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beetles, etc., The Wood-thrush lives on worms, and never commits depredations of any kind. Their residence is much more constant in the extreme south, than farther north.

The Blue-bird confines himself to the destruction of beetles, spiders, grubs, wire-worms, etc., and though they attack the sumac and wild cherry, and other wild berries, they do no injury to the fruits and vegetables of the garden. The Golden-winged Woodpecker is reputed as a fruit-stealer, but "with all its faults," it is of great use to the horticulturalist.

The Red-headed Woodpecker, like the former, helps itself to fruits of all kinds, carrying off apples even in its bill; but this useful laborer is also worthy of its hire; it does much more good than evil.

The Downy Woodpecker, and perhaps some other species, come under the same category as those speiecs already described.-Germ. Tel.


a similar confession! The staple of conversation
Severe criticism on
with many is this very freedom of remark on
their acts, suspicion of their motives, doubts of
the conduct of others.
their sincerity, exaggeration of their failings, un-
fair construction of their words, and, in general,
misrepresentation, more or less gross, of their
conduct, are things which we daily observe in
common conversation. None, we presume, are
blameless in this matter; but the general pre-
The best men have need of caution, and are
valence of the evil diminishes not its criminality.
safest when they put a bridle on their tongue.
All men are our brethren; they claim with us a
common origin; they are pursuing the same sor-
own must soon close in the sleep of death; we
rowful journey of life; their eyes as well as our
must rest side by side with them in the grave,
there were then no divine prohibition of evil
and appear with them at the judgment. If
speaking, our human sympathies should suggest
tenderness of the reputation of others. Kind-
ness, love, and forbearance better become us;
and we should remember how assailable we our-
selves are, and how sad it would be for us, if as
we mete to others, it should be measured to us

(From the Boston Bee.) THEY'D LIKE TO TRY.


An Indian, being among his white neighbors, asked for a little tobacco to smoke; and one of them, having some loose in his pocket, gave him a handful. The day following the Indian came back inquiring for the donor, saying he had found a quarter of a dollar, among the tobacco. General, of Mississippi, was a planter Being told as it was given to him, he might as well keep it, he answered, pointing to his breast, "I got a good man and a bad man here; and of the old school, and the best stamp. He the good man say, "It is not mine-I must re-treated his slaves kindly, gave them abundant turn it to the owner." The bad man say, "Why provision and clothing, and forbid his overseer to chastise them without his permission. he gave it to you; and it is your own now.' The good man say, "That's not right; the to- General was a church member, and daily had bacco is yours, not the money." The bad man family prayers. He was anxious to have his At length he was surprised say, "Never mind, you got it: go buy some slaves attend family worship, and many of them dram." The good man say, "No, no, you must did so for a time. So I don't know what to do; and I and grieved to see that they all absented themnot do so." think to go to sleep; but the good and the bad selves from family worship. What it meant he man keep talking all night, and trouble me; could not conjecture. All his efforts to get them and now I bring the money back, I feel good." in proved abortive. They seemed determined not to co me. The General had a trusty female slave, who was the wife of a man belonging to a neighwas Isaac. boring planter. This man's name He was a faithful, trusty servant, and was proIsaac was permitted usually to go moted by his colored brethren to the dignity of an exhorter. to the General's plantation on Saturday night, and spend the Sabbath with his wife. On Sunday evening he went into family prayers, but none of the rest.


It was the confession of a Christian man, "Often have I felt disturbed and rebuked by the recollection of remarks which have fallen from my lips, of an uncharitable and ill-natured tenor. Those to whom they were uttered may never have recalled them, and those of whom After prayers the General said to Isaac that he they may have been spoken may never have heard them; but my own memory has treasured "You see, Isaac, not one is in them up, and they are now often reverted to was much grieved that his servants would no with pain and humiliation. I may have thought, come to prayers. at the time, that they were justified by circum- Now, there must be some reason, and I want t no more than frank expres- know what it is. I thought Polly might hav Isaac was a good deal embarrasse stances, and were sions of my convictions; and yet I cannot con- told you." "But," said the Gener ceal from myself that they had in them a spice said he was sorry it was so; he told Polly th of malignity, of which I should have been asham- ought to come in. ed." How many might, with propriety, make" you know, Isaac, what is the matter. I w

insist on your telling me, but I would like to
have you."
"Well massa," said Isaac, "I will
tell you, but know I think they do
wrong in
not coming in. They say they don't believe
you are a Christian."" Why," said the Gene-
ral, "I am surprised they think I'm not a
Christian. Don't I treat them well, feed them
and clothe them, and forbid the overseer to
abuse them?" "Yes, Massa," said Isaac, "I
know you do all this, but they think there is
something farther back-they say if Massa was
a Christian, he would give them their freedom."
"Why, Isaac, what do they mean, they could'nt
take care of themselves." "Yes, Massa," said
Isaac, "but they'd like to try."


FLOUR AND MEAL.-The Flour market continues very quiet. There is but little inquiry, either for export or home consumption, and only a few hundred barrels were disposed of at $7 25 a $7 50 for fresh ground superfine, and $7 75 for old stock extra. Sales to retailers and bakers from $6 75 up to $9 25. No change in Rye Flour or Corn Meal; we quote the former at $4 624, and the latter at $4 per barrel. GRAIN.-There is but little demand for Wheat, and no change to notice in prices. Southern $1 60 a 1 65 per bus. for red, and $1 70 a 1 72 for fair white. Rye is held at 95 cts. Corn continues in fair request, and yellow sold at 89 a 90 c., afloat and in store. Oats continue dull; new Southern is held at 40 c., per bus. TRCILDOWN BOARDING SCHOOL FOR Girls. The thirteenth session of this Institution will commence on the First day of Tenth mo. next. The usual branches comprising a thorough English education will be taught, and Scientific Lectures illustrated by appropriate apparatus will be delivered.

Terms are $55.00 per session of twenty weeks. Drawing, $5.00 extra. Those wishing places reserved for them, are requested to make early application. All communications should be addressed to the Principal, Ercildown P. O. Chester Co. Pa.


8th mo. 10th, 1857-4t.

[blocks in formation]

Salem N. J.


SPRINGI, situated in London Co., Va., was founded

by an Association of Friends belonging to Fairfax Quarterly Meeting, in order to afford to Friends' children, of both sexes, a guarded education in accorpance with our religious principles and testimonies. The next session will open the 7th day of the Ninth month and close the 11th of Sixth month following. Thorough instruction is given in the branches usually embraced in a good English education, and lectures are delivered on History, Natural Philosophy, and Chemistry. A philosophical apparatus, a cabinet of minerals, and a variety of instructive books, have been provided for the use of the school.

Experience confirms us in the belief, that in class ing together boys and girls in the recitation room, we have adopted the right method, as it stimulates them to greater diligence, and improves their deportment. They have separate school rooms and play grounds,

and do not associate, except in the presence of their teachers. None are received as pupils except the children of Friends, or those living in Friends' families and intended to be educated as Friends.

Terms. For board, washing and tuition, per term of 40 weeks, $115, payable quarterly in advance. Pens, ink, lights, &c., fifty cents per quarter. Drawing, and the French language each $3 per quarter. Books and stationery at the usual prices. The stage from Washington to Winchester stops at Purcelville within two miles of the school. There is a daily stage from the Point of Rocks, on the Balt. and Ohio R. Road, to Leesburg, where a conveyance may be had to the school, a distance of 9 miles. Co., Va. Letters should be directed to Purcelville, Loudoun S. M. JANNEY, Principal.


HANNAH W. SUTTON Superintendents.

7 mo. 11th, 1857.-8w.

GIRLS, AT WHEATTLAND, MONROE CO., N. Y. The School Year is divided into Three Terms, of fourteen weeks each.


The Fall Term will commence on the 3d of 8th mo., 1857.

The Course of Instruction in this school, embraces an elementary, practical, liberal, and thorough English Education, including Drawing. Lectures will be given on the different branches of Natural Science, which will be clearly and fully illustrated by experiments, with appropriate apparatus.

situation, within a hundred rods of Scottsville Station, The School is located in a healthy and pleasant on the Genesee Valley Rail Road, ten miles south of


render the pupils as thorough as possible in the studies It will be the aim of the Managers and Teachers to pursued, and also to inculcate habits of order and propriety of conduct.

No pains will be spared that tend to promote the best welfare of the pupils.

Board, Washing, Fuel, Pens and Ink,-one half payaTERMS, $42 per Session of 14 weeks, for Tuition, ble in advance, the other half at the end of the Term.

Class Books furnished by the school, for the use of which $1.50 per Term will be charged. No extra charges, except for Languages, which will be $5 per Term for each. Stationery furnished at the usual prices.

shoes, Wash-Basin, Towels, Tooth-Brush and Cup. Each article of clothing to be distinctly marked.

Each Pupil will provide herself with a pair of Over

Conduct-papers will be forwarded to the Parents or
Guardians of each Pupil every month, showing the
progress in study, and general deportment.
For further particulars address,
STEPHEN COX, Principal,
Scottsville P. O., Monroe Co., N. Y.

7th mo. 25th, 1857.-4t.


Principals. The first session of this school will com

mence on the 14th of 9th mo. next.

In this Institution will be taught all the branches of a thorough English education, and no efforts will be spared on the part of the Principals in promoting the comfort and happiness of those under their care. books and stationery, $75 per session of 20 weeks. Terms. For tuition, board, washing, the use of French and Drawing each $5 per session extra.

For further particulars and references address B. S. and E. LOWER, Fallsington, Bucks Co. Pa. 7th mo. 11th, 1857.-8 w.

Merrihew & Thompson, Prs., Lodge St., North side Penna.Bank.




No. 324 South Fifth Street,

Every Seventh day at Two Dollars per annum, pay-
able in advance. Three copies sent to one address for

Five Dollars.

Communications must be addressed to the Publisher, free of expense, to whom all payments are to be made.

EXTRACTS FROM THE LIFE OF MARY DUDLEY (Continued from page 339.)

The state of her mind at this important period, will be best set forth by a further extract from the Memoir already alluded to.

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No. 23.

quite satisfied in their minds respecting the work begun in me, yet while the previous deliberation in the meeting took place, the fire of the Lord. so burned in my heart, that I dared not but speak with my tongue. For several Meeting days I hesitated, not from wilful disobedience, but awful fear to move in so great a work, and felt consequent poverty, though not severe condemnation; but one day, about the eleventh month (I think) in the year 1773, sitting with Friends in their Meeting-hous. the Friars, Bristol (I had once in a little coun ✓ meeting moved before, but never here, where he cross was great indeed,) my spirit bowed 'n awful reverence before the God of my life L few "I now kept constantly to the Meetings of words so settled, that I could not an y shake Friends, and began to feel a settlement of mind them from me. I sat and trembled exceedingly, in real peace, which my tossed state for several and desired to be excused, till a valuable friend years had caused me only transiently to possess; from America, (Robert Wallis,) then on a relior, at least, not in the degree of which I now gious visit to that city, stood up, and spoke so partook; not that all the work seemed requisite encouragingly to my sta. that when he closed to commence anew, for assuredly Christ had I stood on my feet, and t words impressing my been raised in my heart, though until now the mind, seemed to run thi gh me as a passive government was not wholly on His shoulders; vessel; he almost instantly kneeled down, and but by this unreserved surrender to His pure supplicated for the preservation of the little ones; guidance, the mystery of godliness was begin- saying, 'Thou hast brought to the birth and ning to open in increasing light and power, and given strength to bring forth,' &c. I could not that spirituality which had been discovered was stand while he was thus engaged, being as though now in a measure possessed. The view I had my whole frame was shaken through the power been affected with on my first convincement, now of truth. When meeting closed I got as quickcleared, and appeared so near being realized, ly as I could out of it, and walked a back way that my mind almost without interruption dwelt home, with such a covering of sweet peace, that under so awful a covering, that even all conver- I felt the evidence indisputably clear, that if I sation impressed me with fear, and I was held were then called out of time, an everlasting inin deep inward attention for, and to, the reveal-heritance was sure: the whole creation wore the ings of life. In religious Meetings I was for some time frequently affected even to trembling, when matter would present to my mind, as though I must deliver it, though seldom more than a very little; notwithstanding the love I felt was so universal, that I wanted all to be reached unto, but for this family (the Society of Friends) among whom I had tasted the soulsustaining bread, Oh! how did I long for them and their good.

"About this season, from a settled conviction of rectitude, I applied to be received into membership; and thought I might, when this privilege was granted, feel more strength should this solemn requiring be continued; but though my way was made so easy, that one visit only was ever paid me on this account, Friends being

aspect of serenity, and the Creator of all things was my Friend. Oh! on my return home and retiring to my chamber, how sweetly precious did the language, addressed to the holy Patriarch in an instance of obedience, feel to my spirit, and it was indeed sealed by divine power, "Because thou hast been faithful in this thing, in blessing I will bless thee," &c. &c. None of my family knew of this matter, and I strove to appear cheerful, which indeed I could in the sweet feeling of life; but so awful was the consideration of what was thus begun, that solemnity was also my garment, and I wished to be hid from the sight of every one. My body being very weak, the exercise and agitation greatly affected me, and I was that night taken alarmingly ill, but in a few days recovered, and got

again to meetings. Friends manifested great tenderness towards me, and though not frequently, I sometimes said a few words in the same simplicity I first moved, and once or twice ventured on my knees; after which exercises, I mean all of this nature, I felt quiet and easy, but never partook in the like degree as before recited of divine consolation."

thy power, and I will yield obedience;' and such has been the condescension of the Lord that I have been repeatedly so favored: but presuming to say, this is not a motion strong or clear enough, I cannot move in doubt or uncertainty, my convenant was not kept, and I again incurred divine displeasure, and in a manner only comprehended by experience knew the poverty of withholding more than was meet. I at last became almost insensible to any claer call or manifestation of duty; yet when deprived of my health, and not expected by others to recover, I was favored with inward quiet, and perhaps might have obtained mercy, had I then been taken; but He, whose goodness and ways are unfathomable, saw meet to raise from the bed of languishing; and soon after, (in the year 1777,) I entered into the married state, and removed to settle in Ireland.

Here it may not be unseasonable to remark, that her dedication was made the means of reconciling her offended mother to the change which had so exceedingly tried her. This dear parent being accidentally at a meeting where her daughter spoke, was greatly affected by the circumstance, and calling upon an intimate acquaintance afterwards, expressed her regret at having ever opposed her, adding, that she was then convinced it must be the work of God, as from the knowledge she had of her daughter's disposition, she was well aware it must have "It was now about four years since I had first cost her close suffering to undergo the exposure opened my mouth in the ministry, and perhaps she had witnessed that evening. The fruit of three years since the reasonings of my mind had this conviction became immediately apparent, so kept me from a state of obedience, in which time that although no direct allusion was ever made to I had removed from Bristol to Frenchay, (where the subject, the return of maternal tenderness I was married,) at which place of residence I and love was a sufficient, and very grateful, evi- never recollect appearing in any meeting, and dence to one who had deeply lamented the ne- seldom in any private sitting; often concluding, cessity of giving pain to a parent, by acknowledg- that, if any gift had ever been entrusted, it was ing the superior duty she owed to her heavenly now quite removed, and I must endeavor in some Father. In her own memoranda she then writes: other form to be a vessel, if that could be of use. "My acquaintance now increased amongst I well remember, as I had nearly centered in Friends, and I had frequent opportunities of this state, and in more than distress, even hearing the observations of some very wise wretchedness at times, a language saluted the and experienced persons, respecting ministry. ear of my soul, which I then knew not was in Though great was the encouragement given me Scripture, but on searching found it. The by many, as well residents in the same place, as gifts and callings of God are without repenstrangers, a disposition always prevalent in me, tance:' then my strong hold of settling in that especially on religious subjects, now took the state was broken up, and I was humbled in gratelead, and I fell into great reasoning respecting ful acknowledgment that I might still be restored. my call to, and preparation for, so great a work. Being in the situation above described, I was I imagined if I had longer abode in the furnace recommended to the meeting which I had now of refinement it had been better, and sometimes removed to, only as a member of society, which thought I was wholly mistaken; that perhaps was done in a very affectionate manner; though the first, or all the little offerings, were accepta- in the certificate from Bristol to Frenchay, my ble as proofs of the surrender of my will; but, appearances in the ministry had been mentioned. the ministry I was not designed for, the woe had Soon after settling in Clonmel, I was, however, not been sufficiently felt, &c. &c. Oh! it would introduced into the Meeting of Ministers and be difficult for me to mention, nor might it be Elders, and also made an overseer, in which safe, what my spirit was by these reasonings station I sometimes made remarks in private plunged into, insomuch that at last life itself was sittings and meetings for disipline; hoping therebitter, and a coincidence of outward circum- by to obtain relief; but alas ! every effort in this stances added to my inward pressures, so that I line failed to procure me ease of spirit, and infainted in my sighing, and found little or no stead of becoming more weaned from visible rest. Meeting after meeting I refused to move things, these attractions revived feelings which at the word of holy command, and hereby be- I had before known to be in subjection, and came less intelligible, and my understanding every act of disobedience strengthened the enemy gradually darkened through rebellion, so that I of my soul's happiness in his efforts to keep me said with Jonah, it is better for me to in bondage. When sitting in religious meetdie than to live.' Frequently before going ings, I was often sensible of the revival of exerto meeting has my spirit felt the interced-cise; and undoubtedly felt a sufficient degree of ing language, Leave me not altogether, but, strength to have gone forth, had I been willing if this thing be required of me, again reveal to use it; but the old plea, more clearness, more

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power, prevented my accepting the often-offered deliverance; and at last the intimation became so low, the command so doubtful, that it seemed as though I might either move or be still, as I liked, and I even have rejoiced after meeting, in an ungodly sort, that I had been kept from the temptation of speaking in the Lord's name.

easy for me to conclude all wrong; so at other times great serenity was my covering, and the honest discharge of duty was rewarded with the incomes of life.

"Having a disposition naturally prone to af fectionate attachment, I now began, in the addition of children, to feel my heart in danger of so centering in these gifts, as to fall short of occupying in the manner designed, with the gift received; and though at seasons I was brought in the secret of my heart to make an entire surrender to the work I saw that I was called to, yet, when any little opening presented, how did

to be excused in this thing; so that an enlargement was not witnessed for some years, though I several times took journeys, and experienced holy help to be extended."

(To be continued.)


most, and at the same time does not profit by it
May a person who needs advice as much as
so much as he ought, presume to give any?
livion over me, if I say anything that does not
Thy affection for me will throw a mantle of ob-
correspond with thy own reflections. Be short
in supplication; use no words not of common
use, and the same words as seldom as possible.
dazzle all human conception; yet the "
"The ineffable Majesty of Heaven" is enough to
Father which art in Heaven" is indeed a com-
plete model. Stray from its simplicity as seldom
of all mercies may long preserve thee, a choice
as possible. My wish is strong that the Father
instrument, a silver trumpet, that gives a certain
J. F.


"The concern of sensible minds on my account now became frequent, and several were led into near and tender sympathy with me, and travailed for my deliverance; but I now had no hope of ever again experiencing this; and often was I brought apparently to the borders of the grave, by trying attacks of illness; so that II shrink from the demanded sacrifice, and crave may describe my situation as being often miserable, though the sackcloth was worn more within than without; and I appeared to men not to fast, when my soul lacked even a crumb of sustaining bread. Thus I went on, as nearly as my reccollection serves, for about seven years, after my first yielding to the reasonings before described; TO SAMUEL FOTHERGILL FROM HIS BROTHER DR. and indeed just before being brought out of this 'horrible pit,' I think the extremity never was so great, insomuch that I fainted in my spirit, and all hope was cut off, my language being, 'I shall die in the pit.' In this state I attended a Province or Quarterly Meeting, in Cork, and after sitting two meetings for worship on first day, in I fear wilful rebellion to the gentle intimations of duty, I went to Samuel Neale's, in a trying situation of mind and body, and his conduct towards me was like a tender father, saying, The gift in thee must be stirred up.' I got little rest that night, and next morning went in extreme distress to meeting, where I had not sat long before a serenity long withheld covered my mind, and I thought I intelligibly heard a language uttered, which exactly suited my own state; but it so hung about me (as at my first appearance, though not anything like the same clear command to express it) that being lifted above all reasonings, before I was aware I stood on my feet with it, and oh! the rest I again felt, the precious holy quiet! unequal in degree to what was first my portion; but as though I was What an infinite pleasure must it needs be, altogether a changed creature, so that to me thus as it were to lose ourselves in him, and there was no condemnation. Here was indeed being swallowad up in the overcoming sense of a recompense even for years of suffering, but his goodness, to offer ourselves a living sacrifice, with this alloy, that I had long deprived myself always ascending unto him in flames of love. of the precious privilege, by yielding to those Never doth a soul know what solid joy and subreasonings which held me in a state of painful stantial pleasure is, till once being weary of itself, captivity. One might naturally suppose, that it renounces all proprietary, gives itself up to after obtaining so great mercy, and feeling the the author of its being, and feels itself become precious effects of deliverance, great care would a hallowed and devoted thing; and can say be taken, lest the fetters should again be felt; from an inward sense and feeling, "My beloved but though in some sort this was the case, my is mine," (I account all his interest my own,) dedication seemed only partial, and frequent re-" and I am his :" I am content to be any thing lapses into want of faith again involved in dis- for him, and care not for myself, but that I may tress and uncertainty, so that the relief at seasons serve him. A person moulded into this temper, obtained was broken in upon. And sometimes would find pleasure in all the dispensations of as delivering only a part of the commission ob- Providence: temporal enjoyments would have structed the return of peace, it might have been another relish, when he should taste the divine

THE LIFE OF GOD IN THE SOUL OF MAN. (Concluded from page 344.)


He that loveth God, finds sweetness in dispensation.


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