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and so much less liable to very sudden changes By continued habits of out-door exercise and from heat to cold, and vice versa, that the popu- amusement, much of the influence of our way. lation can with greater impunity be out every ward climate may be obviated. The muscles day. There is, however, a vast deal in habit, become more firmly strung, the nerves are less and the young people of our country should alive to outward impressions, and morbid mental make it one of their habits to be out, and in vig- sensations are less likely to be generated. All orous exercise, every day more or less. In this know the power of habit, therefore young people way, as they grow up, they will find it so neces-form and maintain good ones as to physical sary to their health and comfort to continue the health and training, and "when you are old practice, that not only will no effort be required, you will not depart from them."-Boston Medibut they will as soon think of going without cal and Surgical Journal. their meals as to omit their walk, ride, or games.


It is not merely a saunter that will benefit a young girl. After the restraints of the schoolroom the utmost freedom should be allowed, There are very few directions required for both mental and physical, within the bounds of planting. Prepare the ground by deep digging propriety. We had far rather see a girl a romp, and manuring, if not already rich enough. Well than a sickly, over-imaginative, novel reading, rotted barn-yard manure is to be preferred to candy eating creature, such as we have had the any other material, though under certain circummisfortune to behold, with much sorrow of heart. stances special manures may be used with advanLet the muscles have healthy play, and the mind tage. Plant in rows two feet apart, and set the gains new energy daily. We then have no hot- plants from twelve to eighteen inches distant in house plant, but just that mixture of the wild the row. A very convenient method of cultivaflower and the cultivated plant which is delight- ting is that in alternate strips. A bed four feet ful to see. Let the forcing system, still too wide may be laid out, and planted with four much in vogue in our public schools and higher rows. When this bed is covered with plants institutions, be discouraged. There will be more too thickly to produce well, or in the third year, efficient, because more healthy, study, if the a space down the centre of the bed may be spabrain be not over-taxed at the expense of the ded, burying the old plants; a portion of mangrowing body. Above all things, let it be re- ure may at the same time be applied; this space membered that girls are not to be looked upon will soon be overspread with runners, which will as beings to be made literary prodigies, but bear the following year. The strip should be rather that they are, most of them, to become spaded in the summer, after the fruit has been wives and mothers, and need all the physical gathered. In the following year the side strips development and energy that a judicious train-are to be spaded down as before, and so altering can bestow. Make the most of your natu- nately over the beds, which may be as numerral physical powers, we would say to the young ous as the extent of the plantation may require. of both sexes; there is more chance, however, that girls will keep, or rather be kept, too still, than that boys will. If, as the sage of antiquity hath it, "much study is a weariness to the flesh," (and we fully believe it,) let the warning be impressed upon those who are entrusted with the care and education of children. If parents would sometimes enter into the sports and join the walks of the young much benefit might accrue from their example and manifestation of interest.

Some cultivators recommend the destruction of the plants after each full crop is produced, that is to say, in the second year, and the renewal of the plantation; this seems too much labor for some, and will only be advisable for large plantations, where it would not be possible to keep the plants free from weeds. With regard to the choice of varieties there is much difference of opinion. Two of our correspondents have failed with Hovey's Seedling, perhaps from It is at all events, a palpable fact that the the want of enough staminate plants to fertilize girlhood of our country women does not have it properly. Rather than advise the destruction those advantages for full development of the of their beds which are not yet too old, we would physical nature which English customs have recommend to plant the Large Early Scarlet, long since established. It is not by infrequent, Genesee, Iowa or other staminate variety near spasmodic fits of exercise, planned in some mo- them, say one row, or a row at each side, if the ment of temporary excitement, that any one will bed is large. Hovey's Seedling is condemned by advance health and strengthen the frame. A many cultivators for its tardiness in bearing, and devotion to walking around our beautiful common, its frequently imperfect fruit, while others, who mechanically followed, because "one must take have better success, as highly extol it. exercise," will not effect the desired end. It is much in the spirit of taking medicine, and not, as exercise and sports should be estimated, an eagerly anticipated pleasure, a draught that is sought for, not half dreaded.

If we mistake not, it was stated at the Fruit
Grower's meeting, by several cultivators, that
Hovey's Seedling required a staminate variety,
such as the large Early Scarlet, to fertilize it.
The most popular varieties are Burr's New Pine,

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Boston Pine, Harvey's Seedling, McAvoy's Superior, Longworth's Prolific, Genesee, Walker's Seedling, Bicton Pine, Triomphe de Gaud, Trollope's Victoria, Jenny Lind, British Queen, Hooker, Monroe Scarlet, and Moyamensing; several others might be added, but a selection may be made from the above.

The Bush Pine Alpines are much in request by same amateurs, and may be had of any our leading nurserymen.-Moore's Rural New York



The following extract from an address by H. Greeley, before the Erie County Agricultural Society at Buffalo, N. Y., contains some useful hints:

of the localities through which I pass, by the absence of weeds on or about the farms. When I see one covered with a gigantic growth of weeds, I take it for granted that the owner is a heathen, a heretic, or an infidel; a Christian he cannot be, or he would not allow the heritage which God gave him to dress and keep, to be so deformed and profaned. And to make an application of the above remark, I must say, there is much missionary ground between New York and Buffalo. Nature has been bountiful to you, but there is great need of better cultivation. To prevent the growth of weeds, is equivalent to enriching your land with manure; for to retain in it the elements of which crops are formed, is as profitable as to bring them there. It is better that weeds should not grow at all but when they exist, and you undertake to destroy them, it is economy to gather them up and carry them to your barn yards, and convert them into manure. You will in this manner restore to your farms the fertility of which the weeds had drained it.

"Farmers cannot afford to grow a crop on a

"The truth which I am most anxious to impress is, that no poor man can afford to be a poor farmer. When I have recommended agricultural improvements, I have often been told this expensive farming will do well enough for rich people, but we who are in moderate circumstances cannot afford it. Now, it is not ornamental farm-soil that does not contain the natural elements ing that I recommend, but profitable farming. It is true that the amount of a man's capital must fix the limit of his business-in agriculture as in everything else. But, however poor you may be, you can afford to cultivate land well, if you can afford to cultivate it at all. It may be out of your power to keep a large farm in a high state of cultivation, but you should sell a part of it, and cultivate a small one. If you are a poor man, you cannot afford to raise small crops; you cannot afford to accept half a crop from land capable of yielding a whole. If you are a poor man you cannot afford to fence two acres to secure the crop you ought to grow on one; you cannot afford to pay or lose the interest on the cost of 100 acres of land to get the crops that will grow on 50 acres. No man can afford to raise 20 bushels of corn per acre, not even if the land were given him, for 20 bushels per acre will not pay the cost of the miserable cultivation that produces it.

"No man can afford to cultivate his land in such a manner as will cause it to deteriorate in value. Good farming improves the value of land, and the farmer who manages his farm so as to get the largest crop it is capable of yielding, increases its value every year.

"No farmer can afford to produce weeds. They grow, to be sure, without cultivation : they spring up spontaneously on all land, and especially rich land; but though they cost no toil, a farmer can't afford to raise them: the same elements that fed them, would, with proper cultivation, nourish a crop, and no farmer can afford to expend on weeds the natural wealth which was bestowed by Providence to fill his granaries. I am accustomed, my friends, to estimate the christianity

that enter into its composition. When you burn a vegetable, a large part of it passes away, during the process of combustion, into the air. But there is always a residue of mineral matter, consisting of lime, potash and other ingredients, that entered into its composition. Now the plant drew these materials out of the earth, and if you attempt to grow that in a soil that is deficient in these ingredients, you are driving an unsuccessful business. Nature does not make vegetables out of nothing, and you cannot expect to take crop after crop off from a field that does not contain the elements of which it is formed. If you wish to maintain the fertility of your farms, you must constantly restore to them the materials which are withdrawn in cropping. No farmer can afford to sell his ashes. You annually export from western New York a large amount of potash. Depend upon it, there is nobody in the world to whom it is worth so much as it is to yourselves. You can't afford to sell, but a farmer can afford to buy ashes at a higher price than is paid by anybody that does not wish to use then as a fertiliser of the soil. Situated as the farmers of this country are, in the neighborhood of a city that burns large quantities of wood for fuel, you should make it a part of your system of farming, to secure the ashes it produces. When your teams go into town with loads of wood, it would cost comparatively little to bring back loads of ashes and other fertilisers, that would improve the productiveness of your farms.

No poor farmer can afford to keep poor fruit trees that do not bear good fruit. Good fruit is always valuable, and should be raised by the farmer, not only for market, but for large consumption in his own family. As more en

lightened views of diet prevail, fruit is destined! to supplant the excessive quantities of animal food that are consumed in this country. This change will produce better health, greater vigor and activity of mind and elasticity of spirits, and I cannot doubt that the time will come when farmers, instead of putting down the large quanties of meat they do at present, will give their attention in autumn to the preservation of large quantities of excellent fruit, for consumption as a regular article of diet, the early part of the following summer. Fruit will not then appear on the table as it does now, only as a dessert after dinner, but will come with every meal, and be reckoned a substantial aliment."

THE ONE TALENT.-If there be one thing on earth which is truly admirable, it is to see God's wisdom blessing an inferiority of natural powers, where they have been honestly, truly, and zeal ously cultivated.-Dr. Arnold.

It is a secret known to few, yet of no small use in the conduct of life, that when you fall into a man's conversation, the first thing you should consider is, whether he has a greater inclination to hear you, or that you should hear


FAITH is like the wing of an angel soaring up to heaven, and bears our prayers to the throne of God.


No man is so happy as a real Christian; none so rational, so virtuous, so amiable. How little vanity does he feel, though he believes himself united to God! How far is he from abjectness, when he ranks himself with the worms of the earth.-Pascal.

EVIL SPEAKING AVOIDED BY SILENCE. A good word is an easy obligation; but not to speak ill, requires only our silence, which costs nothing.-Tillotson.

THE WAY TO DEFEAT ERROR -My principal method for defeating error and heresy, is by establishing the truth. One purposes to fill

a bushel with tares; but if I can fill it first with wheat, I may defy his attempts.-John Newton.

The esteem of wise and good men, is the greatest of all temporal encouragements to virtue; and it is a mark of an abandoned spirit to have no regard to it.—Burke.


FLOUR AND MEAL.-The downward course of prices seems to be checked. Flour yesterday was rather more enquired after. Standard brands are selling at $6 25 per barrel. Small sales of better brands for home consumption at $6 25 a 6 37. Sales of extra and fancy brands at $6 25 a 8 00. There is very liitle export demand. Rye Flour is worth $3.50 a 4 00 per barrel. Corn Meal is dull, at $3 00 per bbl.

GRAIN. Wheat is dull, but prices are lower. Sales of prime new Pennsylvania red were made at $1 45 a 1 48, and $1 45 a 1 55 for white. Rye conCorn is tinues steady; sales of Penna. at 81c. inactive; sales of old yellow at 68c, and new yellow 62 a 63c. Oats are steady. Sales of prime old Pennsylvania and Delaware at 47 a 48c per bushel.

[blocks in formation]

Imaginary evils soon become real ones by in- E

dulging our reflections on them; as he who in a melancholy fancy sees something like a face on the wall or the wainscot, can by two or three touches with a lead pencil make it look visible, and agreeing with what he fancied.-Swift.

Men are never so ridiculous for the follies they have, as for those they affect to have.- Cherron.

Adversity is the trial of principle. Without it a man hardly knows whether he is honest or not.-Fielding.


No. 1 South Fifth St.

A Memoir of John Jackson.
With Portrait, 50 cts.

No. 1 South Fifth St.

RCILDOUN BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. The twelfth session of this Institution will commence on the 19th of Second mo. next, and will continue twenty weeks. The usual branches comprising a thorough English education will be taught, and scientific lectures illustrated by appropriate apparatus

will be delivered. It is situated three miles southwest of Coatesville, on the Philadelphia and Columbia Railroad, from which place pupils will be conveyed free of charge. For circulars address the Principal, Ercildoun P. O., Chester Co., Pennsylvania. SMEDLEY DARLINGTON,


12th mo. 26th, 1856. 6t. p.

twenty weeks.

Many have puzzled themselves about the origin of evil. I am content to observe that will commence the 17th of 11th mo. 1856, and continue there is evil, and that there is a way to escape TERMS.-Seventy dollars per session, one half payfrom it; and with this I begin and end.-New-able in advance, the other in the middle of the term No extra charges. For further particulars address HENRY W. RIDGWAY, Crosswicks P. O., Burlington County, N. J. 10th mo., 1856.3m.


In the commission of evil, fear no man so much as thine own self. Another is but one witness against thee; thou art a thousand. An

other thou mayest avoid, but thyself thou canst N.


Wickedness is its own punishment.

& L. WARD, PLAIN BONNET MAKERS, North West corner 9th and Spruce streets, Philadelphia. 11th mo. 29th.-2m.






No. 100 South Fifth Street,


Every Seventh day at Two Dollars per annum, paytable in advance. Three copies sent to one address for Communications must be addressed to the Publisher, free of expense, to whom all payments are to be made.

Five Dollars.

A Narrative of the sufferings of John Philly and William Moore, in Hungary and Aus


(Concluded from page 678.)

So effectually had the exemplary conduct of the prisoners, as well as the truths they declared, wrought upon the mind of Adam Bien, that, without their knowledge, he had solicited the earl for liberty to take them to his house, and keep them there, the winter being cold and their place of confinement a guard-house, the doors of which stood open all day and much of the night, -proffering his own person as security for them if they should run away. Here is a striking evidence that a faithful and upright walking in conformity with our religious principles, raises in the minds of beholders a testimony in our behalf, and inspires them with a confidence and affection, which nothing else could produce. But though Adam succeeded in obtaining the earl's consent to the proposed change, our friends were not willing to add the burden of their support to the many obligations under which his kindness had already laid them; but chose rather to content themselves where they were; yet they got permission to visit at his house occasionally, and were often refreshed together in a sense of the love of God to their souls, as well as the nearness of affection and Christian fellowship which they felt for each other, and for their dear friends at home. At his house they sometimes had opportunities of preaching the Truth to the Hortesche Brethren who came there, warning them of the desolation which would come upon the unfaithful; a prediction which was fulfilled even as to the outward, as regarded many of them, for of nine families or communities, eight were destroyed, upwards of two hundred men slain and taken captive, and a large amount of property was consumed by fire.

But though the sufferings of our friends were

No. 44.

somewhat mitigated, they were not yet at an
end. Both the priests and soldiers, appeared to
be afraid of Adam Bien, who stood over them in
his integrity and uprightness, and whose daily
access to, and intimacy with the earl, gave him
many opportunities of influencing his mind; yet
they secretly contrived to be vexatious to the
Friends, and in various ways sought to ensnare
By their
them and add to their afflictions.
treacherous insinuations, they seem at length to
have obtained their ends so far as to induce the

earl to wink at a plot which was laid for separat-
ing the prisoners, and carrying William away
by stealth. Jealous of every thing which was
likely to diminish their importance and authority,
or to prejudice their corrupt religion, the priests
probably selected William as their victim, be-
cause he had a knowledge of the Dutch and
Latin languages, and was therefore more likely to
spread a knowledge of the principles of Friends.
In order to accomplish this design, a person se-
lected for the purpose, came to William and
gave him two glass vessels, under pretence of
getting him to assist in carrying some wine, and
thus succeeded in drawing him out of the town
into the fields. Here they were met by several
sleds, the country being so deeply covered with
snow that wagons could not travel;-and on
their coming up, the man, who had armed him-
self with a great cudgel, compelled William to
lay down the glass vessels and get on one of the
sleds. Sensible that some mischief was intended
him, and fearful lest they might wreak their
vengeance upon Adam and John, under pretence
that he had run away, William resolved to try to
extricate himself and return to the city. In this
attempt he was defeated; for a soldier whom
William knew to be a wicked and desperate fel-
low, and who had before threatened him, having
joined his betrayer, they siezed him by the hair,
beat him until they shed much of his blood, and
had almost struck out one of his eyes, then threw
him down in the snow, tied his hands and feet,
and bound him on the sled with his face down
to the hay and carried him off.

At first he suspected they intended to murder him privately in an adjoining wood, and afterward when they came near a gallows, he thought they designed to hang him there, but they passed by both; and meeting some people in the road, they muffled him in a cloak, and one of them sat Hearing upon him that he might not be seen.

the noise of their feet in the snow as they approached, and being very anxious to convey to Adam Bien and his companion some intelligence of the manner of his being carried away, William called out to the people and desired them to tell Adam that he was there, and had been forcibly carried off-but the soldier beat him severely for it. When they came to the lodging place, they put irons on his ancles, and a long iron chain about his neck, the other end of which they fastened over a beam. Next morning they passed through a village, where he would gladly have spoken to some one, but they forced him to lie down until they got through it, and conveyed him to a cloister. The prior being absent from home, the monks would not receive him without his order, and he was again compelled to lie in irons as he had done the night before. On the following morning he was taken to the cloister or castle, and his conductor gave directions that he should be blindfolded and put into a deep dungeon, and have only a little bread and water, and that none should be permitted to give any intelligence respecting him; and a Jew being there, he was forbidden on pain of death to say any thing of what he had seen. William was accordingly put into a small hole, to which no light was admitted, and there they kept him four days and nights in cold frosty weather, so that it seemed wonderful he had not perished.

The clandestine manner in which he had been taken away, and the mysterious secrecy which his enemies were so anxious to preserve, would naturally lead him to suspect that their design was either to despatch him privately, or to bury him alive in a dungeon, until death should release him, or solitude and suffering shake his constancy and induce him to embrace their religion. But through the merciful interposition, as well as the supporting power of Divine Providence, he was preserved under all his trials, in unshaken confidence in the rectitude of those religious principles for which he was so deep a


After twelve days' confinement, the prior returned home and sent for William to appear before him. He questioned him concerning their object in coming into that country, and on some points of their religion, to all which he returned such replies as were consistent with truth and soberness. The prior told him, what they owned was not enough,-they must believe the Pope was Christ's vicar, and that he and the priests had power to bind and loose on earth and in heaven. After they had reasoned together awhile, the prior sent him back into confinement, telling him he would come and talk with him again and bring the Bible; but he rather seemed to avoid him. Once, however, he discoursed with him again, in the course of which William boldly bore his testimony against their covetousness, pride, persecution, and warlike weapons, all

which were contrary to the example of Christ and his apostles; and was helped to deliver himself so clearly, that the prior afterward acknowledged that he had never before conversed with any one who gave such answers.

His demeanor being watchful and circumspect, consistent with the purity of the religious principles he avowed, they were the more anxious to induce him to embrace the Romish religion, and sent a priest to instruct and convert him-offering him preferment and other advantages. But none of these means succeeding, they then threatened to cut out his tongue, to flay him alive, or to burn him if he would not turn. But his constancy was not to be shaken, either by the hope of gain, or the fear of torture and death, and relying on that God who had preserved him hitherto, and who, he firmly believed, would support him to the end, he persisted in the faithful maintenance of his religious principles. In order to try if they could terrify him into compliance, they put him into a tub-passed a rope through the ears of it and over a beam, and said he should be let down into a well which was more than thirty fathoms deep. They did not, however, do this, but drew him up over the beam and let him fall out-then raising him up again, they twisted the rope and let it go, so as to whirl him violently about. He silently bore their insults and abuse, appearing to be little moved at them, which occasioned his persecutors to marvel, being ignorant of the power of that grace which enables its obedient subjects to rejoice that they are counted worthy to suffer for the name of Christ Jesus. They then took him to another place, locked his neck and feet close together, and spread out his hands and locked them in that position; some asking him if it was painful, and others saying they committed more sin by doing so, than they got profit.

At another time they put him into a wheel, and caused some soldiers to turn it, so that he he might be thrown from side to side, which might have done him much injury, but he held fast by the side of it, which prevented their mischief-yet one of his elbows was much bruised.

During all this period, Adam Bien continued their firm and steady friend, anxious to do whatever he could for their relief. The earl insinuated to him that William had run away, but Adam had too much confidence in the integrity of his friend to give credit to such a story. At length, by some means he received intelligence of the manner and place of William's confinement, on which he wrote him a letter and sent it by an officer of the castle, who maliciously refused to let him have it. He, however, got sight of it after awhile, and learned from it that the plot for his removal was kept so secret, that only three persons had a knowledge of it, and that his kind and sympathizing friend, Adam, greatly

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