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was, in 1819, placed in command of an expedition appointed to travel through Rupert's land to the shores of the Arctic Sea; while Lieutenant Parry, who had in like manner risen from second officer under Sir John Ross to a chief command, was despatched with two vessels to Lancaster Sound, a mission attended with a success that spread his fame throughout the world. At this period, the northern coast of America was known by two isolated points only, namely, the mouth of the Coppermine River, discovered by Hearne, but placed erroneously by him four degrees of latitude too much to the north; and the mouth of the Mackenzie, more correctly laid down by the very able traveller by whose name the river is now known. On the side of Behring's Straits, Cook had penetrated only to the Iey Cape, and on the Eastern coasts Captain (Sir John) Ross, in 1818, had ascertained the correctness of Baffin's survey, which had been questioned, and had looked into Lancaster Sound and reported it to be closed by an impassable mountain barrier. To stimulate enterprise by reward ing discoveries, the legislature established a scale of premiums, graduated by the degrees of longitude to which ships could penetrate, but no provision was made for a pecuniary recompense to any one who should trace out the north-west passage in boats or canoes.

Lieutenant Franklin, attended by a surgeon, two midshipmen, and a few Orkneymen, embarked for Hudson's Bay in June, 1819, on board of one of the company's ships, which ran ashore on Cape Resolution during a fog on the voyage out, and was saved from foundering by Franklin's nautical skill. On reaching the anchorage off York Factory, a large hole was found in the ship's bottom, but so far closed by a fragment of rock as considerably to diminish the influx of water. Franklin's instructions left the route he was to pursue much to his own judgment; in fact, so little was then known in England of the country through which he was to travel, even by the best informed members of the government, that no detailed direction could be given, and he was to be guided by the information he might be able to collect at York Factory from the Hudson Bay Company's servants there assembled. No time could be more unpropitious for a journey through that land. For some years an internecine warfare had been carried on between the North-West Company, operating from Canada, claiming a right to the furtrade from priority of discovery, and holding commissions as justices of peace from the colonial government, and Hudson Bay Company, which, in virtue of a charter from King Charles the Second, attempted to maintain an exclusive authority over all the vast territory drained by the rivers that fall into the bay. Arrests by elashing warrants of the contending justices were frequent, might became right when the members

of the two companies met, personal violence, seizure of property, and even assassination were too common, and at a recent fight at Red River twenty-two colonists of the Hudson Bay Company had lost their lives. Numbers also had perished of famine in the interior, owing to the contests that were carried on. When the expedition landed at York Factory, they found some of the leading North-West partners prisoners there, and learned that both companies were arming to the extent of their means for a decisive contest next summer. Such being the state of the country, a party coming out in a Hudson's Bay ship was looked upon with suspicion by the members of the rival company, and it was mainly through Franklin's prudent conduct and conciliating manners that it was permitted to proceed; but sufficient aid to insure its safety was not afforded by either of the contending bodies. Wintering the first year on the Saskatchewan, the expedition was fed by the Hudson Bay Company; the second winter was spent on the "barren grounds," the party subsisted on game and fish procured by their own exertions, or purchased from their native neighbors; and in the following summer the expedition descended the Coppermine River, and surveyed a considerable extent of sea-coast to the eastward, still depending for food on the usual supplies of the chase, and often faring very scantily, or fasting altogether. The disasters attending the return over the barren grounds, on the premature approach of winter, have been told by Franklin himself in a narrative which excited universal interest and commiseration. The loss of Mr. Hood, a young officer of very great promise, and who at the time of his death had been promoted to the rank of lieutenant, was especially deplored. The survivors of this expedition travelled from the outset at York Factory down to their return to it again, by land and water, 5,550 miles. While engaged on this service, Franklin was promoted to be a commander, and after his return to England in 1822, he obtained the post rank of captain, and was elected to be a fellow of the Royal Society. In the succeeding year he married Eleanor,* the youngest daughter of William Porden, Esquire, an eminent architect, by whom he had a daughter and only child, now the wife of the Rev. John Philip Gell.

In a second expedition, which left home in 1825, he descended the Mackenzie under more favorable auspices, peace having been established throughout the fur-countries under the exclusive government of the Hudson Bay Company, which had taken the North-West traders into partnership, and was then in a position to afford him effectual assistance, and speed him on his way in comfort. This time the coast line was traced through thirty-seven degrees of longitude from

She died in 1825.

the mouth of the Coppermine River, where his former survey commenced, to nearly the 150th meridian, and approaching within 160 miles of Beechey, who was co-operating with him from Behring's Straits. His exertions were fully appreciated at home and abroad. He was knighted in 1829, received the honorary degree of Doctor of Civil Law from the University of Oxford, was adjudged the gold medal of the Geographical Society of Paris, and was elected in 1846, Correspondent of the Institute of France in the Academy of Sciences. Though the late surveys executed by himself and by a detachment under command of Sir John Richardson comprised one, and within a few miles of two, of the spaces for which a parliamentary reward was offered, the Board of Longitude declined making the award, but a bill was soon afterwards laid before parliament by the secretary of the Admirality abrogating the reward altogether, on the ground of the discoveries contemplated having been thus effected*. In 1828, he married his second wife, Jane, second daughter of John Griffin, Esq.

scarce. Penna. is selling at $1 10. Corn is unsettled. Penna. yellow is held at 88c afloat and in store, and sylvania and Delaware at 55 a 56c per bu. buyers offer but 85c. Oats are steady; sales of PennSPRINGDAtuated in Loudoun Co., Va., was founded


by an Association of Friends belonging to Fairfax Quarterly Meeting, in order to afford to Friends' children, of both sexes, a guarded education in accor dauce with our religious principles and testimonies. The next session will open the 7th day of the Ninth month and close the 11th of Sixth month following. usually embraced in a good English education, and Thorough instruction is given in the branches lectures are delivered on History, Natural Philosophy, and Chemistry. A philosophical apparatus, a cabinet been provided for the use of the school. of minerals, and a variety of instructive books, have

Experience confirms us in the belief, that in classing together boys and girls in the recitation room, we have adopted the right method, as it stimulates them to greater diligence, and improves their deportment. and do not associate, except in the presence of their They have separate school rooms and play grounds, teachers. None are received as pupils except the children of Friends, or those living in Friends' families and intended to be educated as Friends.

Terms. For board, washing and tuition, per term Pens, ink, lights, &c., fifty cents per quarter. Drawof 40 weeks, $115, payable quarterly in advance.

and the French language each $3 per quarter. Books and stationery at the usual prices.

Sir John's next official employment was on the Mediterranean station, in command of the Rain-ing, bow, and his ship soon became proverbial in the squadron for the happiness and comfort of her officers and crewt. As an acknowledgement of the essential service he had rendered off Patras in the "war of liberation," he received the Cross of the Redeemer of Greece from King Otho, and after his return to England he was created Knight Commander of the Guelphic order of Hanover.

(To be concluded.)

THE GOODS OF LIFE.—Speaking of these, Sir William Temple says, "The greatest pleasure of life is love; the greatest treasure is contentment; the greatest possession is health; the greatest ease is sleep; and the greatest medicine a true friend."

The sailors, with their usual fondness for epithets, named the ship the "Celestial Rainbow" and "Franklin's Paradise."

Messrs. Dean and Simpson of the Hudson Bay Company, at a later period (1836--1839) completed the survey of 160 miles of coast line lying between the extreme points of Beechey and Franklin, and navigated the sea eastwards beyond the mouth of Back's Great Fish River, proving the existence of a continuous watercourse from Behring's Straits through 73° of longitude, as far eastward as the ninety-fourth meridian.

PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. FLOUR AND MEAL.-The market is dull, and good brands are offered at $7 12 per bbl., and brands for home consumption at $7 25 a $7 50, and extra and fancy brands at $8 25 4 3 25. There is very little demand for export, and little stock to operate in. Rye Flour is held at $4 75 per barrel, and Pennsylvania Corn Meal at $4 00 per barrel.

GRAIN.-There is little demand for Wheat. Sales of prime Pennsylvania red were made at $1 85 a 1 87, and $1 90 a 1 92 for good white. Rye is

The stage from Washington to Winchester stops at Purcelville within two miles of the school. There is and Ohio R. Road, to Leesburg, where a conveyance a daily stage from the Point of Rocks, on the Balt. may be had to the school, a distance of 9 miles.Letters should be directed to Purcelville, Loudoun Co., Va. S. M. JANNEY, Principal. HENRY SUTTON

HANNAH W. SUTTON Superintendents.

7 mo. 11th, 1857.-8w.


GIRLS.-BEULAH S. LOWER and ESTrung Loo Principals. The first session of this school will com

mence on the 14th of 9th mo. next.

In this Institution will be taught all the branches of a thorough English education, and no efforts will be spared on the part of the Principals in promoting the comfort and happiness of those under their care.

Terms. For tuition, board, washing, the use of books and stationery, $75 per session of 20 weeks. French and Drawing each $5 per session extra.

For further particulars and references address B. S. and E. LOWER, Fallsington, Bucks Co. Pa. 7th mo. 11th, 1857.-8 w.

[blocks in formation]






No. 324 South Fifth Street,

Five Dollars.

Every Seventh day at Two Dollars per annum, payable in advance. Three copies sent to one address for Communications must be addressed to the Publisher, free of expense, to whom all payments are to be made.

An account of the life, travels, and Christian periences in the work of the ministry of Samuel Bounas.


(Continued from page 259.)

pass over a considerable portion of time in which Samuel Bownas was largely engaged in visiting Friends in America, and extract some remarks made at a meeting of ministers at Wright's Town, Penn., and also at the Half Yearly Meeting of ministers and elders in Philadelphia.

No. 18.

ling to improve the simile, to her advantage, she having something to say, though but little, as a minister, and her husband thought she did not give way to her gift as she ought. The next day was Quarterly Meeting in the same place, which was pretty large, and I was drawn forth to set the degrees of elders, as well as their dif ferent services, in a proper light, under the similitude of the various instruments made use of in the erecting of a building, and that every inex-strument or tool had its service, when used as occasion required, and every builder to use them at a proper time, and not otherwise. Thence to Philadelphia, and was at their Half Yearly Meeting of ministers and elders. Sundry Friends in it to recommend a steadfast conduct with juscame from Long Island, and I was largely opened tice and a single eye to truth and its cause at all times, and to set forth the service of elders and pillars in the church, shewing how a pillar standing upright would bear a great weight, but if it leaned to either side, it would bend, and perhaps break before it could be set upright I came into Pennsylvania to Wright's Town, again; warning both ministers and elders against was at their meeting of ministers, and had a very party-taking and party-making, advising them as agreeable time with them, wherein was shewn careful watchmen to guard the flock, as such who the danger of murmuring at the seeming weak- must be accountable for their trust; and in parness of our gifts to a degree of dejection, and ticular, not to dip into differences, the miniers neglect to exercise ourselves in them, shewing especially, either in the church or private famithat every gift of the ministry was of great ser- lies, but to stand clear, that they might have a vice, though but small in comparison of others, place with both parties, to advise and counsel, and had a great beauty in it, and that we ought and so they might be of service in reconciling by no means to slight and neglect it, but to think those who were at variance. And I had a conwell, and be thankful that the Father of Spirits cern to caution the ministers, in their travels, hath given us a gift, though but small. And on not to meddle with differences, so as to rashly the other hand, to exhort such as had a more say, this is right, or that is wrong, but to mind elegant ministry, not to overvalue themselves their own service, guarding against receiving any upon their gifts, but in humility and th thank- complaints of Friends' unfaithfulness before a ful hearts render the honor and praise where meeting, which I had found very hurtful to me; due, not looking with an eye of contempt on their for such information, without a careful watch, supposed inferior brethren and sisters, but in may influence the mind to follow it rather than love preferring each other to themselves, more the true gift. I had it also to caution the minespecially considering, that mean and plain diet,isters, in their travels not to be hard to please handled by persons who have clean hands, and with their entertainment, but to shew themselves clean garments, though but mean to look at, yet easy and contented with such as poor Friends the cleanness of their hands and garments, as could let them have, and to guard against caralso the diet, though plain, put in decent order, rying stories and tales from one place to another; renders what they have to offer very agreeable and as soon as their service was done, to retire and acceptable to the hungry, and for others we home again; for some, by staying too long after need not be so careful. A Friend pleasantly their service was ended, had much hurt themsaid after meeting, at his table, I might freely selves, and been an uneasiness to the church. I eat, his wife was a cleanly house-wife, being wil- had likewise to caution against appearing too


often or too long in our own meetings, but that ministers should wait in their gifts for the Spirit to put them forth; that they carefully mind their openings, and not go beyond bounds, for if we do, we shall lose our interest in the minds of Friends, and our service will be lost; always guarding against seeking after praise, or saying anything in commendation of our own doings, neither to be uneasy when we have nothing to say; as likewise to take care at such large meetings, not to be forward nor too long, because a mistake committed in such a meeting did much more hurt than it might do in small country meetings. I likewise touched upon the great duty of prayer, requesting all to guard against running into too many words without understanding, but carefully to mind the Spirit, that they might pray with it, and with understanding also.

Next day was the Half Yearly Meeting, being the first day of the week; I was largely opened to shew the differences between the true and false church, setting them side by side, that they might judge for themselves. I staid all that week in town, the meeting not ending till Fourth day. I was at the First and Third days' meetings following, and so took my leave.

From thence I came to Darby, Springfield, Merion, Chester, Chichester, Christeen, and Newcastle, and had tolerable good meetings. Friends being acquainted that I was now taking my leave of the country, meetings were very large, and several of them to good satisfaction, much openness and brokenness appearing amongst Friends. Thence to George's Creek, Duck-Creek, Motherkill, Hoarkills, Cold-Spring, and so back to Motherkill and Duck Creek; had pretty good satisfaction in these meetings. these parts were but seldom visited, and but very The Friends in few public amongst them. The Priests, both Church and Presbyterians, attempted to do something, but the people being poor, and pension small, they gave out for want of pay.

and over Viana Ferry to Mulberry Grove, and had small, but comfortable meetings in all these places. Thence to the widow Gale's at Monay, and had a small meeting there in her house. Thence to Annuamessicks, and had a small meeting in the widow Waters's house. John Curtis's, and had a small meeting at his Thence to house; so to Thomas Grippins, and had a meeting in his house, there being no meeting houses in these places. Then one captain Drummond desired a meeting in his house, which I assented to, and it was to good content. was a Judge of the Court, and a very sensible This Drummond man. good meeting house, and we had a very large and Thence to Neswadocks, where was a pretty good open meeting in it. Thence to Magotty Bay, and had a very good meeting at Edward me over the bay in his boat (about twenty leagues Mifflin's, a fine zealous elder he was; he carried they called it) to Nansemund; we landed at old Robert Jordan's, and was at their week-day meeting. From thence went towards Carolina, Joseph Jordan accompanying me on my way to Nathan Newby's, and his son went with me to his uncle Gabriel's. Next day I went to Pascotank, and for the inhabitants mostly came to meetings there had a fine open meeting, which was very large, when they expected a preacher, and at other times pretty much. I visited a young man in the neighborhood, a pretty minister, but in a declining way; he had a comfortable time with him, he being in a good frame of mind, fit to die. Thence to Little River, and to Perquiman's Booth, to the upper and lower meeting house, and had very large meetings. Thence Gabriel Newby accompanied me towards Virginia back Western Branch, Pagan Creek, and at Samuel again; the first meetings we had were at the Savory's; we had a pretty comfortable time at the last place. Then to Swan's Point, and over James's River to Williamsburgh, and had a small Jordan being with me, we paid the Governor a meeting at each of these last places. Joseph visit, and interceded for his favor on the behalf of some Friends put in prison on account of refusing to train; he was very kind, promising to do what lay in his power for them, and our people in general, and in a little time the Friends were set at liberty.

From thence to Chester in Maryland, it was a Half Yearly Meeting, but the weather being very unseasonable, made it but small; it continued two days, and the last meeting was both largest and best. Thence to Cecil and back to Gilbert Faulkner's, and John Tibbet's, and Duck-Creek; had good opportunities, and took my leave after having one small meeting about nine miles distant, and so went for the Quarterly minho to the widow Bates, it was a Yearly MeetWe then went (Joseph being with me) to SkeMeeting in Maryland at Treadhaven Creek, it ing at the widow's house, which was pretty large was held in the great house; a good meeting, and open. Thence to Black Creek, and to Curls, but I found some difficulties and misunderstand- and had tolerable good meetings. Then we had ings among them, which did them much hurt. a meeting of ministers and elders; there were Next was at a Monthly Meeting in the same but a few ministers in those parts, but we had a place, where the uneasiness appeared more plain, suitable opportunity to good satisfaction; and inbut endeavors were used to reconcile matters, and deed it not often fell out that in such meetings I was put a stop to the uneasiness. Thence to the in want of matter suitable to their states. Bayside, Tuckahoe, Marshy Creek, Choptank, day was the public meeting, which was large and and had meetings in all these places. Thence well. Next day I was at Wain Oak (these were Next to Francequaking, Chickonan comaco, Nanticoke, all called Yearly Meetings) which was large and

well, and Joseph Jordan had excellent service in it, but I had very little to say. Thence to the Swamp, Grassy Swamp, Cedar-Creek, and Dover, and had fine meetings, people being very ready to attend them; these meetings were above the falls of James's River. Thence back over the river to Robert Honycote's, Lemuel Hargraves, Somerton, and to Nathan Newby's; in all these places I had meetings, and some of them very large and open. From thence into Carolina to their Quarterly Meeting, and had a meeting at James Griffet's house. Thence to Little River on the Seventh day of the week, and first of the Quarterly Meeting. Next day the meeting was very large, and I took my leave of Friends therein, and we had a baptizing time together. Then I returned back to Virginia, and was at Nansemund meeting, and had a large meeting at a Friend's house, whose name was Levin Buffkin; it was a fine, edifying meeting indeed. Then I came to the Branch, and Chuckatuck, at their Monthly Meeting, but Robert Jordan had all the time, that being his last meeting, he being to come to England to visit Friends in the same ship with me. Another meeting was appointed at Arnold Wilkinson's which was small. After meeting I went to Robert Jordan's, having been made exceeding welcome, and also had several good opportunities in the family. I went to but two or three meetings more, getting myself ready to return home, and accordingly we took leave, and came down the river to Kickatan, but were forced, in sailing the re, by missing the channel, to lie aground by Newport's Nose, near twenty-four hours before we could get to Hampton, and when there, staid about a week and four days. George Walker was very kind, invited us to lodge at his house, which we did about four nights, and had a meeting or two in his house, his wife being more loving than I expected. She was George Keith's daughter, and in her younger days shewed great dissatisfaction with Friends, but after her father's death the edge of that bitterness abated, and her husband was very loving and hearty to Friends, frequently having meetings at his house.

(To be continued.)


The glory of a sacred edifice lies not in its vaulted roof, and lofty spire, and pealing organ, but in the glory that fills the house-the divine presence; not in its fabric of goodly stones, but in its living stones polished by the hand of the spirit; not in its painted windows, but in its Gospel light; not in its choir of singing men and of singing women, but in the music of well-tuned hearts; not in its sacred priesthood, but in the great High Priest. If every stone were a diamond, and every beam a cedar, every window a crystal, and every door a pearl; if the roof were studded with sapphire, and the floor tesselated with all

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As Moses Roberts, trusting in the preserving providence of God, did not leave his home and flee as many others fled, some of the inhabitants of the southern part of Northumberland county deemed that he was colleagued with the red men in their murderous designs. A warrant to arrest several persons in the neighborhood of Catawissa was procured, under which Moses Roberts and Job Hughes were torn from their helpless families, and carried to Lancaster, where they remained prisoners more than eighteen months. It would appear that Ellen Roberts, afterwards M'Carty, was born a few weeks after her father was forcibly taken from his family, and whilst her mother still remained in the wilderness, hoping that her innocent husband, against whom no evidence of any kind was adduced by his oppressors, would soon be set at liberty, to return and gladden his home. But suspicion was not satisfied, and neither was covetousness. A company of armed men came from Sunbury and Northumberland, and forced the mother to take her children, and depart with what goods they could carry with them, not allowing them time to bake bread to sustain them on their journey towards their friends at Maiden Creek. The remainder of their goods, the stock on the farm, and every movable of value, became the spoil of these lawless men. Ellen was thus born to hardship, and became in after life inured to it. Brought up in a new country, she had no literary education in childhood, and did not learn to read until af ter she was a minister of the gospel, and well advanced in years. Yet she was accurate in her quotations from Scripture, and there was less of rusticity in her manners than would have been expected. She married, removed to Elklands, filled up her measure of labor in the church militant, her measure of sympathy and service to the poor and afflicted around her, and was prepared, through mercy, to meet death with a comfortable hope. To her children, when gathered to behold the last moments of their beloved parent, feeling a present inability to give counsel and advice, she could say, "I have told you the truth before." Thus, with an inward testimony and assurance that she had faithfully endeavored to perform her duty, in the Fourth month, 1844, she departed, to take her place with those who, having come out of great tribulation, with robes washed and made white in the blood of the

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