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An account of the life, travels, and Christian periences in the work of the ministry of Samuel


(Continued from page 146.)

No. 11.

did in one before. But John Bowstead and Peter Fearon had a meeting appointed for them at a place called Goose-green, between Kendal and Millthrop, to which meeting there was a very great resort; and being desired to attend it, I did, and in the beginning of the meeting I spoke something of the universal love of God to mankind. After which a Friend went on with the same subject, and inferred from the text something more than it would bear, so that a ex-young man who taught school at "eatham, (a small parish in that neighborhood,) took him up after the meeting was over, and having the advantage of the argument, did endeavor to bear the Friend down. I was with some others gone to see the horses got ready for our return, but, being called, got with difficulty into the house, which was much crowded, (the meeting being held in the open ground without the house,) and when got in and heard them, I soon found where the pinch was; the Friend had said what the text would not bear him out in, in quoting Obadiah the 10th verse, compared with Romans the 9th Chapter and 11th verse. I observed that he went too far in expression, when I heard it, and repeating the words more than twice, the young man had them very plain. I waited some time, and then desired liberty of the young man to ask him a question, the answering of which might bring the argument to a point; adding, not that I thought myself so capable to maintain that argument as my friend was. He gave me leave, and my question was, "Whether he believed it consistent with divine wisdom and mercy to punish men for such faults, as by his argument they were ordained to be guilty of, which because of that ordination they could not avoid?" He soon very frankly gave answer, he did not believe it. I then asked him, why he argued against his own faith and judgment? For although he took advantage of my friend's words, not being so well guarded as they might have been, yet there was no just ground to argue against his own judgment. And thus this argument dropt, and then he took up baptism, but soon finding himself not able to support what he undertook to prove by the text, viz. Infant-Baptism, he confest that he was not qualified to maintain his argument, and therefore requested that we would favor him to confer on that subject on Wednesday next, in the room where he taught school, with the minister of their parish;

I staid in and about Bristol three weeks, visiting the meetings round the city, but on First-days I was mostly in the city, and it being the winter fair, meetings were very large: but on the Third-day meeting in the fair week, there was a man out of Wiltshire, a separate, named Arthur Ismead, who stood up to preach, and was speaking of the light: he put forth a question about bringing our deeds to the light; adding, "do I bring my deeds to the light?" A worthy elder, named Charles Harford, answered, "No, thou dost not; if thou didst, thou wouldst not do as thou dost." I sat all this time under a very great concern, and the word was in me like fire; so I stood up, and with a strong and powerful voice began to preach, he crying out, that he had not done; but I took no account of that, but went on, and he soon sat down and fell asleep, and we had a blessed edifying meeting that day, and truth was exalted above error. After this meeting I was clear of the city, and visited some parts of Gloucestershire, Worcestershire, Darbyshire, Cheshire and Lancashire, but nothing happened worthy of any great note, save only, in many places I had very large, open, quiet meetings, and when I found myself very high and full, I then expected low times again, for I but very seldom was drawn forth in doctrine, and enlarged more than common, but Maplebeck would come in my way, and the uncommon temptation and trial I underwent after that meeting, which did not arrive to its height until I came to Swannington in Leicestershire, as is before hinted. I reached home about the latter end of the First month, and staid with my dear friend Robert Chambers part of that summer, helping him and his brother-in law John Moore at Gale, mowing more days this year than I ever

Quakers are not fit to be disputed with, because
that you deny the Scriptures, the Ordinances of
Baptism, and the Supper of our Lord."

I addressed myself to the young man to inform
the parson that infant-baptism (so called) was
the present point to be considered; which he did
in a few words, and very well, but it was to no
purpose: the priest would go on in his own way,
calling us heretics, schismatics, heathens, and
what not, bestowing freely such reflections upon
us as came into his head; and having gone on
in this rambling way for some time with his
unbecoming language, I requested, that he would
hear me without interruption as I had him ; and
then I put him in mind of his old age, (he
having a comely personage, and fine white locks)
and that he had more experience, it might with
reason be supposed, than we young men had;
and supposing that thou mayst be right, and
that we may be in error, yet for all this, in my
opinion, thou must be wrong in thy conduct
towards us, in being so liberal to give us hard
names, and shew no reason for thy so doing.
Here I was broke in upon with a kind of violence,
that all the Disciples and Apostles had a com-
mission to teach all nations, baptizing them in
the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
Do you confute this or own it?" I urged,
"No water is named in that text; and besides,
that text should be rendered, into the name of
the Father, Son, &c."

withal adding, it might be of service both to him
and others. My friends were very much for it,
and I was not against it, provided they would
go and assist. For I looked on myself very
unequal to such a talk as this was like to be.
However, after some discourse betwixt ourselves,
I consented, on condition that John Jopson the
school-master of Kendal would be my second, he
being well acquainted with, and understanding
both the Greek and Latin testament, might help
me against being imposed upon by any false
gloss or interpretaton put upon the text to prove
their arguments: so we told the young man we
would endeavor to answer his request by being
with him on Fourth-day by nine in the morning;
he was glad to be discharged for the present, for
I had not seen one sweat more freely than he
did; being in a very great agony, he could not
forbear shaking as he stood by the table: and
thus we parted for this time very good friends.
But I grew uneasy, fearing how it would end,
and blamed my friends for bringing me into this
scrape, and not assisting in it, but leaving me
to dispute with I knew not who; but all I got
was, that they doubted not but I should be
assisted to come off well, of which I was very
doubtful, and it hindered me of some hours sleep.
When the time came, my friend John Jopson,"
and two more, went with me; we came pretty
early, rather before than after the time appointed;
and the young man had got his room, and two
elbow chairs ready for the parson and myself,
but I was not willing to sit in either, being
younger than Friend Jopson; but to avoid words
about it, I sat down in one; the young man
acquainted the parson we were come; and he
came to us, scraping and bowing, and the more
we supposed, because we did not answer him in
the same way. After he sat down, previous to
what we met about, he would needs have it that
I challenged a dispute with him; to which I
could not agree. But referring myself to the
young man, I desired that he would inform his
neighbor of the true cause of our coming there;
which he did very handsomely, to the effect fol-
lowing, in very decent language, viz. "Sir,
meeting last Sabbath-day with this gentleman,
we fell into a conference about infant-baptism,
supposing that I was able from scripture to
prove that practice; but on trial, finding myself
not able to hold the argument, shut it up: there-
fore being persuaded, and believing you, sir, to
be infinitely more able to defend the practice of
our church than I was, I desired this gentleman
to favor me so much as to come and confer with
you, sir, on this subject, in my hearing, that I
might have this matter set in a true light; and
I beg your pardon sir, hoping that this modest
request to the gentleman is not offensive to you,
and I will assure you it is a great pleasure to
me." Thus having made his apology, the priest,
being a hasty, passionate man, began; You

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Here the young man, and my friend Jopson, searched both the Latin and Greek, agreeing that it was more proper to render it into the name, than in the name, &c. Then, if that was right, as it was my opinion it was, it was plain to me, that the materials of that baptism could not be elementary water, therefore I could see nothing in this text to prove the practice of sprinkling infants, or infant-baptism. Here I was interrupted with great warmth again: the Parson urging, that the Disciples, primitive Ministers, and Apostles, all had a commission in Matthew xxviii. which by succession was to continue to the end of the world; and this baptism was with water, for the Apostles could not baptize with the Holy Ghost. In answer I said, when Peter, at the house of Cornelius, (Acts xi, 15,) began to speak, (as appears by his own account) "the Holy Ghost fell on them, as on us at the beginning," said Peter; from which it is plain, that teaching by direction of the spirit being prior to baptisin, the baptism of the Holy Ghost was the consequence of such teaching. But this did not please the parson; but he in answer said, "That undoubtedly the commission in Mat. xxviii. was water, it could be nothing else: what are you wiser than all our forefathers, who have understood, ever since the first ministers, this text to mean no other but water? accordingly we have so practised." I queried, if he thought the text meant outward elementary

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water? He said, he did. I desired to know his reason for so believing. He answered "The practice of the apostles in pursuance of that commission which all had." I then queried, if he thought Paul was included in that commission? He granted that he was, and by virtue of his commission he baptized many. But I desired they would turn to the text, Cor. i. 17. where the apostle plainly says, "Christ sent him not to baptize, but to preach the gospel ;" and in the foregoing verses he thanks God he baptized no more, &c. Besides, allowing that they did baptize with (or more properly in) water, yet this argues nothing in proof of sprinkling, nor is there any either precept or precedent for it, in all the Bible. At this the parson stood up in a passion, told us we were no Christians, nor fit to be conversed with as such, and left us in a rage without any ceremony.


Our dear friend William Hunt, of New Garden, in Guilford county, North Carolina, accompanied by his nephew, Thomas Thornborough, of the same place, being on a religious visit to Friends of this nation, departed this life at the house of our friend James King, near Newcastle upon Tyne. The deep regard we bear to his memory and eminent services, engageth us to transmit the following testimony concerning him.

They arrived in London about one week after the Yearly Meeting, 1771, and attended several meetings in that city, from thence they proceeded northward to York Quarterly Meeting held in the Sixth month following, and so forward to the Quarterly Meeting at Durham. In these meetings he was eminently favored with wisdom and power in his ministry, to the edification of many, and the comfort and encouragement of the honest hearted. Hence they went into Westmoreland and attended the Quarterly Meetings at Kendal and Lancaster, and visited Friends in Westmoreland and Cumberland.

Now the young man acknowledged, that the minister (as he styled him) was not able to defend his own practice from Scripture, and desired that we would lend him some books treating on that subject and others, in which we differed from From Cumberland they proceeded into Scotthem and other dissenters in point of religion. land, and visited the Meetings of Friends in that We agreed to let him have W. Penn's Key, R. nation and some families where no public meetBarclay's Apology, and some others, upon apply- ing houses were built. From Scotland they came ing himself for them to John Jopson, his brother to Newcastle upon Tyne, where our dear friend school-master. He was thoroughly convinced, William Hunt's service was very considerable. and likely to make a good man; he had several Although in this visit he said little in public enemies, amongst which the parson was not the meetings, yet he had some precious opportunileast: but he shortly after this sickened and died. ties in particular families, which we hope have And now to return; I was very diligent in left lasting impressions on many minds, espefollowing the harvest work, both at mowing and cially the youth, and which very nearly united reaping, and diligently observing my gift, to us in the bond of divine love. They proceeded. attend such meetings as I was inclined to; and hence visiting meetings in the county of DurI found I grew in my gift, that I could see and bam, whence finding his mind drawn to visit discern myself: but then I would check myself the Quarterly Meetings in Cumberland, they for such thoughts, seeing them by no meaus went directly to Cockermouth, being accomproper to have a place in my heart, lest that panied by two Friends belonging to Northumberhumility, which is the ornament of every gospel land Quarterly Meeting. Two Friends from minister, should be departed from through self- Newcastle met them there, by whom we are love and conceit, by which I might be brought informed his service both in the Select and other to have a better opinion of myself than any of meetings was great, being remarkably opened my neighbors had; which, if given way to, into the state of the Church. They staid with would eat out all that respect that my brethren him and attended the Meeting at Pardshaw the and the church had for me; and by this foolish first day following, which was a solemn, memorapride and conceit, the hearts of Friends would ble meeting, our dear friend being divinely be shut against me, and I should lose my place opened to bear a close, deep and searching tesand interest in them. timony suitable to a variety of states then present. After this meeting he found drawings on his mind to return again to Newcastle, and attended a meeting appointed for him at that place, where he delivered a weighty testimony, warning Friends to beware of the crafty wiles of the adversary by which he seeks to ensnare and enslave the children of men.

Now I had but one journey more to make into Scotland, before my going (or at least intending to go) into America, of which in its place.

[To be continued.]


Flowers, (says Mrs. Sigourney,) have bloomed on our prairies, and passed away, from age, to age, unseen by man, and multitudes of virtues have been acted out in obscure places, without note or admiration. The sweetness of both has gone up to heaven.

From Newcastle they went to Allandale and attended that Quarterly Meeting. Proceeding directly for Yorkshire, (in the 10th month 1771,) the ensuing winter was spent in visiting Yorkshire, Lancashire and Ireland, returning to Eng

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Lord to remove him-which was accordingly
done. On the third day of his illness, two
Friends from the country came to visit him, to
whom he expressed himself, to wit: "I have
longed to see you and be with you, but was put
by." One of them said, "I hope we shall have
thee with us yet." He answered, “ that must be
left." The Friend observed that whatever afflic-
tion we are tried with, we may yet see cause of
thankfulness. He replied, "great cause indeed,
I never saw it clearer. O the wisdom, the wis-
dom and goodness, the mercy and kindness has
appeared to me wonderful; and the further and
deeper we go the more we wonder. I have ad-
mired, since I was cast upon this bed, that all
the world does not seek after the truth, it so far
transcends all other things." Two Friends from
Northumberland came to visit him, to whom he
said, "The Lord knows how I have loved you
from our first acquaintance, and longed for your
growth and establishment in the blessed Truth,
and now I feel the same renewed afresh," and said
he much desired they might fill up the places
Providence intended, and lay up treasure in bea
ven: adding, "what would a thousand worlds
avail me now !"

land in good time to reach London against the | be transmitted to them if it should please the
Yearly Meeting in 1772. After attending the
Yearly Meetings in London, Essex, Suffolk and
Norfolk, they proceeded through Lincolnshire
to Hull, where they took shipping for Holland,
being accompanied by our friends Samuel
Emlen, Jr., and Morris Birkbeck, and after vis-
iting the few Friends in those parts they em-
barked for Scarborough, but by contrary winds
landed at Shields the 25th of the 8th month,
and attended their week-day meeting on the
26th, and came that afternoon to the house of
James King, near Newcastle upon Tyne: We
have good cause to believe, from accounts received
as well as from our own knowledge of his con-
duct and ministry, that in all his travels in
Europe he behaved as a faithful Minister of
Christ, exemplary and uniform in conduct, of a
weighty deportment and retired spirit, his con-
versation grave and instructive, seasoned with
love and sweetness, which rendered his company
both profitable and desirable. His ministry was
living and powerful deep and searching-an ex-
cellent example in patiently waiting for the clear
manifestations of the divine will, and careful to
move according to that, so that his appearances
mostly brought great solemnity over the meet-
ings in which he skilfully divided the word,
being to the unfaithful as a two edged sword, but
to the honest-hearted travellers in Zion, and to
such as were seeking the way to God's kingdom,
his doctrine dropped like dew and as the small
rain upon the tender grass: he was a man of
sound judgment, quick of apprehension and deep
in divine things, and although he was only in the
thirty ninth year of his age, yet such was his
experience and stability that he stood as an elder
and a father in the Church, worthy of double

The disorder was very heavy upon him, having a load of eruption, under which he shewed great fortitude and patience, even to the admiration of the physician and surgeon who attended him— his mind being mercifully preserved calm and resigned to his Master's will, whose presence he found to be near him in the needful time, saying, "it is enough, my Master is here”—and again," he that laid the foundation of the mountains knows this; if it please him he can remove it." At another time he said with great compo sure, "the Lord knows best; I am in his hands, let him do what he pleases."

Perceiving a friend to be diligent and attentive to do what she could for him, he said, “The Lord refresh thy spirit, for thou hast often refreshed this body, and whether I live or die thou wilt get thy reward."

He attended the week-day meeting at Newcastle, on the 27th of the 8th month, 1772, in which he delivered a short and living testimony in the love of the Gospel to his beloved friends of that place. That afternoon he was cheerful, and expressed his satisfaction to find himself there; and on being asked what place they in- After the second fever came on, finding himtended for next--he replied, " he saw no farther self worse, he said, "my life hangs upon a at present than Newcastle." Next day he was thread." The doctor being sent for (who gave taken ill, which was not apprehended to be the diligent attendance) with which he seemed small pox till the fourth day of his illness, when pleased, but said, "they are all physicians of no the eruption appeared. He said to his compan- value without the great Physician"-a friend said, ion, "this sickness is nigh unto death, if not "I know thy dependance is upon him"-He quite"-his companion signified his hope that it answered, "Entirely." Understanding that the might not be so he replied, " my coming hither two Friends who had sit much by him, did not seems to be providential, and when I wait I am intend to leave him that night, he very sweetly enclosed and see no further." At another time said, "and will you watch with me one night he made the same remark to a Friend, saying, more?" On being asked how he did, he said, "It will be a sore trial to my companion if I am"I am here pent up and confined in a narrow removed." He also mentioned in an affectionate compass, this is a trying time, but my time is manner his dear wife and children to a friend above it all;" which was evident to those about who attended him, and requested some counsel him, who often perceived praises and sweet meland advice, which he then communicated might | ody in his heart when but few words were ex

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pressed. A little before he died he said trium- from another; and although I have endeavored phantly, "Friends Truth reigns over all." In to divest myself from any sentiments received, great peace he departed this life the 9th of the that might prejudice an inquiry, yet find no in9th month, 1772, and was interred on the 11th of junction to follow on according to the simile the same, in Friends' burying ground in New-drawn from worthy Wm. Penn's conduct towards. castle-upon-Tyne, accompanied by many Friends, the natives. upon which occasion a solemn Meeting was held, and divers testimonies borne to the Truth in the service of which he lived and died an example to many brethren. A Minister twenty-four

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Whether it may be that circumstances alter the case, or that the crime, if any, is so remote from that of immediately depriving a man of liberty or property as not to be obnoxious to divine justice, I must leave; but this I may say freely, touching any concern that so feelingly crosses the path in which many have innocently walked, there is need of very great care to see the way clearly, and to feel the mind clothed with such authority as to silence any doubts that may arise upon opening such prospects, touching their rectitude; for with respect to justice, mercy and humility, those revealed parts of man's duty, whatever is contrary thereto is not only the business of the cross of Christ, but the subjects of our discipline, and may be esteemed the traditions of the elders or fathers. Now, I remember the apostle Paul commends one of the churches for their readiness, and also their willingness to do the things they should command them, for which they desire their hearts may be directed into the love of God and patient waiting for the coming of Christ, and then commands them in the name of their Lord and Master to withdraw from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition they had received; now, if small dealings in articles supposed to pass through the channel of their labor, not to amass wealth, but simply to support nature on her journey, be to walk disorderly and not agreeable to discipline, then, indeed, might I be justified in refusing to partake with a brother in any of his fare, even a cup of cold water, while continuing in such practice; but if, on the contrary, it doth not so appear, (whatever may be the case in time to come, then I had need be careful how I judge another by word or deed, lest in so doing I condemn myself, for if I be partaker of the same, in different degree, how am I to be excused?

Squan, the 13th of 8th mo., 1786. Beloved friend Jos. Delaplaine,-Brother Job Scott and I have, with gratitude, to acknowledge thy kindness in bearing us company from York to Rahway. I now feel a freedom to offer to thy view some remarks upon trading to the West Indies, &c. If the importers of those articles, which nearly all, if not all, come through one and the same oppressive channel, were to have recourse to our fellow men in bondage, in the procuring of such goods, by paying them a valuable consideration or gaining their free consent in any other way, then thou would have the same right to purchase a barrel and retail at an advanced price, as our worthy friend William Penn had when he got a grant for Pennsylvania, and had recourse to the natives and procured their free con- | sent to grant townships to others in a way agreeable to his mind. But while Society are laboring with such of their members, who in years past have liberated their fellow men and women, to let them have that which is in justice their right; and while there are many exercised youths, who, I make no doubt, see with clearness that they cannot, in the liberty of the truth, please their appetites with those delicacies, in the procuring of which no recourse hath been had to the poor Africans, it greatly behoves concerned Friends whose services in Society are very conspicuous, to consider what goods they make merchandise of; Now, dear friend, I wish an openness and however, I have charity to believe that some freedom to subsist, that there may be a feeling The case of the poor black Friends in years past have been highly favored, each other's spirits. even while they have held their fellow creatures people hath been often the subject of my conin bondage, and that one thing will ripen after templation, and I have been ready to believe another. When thou hast opportunity, please to that not only their redemption from temporal give love to my dear friends Silas Downing and bondage will become the subject of deep conwife, and let them or other friends in thy free-cern, but from the bondage of corruption; and dom read these lines. Job joins me in love to thee and other friends in thy freedom.


REPLY OF JOSEPH DELAPLAINE TO J. MITCHELL. Beloved friend,-I received kindly thy letter dated at Squan, and having considered the contents, conclude in my mind it is very possible one Friend may be differently led

moreover that a day hastens, wherein the partition raised between white and black people, by vile prejudice and custom, will be broken down, and they, poor afflicted souls, be made to share in common with all other their fellow creatures of the blessings and privileges in civil society, with a religious fellowship consequent on their reception of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

This, my dear friend, though an important

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