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For Friends' Intelligencer.

1855 1856

Rain during some portion of the 24 hours, 7d's 7 d's
Ordinary clear days,
Cloudy days without storms,

Temperatures, Deaths, &c.







31 31

drawing-room, and his place at the table, and be listened to when he speaks, and obeyed Review of the Weather, &c., for Twelfth Month. when he commands. But in another house he will have his easy-chair cushioned and pillowed, and his arm-chair at the table, and the cook will be busied most with what will newly nourish or refresh his more delicate appetite, while all listen first to his words, and address conversation to him as a centre, and eagerly seek for his commands as an authority. This we assure the reader, from our own well-weighed observation in both countries) is a fair picture between age in America and old age in England. We have been sad to admit this to the commenting traveller. It is an unconscious fault in our country, an oversight of our life too busy, our attention too overtasked, and our plans of home and pleasure too unsettled and immature, but the feeling for the better things is in use, and time will bring this feeling into action.-N. P. Willis.

for the past sixty-seven years, has been about
The average mean Temperature of this month
thirty-two and a quarter degrees, for 1855 it was
36.73 deg. and for 1856, 32.72 deg.

under review than the same month 1855, that
Much less rain has fallen during the month
1856 recorded only 2.93 inches.
year the quantity reaching 5.42 inches, while

1855 eight hundred and sixty-two, and for 1856
The deaths, however, have increased, being for
nine hundred and fifty-six.

The entire number FRIENDS' INTELLIGENCER. was 10,222, while the preceding year (1855) it of deaths in the city of Philadelphia for 1856


DIED, At his residence, near Germantown, on the morning of 12th mo. 31st, 1856, PETER WRIGHT, aged sixty-six. At Waterford, Loudoun Co., Virginia, on the 28th day of 12th mo. 1856, SARAH SCOTT, in the 81st year of her age, an exemplary member of Fairfax Monthly Meeting.

- On the 8th inst., at the residence of her father, George Dunlap, (Ledyard, Cayuga Co., N. Y.,) ANNA MARIA HALSTED, aged nearly twenty-three years. Her disease was consumption of the longs. In its early stages she gave evidence of a full appreciation of the result, and throughout its progress her patient and even cheerful endurance of suffering, manifested to those around her that a resting place for the spirit was already attained, and according to her father's testimony," as the time of dissolution drew near, the flame of divine love burned brighter and brighter. Her

departure was quiet. Not a groan nor struggle. She died sitting in her chair."

reached 10,509.

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How manifestly God comes down and vindicates his authority among the nations! It is only a little while that a people can prosper in their sins. Rulers may govern with extremest caution; they cannot prevent or postpone the divine retribution.

which all human expedients fail, and the nation Time brings a necessity, before that has done iniquity reaps her reward. Nothing could avert the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, when vice had consumed the national honor. As often as the Jews forgot or forsook their God, they were taken into exile or subjugated by the surrounding people. Solid walls At his residence in Christiana, Lancaster Co., and gates of brass cannot intrench a city when Pa., on Sixth day evening the 5th of 12th month, 1856, the bulwarks of public virtue have been thrown ASAHEL WALKER, in the 69th year of his age. afflictive disease (a cancer on the face) which was of His down. How continually we learn to distrust our long duration, he bore with singular fortitude, seldom own wisdom and our own power! How are we uttering a word of complaint or a murmur of dissatis-driven to acknowledge an overruling Providence! faction. He was a man of sterling integrity, and in What consternation was felt when George Canhis death a large family have lost a kind husband and ning, the greatest acknowledged statesman of his parent, and the community a useful citizen. He was, during the greater part of his life a member of Sads age, passed away in death! The fortunes and bury Monthly Meeting, and although not united in the glory of England seemed to lie in his hands; membership with the Society during the last few years, to depend on his single life. Yet, when he was yet his confidence in Friends' principles remained un-stricken down in all the plenitude of his power, shaken, and his house was ever the welcome home of travelling ministers and others engaged in truth's service.


Near Mullica Hill, N. J., on the 8th inst., NATHAN, son of William W. and Sarah Ann Dunn, aged 2 years.

He who receives a good turn should never forget it; he who does one, should never remember Cherrow.


the ship of State rode on as proudly and as safely as while his great wisdom controlled her destinies. God still sat on the throne of his invisible kingdom, guide and ruler of all the nations. Not one of the divine laws is suspended in the course of human revolutions, when individuals disappear, and strong arms are laid helpless in the dust. We are none of us so important as we often suppose in our particular spheres. God

can spare us from our places; and he summons the great man away, to prove his presence in every scene here below; to show us that he bows his heavens, and comes down into all our earthly seats of power.

But the most signal illustration of our doctrine is God's manifestation in Jesus Christ. In order to lift up and redeem the human, Jesus exemplifies the descent of the divine. As a chief motive for man's obedience, he presents the condescension of God. This is the only vital idea contained in the popular doctrine of the atonement, "God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself." It is a universal truth expressed in these words, not a dogma of theology. The divinity ever seeks to come into communion with humanity. More affectionately God looks down on us, than we look up to him. Our highest aspiration is infinitely out measured by God's greater condescension. Long before we seek him, before our hearts cry out for him, he seeks us. The paternal yearning related in the parable of the prodigal is a type of the heavenly Father. While afar off He beholds us, and hastens forth to meet us, to gather us in his arms, to feed our starving souls, and to put on us the best robe. It is one great purpose of Christ in the Gospel to make real this doctrine, to bring it home to our hearts. He would make us feel that we are not alone, that the Father is with us. Our own strength is not all our dependence: we may look for something more sure and stable than that. Infinitely more may be done for us than we are able, through any possibility to do for ourselves. The disciple of Christianity is a being of faith. While walking firm on the earth, he wears the heavenward look; and his presence blesses the earth, because he holds perpetual communion with heaven.

struct our way.

In our poor human meddling we want to be explicit, and map out the exact paths by which the Holy Spirit descends upon man. Certain theologians have attempted to do this work, and have given us theories and systems which purport to exhaust and comprehend all the infinite ways of God, but which often only darken and obThe divine providence is not so easily reduced to rules of mathematical precision. We do not know how the will of heaven is communicated to our own minds; much less do we know how that will is made known to other minds. We are different notes in the universal harmony; and the Being who made us, knows how to strike every one, and awaken all the music there is within our individual souls. We know of but a single law that meets us here; it is, that God answers our many and ever varying needs. He knows what every soul wants; and he knows the way to every human heart. If we look to him in perfect trust, he will come to us; he will give a right answer to every right prayer. Theology too often represents the Deity

as inflexible, acting through arbitrary channels; but no greater misrepresentation can be made of the universal Father. The glory of divine laws is their infinite variety. They suit all conditions and all men. God, as he comes to us in Christ, is symbolised by the course of the free winds, blowing where they list. The spirit cometh and goeth; and we know not whence, we know not whither. Is it not enough that we have the knowledge of this divine influx, without irreverently seeking its hidden way? When will theology learn to acquiesce in the divine wisdom, and let God keep his own counsels? My belief is simple and positive. God visits my heart; he speaks to my wants; he answers my prayers. I am willing to leave the way to himself. I rejoice that a wisdom higher than mine, points out a sure medium between my spirit and his. God does indeed come down to us. He comes in Jesus Christ. The evangelists speak of Jesus as "the new and living way." They say God was in him he gave to him the divine spirit without measure; he made him "the way, the truth and the life."

God compassionates and visits every human. soul. Infinite are the ways by which he comes, as infinite as his providence is varied. Mercifully suited to every heart, is the ministry of God's spirit. The reverent listening soul hears divine melodies borne on the soft breath of morning and on the still autumnal air. It hears them in the first awaking of thought and affection, in the sigh of kindling aspiration, in every impulse to penitence and prayer. Thus God comes to us in the "still small voice." Let us receive him and open to him our hearts. If we reject his gentle admonitions, hereafter he will come to us in the storm, when the heavens and the earth shall flee away.

Finally, with what comforting assurance does this doctrine of the descent and presence of God on earth come home to every weary struggling spirit! It comes to us with healing and strength; it inspires courage when our burden is heavy; it gives us light when our way is dark; it inspires new hope when our heart is failing; it lifts up the bowed form of sorrow; and returns beauty for ashes; it kindles the eye with immortal light when the things of time are fading forever; it makes all things brighter when suns and stars withdraw their shining.

In all the range of human thought, what is there greater that I can know or desire than this,

that God visits me? Wherever I go, on every way of trial and duty, beside the still waters or up the steep ascents, I meet an invisible Preserver, I am led by an invisible hand. In the hour of peril, when heart and strength fail, I am conscious of affectionate ministrations; of a low voice whispering to my spirit in tones of more than human love and imparting to me more than human aid.

In view of such a truth as this, what reason can you give for spiritual doubt or fear? Why are you not strong and hopeful, even in times of great spiritual trial? Why dread the changes incident to mortality? Why look into the grave with a sorrow that refuses to be comforted? God has come down to us in Christ, seeking to reconcile us all unto himself. He only waits for the willing mind and the open heart. Whenever a single duty, a single command is presented to our views and we feel ourselves unable to perform the duty or to obey the command, then let us pray to Him, who is able to do all things. Then we shall surely receive all needed strength; then God will come down, and do for us more than we can ask or even think.

For Friends' Intelligencer.

D. C.

"The Female Association of Philadelphia for the Relief of the sick and infirm poor with clothing," in presenting its twenty-seventh annual report, feels a confidence that its labors during the past winter were attended with most bene

ficial results.

Believing that to be the most effectual charity which places its recipients in a position to help themselves, most of the garments distributed by the members were made by indigent women ap plying for assistance. Many families were almost dependent upon the proceeds of work thus furnished, and it was gratifying to observe a greater desire for the work than for the ready made clothing.

1966 garments were distributed among 329 families, and whilst great care was taken to exercise a spirit of discrimination in the disposal of the means of the Association, the members are encouraged to feel that many hearts were cheered and homes brightened by the aid extended to them.

Various contributions and donations were received, and in returning our grateful acknowledgements, we present the following account of our receipts and expenditures:

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How oft repeated has been the declaration (and with too much truth,) that England introduced and entailed slavery upon the U. S., and for its evils that government is responsible. But is it less true that this republic, when it became independent, took this system under its entire control, to be continued or extinguished at pleasure? With this fact before us we cannot but see that in continuing it a greater responsibility attaches to the U. S. than to England, by how much more evil tree which is constantly bearing evil fruit, reprehensible it is to nurse and cultivate an than to plant the seed producing the tree, with bring forth. Is not the disposition too prevalent but an imperfect knowledge of what it might to charge the evils and responsibilities of slavery couragement to have evidence, that the present upon past generations? And yet it affords engeneration are being awakened to their own responsibility in the matter.

stood as an acknowledged evil, an aggression In the estimation of many the system has long upon right, a gross outrage upon justice, conbut they have rested in the conclusion, that the tinually and imperatively demanding redress; non-slaveholder has little or nothing to do in the case, and this has proved a powerful safeguard to the system; and has perhaps done more to perpetuate the evil, than all the arguments of attention can be diverted to other concerns as of its most powerful advocates. So long as public paramount importance, the institution will either directly or indirectly obtain countenance and support, and thus it has been continued from year to year.

It appears to have been the policy of those holding slaves, to prevent if possible all discussion of or investigation into the system; hence the disgraceful resolution of the U. S. Congress, but a few years since, not to receive any petitions on the subject of slavery: and this example of the most powerful department of government, was calculated to have an influence, and doubtless had for a time, on other legislative bodies, and religious societies. The system having thus the sanction of law, the presenting the slave's rightful claim to liberty was deemed by many as unnecessarily and indiscreetly disturbing the peace and harmony of society, and they who did so were liable to severe censure.

This mode of opposition, which presented an

other issue than that of the slave's just right to liberty, too long proved successful, and many became its advocates who were sincerely opposed to slavery. Thus the great object was attained of diverting the public mind from considering and determining the slave's claim to liberty, simply upon its own merits. This kind of slaveholding policy, which claimed that the institution should be let alone, has deceived thousands of well disposed persons. There have even been those who were made to believe, that all efforts for the extinction of slavery were only calculated to perpetuate and increase the slave's suffering, and who have finally adopted the conclusion, that the right time for the slave's deliverance had not yet arrived, for if it had Divine Providence would release him. We should think little of the inebriate's sincerity, who would attempt to justify his excesses on the ground that the Almighty having the power, would, if agreeable to his will, prevent his intemperance. Why should we conclude that the Divine Being will by supernatural power, abolish slavery, if slavery is contrary to his will, in spite of all human support that can be given to it? While we have no right to question the power of divine goodness, we have as little reason for claiming justification in unrighteousness, because we are not compelled to do otherwise. Man is a free agent, and slavery is an institution of his, and for its evils he is responsible, not the Almighty.

Is it strange that incorrect views of slavery and obligations for its abolishment should to a considerable extent prevail, when we reflect that a slaveholding policy has long been widely diffused over these United States? It has floated like vapor in the air, it has been diffused into domestic, social, religious, and in a word, all intercourse; thus connected and interwoven, it has obtained a powerful influence among all classes, and though many were not willing to give it direct countenance and aid, yet the indirect support which is given has been too much underrated or overlooked.

Notwithstanding dark days have been upon us, and we have become a slaveholding and slave-breeding nation, and many thousands of suffering bonduien have only known a release in death, and many well meant and well directed efforts for a speedy termination of the system have been repulsed; yet the slave's cause is onward and is surely claiming increasing consideration. The system is beginning to be judged of by its fruits, the slave's friend, who is also the master's friend, is beginning to be deemed a peace-maker instead of a peace-breaker: these are unmistakeable evidences that the period is advancing for the injured bondman's release.

Let the simple question of the slaves right to liberty get before the people, unembarrassed by other considerations, and charity forbids the be

lief that a verdict would not be given in his favor both speedy and decisive.

Communities are made up of individuals. Why then should not individuals settle the question in their own minds, whether the slave's claim to liberty is just and valid? and if so, to continue to deprive him of it is a wrong of vast magnitude constantly and imperatively demanding reparation. With such facts in open view, who can feel that they have not something to do in order to wash their own hands in innocency?

What would be my feelings were I a victim of slavery's iron rod. Would I not think that the injustice and cruelty inflicted upon me, ought to claim the deep interest, the serious and candid consideration of the Philanthropist and the Christian? D. I.

Dutchess Co., N. Y., 27th of 12th mo. 1856.


Sorrow is a kind of mist of the soul, which every new idea contributes in its passage to scour away. It is the petrefaction of stagnant life, and is remedied by exercise and motion.-John


He that would make a real progress in knowledge, must dedicate his age as well as youth, the latter growth as well as the first fruits, on the altar of truth.-Berkeley.

To be innocent is to be not guilty; but to be virtuous is to overcome our evil intentions.Wm. Penn.

Our wealth is often a snare to ourselves, and always a temptation to others.—Colton.

To rule one's anger is well; to prevent it is better.-Edwards.

If the law of kindness be written in the heart, it will lead to that disinterestedness in both great and little things, that desire to oblige, and that attention to the gratification of others, which are the foundation of good manners.

A firm faith is the best divinity; a good life the best philosophy; a clear conscience the best law; honesty the best policy; and temperance the best physic.

We may mend our faults as easily as cover


It is not so much the being exempt from faults, as the having overcome them, that is an advantage to us; it being with the follies of the mind as with the weeds of the field, which, if destroyed and consumed upon the place of their birth, enrich and improve it more than if none had ever sprung there.-Pope.

He that cannot forgive others, breaks the bridge over which he must pass himself; for every man has need to be forgiven.-Lord Herbert.

Good manners are the blossom of good sense and good feeling.


Pretty firstling of the year,
Herald of the host of flowers,
Hast thou left thy cavern drear,
In the hope of summer hours?—
Back unto thy earthen bowers!
Back to thy warm world below,

Till the strength of suns and showers Quell the now relentless snow!

Art still here ?-Alive, and blithe,-
Though the stormy night hath fled,
And the Frost hath passed his scythe
O'er thy small unsheltered head?
Ah! some lie amid the dead,-
Many a giant stubborn tree,

Many a plant, its spirit shed,-
That were better nursed than thee!

What hath saved thee ?--thou wast not
'Gainst the arrowy winter furred,—
Armed in scale.-but all forgot
When the frozen winds were stirred.
Nature, who doth clothe the bird,
Should have hid thee in the earth,

Till the cuckoo's song was heard,
And the Spring let loose her mirth,
Nature,-deep and mystic word,—

Mighty mother, still unknown!Thou didst sure the snowdrop gird With an armor all thine own! Thou, who sent'st it forth alone To the cold and sullen season,

(Like a thought at random thrown,) Sent'st it thus for some grave reason. If 'twere but to pierce the mind

With a single gentle thought,
Who shall deem thee harsh or blind?
Who that thou hast vainly wrought?
Hoard the gentle virtue caught
From the snowdrop,-reader wise!
Good is good, wherever taught,
On the ground, or in the skies!



"Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters! And let him that is athirst come, and whosoever will, let him take of

the water of life freely!"

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Come to the shores of Zion's hallowed river;

While life is bright with innocence and truth, Turn from earth's blessings to their bounteous Giver, Drink of the fount, and know eternal youth! Come to the waters! thou whose locks are hoary, Thou patriarch sire, whose cares will soon be o'er; Turn from the earth, and seek unfading glory,

Drink of the waters! drink and thirst no more! Child of affliction, in the weeds of mourning, With spirit heaving in unceasing throes, Come where the lamp of life is ever burning; Drink at the heavenly stream, and end thy woes. Come to the waters! to the crystal fountain, Purer than that which followed Moses' rod; The stream of life, from Zion's holy mountain, Fast by the ever glorious throne of God!

Come to the waters! though life's path be dreary,
And earth's allurements no delight can give;
Lay down thy burthen, traveller worn and weary,
Lay down the oppressive burthen, drink and live!
Lo, the lone wanderer, as he sadly traces

The lengthing sands on Lybia's burning waste,
Exults in joy, to find a green oasis,

Springs to the sparkling pool, and stoops to taste. Thus on life's path, the oases of the spirit Cheer the sad pilgrim toward his heavenly goal, Whither he gladly hastens, to inherit

The glorious mansions of the ransomed soul. Ends of the earth, ho! come ye to the waters! Give up, thou East, and hold not back, thou West; Princes and peasants, parents, sons, and daughters, Approach, partake, and find eternal rest!

PLINY EARLE. Frankford, Pa., 6th mo. 10th, 1840.


Two instruments, of modern times, have enlarged the boundaries of human knowledge to an immeasurable extent. The scope of the one takes in everything that lies at a distance; or s tele, in Greek, whence it is called a telescope; the other directs its penetrating glance to whatever is small, or μxpos, micros, and is therefore styled a microscope. The one helps us to look out into infinite space; the other assists us to dart an inquisitive glance into infinite minuteness and the endless divisibility of material objects. The two instruments, combined, make us ask ourselves whether there be any limit to anything, in any direction, outwardly or inwardly, in immensity or in infinitesimal exiguity. We learn that the universe is a vast aggregate of universes. We cannot conceive a boundary wall where space ends, and there is nothing-absolutely nothing, not even extension-beyond. In fact, a pure absolute nothing is an utterly inconceivable idea. Neither do we learn from improved telescopes of unprecedented power that such a thing exists as empty space, untenanted by suns, their systems, and their galaxies. On the other hand, the deeper we penetrate inwardly, the more finely we subdivide, the wider we separate atomic particles and dissect them by the scalpel of Microscopic vision, the more we want to subdivide and ana

lyze still. We find living creatures existing which bear about the same relation to a flea, in sucks. size, as the flea does to the animal whose juice it The most powerful microscopes, so far from giving a final answer to our curious inquied beings whose anatomy and even whose genries, only serve to make us cognizant of organizeral aspect we shall never discover till we can bring to bear upon them, in their magnified state, another microscope concentrated within the microscope, by which alone we are enabled to view them at all. In short, as there is clearly no boundary to infinite space, above, below and around; so, there would appear to be no discoverable limit to the inconceivable multiplicity of details of minuteness. A drop of water is a

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