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Grace's espousal*)—to which, hitherto, he had entirely ascribed. Dalyell's asperity,—forthwith, thereupon, their total non-reference was exposed; and his father's plea of unsubsiding rage found to have been carried forward from Cartwright's far-anterior date.-The avowal, therefore, combining with Shaftesbury's presentation of abode, Zizine's ultimate appeal, and the case's urgency, confirmed detainment from his natal clime.

Contingence! thou apest godhood!

Herbert specified Naples, and embarked for England. Aspic-spurred by inquisitiveness to pry profoundlier into the machinery, glue himself as a necessary drag to its appendages, and obtain (in its director) a valve through which he might with a particular impunity expend his superfluous spleen-nor unacutely irritated by that goad which the Quest of Lucre and Precarious Collection of Due Gains prick withal most low or lofty noddles-betook him coevally to his hirer.

Upon the field of devastation, Herbert beheld the barriers to his onslaught displaced, and the promising aspect of the incomplete arrangements. The chief claim upon Shetly was bought-in. Evrett died-he convinced himself-of a broken

* One of Herbert's stratagems-by-deputy.

heart. The ancestral mains devolved from the occupation of those whose foe stamped dominant in their halls. The last heir was driven forth, a beggar. This was revenge!

But scarce enough: a sense of but-half-satisfaction stayed-behind. Did not Evrett's blood dam the daughter's veins? was not her dishonoring, also, entertained long since? and would not imperfection clog the retributiveness without?

His aforesaid maxim-of striking at the reputation, not so much the person—still swayed him. Through incidental occasions, unweening emissaries, and slander's legioned volunteers, was rumor sedulously bruited of her baseness; and (for coloring-sake perhaps) a hint conveyed to the Hon. George Saintly through Aspic (—an office there readily undertaken as conducive to the back-sliding and unmaskment of her selfrighteous ladyship's pharisaic scion—) exhortatory of a re-commenced crusade.

The crowning flagitiousness had been apportioned to Emile; and Herbert's was the creed, that

there was never man Disgrace made not a villain ;*


but, from the victim's peculiarity of position, he augured a practicableness for enacting it himself. Though reiterated ratiocination combated the dread of any absurdly generous whim in Villiers -nevertheless, his own attempt, though faulty, would rather smooth the way for Emile's-if effective, how more signally fulfil the exulting sweepingness of retaliation for the long-scored and yet-unliquidated defeat !

He obtruded on her, under a nom-de-guerre ; an attendant being needful, and never having promoted his groom into confidant, appointed Aspic the ostensible enjoyer of Shetly—for aide; and assiduously matured the enterprise. Her steady declination under that candidate-anticipator of his own fell swoop, Consumption, hastened it: and, contracting the circle of his wiles-lest Death, overleaping their slowly-closing line, should precede to the prey-the news of Villiers influenced to extra-expedition.

His arrival, he concluded from Lord Clevedon, concerned not Dalyell. Could it concern Miss Evrett? He picked as much from Camell. In itself, it attested unusual interest. His licentiousness, after all, might not be proof against the or han but-pausing upon dissolution's verge: her

deteriorated attractions be insufficient to stimulate or time be protracted, till decay should supersede contamination. Powerful and dubious articles-the more revolved more evincing the advisableness of Villiers' forestalment-fairly, if possible-forcibly, if not. It was on him, Mrs. Evrett had laid spurning—on him, her husband wreaked chastisment: why, then, should not he -having decoyed the nephew to swindle, propelled the father graveward, piled homelessness on the daughter, and bankruptcy and detraction -why not he, in proper person, compel her further dishonoring; and slake all retribution by enunciating, in the very hour of infamy, the true title of the betrayor, his provocations, his several expedients for requital, the succinct tissue of her own calamities, and finally her efficient instrumentality in wiping-off the well-paid debt for ever?

His disconcertion has been detailed.

No. 14.-A hint: mind! nothing more.

Suspensus leno, suspensus parricida, suspensus lusor, suspensus proditor.


I'm fond of simplification. I want to get rid of several scenes and actors. Alas, what and whom have I not to get rid of!

thou'rt great!

Oh Grief,

Does the reader remember Sapperton-celebrated erewhile in these memoirs ?


reverting to the by-gone epoch of -42, and its "Tatler" of 8th October-may be perused record of a burglary at Mrs. Herbert's, and her servant's deposition before the magistrate.

"Was her only in-door male; had liberty to escort the female, on the evening of September 30th, to a neighboring conventicle, where

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