Colorado territory; thence west to the place of begining. [G. S., § 10, 214.]

1966 SEC. 15. [Clay.] The county of Clay is bounded as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of township fife, north, of range eight, west; thence east to the southeast corner of township five, north, of range five, west; thence north to the north corner of township eight, north, of range five, west; thence west to the northwest corner of township eight, north of range eight, west; thence south to the place of begining. [Id., § 11.]

1967 SEC. 16. [Colfax.] The county of Colfax is bounded as follows: Commencing at a point where the dividing line between ranges one and two, east, intersects the south bank of the Platte river; thence along said south bank to a point where the dividing line between range four and five, east, intersects the same; thence north to the northeast corner of township twenty, north, of range four, east; thence west to the northwest corner of township twenty, north, of range two, east; thence south to the place of beginning. [Id., § 12.]

1968 SEC. 17. [Cuming.] The county of Cumming is bounded as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of township twenty-one, north, of range four east; thence east to the southeast corner of township twenty-one, north, or [of] range seven, east; thence north to the northeast corner of township twenty-four, north, of range seven, east; thence west to the northwest corner of township twentyfour, north, or [of] range four, east; thence south to the place of beginning. [Id., $13.1

1969 SEC. 18. [Custer.] That all of that portion of the state of Nebraska commencing at the southeast corner of township thirteen (13), north, of range seventeen (17), west of the sixth principal meridian, thence north to the northeast corner of township twenty, north of range seventeen (17), west; thence west to the northwest corner of township twenty (20), north, of range twenty-five (25), west; thence south to the south west corner of township thirteen (13), north, of range twenty-five (25) west; thence east to place of beginning, be and the same shall constitute the county of Custer. [1877, § 1, 211.]

1970 SEC. 19. [Dakota.] The territory bounded as follows: Commencing at the most westerly point where the township line between townships twenty-nine and thirty north intersects the state boundary; thence west along said line to the northwest corner of section three in township twenty-nine, north, of range six east; thence south by section lines to the north line of the Omaha reservation; thence east along said line to the state boundary; thence northwardly by said boundary to the place of beginning, shall be and constitute the county of Dakota. [G. S., § 14, 214.] 1971 SEC. 20. [Same-Indian reservation.] That all that portion of the Winnebago and Omaha reservations not embraced in the counties of Cuming and Burt, be and the same is hereby attached to the county of Dakota for election, judicial, and revenue purposes. [1879, § 1, 180.]

SEC. 14. County divided by vote of electors Nov. 6, 1888, and Banner, Kimball, Scott's Bluff, and Deuel counties organized from it.

SEC. 20. "An act to attach a portion of what is known as the Winnebago and Omaha reservations, in the state of Nebraska, to the county of Dakota for election, judicial, and revenue purposes." Laws, 1879, 180. Took effect Feb. 27, 1879.

1972 SEC. 21. [Dawes.] That all that portion of Sioux county of the state of Nebraska commencing at the southeast corner of township twenty-four (24) north, of range forty-seven (47) west of the 6th principal meridian; thence west to the southwest corner of township twenty-four (24) north, of range fifty-two (52); thence north on the range line between ranges fifty-two (52) and fifty-three (53) to the northern boundary line of the state of Nebraska; thence east along said boundary line to the range line between ranges forty-six (46) and forty-seven (47); thence south on said range line to the point of beginning, be and the same shall constitute the county of Dawes. [1885, chap. 32.]

1973 SEC. 22. [Dawson.] The county of Dawson is bounded as follows: Commencing at the south west corner of township nine, north, of range twenty-five, west; thence east to the center of the south channel of the Platte river; thence down said channel to a point where the dividing line between ranges eighteen and nineteen intersects the same; thence north along said dividing line to the northeast corner of township twelve, north, of range nineteen, west; thence west to the northwest corner of township twelve, north, of range twenty-five west; thence south to the place of begining. [G. S., § 15, 215.]

1974 SEC. 22a. [Deuel.] The county of Deuel is bounded as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the 25 degree of longitude west of Washington with the 41 degree north latitude; thence west along the south line of the state of Nebraska to its intersection with range line between range forty-six (46) and fortyseven (47) west of the 6th Principal Meridian; thence north along said range line to township line between townships twelve (12) and thirteen (13) north; thence east along said township line to section line between sections thirty-two (32) and thirtythree (33) in township thirteen (13) north, range forty-six (46) west; thence north on said section line parallel with and two miles east of range line between ranges forty-six (46) and forty-seven (47) west, to the north west corner of section two (2), township twenty-three (23) north, of range forty-six (46) west; thence east along the township line between townships twenty-three (23) and twenty-four (24) north, to the northeast corner of township twenty-three (23) north, of range forty-one (41) west; thence south on range line between ranges forty (40) and forty-one (41) west, to the southeast corner of township seventeen (17) north, of range forty-one (41) west; thence west to the 25 degree of longitude west of Washington with the 5th Standard Parallel north; thence south along said 25 degree of longitude to the place of beginning, be and the same shall constitute the county of Deuel. [1895, chap. 24.]

1975 SEC. 23. [Dixon.] The county of Dixon is bounded as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of township twenty-seven, north, of range four, east; thence east to the line dividing sections thirty-three and thirty-four in township twenty-seven, north, of range six, east; thence north to the dividing line between townships twenty-nine and thirty, north, of range six, east; thence east to the middle of the main channel of the Missourie river; thence up said channel to a point where the dividing line between ranges three and four, east, intersects the same; thence south to the place of begining. [G. S., § 16, 215]

1976 SEC. 24. [Dodge.] The territory bounded as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the line dividing ranges 4 and 5 east, with the south bank of Platte river; thence easterly along the south bank of the Platte river to the fourth standard parallel; thence east along said parallel to the southeast corner of section thirty-one (31) township seventeen (17) north, range ten (10) east; thence north on

SEC. 21. Box Butte county taken from this county by vote of electors Nov. 2, 1886. See note to sec. 5a. SEC. 22a. Erected out of Cheyenne county, by vote of electors, Nov. 6, 1888. "An act to amend section 753, consolidated statutes of Nebraska, 1893, defining the boundaries of Deuel' county," Laws, 1895, chap. 24, which section of the consolidated statutes was not a legislative enactment. Took effect April 8, 1895.

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