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Forever. But when time, restoring time,
Has soothed thy fierce intensity of woe,
Come forth, and earth, and air, and sky, with all
Their seals of holiness, shall bear to thee
Sweet tokens from that all-sustaining soul
Which breathes throughout the boundless universe;
That Source of Love in which all spirits blend,
Which binds with vast eternity the things
Of Time, and evermore connects by all
The holiest links of mind, the toilers here
With those whose finished works still follow them.
Come, too, and gaze, Oh! battler for the right,
Whose drooping heart, like His, the mantled seer,
Who by the mountain cave of Horeb stood
And mourned his faithless tribe, hath sadly turned
From all the darkness and the selfishness
Which wrap and chain an erring world in gloom,
And as calm feelings circling round thee come,
Oh! let thy spirit soar above the mists
And clouds of earth, unto the Source of Light
Ineffable, where doubts and fears fade out
From view, and it can lean secure on that
Eternal Faith, whose all prophetic word
Hath told that though the everlasting hills
Should bow, and skies grow black with fearful signs,
And heaven and earth with dread convulsions heave,
The truth shall stand triumphant still; and not
One sacrifice upon its altar laid-
One pure unselfish deed, nor lofty thought
Which burns for human weal; nor kindly word
That falls refreshing on the sorrowing heart-
Nor meek endurance of deserveless wrong,
Shall ever pass in nothingness away.

A. P.



Mr. Granville Penn, in making the formal presentation of the belt, spoke at considerable length. He referred to the fact that five years ago he first visited Philadelphia. This visit was very interesting to him, and the kindness with which he had been received had made a lively impression upon him. Since then he had passed most of his time in Europe, and he felt the utmost gratification on again returning to Pennsylvania, to witness so many evidences of the progress and prosperity of the State. Mr. Penn then referred to the Wampum belt before him, which he said had been carefully preserved in his family for four generations, and which was now about to be finally deposited where both his father and himself had long since felt that it should be placed-in the collection of the Pennsylvania Historical Society. The speaker admitted that there was no positive record that the belt was the identical Wampum which was given to his great grandfather at the treaty of Shackamaxon; but the device upon the belt, and its great size, sufficiently indicated the importance of the event it was intended to commemorate. There were other circumstances connected with its history which satisfied him that the belt was the great Treaty Wampum.

Mr. Penn then read copious extract from the works of the historians of the North American Indians, to illustrate the uses to which Wampum was applied, and the importance attached to it. The shells out of which the beads were made varied in value according to their color. The white were given in token of amity, and the black were the symbols of enmity and war. These belts had devices and hieroglyphics work

An occurrence and ceremony of unusual interest, took place on Monday evening, at the Hall of the Pennsylvania Historical Society. The Belt of Wampum, given to William Penn, by the Schemes of the Lenni Lenapos, at the time of the great treaty at Shackamaxon (Ken-ed upon them which had great significance, and sington,) in 1682, was presented to the Society. The presenter was Mr. GRANVILLE JOHN PENN, the great grandson of the Founder of the State, now on a visit to the city. The belt is about three feet long and six inches wide. It is composed of beads made of small pieces of muscle shell ground into shape and pierced and then strung upon thongs of deer skin. The strings are then fastened together until they are of sufficient width to form a belt. This great treaty belt was of unusual breadth, in token of the importance of the compact it was intended to seal. The beads are generally white, and among them black beads are wrought into devices emblematic of the treaty. In the centre of the belt two figures are rudely formed with beads. One of these figures wears a hat, and it was, without doubt intended to represent Onas, as the Indians called William Penn. The other figure is obviously intended to represent an aborgine. The figures are in the act of shaking hands. There are also three bands, formed of black beads, which cross the belt diagonally. The curious old relic is carefully preserved in a glass case, and it is in excellent condition.

which were perfectly well understood by the savages. Upon ordinary occasions, a simple string of wampum was given and received as evidence of a contract between parties; but as the occasion become more important, the strings were tacked together until they formed a wide belt to commemorate such events as that which gave historical interest to the Treaty formed at Kensington. Mr. Penn spoke at considerable length upon this interesting theme, and concluded his remarks by formally presenting the belt to the Society. Henry D. Gilpin, Esq., received the gift upon behalf of the Historical Society. He reviewed the principal events of the intercourse of William Penn with the Indians; he spoke at length of the good faith each party had observed toward the other in the performance of the conditions of a treaty made without an oath, and he compared the treaty ground at Kensington to the Island of Runnymede, and the wampum belt before him to the Magna Charta which King John had signed these. Mr. Gilpin continued in this strain for some time, and concluded his remarks by accepting the gift in the name of the Historical Society, and by

the spring gives back to her all that the winter destroyed?-H. Ward Beecher, in Independent.


FLOUR AND MEAL.-Sales of good brands at $6 25.

assuring the donor of the high respect entertained here for his illustrious name, and the sincere regard that was felt for him personally. After the ceremony of presentation had been concluded, Mr. Penn was introduced to mary of the ladies and gentlemen who were present, and he conversed with them pleasantly for an hour or two. The distinguished gentleman will remain in Philadelphia until June, when he will pay a visit to the interior of the State. He will spending, a branch of Southern Quarter, may reach that some time in Luzerne county during the summer.


March is come! It is not much, to be sure. The ground is not yet unlocked. Frost is within and without. The sky is cold; the clouds are scowling and full of gray, as if snow was hidden within mist. Yet, March is come, and we are glad. It is the first month of spring. Winter is over. It may come back to glean, but the harvest of winter is past and ended. The power of warmth will wax every day, and cold will wane. Already blue-birds are singing south of us. When they come, be sure that the maple trees are ready to yield their liquid treaBuds know what birds mean. Singing in the branches will soon draw out leaves. Grass is already alert. Wistful cattle smell the new herbage, and browse along the warm and sheltered fences for a taste of fresh growth.


We bid the Winter a hearty and glad farewell. It has domineered with wanton ways this year. We have had enough. We long for clearer skies, for warm air, for the life of nature, and the growth of all things. Even those venerable old flies that stretch their rheumatic legs and crawl drowsily up the window-pane in the warm room, are welcome; for they remind us of summer.

For home consumption at $6 50 a 6 62, and extra and fancy brands at $6 75 a 7 75. Rye Flour is held at $4 00 per barrel. Last sales of Corn Meal at $3 12.

RIENDS having business communications

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nisi ess Cell Monthly Meet

section cheaply, pleasantly and expeditiously, by taking a ticket by P. W. & Baltimore cars from Philad. at 1 o'clock P.M., to SASSAFRAS RIVER ON 3d, 5th and 7th days. Fare to Sassafras River $1 50. Conveyance be had of RICHARD TURNER, at Betterton Landing on Sassafras River, to any part of the neighborhood.

HESTERFIELD BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS. The Summer Session of this Institution will commence the 18th of 5th mo. 1857, and continue twenty weeks.

TERMS.-$70 per session, one half payable in
advance, the other in the middle of the term.
No extra charges. For further particulars address,

Crosswicks P. O., Burlington Co., N. J.
next Term of this Institution will commence on
the 18th of 5th month next and continue 20 weeks..
Scholars of both sexes will be received during the
coming Term.

All the branches of a liberal English education are thoroughly taught in this institution; also the elements

of the Latin and French languages.

Terms $70 per session. To those studying Latin or French an additional charge will be made of $3 for

each language.

No other extra charges except for the use of Classical and Mathematical Books and Instruments. A daily Stage passes the door to and from Philadelphia. For further particulars address the Principal for a Circular.


Eldridge's Hill, Salem County, N. J. ONDON GROVE BOARDING SCHOOL FOR


In a few weeks the plow will awake—the fields will be alive with labor, the pastures green with YOUNG MEN AND BOYS. It is intended to herbage, and all nature will rejoice again! Will commence the Summer session of this Institution on all things rejoice? How is it oh ! my soul, with the 1st 2d day in the 5th mo. next. Lectures will be delivered on various subjects, by the teacher. thee? Is it spring to thee? are winter storms on Anatomy and Physiology, by a medical practitionpast; are coldness and frost gone; are death ander; the former illustrated by appropriate apparatus ; hardship all ended? Are the roots sprouting-the latter by plates adapted to the purpose. new hope, new labor, new life? Is it about to be a period of reviving life and joy? Or shall the heavens change and the earth, but not thou? Shall the seasons grow warm, and distil with fruitful influence, but thou remain joyless and barren?

Oh! Thou that doth bring forth the warm days and cause the earth to spring up with new fruitfulness, filling her veins with life, visit also with reviving spring thine own garden, and cause thy Church and thy people to burst forth as the forest into leaves, and as the fields into blossom; may new joys sing in our hearts, as birds ere long shall sing, flying far from the south, and fill the heavens with a joy over thy Church revived, greater than the joy of the earth, when

TERMS; 65 dollars for 20 weeks. No extra charge except for the Latin language, which will be 5 dollars. For Circulars, including references, and further particulars, address BENJAMIN SWAYNE, Principal, London Grove P. O., Chester co., Pa.

3d mo. 14, 1857.

[blocks in formation]






No. 100 South Fifth Street,

Five Dollars.

Every Seventh day at Two Dollars per annum, pay. able in advance. Three copies sent to one address for Communications must be addressed to the Publisher, free of expense, to whom all payments are to be made.

An account of the life, travels, and Christian experiences in the work of the ministry of Samuel


(Continued from page 97.)

No. 8.

which is the gift of God alone; nor can any come into the true fold but by this door, as said our Saviour (John x. 1, 2, 3,) concerning himself. Thus it plainly appeared to me, there was no other way but this, viz. by the Spirit of Christ alone, to attain to true faith, which works by love, and give victory over our infirmities and evil deeds, working such a change in us, that we can in truth from experience say, we are born from above, (John iii. 3, 4, 5,) and by virtue of that birth only, is the true knowledge of the kingdom and the things of God attained, and by no other way or means, although never so well contrived by human art: and being experiAnd now the scriptures and ministry from the mentally sensible of this change wrought in my openings of the spirit seemed so clear and plain mind, it looked the more likely that I might in to my understanding, that I wondered that any- time be qualified to speak to others of my own body remained unconvinced, supposing them to experience of the operation of the Spirit in my see the truths of the Gospel in the same light mind, not thinking the time so near at hand as that I did, and that saying of the Apostle, (1 John it appeared when I came to the meeting; for I v. 20,) wherein he asserts his knowledge of the had not sat long therein, but a great weight fell Son of God being come, from their receiving an upon me, with some words to speak; but I conunderstanding from him, was clearly discovered sidered, (being willing to be my own carver,) it to me, so that now I plainly saw a distinction was too soon to undertake such a task, being but between the children of light, and of this world; an infant in religion; not remembering the small the spiritual, and the natural man, and that the time between Paul's conversion (Acts ix. 20) natural man could not receive the things of the and his preaching the Gospel: and my former Spirit of God, being foolishness to him, he can't conduct with my companions, (many of whom know them, because they are known only by the were in the meeting at the same time,) stood much Spirit, as the Apostle asserts; (1 Corinthians ii. in my way, for my reformation was but three 14,) and I found myself much improved in divine weeks old that very day, so that I reasoned thus, wisdom and saving knowledge. As I was going that so sudden a change would hardly be borne. to meeting, walking alone, it came very livingly I could not for that time, for these reasons, give into my mind, that if I was but faithful and up, and the burden was then taken from me. bedient to the heavenly vision, I should soon But after that meeting it came upon me again be qualified to teach others, and more especially, with double weight, and affected me so very as I saw by experience wherein my shortness greatly that I was much alone, and my countehad been, in being contented and easy with a nance so altered with weeping, that my master form of truth and religion, which I had only by took occasion to enquire into the matter, "how education, being brought up in plainness of both it was with me?"--and I gave him as him as plain achabit and speech; but all this, though very good count as I was capable of, which he was much in its place, did not make me a true Christian; affected with indeed, and broke into tears. What I was but a traditional Quaker, and that by ed- I feared was, that I had by disobedience so much acation only, and not from the scriptures, because offended that I should be cast off forever. But they were a book sealed to me. And I now saw with sundry exhortations from Scripture and plainly that education, though never so carefully otherwise he endeavored to pacify me, not doubtadministered, would not do the work; although ing but that I should have the like offer made a pious education ought by no means to be neg- me, putting me in mind of Gideon's fleece, lected, but all parents and guardians ought to be (Judges vi.) &c. When next meeting-day came, stirred up to their duty in that respect, yet we I went in great weakness and fear, and could must consider, that it is not in the power of rather have gone elsewhere than to meeting that parents, or the most pious tutors to confer grace,day. However, some time after I was in the meet

ing, I felt the same concern as at the meeting new heavens and new earth, wherein dwells before, and I sat under the weight of it till the righteousness.' And my understanding was meeting was almost over, and then hardly knew opened to preach unto her the new birth so efhow I got upon my feet, but did, and broke out, fectually, that she was thoroughly convinced, and with a loud voice in these words; Fear not continued an honest Friend to her dying day, them which kill the body, but are not able to going to meeting the very next day, and so held kill the soul but rather fear Him which is able on while able to attend meetings. to destroy both body and soul in hell. I say, fear you Him who will terribly shake the earth, that all which is moveable may be shaken and removed out of the way, that that which is immoveable may stand.' This was all I had to say at that time. But oh! what joy and sweetness I felt afterward I can't express, and the pleasure of my mind appeared in my countenance, so that my master took notice, and spoke of it so feel ingly, that plainly demonstrated he was a partaker with me of the same rejoicing in himself, as at the birth of an only son. This was about the year 1696, on that called Christmas-day, it falling that year upon the first day of the week. Thus having (as it may be said) broke the ice, the next time was not quite so hard, but I said very little, and seldom appeared for a year or two, having about three years of my apprentice ship to serve, which I did with fidelity and truth. The last year of my time, I found some considerable working in my mind to visit Scotland, being very rarely without some degree of divine virtue on my mind, either by night or day; therefore I thought, if it was so with me then, it would be much more so when I had nothing to mind but divine things; but I found it otherwise, of which in its place. I may not omit, that some time above two years after I first spoke in meetings, I opened the New Testament at that passage spoken of by our Saviour, Mat. x. 28, to the same effect with what was first opened on my mind, as mentioned above, which then I knew nothing of, as being the sayings of Christ to warn them against the fear of men; although no doubt I had read it, but had taken so little notice of what I read, it was to me as if it had been never writ. But it was a great comfort to me that I was thus opened in a material point of doctrine of our blessed Lord at my first set-ter Parat's. ting out.

Now my time of servitude being near at an end, and my master being very willing to keep me in his service, spoke to me about it, which gave me an opportunity to open my mind to him about my visit to Scotland; and he then told me to acquaint some of the elders in the meeting therewith, for it was needful that I should have a certificate, to shew the unity of the brethren with my journey; and accordingly I did, and had a certificate. Isaac Alexander was my companion, and had a certificate likewise. So we set out; Kendal being the first meeting, and then to Preston, Yelland, Height, Hawkeshead, and visited part of Lancashire, and Yorkshire, in about three or four weeks. But the poverty of my spirit was so exceeding great and bitter, that I could scarcely bear it, but cried out aloud, and it was so surprising to my companion, that we being by ourselves walking on foot, he feared it would be too hard for me, for I complained that I was deceived or mistaken; because, while I was in my master's work, I rarely by night or day was without some degree of divine virtue on my mind, but now I could feel nothing but the bitterness of death and darkness; all comfort was hid from me for a time, and I was baptized into death indeed. As we went along, I said to Isaac with a vehemency of spirit, Oh! that I was in my master's work again, and favored with my former enjoyments of divine life, how acceptable it would be!" We came at our journey's end, to one Miles Birket's, who was more than usually kind to us; but alas! he did not know my state and poverty. Next day we went to another meeting at Hawkeshead; it was a little better with me, but very poor; and so we performed our journey in about a month, and he returned to his father's house, and I to my mas

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I being very loath to go to Scotland, having been proved with so much poverty of spirit, the cup was so bitter I could hardly bear it; however, I kept my mind to myself, and we set forward on foot, visiting part of Cumberland in our way, and I thought Isaac had very fine service, so much superior to mine, that after him I was afraid to lessen or hurt what good he had done; and before him, I was afraid to stand in his way. He was very much admired indeed, and some were convinced by his ministry. We accomIplished that journey in about two months' time. At our return hay harvest came on, and I went to mowing, and on the meeting days went just where my mind led me, and grew in my ministry very much, and the Lord let me see his kind

About this time I had a desire to visit a neighboring meeting called Yelland, it being the first that I ever had a concern to visit, and desired my dear friend Isaac Alexander to go with me. Agreeing upon the time, I went to Isaac's brother's house the Seventh day evening before, where Isaac lived; and he and I went to visit James Wilson and his parents that evening James was under convincement, but not his parents. We had some conference, but being called to supper left off abruptly. After supper could not be easy without repeating my visit, and James's mother being very quick in the Scriptures, she desired my judgement on those texts in Isaiah and Peter, 'Behold, I create


ness to lead me through that state of poverty, which was of great service to qualify me to speak to others in the like condition, and that trials of sundry kinds were for my improvement and good, tending to my establishment in the true root of a divine and spiritual ministry; and the doc. trine of our Saviour and his Apostles (Matthew v. 3. Romans vii, 24,) did much comfort me, so that I became, in the opinion of several, an able minister, although but short, seldom standing a quarter of an hour. But alas! I saw since that I was but a mere babe or infant in the work.

This summer passed over, and by my harvestwork at hay and corn, I picked up a little money, being just penniless before, so that I travelled to a meeting, before I got to work, fourteen or fifteen miles, three times forth and back on foot, all alone, with three halfpence, being all the money I had, and thinking to refresh myself in the way; but when I came near the house of entertainment, I found myself so strong and cheerful, that I thought I might want it more at another time, and so kept it.

my certificate; all this seemed agreeable, and he undertook to appoint meetings forward, and sent me home with his son but not having ever been so closely examined, before, this grew in my mind, and fearing how I should come off, Thomas Aldam being a noted minister, it was some uneasiness; but at last he came home, and was very tender and kind indeed. Next day, being first day, we repaired to meeting, and I came off beyond what I expected by much, preached almost an hour, so that I was very cheerful in my spirit after it, and we had a little opportunity in the evening, and all ended brave and well. So the week following I went to Blithe, and took meetings in course as they lay by Maplebeck to Nottingham. At Maplebeck there was a brave old living Friend, with whom I had great comfort, his name was John Camm; at this place I had the very best meeting that I had ever had, and it had a very remarkable effect upon me; for I began to think the bitterness and anguish of death, which I had gone through before, might now be over in a great degree, and I should Towards the fall I bought a horse and put my-go on smoother and with more ease for time to self in a condition for another journey with my come, for the Friends shewed me much respect, old companion Isaac again; and we thought and I was visited in the evening and morning either of us pretty sufficient to hold a meeting: before I left them, by sundry that lived nigh. however, I was to go with him through Bishop-In short, I thought more of myself than I had rick and Yorkshire, and he was to go with me done before, that I remember. Two or three of into the west, as to Wilts, Somersetshire, Dev- them went with me to Nottingham, seeming onshire, &c. We had not proceeded far, before much pleased with my company; it being sevI was very much shut up, and had no satisfac- enth day, I was there on first day at two meettion at all in going farther with him; I told himings, came off tolerable well, but not like as at how it was with me, and we were both willing Maplebeck. The third day following I was at to part; and I went to be at York on first day, Castle-dunnington, where was a fine collection of and meeting with dear John Richardson, I laid Friends. I preached some time amongst them, my concern before him, and as a nursing father but found not that authority and life, as I he spoke very encouragingly to me, and he got thought, to attend me as before; however, I demeetings appointed for me at Wetherby, and so sired another meeting with them that evening, forward towards Doncaster. I went on in great which was readily assented to, which was very fear, and after meeting at Wetherby, Benjamin large, considering that place. I seemed very Brown spoke very encouragingly, that "the Lord poor and low, and blamed myself much for apwould enlarge my gifts; and when thou findest pointing another meeting in so poor and weak a it so," said he, "don't value thyself upon it, but frame of mind; the meeting came on, and proved give the honor of it where it is due, and keep better than I expected. But I was very low, humble, and God will bless thee, and make thee and it being a clear moonlight night, I walked a useful member in his hand." My next meet into the Friend's orchard behind his house, being was at Wakefield, which was very much to moaning myself very much, as having lost my my comfort and encouragement. Then to Pon- guide, and fallen from that happy condition I tefract, where I had no cause to complain; but was in the week before. The Friend of the there was a friend, that after meeting did cavil house finding I tarried, came out to meet me, and find a deal of fault with what I had said, having a sense of my low state and condition, so which brought some uneasiness upon me but that, enquiring how I did, he began to speak being afterwards told he used to do so, and that very much in praise of those two meetings, and he was not in unity, that brought me off pretty of the service I had in them. But all this did light and easy; so I went from thence to Don- not raise my spirits; we went in, but he percaster, on the seventh day, it being market day ceived I was very low, and he and his wife enthere. I was conducted to Thomas Aldam's deavored to comfort me; his wife had a fine gift quarters, he being in town, who soon came and of the ministry, and she told me some experiences looked at me, I thought austerely, first enquiring she had gone through, but all did not do, nor whence I came, and if I had a certificate? To come near my condition. Next day I went to all which I gave proper answers, and shewed him | Swannington, in Leicestershire, and there was a

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