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were opened to us, which was not sparingly, we opened to them, and they seemed troubled to part with us, and took us by the hands, praying that the Lord might be with us and prosper us. About the first hour that afternoon we arrived at Chanery, but found no further concern on that side; and after a little refreshment, we crossed the river, and that night lodged at Nairn.

But that night Thomas Rudd became concerned to return to Inverness, to speak to the priest; and in the morning he and John Bowstead went to that place, where Thomas Rudd (as they said) warned the priest not to deceive that people any longer; with some other matters of religious import. The priest was indifferently patient; but his clerk used some light and indecent expressions, pretending to argue several points with them. But their business was not to dispute at that time, but to deliver a message; which having done they were clear. But the people flocked about them as before, with expressions of gladness at their return.

In the mean time Robert Girard and I went to Forress, where we had appointed to stay till they should return to us; and finding a concern upon me, I went to the house of William Falconer, (the priest before mentioned,) and Robert Girard with me; and there was one that was steward to a nobleman with him, and some others besides his own family. He seemed to receive us with respect; nevertheless, in a short time there appeared a cloud of darkness. But I set quiet and inward a little, and the truth arose as a standard against it, and the opposing darkness vanished, and truth reigned in me alone; and then I began to speak concerning the many divisions in the pretended Christian world, happening upon the pouring forth of the seventh phial by the angel of God, mentioned in the book of the Revelations of John (Rev. xvi. 17-19.) That the pretended Christian church, with all her varied false notions, opinions and doctrines, is that Babylon. That her three great divisions are the Papacy, the Prelacy, and the Presbytery, with their several subdivisions and confusions; who, being departed from the spirit of Christ, the Prince of Peace, into the spirit of envy and persecution, were now, and from the time of that phial, warring and destroying each other, contrary both to the nature and end of that religion they profess, which is love. I was answered, "That the Bishop of Rome, under pretense of being the successor of Peter, and, as such infallible, hath usurped a dictatorship over the Christian world, in matters of religion; and imposed a multitude of anti-Christian errors, by unreasonable force, upon mankind. But God having committed his whole will unto writing in the Holy Scriptures, and in the course of his providence preserved them unto us, we have our whole duty declared therein, as our rule and guide in matters of religion; so that we are not

to expect the manifestations of the spirit, as in times past, that dispensation being now ceased." I replied, "That what he said of the Bishop of Rome, was true; and that the Scriptures are the most excellent books extant; which were given from time to time, by the word of the Lord, which is the spirit of Christ. But men may read and speak the Truth contained in the Scriptures one to another, and the readers and speakers remain still ignorant of the word of the Lord, and of the things themselves intended to be sig. nified by the words; and, not being sent of God, (as the Scriptures send no man,) cannot profit the bearers, but are themselves transgressors in so doing, unless they were sent by the influence, power, and virtue of the same Word that did dictate the matters of the Scriptures unto the holy penmen thereof; as appears by the 23d chapter of the prophecy of Jeremiah. And then I called for a Bible and read: (Jeremiah xxiii. 28–32) so that it is contrary to the declared mind of God, that any should use his words to others, as his ministers, who are not sent by himself so to do; for though they have been his words unto others, those who use them without his command, are charged by him as thieves; especially such as make merchandize of them to the people.

As to the dispensation of the spirit being now ceased, I am sorry to hear it is so; for I can show thee to whom it is ceased, but not to the Church of Christ. Then I turned to the 3d chapter of the prophecy of Micah, and read, "Hear, I pray you, O heads of Jacob, and yo princes of the house of Israel, is it not for you to know judgment?" &c.

9-12, v. 7 and 8th verses. Romans i. 29-31, and [Here T. S. argued from this chapter, 1-1, John xiv. 23, by which he established his position in the premises to the silencing of opposi tion; he concludes with the following paragraph page 70.]

The auditory heard what was said with patience, and none made any answer but the Priest; and all that he said was (and that a little pleasantly) "such as you, going about with such chapters, may do much mischief." To whom I replied, "That inasmuch as he was then silenced by the temporal powers that then were, he would do well never to look after that employment any more, or think to enrich himself thereby; and, the rather, since he had a competent estate independent of it; which the Lord would bless to him and his family, if he disclaimed that ungodly practice of preaching for hire, and was silent in the things of God till the Lord should send him, if it might please him so to do." The Priest's wife seemed well pleased with what I said to him, and he made no reply. And so a little after, we departed in peace, and in friendship with them, and went to our inn.

Soon after came Thomas Rudd and John | her throat, "now," said he, "'tis departing," Bowstead back to us from Inverness; and the upon which the silly woman cried out, "Good next morning being the first day of the First Lord receive my spirit:" nevertheless it continmonth (1692,) we went to Elgin; and thence ued in her; for she did not die, but rose up, to Fochabers, (or Castle Gordon,) and there we ashamed to have been subjected to such vain lodged; and, in the morning, Thomas Rudd and imaginations. John Bowstead went through the streets, Thomas Rudd delivering his message as at other places; and from thence we went to Keith where he did likewise.

On the second day of the First month we came to Kintone; where, in our road to Inverness, we had seen one John Gellie; of whom take this account. He was a priest's son, (by Mary, sister of Andrew Jeffrey, of Kingwells, an eminent Friend) and had been convinced of Truth some years; and had behaved as becomes Truth, so far as could be observed by his neighbors. And Aaron Atkinson, (a young man belonging to the border meeting in Cumberland, who had lately come forth with a testimony to Truth,) being at Kilmuck Meeting, to which John Gellie belonged, had some expressions in his testimony there by way of prophecy, that the Lord would raise up some one person in these parts who should be instrumental in the hand of the Lord to bear a more eminent testimony for him and his glorious Truth, than many who had lived there before; and at the same time this John Gellie was much affected and broken; and some time after, in the same meeting, he was so concerned that he cried aloud under the weight of his exercise; and after the meeting was over, would not be at rest till he called in the most ancient and solid Friends, and others coming in also, he had what they called a dreadful testimouy, against the payers of tythes, and all collusion, equivocation, and underhand dealings in the same, with which Friends then present were generally satisfied.

But there being some particular persous belonging to the meeting, whom he thought guilty in that respect, he took upon him, in his own will and zeal, and not in the council of God, to speak to them concerning the same, and they, not regarding what he said, so much as he expected, or desired, he took such offence that he separated himself from the meeting, calling those Friends apostates, and many other opprobrious and reproachful names; and did some hurt among the weak for a time. But the wise and just God was pleased to manifest him, and so the weak escaped the snare. For in a short time he began to utter ridiculous and false prophecies; and, among others, that, at such a time, his mother should die in consequence of which she, a poor weak woman, took her bed at the time predicted by her son, and several persons attended to see the event; and at the supposed hour of her departure, the pretended prophet laid his hand on her breast and said, "Come up soul;" and so drawing his finger all along up to

After this he took a short pipe with tobacco, and going through the streets of Kintone, cried out, "This is the ram's horn that was sounded when the walls of Jericho fell down to the ground;" with several other senseless practices, by which he appeared to be grossly deceived by the adversary.

When we went to his mother's house, he was not within, but quickly came to us, and seemed to receive us with friendship; but in a short space he began to utter his enthusiastic notions, which grieved us.

[This T. S. says is the true Ranter, the account continues on page 71 and 72. He concludes as follows:]

This I have related as an instance of the goodness and justice of God; of his goodness in raising an instrument to testify against those things amiss among his people, that they might be reformed; of his justice, in breaking the rod of correction, when it began to rob the Lord of his glory, and usurp dominion over his heritage. From which satanic practice the Lord preserve all that call upon his holy name every where.

(To be continued.)


MARRIED,-In this city, on the 29th of 10th mo.,

last, by Friends' ceremony, at the residence of Geo ELL, all of Philadelphia. M. Bond, SAMUEL FURMAN to DEBORAH R. Dever

Friends' ceremony, J. EDWARD WALKER of Waterford, In Winchester, Va., on the 20th ult. by Loudon County, Va., to CORNELIA H. daughter of Hugh Sidwell, of the former place.

Extracts from the Minutes of our Yearly Meeting, held in Baltimore, by adjournments, from the twenty-sixth of the Tenth month to the twenty-ninth of the same, inclusive, 1857.

At a Yearly Meeting of Friends held in Baltimore for the Western Shore of Maryland, and the adjacent parts of Pennsylvania and Virginia by adjournments, from the 26th of the Tent month, to the 29th of the same, inclusive, 1857.

Certificates and Minutes for the following Friends, who are acceptably in attendance with us from within the limits of other Yearly Meetings, were received and read, viz :


John Hunt, a minister from Monthly Meeting, N. J. Rachel W. Moore, a minister from Green street M. M., Philadelphia.

Catharine P. Foulke, a minister from Rich- | thousand eight hundred acres of some of the land M. M., Penna. improved and most valuable land of the Senecas Amos Jones, a minister from Makefield M. M., | had been sold in the manuer here stated, at Pennsylvania. prices varying from two cents to about ten cents per acre, and averaging less than eight cents per acre.

Mark Palmer, an Elder, companion of Amos Jones, from Falls Monthly Meeting, Pennsylva


Wm. P. Jones, an Elder from Wilmington M. M., Delaware.

Jazer Garretson, an Elder from Smithfield M. M., Ohio.

Allen Flitcraft, a member from Piles Grove M. M., New Jersey.

Jno. Wilson Moore, a member from Green street M. M., Philadelphia.

Gilbert Lawrence, an Elder from Flushing M. M., Long Island.

Joseph M. Wilson, a member from Clear Creek M. M.

Acceptable Epistles from our brethren of New York, Philadelphia, Genessee, Ohio and Indiana were received and read to our edification and encouragement; and a Committee was appointed to prepare Essays of Epistles, as way may open therefor, to these several Yearly Meetings, and report to a future sitting.

The Committee on Indian Concerns produced the following Report, which was read and was very satisfactory.

To the Yearly Meeting now sitting:

The Committee on Indian Concerns report, That during the past year they have not made a visit to the Indians at Cattaraugus, but have received frequent communications from them, asking advice and requesting the continuance of the care of Friends.

These facts and circumstances being fully exposed, and explained in the petition of the Indians, their complaint was referred to a Committee, who after a patient and thorough examination, reported, that the assessment "on which said lands had been sold for taxes by the Comptroller, were made without authority of Law." The Committee further reported, "From a careful examination of the several Treaties heretofore made with the Senecas, and decisions of the highest Courts of this State and of the United States, your Committee are clearly of the opinion, that the Senecas do not hold the title to the Cattaraugus and Allegany Reservations under the State of New York, nor under the United States, but their Title is original, absolute and exclusive.

And as the Senecas

are not citizens of this State, and have no Representative in our Legislature, we can claim no right to Tax them."

Upon receiving this Report, the Legislature passed a Law for the relief of those Indians, in which it is enacted:

"The Title of every lot or parcel of the Allegany Reservation and of every lot and parcel of the Cattaraugus Reservation as has been heretofore sold by the Comptroller for Taxes, is hereby released by the State to the Seneca Nation of Indians residing on said Reservations." And further; "no Tax shall hereafter be asses ed or imposed on either of said Reservations, or any part thereof, for any purposes whatever, so long as said Reservations remain the property of the Seneca Nation, and all acts of the Legislature of this State conflicting with the provision of this Section are hereby repealed."

Information was forwarded to the Committee in the 11th month last, that notices had been served upon the Indians of a considerable portion of their lands having been sold for taxes, and they further stated, this matter had been so managed, that no application had been made to The statements in this Report, and the prothem for the payment of these taxes; nor had visions in the Bill that accompanied it, manifest any notice been given of the sale, until a warning a benevolent and laudable disposition on the was served upon them to remove off. On our re- part of the constituted authorities of the State ceipt of this information, they were advised to of New York, to protect the Senecas in their bring the matter, by petition, before the Legisla- just rights, and to insure to them their property, ture of New York, and the attention of the Com- and any authority in that State to tax those missioner of Indian affairs at Washington, as the Indians is disclaimed. It is acknowledged that legal guardian and protector of these Indians, the land owned by them never belonged to the was solicited to the case. George W. Many-State of New York; and it is also conceded, that penny, the Commissioner, as soon as he was informed of the transaction, wrote to the Governor of New York, laid the case before him, and requested his attention to it.

On the meeting of the Legislature, the Governor, in an official communication, called their attention to the subject, and by the documents submitted to them, with the petition of the Indians, it appeared, that on an alleged claim! for taxes, amounting to $1,406 70, thirty-one

the right of these Indians to their land never was affected or impaired by the fraudulent Treaty of 1838, and that it remains to be theirs, "with the same right and Title in all things as they had and possessed therein, immediately before the date of that Treaty, and that the Ogden Company have no right in or to it, save only a right to purchase it."

In addition to these admissions on the part of the constituted authorities of the State of New


as families use, will be plenty this year, but our wheat has been somewhat affected by the wevil this insect I find is come into this country." The writer of this letter is a good practical farmer, and has near 100 acres of land cleared and under cultivation.

The Orphan Asylum has now under its care

York, the following assurances were given to those Indians by Dewitt Clinton, when Governor:-" You may retain your lands as long as you please-no man can deprive you of them without your consent. The State will protect you in the enjoyment of your property." Added to this, in a solemn declaration addressed to them by General Washington, when he was Presi- 50 children, who are kindly provided for; and dent of the United States, he said: "Hear well, and let it be heard by every person, in your Nation, the President of the United States declares, that the General Government considers itself bound to protect you by the Treaty of Fort Stanwix, in 1784."

With all these assurances and guarantees, the Title of the Senecas to the Lands they occupy rests upon the most impregnable foundation that any Title can be placed, and the investigations that became necessary by the recent attempt to take from them their comfortable homes, have led to more full information respecting their Title to the land they claim, and has also placed before the country the important fact, that their Title, which is pronounced to be "original, absolute and exclusive," has been solemnly guaranteed to them both by the States of New York and Massachusetts, and also by the Government of the United States.

In addition to this attempt to obtain possession of their lands, there has lately been an other intrigue to get up an Emigration party amongst them, under the representation of a Cayuga, who acted a prominent part in effecting the disastrous removal of about 230 in the year 1846; and who has been representing to them that they own valuable lands in Kansas, preferable to their present residence, to which they might remove and claim. Notwithstanding these continued efforts to keep them in a condition of uneasiness, they are represented to be steadily improving at Cattaraugus, in their domestic and social condition. Their females are withdrawn from field labor, and occupy themselves in their appropriate domestic concerns their houses are therefore rendered more comfortable and are kept in much better condition than formerly. There appears to be no longer any opposition to their new form of Constitutional Government, and they are living in more harmony than at any time since the Treaty of 1838. In a letter from one of them who had been recently appointed to take a Census of the Inhabitants at Cattaraugus, after remarking that the people are now all happily united, and adding that their roads have been put in good travelling order, he says:-"I have visited all the families for taking a Census under the authority of the United States' Indian Agent; I found the people generally well and in a prosperous condition-they are rapidly improving their lands and farms, and the corn looks well and delightful; their other crops of such things

such of them as are old enough, are receiving school education. There are also on this Reservation seven schools, which are well attended, and the whole number receiving education is reported to be 251.

Signed by direction and on behalf of the


10th month 25, 1857.


to embrace every right opening of being useful The Committee was continued, and encouraged to these people, who have been so long objects of interesting concern to Friends.

the time of holding their Quarterly Meeting of Nottingham Quarterly Meeting informs, that Ministers and Elders is changed from one to two o'clock, on the same days on which it has been hitherto held.

Needles, on behalf of the Representatives, reAt the opening of the afternoon sitting, John ported, that they had conferred together, and were united in proposing Benjamin Hallowell for Clerk, and Caleb Stabler for Assistant Clerk; which was approved by the meeting, and the Friends named were accordingly appointed Clerks to this meeting for the present year.

Answer to the 10th Query..

Branch Monthly and Particular Meetings, deJane Waln, an Elder, and Member of West parted this life on the 10th of the 9th month, 1856, aged 65 years.

Centre Monthly and Preparative Meetings, deRobert Wilson, an Elder, and Member of parted this life on the 9th of the 10th month, 1856, in the 74th year of his age.

West Branch Monthly and Particular Meetings, William Cleaver, a Minister and Member of departed this life on the 30th of the 3d month, 1857, in the 46th year of his age.

timore Monthly and Western District PreparaEliza Marsh, an Elder, and Member of Baltive Meetings, departed this life on the 4th day of the 4th month, 1857, in the 57th year of her age.

Meeting, departed this life on the 19th day of Jonathan Jessup, an Elder of York Monthly the 8th month, 1857, in the 80th year of his age.

year, a Particular, Preparative and Monthly
There has been established during the past
Meeting, as well as a Preparative Meeting of
Ministers and Elders, at Prairie Grove, Henry
County, State of Iowa, as a branch of Fairfax

Quarterly Meeting. The Monthly Meeting is silent assemblies of God's people, I felt a secret called Prairie Grove Monthly Meeting, and is power amongst them which touched my heart, held on the last 7th day in each month. The and as I gave way unto it, I found the evil mid-week meeting is held on 5th day. No weakening in me, and the good raised up." meeting is held on 5th day of the week of the Monthly Meeting, the Preparative Meeting being held the week preceding. All the meetings commence at 11 o'clock.

28th of the month and 4th of the week. The following Minute of the exercise of the Meeting was produced and read, and was satisfactory, viz:

Many of the present day can bear testimony to the interesting truth, that though the numbers may be small on these occasions, the Gospel stream is often felt to flow sweetly through the heart, and the promise of the Master's presence with all rightly gathered assemblies, is joyfully realized, and known by the breaking of the bread of life to the hungry soul.

Friends were earnestly invited to come more While engaged in the consideration of the fully and unreservedly under the teachings and interesting concerns connected with the welfare guidance of the Spirit of truth, in all their of our religious Society, we have been favored with renewed evidence that God still mercifully aids all those, who, in true humility of heart, are concerned to draw nigh unto Him and earnestly seek for that heavenly food which He alone can bestow.

duties and transactions of life, in a full conviction that Godliness is profitable unto all things; and that careful attention to the limitations of truth in temporal business, will preserve from such desolating extravagances and entanglements as have been recently experienced. By giving The effects of true spiritual worship, are to up the heart fully to serve the Lord, we would be enabled to bear the many precious testimobring the soul into union with God, to wean it nies which were borne by those who have gone from its attachment to the perishing things of before us, upon the same ground of conviction time, and to fix the affections on those enduring that they did; and our minds would be kept so riches which result from obedience to the "law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus." It is continually alive, as to discover the approach of the enemy of our soul's peace, under all its therefore not only our reasonable duty, but varied and specious transformations. among our highest privileges, to assemble our- We have at this time been introduced into a selves together for the purpose of acknowledging lively concern for the preservation and spiritual our allegiance to Him from whom are all our advancement of our younger members. Among blessings, and the meeting was introduced into the many temptations to which the young are exa feeling of deep exercise and travail that our members may become more and more alive to posed, the pernicious publications which abound this duty, and thus be fuller partakers of the in the present day, and the example of depraved associates, have been shewn to be exceedingly sehigh and pure enjoyment which its performance ductive and dangerous. In order to guard against affords to the truly devoted soul. A concern was also felt that those who regularly attend these, they have been earnestly enjoined to select for their reading those books only that will their meetings, and keep up the external ap- enlighten the understanding and improve the pearances of religion, may show by their humble heart; and in their intercourse with the world, deportment, and sweetness of disposition, that to turn away from profane and impure converon these occasions they have been with Christ. This will give the forcible invitation, "follow sation, which, by corrupting the innocent mind, prepares it for that downward course which leads me as I follow Christ," and will tend to gather to misery and ruin. It is our earnest desire the lambs to the same fold, to mingle with that this interesting class, everywhere, by the early surrender of their wills to the Divine govWe have at this time entered renewedly into ernment, may be prepared for the enjoyment of sympathy with those of our members who may that true and permanent happiness designed for be under discouragement from their remoteness them by a gracious Creator-which happiness from meetings, or from the smallness of their cannot be experienced unless the moral and numbers when assembled. Let these be encouraged by the remembrance that the promise of the Divine Master to be in their midst, was to the two or three who were gathered in his

them in their silent devotions.


spiritual faculties be cultivated, and the government of Christ be established in the soul.

The frequent perusal of the Sacred Volume. was also earnestly recommended to all, as a means of religious improvement, which, through However great may have been the blessings the influence of the Holy Spirit, has been blessdispensed to the church by means of a living ed to many. Gospel Ministry, we are assured that no outward The following report from the Standing Com-. Ministry is indispensable to our growth in the mittee on the Fair Hill Boarding School Propspiritual life. Robert Barclay says of his ex-erty was produced and read, and was satisfac perience in this respect," when I came into the tory, viz:

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