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return, and find their best entertain- | supposed that I was frightened into ment. But I always indulge, with it by my complaint. But I feel thankfear and self-suspicion in these mostin- ful that this was not the case, for it teresting contemplations; and doubt- was not till after I had consulted Mr. less, the enjoyments arising from Clyne that I felt any alarm about it; them, belong rather to the advanced nor had I, before, any idea of its beChristian, than to the doubting, wan- ing of a formidable kind. My mind, dering beginner. I am afraid I feel all the summer, had been much in practically, rather than piously, on the state it has been in for years past, these subjects; and while I am in- that is, unable to apply the offer of dulging in vain conjectures on the the gospel to myself, and all confusion employments, and enjoyments of a and perplexity when I attempted to future state, I must envy the humble do so. One evening, (about three Christian who, with juster views, and weeks before going to London for better claims, is longing to depart and advice,) while alone in my room, and to be with Christ.' Nor would I mistake thinking on the subject, I saw, by an a fretful impatience with the fatigues instantaneous light, that God would, and crosses of life, for a temper for Christ's sake, forgive my sins.weaned from the world. I could, in- The effect was so powerful, that I deed, sometimes sing: was almost dissolved by it. I was unspeakably happy; I believed, that had I died that moment, I should have been safe. Though the strength of the emotion soon abated, the effect in a great degree remained. A fortnight afterwards, I told Isaac what had taken place, and he urged me to be proposed immediately to the church. It was in this state I went to Londonand when I heard what was to me wholly unexpected, I could not but consider the change in my feelings as a most kind and timely preparation for what, but a few weeks before, would have overwhelmed me with

'I long to lay this painful head,

And aching heart beneath the soil; To slumber in that dreamless bed From all my toil!"

And I have felt too these lines :
'The bitter tear-the arduous struggle ceases

The doubt, the danger, and the fear,
All, all, for ever o'er.'

But in these feelings, though they may afford occasional relief, I could not indulge."-Vol. i. p. 100.

In 1817, Miss T.'s distressing doubts as to her personal religion forsook her, "and she admitted joyfully the hope of salvation." She immediately improved this gracious interposition on the part of her heavenly Father, by publicly professing her faith as one of Christ's disciples; and in the month of October, 1817, was united to the church at Ongar, in Essex, under her father's pastoral


consternation and distress. As it was, I heard it with great composure, and my spirits did not at all sink till after I returned home. Since then, I have had many desponding hours,

Upon this solemn occasion she from the fear of death. The happiwrote the following impressive letter ness I enjoyed for a short time, has given place to a hope which, though

to her sister:

"My mother told you of my having faint, secures me from distress."joined the church. You may have Vol. i. p. 164.

During all this, while the seeds of disease were making rapid progress in a frame naturally delicate, she was much affected by the death of her uncles, the Rev. James Hinton, of Oxford, and Mr. Charles Taylor, of London; and thought within herself that these heavy strokes had not come alone. Her anticipations were but too correct; for in a few months after the death of her uncle in London, she was herself conveyed to her long home. She bore her afflictions, though of the most excruciating kind, with most exemplary fortitude and patience:-

[blocks in formation]

"Jesus, to thee my naked soul-
My naked soul I trust."

Calm and tranquil to the last, she breathed her redeemed and happy spirit into the bosom of her exalted and compassionate Saviour. Thus lived, and thus died, one of the sweet"Though she had, at this time, be- est of writers, and one of the most come incapable of long-continued reinteresting of young Christians. We would again recommend the ligious exercises, yet, to the last day admirable "Memoirs of Miss Tayof her life, her stated times of retire- lor," just published by her brother, ment were observed by her usually in from which we have gleaned the prethe evening. By her request, her ceding sketch. We can assure our brother read to her some portion of readers that the work is written in the Scripture, and a few pages of Ben- first style of biography, and does nett's Christian Oratory-a book she equal honour to the head and heart highly valued. On these occasions her conversation, though not elevated by the language of unclouded hope, frequently contained expressions of a humble and growing trust in the power and grace of our Saviour."-Vol. i. p. 187.

of the esteemed writer.

Mr. Cuyler's Charge delivered at the
Installation of Dr Milledoler, as
Professor of Didactick and Polem-
ick Theology in Rutgers College.
[Concluded from p. 369, vol. 1.]

Nor are the duties arising out of the polemick branch of your office light or unimportant. Every Theological truth has its opposite error; and the mind can think of few errors which have had no advocates, and

In her last moments one of her brothers arrived from London. To him she spoke with the most emphatic earnestness, professing, very distinctly, the ground of her hope, and the deep sense she then had of the reality which have not been wielded against and importance of eternal things.- the truth with more or less skill. It Her voice was now deep and hollow, is the business of the Christian Miher eyes glazed, and the dews of death were on her features; but her recollection was perfect, and her soul full of feeling. While thus sitting up, and surrounded by her family, in a loud but interrupted voice she said, " Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me: thy rodand thy staff, they comfort me."

nistry not only to teach the truth, but to defend the truth against every species of error by which its purity may become contaminated, and its influence hindered. The defence of the truth requires not only a correct and accurate knowledge both of the truth and its opposite error; but of the arguments by which the one is supported, and the other confuted. This

is not unimportant with respect to any the prophets" able and skilful preachof the truths of religion; and especi-ers. The science of Theology is the allyis it important with respect tothose main furniture of the preacher. Syswhich are leading and vital. This is tem is the hand with which know

ledge is grasped-the crucible in which it is concocted and prepared for use. The systematic knowledge of Theology is the preparation necessary, rightly to divide the word of truth, in order that the preacher may be qualified to give to every one his portion in due season; opening the lively oracles of truth, and carrying home the truth to the hearts and consciences of his hearers. They are ever to be considered as but taught, who are best qualified for the proper and peculiar work of the ministrywinning souls for Jesus, and edifying his mystical body. Let it never be forgotten that there is a wide difference between preaching the gospel, and delivering lectures on systematic theology. The means should never

doubly important to a Professor of Theology, for he is a teacher of teachers--and his errors, or his want of skill in the defence of the truth, may carry their influence through a whole church, and affect many generations. Every age has its peculiarly prominent errors; and the present age is by no means destitute of them. It is not my present business even to enumerate them, much less to give them a detailed consideration. The prominent ones impugn the character and work of the Divine Redeemer, and the equally Divine Spirit; the doctrine of total depravityof human nature, and the justification of sinners by faith, only through the imputed righteousness of Christ. The life and soul of these errors lie in the corruption and pride of the human heart-putting them- be mistaken for the end. selves forth as a spirit of philosophy, It has been said, that the heart as

refusing to believe, or receive any thing which will not submit to its selfenacted laws. The church looks under God to her Theological Professors to teach and defend the truth, by the instruction, which they give to her future pastors.

well as the head, may be cultivated. It may be added, that grace is certainly as important as knowledge, for those who minister in holy things.The church needs instructors who are full of the Holy Ghost-who have tasted that the Lord is gracious; who have had experience of the grace

This work, my brother, the church, with which we are mutually connect- of God in their own hearts-who ed commits to you-and she gives know, because they have felt, the you her text book, the bible, and her power of the truth-who, having views of what is taught in the bible, themselves had fellowship with Christ, in her Catechism, her Confession of faith, and the Canons of the Synod of Dordrecht, which she has adopted as her own. She expects you to seek out the good old ways, and teach her sons and future pastors to walk in them-paths in which confessors have walked to glory, and truths for which martyrs have bled. She looks to you to train them in the knowledge of Theological science, and to form them to be well instructed scribes.

But they are expected to be more than systematic Theologians. The church expects from this " School of VOL. II.--2,

can feelingly commend him to others, as the chief among ten thousands, and altogether lovely-who can tell of a Saviour's love, because his love has subdued and constrained themselves. Such men are infinitely more desirable than mere guide posts by the way-mere scaffolding about the temple, to be taken down, and burnt up when the edifice is completed.

It is true, our youth come to the Schools of the prophets, with characters for piety, of which, we hope, they are really worthy. But still, being young in the divine life, and in christian this end, mingle the spirit of vital religion with your ordinary Theological instruction. And not only so, but devote special attention to this particular leading object. Consider your pupils as your own children in the Lord, whom you are training up to the stature of men, not only in the know-called you to this work, and of our

experience, and standing as much in need of enlargement in grace as in knowledge; much, very much, will depend upon the cultivation which their hearts may receive while preparing for the work of the ministry. In proportion to their moral culture and spiritual growth, will be their efforts to increase in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ; and the interest which they will take in the glory of God, and the salvation of souls.

It will, therefore, be an important part of your business to cherish and cultivate, in those committed to your care, a spirit of sound and fervent piety. Labour, and pray, as the apostle did, that your precious charge nay have Christ dwelling in their hearts by faith, that they, being rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend with all saints, what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height, and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that they may be filled with all the fulness of God. Thus cultivated, they will come warm and animated to their great work, and will bear along with them an unction from the Holy One


sus is putting in array his sacramental host, not only to defend the truth, and occupy the ground already gained - but to march in triumph through the enemies' country, conquering and to conquer. His American Israel forms a division of his army, and her sons already occupy some of the outposts, not only in the wilds of their native country, but in Asia, Africa, and the islands of the sea. The kingdom, and the greatness of the kingdom, are, ere long, to be given to the saints of the most High. Zion is not only strengthening her stakes, but lengthening her cords. The place of her tent is becoming too straitened, and she is breaking forth on the right hand, and on the left. And can we believe that none of the leaders, as well as soldiers of this host, are to be trained in this School of the prophets? Much, very much, will depend upon those to whom this sacred trust is committed. And we expect much, from you, my brother, who have already been so extensively engaged in this work of faith, and labour of love. Inculcate that spirit, which cries, "Here am I; send me."

Your work is before you. You are called to occupy a post of high honour, of arduous labour, and of deep responsibility. And now, called to your post, and occupying your alloted station, in the name, and by the authority, of that Church which has

ledge, but in the grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To this you will be impelled by all the interest which you take in the glory of God, and the salvation of your fellow men; for both are very deeply involved in the success with which you may be crowned in this particular part of your work.

common Lord, we cordially and affectionately greet you, and wish you, God speed. Guided by her Lord, she has already given you the most unequivocal pledges of her confidence, and her affection-earnests of her support and her prayers in time to come. Nor will the Head of the Church, who has so long been with you in other spheres, deny you his love, his direction, and his help, in this new work to which he has called you.Only rely upon him, and follow him ; and he "will never leave you, nor for

Remember, also, that while your pupils will require large and solid Theological attainments, and a spirit of fervent piety, to fit them for their work; the present is an age of peculiar enterprise and activity. Jehovah Je-sake you." Therefore, my beloved brother, be thou stedfast, unmove-could melt him to tears. And to

able, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as you know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. "The Lord be with your spirit."-Amen.

A sermon, delivered in the Reformed Dutch
Church at Lodi, Seneca County, New-
York, at its dedication to the service of
Almighty God; BY THE REV. MR. ABM.
MESSLER, A. M. Pastor of that Church.

"The glory of this latter house shall be

greater than of the former, saith the Lord

of Hosts."-HAGGAI ii, 9.

this love of Zion ever warm and animating, we owe some of the finest strains of sacred poetry, which have ever rolled their melodious accents on our ears. What, for instance, can be more tender and moving, than that feeling lamentation, "By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down; yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion; we hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof."

The Jewish Rabbins enumerate


five things, in which the second, was
inferior to the first Temple.
ark of the covenant and mercy-seat,
both of which had been lost during
the captivity. The "Urim and Thum-
min." The sacred fire kindled from
Heaven on the brazen altar. The
cloud of glory, or visible presence,
overshadowing the mercy-seat-and
the spirit of prophecy, which ceased
about this time. Each of these, it
must be confessed, added no inconsi-
derable lustre to the Temple of Solo-
mon. And yet, notwithstanding that
the hearts of the old men were sad,
when their minds rested on the glory of
the first temple, amid whose ruins they
laboured with sighs and tears, to
build a house for God, the Prophet
assures them that the glory of the
latter, should exceed that of the for-
mer, because "the Prince of life"
would honour it with his presence-
and by his coming confer upon it
more glory, than all the decorations
or divine manifestations, possessed

These words were spoken, concerning that temple, which the Jews erected, after their return from the captivity of Babylon. This house, though much inferior to the Temple of Solomon in outward magnificence. they were assured, should, notwithstanding, surpass it in glory, by being honoured with the presence and ministrations of Jesus the Messiah. The design of the Prophet is to give them comfort in their affliction and wretchedness. The condition of those who returned to Jersalem, after a captivity, so long and wasting, was so impoverished that they were unable, suitably to decorate the house of God which they were then engaged in rebuilding; and feeling this disgrace, as sensibly as they did, their hearts were filled with anguish. Josephus relates that the sorrow of the elder Jews, who had seen the first Temple in all its splendour, as it stood previous to its destruction by Nebuchadnez- by the former, could possibly give.

"For thus saith the Lord of Hosts; yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens and the earth, and the sea and the dry land, and I will shake all nations; and the desire of all nations shall come; and I will fill this house with glory saith the Lord of Hosts. The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the Lord of Hosts.

zar, was so great, when they returned and beheld the comparatively mean appearance of the second, that they could not refrain from tears. The happiness of their former state, and the departed grandeur of their city and temple, pressed with an insupportable weight on their minds. The glory of God, it seems, was so dear to the heart of a pious Israelite, that even The glory of this latter house, shall the want of external magnificence, be greater than of the former saith in the house dedicated to his worship, the Lord of Hosts."

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