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where there was that day a muster of militia. ly"-which he said to his mother a little before She believed that it would be right for her to his close had oft revived and impressed his call on a female friend to accompany her. Af- mind. She could bear her testimony that the ter considering the matter as well as she could, injunction had been faithfully performed. she started, and calling on her friend, found her with her bonnet on, ready to accompany her. He who had laid the concern upon Ellen, had prepared her a chosen companion, and impressed on her mind a conviction that Ellen would call for her to go somewhere with her. "Susan, I want thee to go with me," said Ellen. "I am ready," was the reply. At the parade-ground, Ellen was concerned to preach to the men, who patiently and respectfully listened to her. The captain became convinced of the Truth, laid down his sword, and in time was received a member amongst Friends.

His brother having deceased in the thirteenth year of his age by enlargement of the heart, had been soothed and comforted by the attention of this kind and devoted brother. The patience of the dear sufferer, and his peaceful close, was a lesson of deep instruction to Samuel.

Ellen M'Carty had passed through many scenes of trial in her life. Her father, Moses Roberts, was a minister in the Society, who removed to Catawissa, about the commencement of the revolutionary war; under a religious concern, as he believed, for the good of some friendly people in that neighborhood. A meeting was soon established there, and everything seemed prosperous, until, in the course of the war, the massacre by the Indians at Wyoming took place. This excited the whites in the frontier provinces, making them jealous of all Indians, and of those who were supposed to be their friends.

(To be continued.)

For Friends' Intelligencer.

To preserve and transmit some account of the lives of the righteous, is a duty we owe to the present and future generations, for their encouragement to follow Christ as they endeavored to follow him. With this view the following memoir has been prepared.

Samuel P. Titus, son of Peter and Sarah R. Titus, was born in the city of New York the 22nd of 8th mo. 1826, and was educated by them in a belief of the principles and doctrines of the Society of Friends. Following their counsel and example, he became in early life, a steady attender of meetings, frequently perusing the Scriptures of Truth; which, with the living gospel ministry that the meetings he attended were often favored with, he in maturer life acknowledged had been sources of deep instruction to him. Above all, submitting to the teachings of the Divine Spirit in his own soul, which all these outward means had called his attention to, he was qualified to discharge with propriety and filial affection the various important duties of son and elder brother, which devolved upon him about the sixteenth year of his age, by the death of a beloved and pious father, who near his close said to him, "Remember my son that the care of a beloved mother and brother will devolve on thee when I leave; mayest thou fulfil it faithful

In the year 1851, he was married to Sarah, daughter of Thomas W. and Caroline K. Jenkins. Having entered into mercantile business, he sustained a character remarkable for uprightness, integrity and moderation, and it may be truly said of him, he was a dutiful son, an affectionate husband, a tender father, and kind and benevolent to the needy.

Thus evincing a religious concern not only on his own account, but for others, and especially for the preservation of the religious society to which he belonged, the maintenance of its testimonies and the right administration of its discipline, he was looked upon by those who knew him, not only as a useful member at the present time, but with a hope that he would long remain a faithful standard bearer and pillar in the Lord's house that would go no more out.



But his own humble view of himself may gathered from the following extracts from his memorandum.

Twelfth month 3d, 1853. Reverently thankful to my heavenly Father for his many mercies, I feel drawn to record some of the emotions and experiences of my soul. On my way home to-day, I was favored with a view of the manner in which his gracious and preserving arm has been round about me from my childhood; for which, what have I returned? Oh, thou proud and hard heart, so hard and impenetrable it seems at times as if nothing could penetrate it. Oh! that I could but cry in sincerity of heart-" A Saviour or I die, a redeemer or I perish forever," yet at times I trust I am under his blessed forming hand for good. Oh! incline my heart to seek more and more thy ways, to come down in solemn reverential silence to wait on thee, to be a silent standard-bearer in thy cause, submitting to thy overturnings, until I am prepared to become as nothing in thy sight.

Fifth month 5th, 1854.-Some very clear reflections to-day on a conversation a few evenings since with a friend who condemned very fully all traditional religion as being dead, alluding to many who he believed paid tithe of mint, annise and cummin (which he partially applied to plainness of dress and other outside observances,) and yet neglected the weighter matters of the law. Reflecting on these remarks, a view was opened to my mind, which I feel at liberty to pen down. "Ye pay tithe of mint, annise, and cummin, but neglect the

not being able to lie down, owing to the water around the heart. On the morning of the 19th, being greatly oppressed, he desired to be taken to the window for a little relief, in order (it was believed) that he might be able to express his feelings to his family and friends. After a time of silence he said he thought it was evident his life was drawing to a close; he desired some of his nearest connections sent for, and with these sitting around, requested his wife to read a chapter in Job, after which he said to her, try so to live, that we shall be again united in heaven. In taking leave of his children, he said to his little daughter, be a good girl and obedient to thy mother, desiring her to dress them plainly, not to strain the point, but simply; saying he believed the sustaining arm of his heavenly Father would be round about his family to keep and support them. Acknowledging the kindness of his brother-in-law, he said, I desire thee to be a son not only to thy own mother but to mine also, both being widows and acquainted with sorrows

weightier matters of the law," &c., &c. Now while we are here called to a greater fulfilling of the weightier matters of the law, I fear we are too apt to forget that "these ye ought to have done, and not left the others undone;" thereby shewing that both were fully and entirely necessary, and consequently dependent on each other, for if there be not a faithful observance of the outward law, how can we expect to be intrusted with an inward and spiritual law; if we have come to a knowledge of an inward and spiritual law, what fault have we to find with the outward, which was, and is, and will be a school master to lead us unto Christ? A large portion of our religious feelings are no doubt owing to our education. If, then, we have not attained and been called to anything beyond, and if we can see that our early education has been such as to promote traditions good in themselves, liable as are all good things to become as dead; (for even faith without works has been declared to be dead;) if then these traditions need but the quickening spirit of the Most High to breathe into them the-and to another, thy responsibility is great, breath of life, surely we had better live under them than to attempt to destroy them. Our Saviour declared that he came not to destroy the law but to fulfil it. And I firmly and undoubtedly believe that we, each one of us, must know the law to be fulfilled ere we shall enter into the full fruition of our hopes-namely, "The rest of the people of God." And now, O my soul, what dost thou know of this? When thou art bowed down in very weakness before thy Maker, thou art enabled to be entrusted with now and then a crumb, as it were, from his table, as much as thou hast a capacity to receive. Yet gracious Father, quicken me, I beseech thee, with thy presence, bring me into the stripping room, make me willing to go down into suffering with thy dear Son, for if I ever come to be worthy of joint heirship with him, I must follow him even into the garden where he sweat as it were great drops of blood. Yes, to Mount Calvary, and know of a very death to the body, ere my soul can know fully of a resurrection from death.

His health, naturally delicate, was rendered more so by a severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism soon after his marriage-from its effects he never entirely recovered. For one year before his death he was affected with neuralgia in the head; at times his sufferings were so great that he was fearful he should lose his reason, but he was mercifully preserved with a clear and unclouded mind to the close. About two weeks previous to his death, his wife perceived his breathing to be quick and unnatural, his physician was sent for, who administered remedies that relieved him. After he left, he desired his wife and mother to sit down by him, saying, let us sit in solemn silence. After a pause he said, "the body suffers, but the mind is borne above it." The last few days his sufferings were great,

having a little sister, niece and nephew to look
up to thee and thy example. After acknowledg-
ing the kindness of his physician and all who
attended him, he repeated the following lines:
"So live, that when thy summons comes to join
The innumerable caravan, that moves
To the pale realms of shade, where each shall take
Thou go not like the quarry slave at night
His chamber in the silent halls of death,
Scourged to his dungeon; but sustained and soothed
By an unfaltering trust, approach thy grave
Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch
About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams."

He left directions that his remains should be clothed plainly and simply, free from the produce of slave labor, and that his coffin be made of white pine, if it could be procured without waste of time; if not, as plain a black walnut as could be made, the lining also to consist of free material; and that everything should be done plainly, bearing a testimony thereto even in death.

Thus having been careful to the last to occupy the talents committed to him to the praise of his Divine Master, his day's work being accomplished, in the 30th year of his age he passed quietly away, we doubt not with the answer of well done good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord and into thy Master's rest.

NEW SURVEYING MACHINE.-An ingenious apparatus has been contrived for making preliminary surveys for engineering purposes. By a very simple combination of cones and friction wheels, regulated by a pendulum, motion is given to a roll of paper and a grade pen, the relative velocities of which give an exact profile of the ground, together with the vertical and horizontal distance travelled over by the machine, sufficiently accurate for the preliminary survey, and at a great saving of time, labor and expense.

SOME ACCOUNT OF ESTHER LEWIS, FORMERLY | tion. I have not words to express my desire for
(Concluded from page 246.)

1st mo. 30th, 1795.-About 3 o'clock this morning, she broke forth in a melodious manner, as taken down by her niece S. Gilpin. "Father of mercies, be pleased to look down upon thy poor dependent creature and help with a little help, for I have no helper but Thee, and am not capable of assisting myself to any good, but, remembering thy loving kindness in days past, in years that are over and gone, my trust is alone in Thee. Grant, oh! grant the light of thy countenance, with an assurance, a renewed assurance of the extendings of thy mercies, before I close, and enable those present to travail with me and to pray for me. Ah, Thou hast passed by all my inadvertencies; thou wilt remember my omissions no more.'

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At another time she said, "I have curtailed many of my personal expenses, that I might give to the poor. This reflection is now a treasure to


1st mo. 31st. This morning she spake as follows: "I find I have so much strength (being able to sit up in bed) that I am afraid it looks like getting better. It is painful to think of having to pass through again the same trying scene, after having got so far on my way. I hope I am in a good degree prepared for my everlasting rest, yet I desire to receive whatever my heavenly Father may see meet to dispense to me. Last night, in my dream, I had an interview with two of the younger branches of the family, for whose everlasting well-being I have been much concerned; when I awoke, I felt disappointed that it was not reality, and I do not know that I shall be clear without seeing them, if I be able. She then gave directions for a small legacy to a poor friend of whom she had not been before mindful.

This evening, after her niece S. Gilpin, who had been much with her, had left the room, she was at her request called in again, when she addressed her after this manner: "My dear Sally, I believe I have been continued in this weak state some days longer than I should have been, on account of some of my relations with whom I have not yet had a satisfactory opportunity. I have travailed night and day on thy account. I believe it to be a day of tender visitation to thee. Give up, and thou wilt enjoy in greater measure that peace and satisfaction of which thou hast had a little portion. If thou dost not, thy mind will be tossed and not comforted. Do not regard what the world may say; make the sacrifice. If it be wondered at among thy friends, that is nothing. Thy submission to manifestations of duty will be approved by a greater Friend, whose assistance in a time like this is of more consequence than any other considera

thy preservation through this world of trial and difficulty. My dear Sally, my mind has been exercised for thee day and night, that thou mayst not let thy day of visitation pass over. Thou hast been called, wilt thou not yield? There is no crown, without taking up the cross." This evening she supplicated as follows: "Oh! thou merciful Father, be thou with me, for I have no power to help myself, that I may look to thee in hope, for in Thee alone I trust. Be with me, in this trying, conflicting season, preserve me from fainting; be Thou my helper, Thou who art the only helper of thy people. Thou art light, and therein is life; be Thou with us this night and to the dawning of another day when the glorious day star shall arise. Was it not for thy glorious majesty staying and supporting thousands, whom thou in thy mercy hast gathered into thy rest, what would have been their portion?"

2d mo. 1st.-About 3 o'clock this morning there appeared a further change. Her brother standing by her bedside, asked her if she was going; she said no not yet, and spake affectionately to those around her. Being raised up to take some drink, she said, how wonderfully and mercifully am I helped; my inadvertencies and omissions seem entirely removed out of sight. On being told many had called to see her, she said, "how kind my friends are, but I have not been very desirous of their company, as the best of friends' has been with me."

She had several times desired to see some of her nephews and neices, and this morning way was made for it. She also addressed her sisters, the wives of her brothers Samuel and Miers, as follows: "My conduct toward all my connections has been actuated by love disinterested, and now when separation draws near, it overflows to all. This day being the first of the week, her low situation induced all her brothers and sisters to stay from meeting to be with her. Our beloved friends R. Young and D. Darby came in in the evening, after attending the usual meetings, and the family, brothers and sisters, being collected in silence, these friends were led in a remarkable manner to enforce the counsel of their dying sister.

2d mo. 2d. In the evening Samuel Emlen came in, having a desire to see her, and sitting a few moments by her bedside, he told her he had come to deliver a message which had dwelt with him since last night. "Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned, for she hath received at the Lord's hand double for all her sins;" adding, "thine have been the sins of omission, and I am comforted in the assurance that they are pardoned, and thou nearly arrived at the port of rest." When he took leave of her, she said,

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My peace flows as a river; all is now pleasant. If I had been faithful, I should have ranked with thy class."

After withdrawing from her chamber, he had a religious opportunity with many of her near connections below stairs, weightily applying this text, "If thou wilt return, oh! Israel, saith the Lord, return unto me, and if thou wilt put away thine abominations out of my sight, then shalt thou not remove," which he believed to be the language of adorable condescension toward this family; further adding, "bring ye all the tithes and offerings into my store house, and prove me now therewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it," enlarging upon the passage in a remarkable manner, to their great encouragement. Deborah Darby and R. Young being desirous to see her once more, now visited her, and D. expressed her sense that all was well, and that she might now say with Simeon, "Lord now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation;" adding, "I am comforted in the belief that thy last days have been thy best days." After which she replied or said something not clearly intelligible. In a short time her voice was a little revived, and she broke forth in a powerful pathetic supplication on behalf of these dear friends, nearly in these words: "Oh! Lord, that I may be strengthened to put up a feeble petition for these thy servants, whom my spirit has travailed for; mayst thou be with them through all their exercises and deep baptisms, that they may be supported in the arduous field of labor they are now engaged in, and grant that their services may be fruitful in thy family and among thy people. Thou hast hitherto preserved them and made them conspicuous in thy cause, continue with them through all their trials, and carry them through all to thy praise and their lasting peace. They are as strangers in a strange land, having left their near and dear connections for thy sake; be pleased to supply all their wants, and preserve and support them unto the end."

Soon after D. Darby kneeled by her bedside with thankful acknowledgement that the spirit of prayer had been poured forth on their account, upon their dear departing sister, now soon to be received into the glories of the heavenly presence; that as she had been made a preacher of righteousness in her last days, her counsel having dropped as the dew and distilled as the small rain upon the tender plants, it might please the Father of mercies to make it fruitful to her connections, that by increasing obedience to his holy will we might become more and more accepted in his sight, and as he had been pleased to favor us with the fatness of the earth, he would conspicuously shower down the dew of heaven, that we might become a family to his praise.

After a solemn pause R. Young weightily revived this passage, "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, from henceforth, yea, saith the spirit, that they may rest from their labors and their works do follow them;" and again leaning down her head close to sister Lewis, in a low, sweet voice repeated, "Blessed are the dead," &c.

This favored opportunity seemed like an anointing for her burial; after which they took a solemn farewell. Two of her sisters then going near, she noticed them both, saying, "My love will go beyond the grave, and perhaps I may be with you, though invisible."

To a friend sitting by her this day, she said, "I feel myself going." The friend made some reply, she then said, "As to that, if the presence of the Lord is but with me, I am resigned, although it may be hard. I feel no fear."

2d mo. 3d. She had passed a painful night. This morning she desired her sister Gilpin might be called, and said, "I believe I am near the close. I think I shall not continue another night." She several times through the day repeated, "Come, Lord, I am ready," and toward evening said, "I now feel thy presence, continue with me to the end. Stay with me, oh! Father."

About fifteen minutes before she died, she desired her connections might be called in and that they would be still, and asked the Friend sitting by her bed to give her her hand, then said, "all is well," and departed so quietly about 10 o'clock this evening, that her close was not perceived by any present except the Friend who held her hand.

The coffin being provided according to her directions, she was removed in the evening of 2d mo. 4th, to her brother Samuel's, in conformity to her desire, and remained there till the afternoon of 2d mo. 7th. When previous to the hour appointed for moving to the grave, the near connections being seated in the room, D. Darby remarked what a favor it was thus to be able to pay the last debt to a dear departed friend, without the fear of endangering our own lives thereby, and with great sympathy toward some present had to revive the late most trying dispensation in 1793.

At the grave she was also led to revive the above mentioned solemn season, when scarcely any ventured to follow the remains of their departed friends, earnestly recommending that we who had escaped that day might diligently improve our time, that so at our departure, as in the present case, this language might be applied. "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord," &c.

After the interment, nearly all the near relatives and divers others returned to the house, where we had a precious, memorable opportunity, wherein lively testimonies were borne by D. Darby, R. Young, Rebecca Jones, and Samuel Smith, much adapted to the states of those pre


sent, earnestly pressing an attention to the ad- on the 19th ult., Peter Lester, of this city, aged 60 vice of the dear deceased friend, and greatly encouraging all to pursue with increasing diligence those things which make for peace, also cautioning those assembled not to neglect the present opportunity.



We invite attention to the review of the weather for last month, in another column. It contains matters of unusual interest, and will repay a careful perusal.

DIED,-On the 19th of 11th mo., 1856, at his residence, near Millwood, Guernsey County, Ohio, SAMUEL SWAYNE, aged 69 years, and was interred on the 21st in Friends burial ground at Richland, & branch of Stillwater Monthly Meeting, of which he was a member, for more than thirty years. He was a regular attender of meetings, when health of body, or that of his family, would permit, believing it to be his "reasonable duty." His disease was the dropsy, occasioning at times great difficulty of breathing, which he bore with Christian patience and fortitude, saying to his family, "If it is the will of my heavenly Father to take me now, not my will, but thine be done.""If it is to suffer awhile longer, I am resigned." In the early stage of his disease he seemed to be impressed with the belief, that his continuance here would be short, as it seemed to be making rapid progress. In a communication dated 5th of 7th mo., 1856, he says "I suffer great oppression of breathing, have to set up most of the night, seldom get any sleep until the latter part of the night; the difficulty seems to increase within the last week or two, yet I am wonderfully supported under it, and if I am only favored to have on the wedding garment, when the solemn period arrives, it will crown all." Notwithstanding his sufferings were very great at times, he was placid and kind to all around him, expressing much thankfulness for the many favors bestowed upon him. When near the close, our precious mother asked him if he felt willing to go? He replied very distinctly, "I am prepared," which we believe was the case. He was a kind, affectionate husband, and a tender, loving father. Yea verily! we feel as though we had lost a beloved counsellor and friend, but not without this assurance that our great loss is his eternal gain. Oh how often I

have had to recur of late to the religious instructions and tender admonitions which so eminently characterised him as an anxious parent.

I have felt very solicitous to preserve from oblivion some of the many excellent traits of the mind and character of my beloved father, so much so that I believed this brief record concerning him was due from

his affectionate daughter.


A Female Friend, well qualified to take charge of a School, and who has had several years experience in teaching, is desirous of a situation in city or country. A girls' school would be preferred, but a mixed or an entire male school would be accepted. For further particulars inquire of WM. W. MOORE, 324 south 5th st.



Dinner being over, our Ministers retired into another room, and I went to them; where, with much seeming respect, they addressed themselves to me after this manner, "We are very glad to hear you have so much to say in defence of our religion, and that you managed the debate so as that he got no advantage, nor could maintain his point." But I being still under the grief and shame, as well as the resentment, of their temporizing cowardice and negligence, quickly returned thus: "And I, gentlemen, am very much grieved and ashamed to find that you had nothing at all to say in defence of it, which I very much wondered at; for I so long expected one of you would have engaged the gentleman, that it was almost unseasonable to make any answer."

To this they replied, that I might a great deal better, and safer, do it than they; for it would have been more taken notice of, and worse resented in them; and might have been greatly to their future prejudice.

This reply from men of their profession, at such a crisis, when our religion was apparently in the most imminent danger, bore such an aspect of temporizing, and was so suspicious of a secret inclination to apostatize from their own avowed principles, and to conform to Popery, then ready to force its way into fashion, that it very much offended me, increasing my former disgust; and occasioned such a crowd of thoughts in my mind about the clergy, and the religion they pretended to propagate, that I said no more to them about it.

This was toward the end of August, 1688; and not long after, arrived the Prince of Orange; at whose appearance that party, which had but a little before been so very high, despotic, and rampant, were at once universally dispirited and dejected to such a degree, that they stole away from some places in the night, particularly Carlisle; where there was a strong castle, and other fortified holds, and the city also surround

Fox Lake, Dodge County, Ohio, 6 mo., In Middletown, Bucks Co., Pa., on the morning of the 27th of Sixth month, 1857, MARY PAUL, ated with a high and strong wall, and well stored an advanced age.

On the afternoon of the 28th ult., in the same township, JOHN SIMPSON, in the 44th year of his age; both of whom were members of Middletown Meeting, Simpson, an esteemed minister in the Society of

and the latter was a son of the late venerable James


At the residence of his son-in-law, A. B. IVINS,

with ammunition; which made many judge that their guilt, and the consciousness of their own evil designs against the Protestants, was the main ground of the panic which seized them at the news of the arrival of that Protestant Prince, with whom they had good grounds to believe the Protestants had a secret understanding; and

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