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rises from the earth, and to distribute it afterwards over the rest of the plant in more abundance. The leaves then turn on the side that can best receive the nutritive moisture: and this is the reason that the leaves of some plants incline very low down. If we observe trees growing on a steep hill, we shall see that their leaves do not take a horizontal direction, but evidently a perpendicular one; which proves that the leaves draw towards the side where there is most moisture. These reflections may make us consider the leaves of the trees hereafter, in a different light from what we have hitherto done. If we did not know the inimitable art of their construction, nor the important purpose of their existence, it would not be wonderful that we should see them with neglect and indifference. But when we know that each leaf is an effect of the Divine Power, and an organ of fruitfulness, it would be unpardonable to see them with inattention. They ought naturally to lead us to the following useful reflections: Every thing, even the very smallest object in nature, has been planned with wisdom by the Creator. There is not a single leaf that is a mere ornament, and of no use. It contributes its share towards the fertility and support of the vegetable kingdom. If each leaf then is a work of Divine Power, what a multitude of wonders does not a single tree present to us? The faculties of our minds cannot reach to the bottom of one only, and the smallest leaf might afford subject for refiection all our lives.


The Reviving Power of the Sun.

1 MYSELF feel this beneficent power. As soon as the sun rises over my head, it fills my soul with serenity and joy. Its splendour and warmth inspire

me with spirit and activity, sufficient to fulfil the duties of life, and to enjoy society. The involuntary indolence and lowness, which made me inactive in winter, are by degrees vanished. I breathe more freely, and I employ myself with more pleasure. How can it be otherwise, when I am witness to the universal joy which the sun communicates to the world, and every where perceive its enlivening powers? It animates and revives all creatures with its benign influence. Millions of shining insects awake, sport, and bask in its rays. The birds salute it with their melody. Every thing that breathes rejoices in it, and we every where trace its happy effects. It causes the sap to rise and circulate through trees, plants, and vegetables. It causes the leaves and blossoms to shoot. It forms the fruit, then ripens it, and gives it colour. It sheds life and light throughout all nature. It is the source of that warmth, without which every animal would languish and die. The effect of the sun is not only felt on the surface of our globe, but even in caves under ground, where it produces metals, and also animates living creatures. It penetrates into the highest mountains, though they are composed of rocks and stones. It extends even to the bottom of the ocean, where it acts in several ways. When we reflect on these useful effects of the sun, it is natural to think of the miserable condition we should be in, if we were deprived of the light and heat of that celestial body. Without it, what would our globe. be, but a lifeless mass, without order or beauty? the trees could not produce leaves, nor the plants flowers; the fields would be without verdure, and the country without harvest; all nature would have a gloomy, melancholy appearance.

The sun, with its reviving power, is the emblem of a truly charitable Christian. He also spreads joy and blessings around him. By him the oppressed heart is raised and strengthened, the

afflicted are comforted, the ignorant are enlightened, and the poor relieved. Oh! let us hereafter resemble this beneficent and charitable man. Let us, according to our different stations, share with our fellow-creatures the goods which Providence has bestowed upon us. Without partiality or prejudice, let us hold out assistance to all who want it. Let us instruct one, comfort another, feed this one, relieve that one. Thus shall we quit this world regretted and beloved, and our memories be blessed by our fellow-creatures.


The Desires of the Soul are infinite.

LET us employ some moments in reflecting on ourselves. The soul has certainly the first claim to our attention. It touches us nearly, and ought to be dearer to us than all the pleasing objects which this season so particularly affords. Whatever satisfaction we find in contemplating the corporeal world, it cannot be compared to that which we experience, in reflecting upon the nature and faculties of the soul. The observation of exterior objects, such as the traveller meets on the road, is certainly agreeable to him, because he requires to be amused and refreshed through all his pilgrimage; but that of spiritual objects leads directly to the blessed immortality we may expect as citizens of the world to come. Let us therefore sometimes reflect on the desires implanted in our souls by the Creator. Experience proves that our thirst of knowledge can never be fully gratified. We have no sooner made one discovery than we aim at another. Our desires are never satisfied; and when we at last obtain what we had most ardent ly wished for, we begin again to form new desires. That of acquiring more and more blessings ac

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companies us through life, and even in the mo ment of quitting the world. What conclusion can be drawn from this, but that, as our desires continually extend beyond the present, without being ever fully gratified, there must be blessings after death, beyond the limits of this life? We are not then designed for this transient life alone, but for an everlasting one. Is it probable, indeed, that man would be the only creature on earth endowed with faculties, without having, at the same time, the destiny for which these faculties were bestowed upon him? That man should have an instinct, without the means of satisfying it, and be in this respect more miserable than brutes? When a beast is hungry or dry, it always finds means to supply its wants. We see the silkworm spin its bag, and shut itself up for its transformation. Would that happen if it was not designed for another state, in which it was to appear again under a new form? We see that birds lay eggs: would that be the case, if these eggs were not to serve for the preservation of their species, or that of other creatures? If our existence, then, was to be confined within the narrow limits of this life, why should we have received inclinations and desires which cannot be gratified, and faculties which we could never use? No, certainly, our heavenly Father has not implanted endless desires in our souls to no purpose, much less to be a torment to us.

Being of beings! Our souls are capable of being filled with thy Spirit; we may love Thee above all things; we may aspire at being like Thee, and united to Thee for ever; we may be raised in this world above all earthly things, and soar even to Thee. Is it then possible that souls such as these should be annihilated? that we should have learned to know Thee in vain, to love Thee, and to aspire to thy blessed fellowship in vain? For we are far from enjoying it here: we know Thee

but in part: our love is yet faint and weak; and we but imperfectly enjoy thy grace. Undoubtedly, whatever we possess on earth are but pledges and fore runners of the infinite felicity which awaits us hereafter. This explains, this reconciles every thing; and we may clearly see in this our future destiny. We see it is not in vain that we wish continually to increase in wisdom and virtue, and to draw nearer unto God, the source, the ori gin, and inodel of all perfection. We see that the happiness we cannot enjoy here, or at least but for a short time, we shall possess to all eter. nity in a future state. We may now assure ourselves, that the delightful hours in which the love of God has filled our hearts, and in which we have had a fore-taste of heavenly joys, are not fruitless, or to no end. If we aim at perfection, we shall obtain it. No propensity, no desire, no faculty of the soul, was given in vain. They will all be fully gratified and employed in a blessed eternity. Let us therefore rejoice in the immortality of our souls; God himself has given us the sense of eter nity. Let us not then dwell on visible, but on invisible things. In the midst of all the pleasures we here enjoy, of all our flattering hopes, and the good we possess, let us aspire to those pleasures, those hopes, those unspeakable blessings, which are reserved for us in a better state. Let us employ the noble faculties of the soul in raising us to heaven, for which purpose they were properly designed. Let us preserve our souls, which were created and redeemed for immortality, from the seduction of the senses, that they may not be ab sorbed in trifling pleasures unworthy of them.

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