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Ex-pire', v. to breathe out; to come to an end; to die.

In-spi-ra'tion, n. the supernatural influence of the Holy Spirit.

In-spire', v. to draw in the breath; to infuse into the mind; to aní


Per-spi-ra'tion, a breathing or emission through the pores of the skin;


SPONDERE-TO promise; to answer; Sponsus, pt. promised.

Cor-re-spond', v. to suit; to answer; to hold intercourse by letters.
E-spouse', v. to promise in marriage; to betroth; to wed.
Re-sponse', n. an answer; a reply.

Spon-ta'ne-ous, adj. voluntary; acting or growing of itself.
STARE-TO stand.

Circum-stance, n. state or condition in which we are placed. Con-sis'tent, adj. standing firm together; agreeing; not contradictory.

E-stab'lish, v. to make to stand firmly; to fix; to confirm.

Extant, adj. standing out to view; now in existence; not lost. Ob'sta-cle, n. anything standing in the way; hinderance; obstruction.

Ob'sti-na-cy, n. stubbornness; contumacy.

Ob'sti-nate, adj. that stands against or in opposition; stubborn.
Sta'tion, n. place; a situation; position; rank.

STATUERE-TO set; to place; to appoint.

Con-sti-tu'tion-al, adj. natural; agreeable to the established form of government.

Des'ti-tute, adj. not having or possessing; in want of; forsaken.
In'sti-tute, v. to establish; to appoint; to found.

STERNERE-TO lay flat; to scatter.

Con-ster-nation, n. terror; surprise; astonishment.

STIGARE-TO urge; to spur on.

In-sti-ga'tion, n. the act of spurring on; incitement to ill.

STILLARE-TO fall in drops.

Dis-til-lation, n. raising water into steam, and then condensing it. STINGUERE-TO mark; to impress deeply.

Dis-tinction, n. a difference; honourable mark of superiority; emi


Distinguish, v. to mark the difference; to make distinction; to know one thing from another.

Ex-tinct, adj. put out; abolished; dead.

Ex-tinguish, v. to put out; to destroy.

In'stinct, n. that which is impressed deeply in the nature; the principle which guides the actions of irrational animals.

STRINGERE-To hold fast; to bind.

Con-stric'tor, n. one that binds; a serpent that crushes its prey to death.

Re-strain', v. to hold back; to check; to hinder.

Re-strict', v. to confine; to limit.

STRUERE-To build.

Con-struct', v. to build; to form; to compose.

De-struction, n. the act of pulling down; ruin; complete overthrow. In-de-struc-ti-bil'i ty, n. the quality of resisting destruction or decomposition.

In-de-struc'ti-ble, adj. that cannot be destroyed or brought to nought.

Ob-struct', v. to build against as a hindrance; to stop; to impede. Ob-struction, n. hindrance; obstacle.

Structure, n. form; make; organization.

STUPERE-To be astonished.

Stu-pen'dous, adj. wonderful; astonishing.

SUADERE-TO advise; Suasus, pt. advised.

Per-suade, v. to influence by argument or entreaty; to convince. SUAVIS-Sweet to the mind; pleasant.

Suav'i-ty, n. sweetness; mildness; softness.

SUBTILIS Sly; cunning; acute.

Sub'til-ty, n. thinness; extreme fineness; tenuity.

SUMERE TO take; Sumptus, pt. taken.

As-sume', v. to take to one's self; to take for granted; to arrogate. Re-sume', v. to take back or again; to begin again after interruption. SUPERUS-High; Summus or Supremus, highest.

Con-sum-ma'tion, n. completion; perfection.
Su-pe-ri-or'i-ty, n. state of being higher or preferable.
Su-preme, adj. highest in dignity or authority.

SURGERE-TO rise; to swell up; Surrectus, pt. risen.

In-sur-rection, n. a rising in rebellion against the established govern


Res-ur-rection, n. act of rising again: revival from the dead.
Source, n. a spring; origin; first cause.

TANGERE TO touch; Tactus, pt. touched.

Con-tin'gen-cy, n. a casualty; accident; event which happens seemingly by chance.

In-teg'ri-ty, n. the quality of being untouched; honesty; uprightness. TEGERE-TO cover; Tectus, pt. covered.

Pro-tect', v. to cover from danger; to defend; to shield. Teg-u-mentar-y, adj. having the nature of a covering, generally of a living animal.

TEMNERE-TO despise; to scorn; Temptus, pt. despised.

Con-temp'tu-ous-ly, adv. in a scornful manner.

TEMPUS-Time; season; Temporis, of time.

Con-tempo-ra-ry, adj. existing at the same time.

Ex-tempor-e, adv. at the moment; without previous meditation.
Tem'per-a-ture, n. state of a body as regards heat or cold.

TENDERE-TO stretch; to strive; Tentus or Tensus, pt. stretched.
At-tendant, adj. accompanying.-n. one who waits on a person.
At-tention, n. act of stretching or directing the mind towards any-

Con-tend', v. to strive; to struggle; to dispute.

Ex-tend', v. to stretch out; to diffuse; to spread.

Ex-ten'sion, n. the act of stretching out; the state of being expanded; space.

In ten'sity, n. state of being stretched to a high degree; extreme force or keenness.

Pre-tence', n. something stretched before in order to deceive; false show or claim.

Pre-ten'sion, n. a claim; false appearance.

Un tend'ed, adj. unheeded; not cared for; not regarded.

TENERE TO hold; Tentus, pt. held.

Ab'sti-nence, n, a holding or refraining from; fasting.

Con-tent, adj. holding the desires together or within limits; satisfied;


Con-tin'u-al-ly, adv. unceasingly.

De-tain', to hold down; to keep back; to restrain.

Sus-tain', v. to hold up; to support; to suffer.

Sus'te-nance, n. maintenance; support; food.

Te-nac'i-ty, n. tenaciousness or the quality of holding fast.

TENUIS-Thin; slender; fine.

At-ten'u-ate, v. to make thin or slender.

At-ten-u-a'tion, n. the act of making thin.

TERMINUS-A limit; boundary; end.

De-ter'mi-nate-ly, adv. definitely; certainly.

Ex-terminate, v. to root out; to extirpate; to destroy.

Ter'mi-nate, v. to bound; to limit; to end. TERRA-The earth.

Sub-ter-ra'ne-an, adj. being under the surface of the earth. Terrace, n. a raised bank of earth; any flat walk. TERRERE-To make afraid.

Terrify, v. to alarm with fear; to frighten.

Un-de-terred', pt. not frightened into obedience; not hindered. TEXERE-TO weave; to knit; Textus, pt. woven.

Texture, n. that which is woven; a web.

TORQUERE TO twist; to put to pain; Tortus, pt. twisted.
Tor-mentor, n. one who inflicts pain or torments.

Torture, n. extreme pain; anguish.-v. to pain extremely.
TRAHERE-TO draw; Tractus, pt. drawn.

At-tract', v. to draw to; to allure; to entice.

At-traction, n. the act or power of drawing to.

At-tractive, adj. drawing to; alluring; inviting.

Con-tract, v. to draw together; to abridge; to bargain.

Con-tract'ed, adj. narrow; mean; selfish.

Ex-tract, v. to draw out; to take from; to select.

Ex-traction, n. lineage; derivation; birth.

Re-treat, v. to withdraw to a safe place.-n. a retiring before a superior force.

TRIBUERE-TO give; Tributum, to give.

At-tribute, v. to give as due; to ascribe; to impute.

Con-tribute, v. to give to a common stock; to bear a part.

Dis-tribute, v. to give asunder or to divide; to deal out; to disperse. Ret-ri-bution, n. a paying back according to the action; requital. TRICAE Hairs or threads, used to ensnare birds.

Ex tri-cate, v. to free from perplexity; to disentangle.
In'tri-cate, adj. perplexed; complicated; obscure.

TRUDERE-To thrust; to push; Trusus, pt. pushed.

In-truder, n. one who forces himself into company without right;

an encroacher.

Pro-trude', v. to thrust forward.

TURBARE-To throw into confusion; Turba, a crowd.

Dis-turb', v. to perplex; to disquiet; to interrupt.

Turbid, adj. muddy; not clear.

Tur'bu-lent, adj. disorderly; tumultuous; ungovernable. ULTIMUS-Last.

Ul'ti-mate, adj. furthest; last; final.

UNDA-A wave; a billow.

Un-du-la'tion, n. a waving motion; motion in the manner of a wave. VADERE-To go; Vasi, I have gone.

In-vade', v. to enter as an enemy; to assail.

In-va'sion, n. a hostile entrance.

VALERE-To be strong; to be worth.

A-vail', v. to be of use or worth to; to profit.

In-val'u-a-ble, adj. precious above valuation; inestimable.
Prev'a-lence, n. constant continuance; influence; predominance.

Val'u-a-ble, adj. precious; worthy.

VALLUM-A rampart; a wall.

Inter-val, n. space between places; time between any two points or


VALVAE-Folding doors.

Valve, n. a lid opening a passage one way while it shuts it in another. Safety-valve, n. an opening that gives vent to steam, lava, &c., which if confined would cause a destructive explosion.

VAPOR-Steam; fume.

E-vap-o-ra'tion, n. the carrying off superfluous moisture by heat; conversion into vapour.

VEHERE TO carry; Vectus, pt. carried.

Con-vey, v. to carry; to transmit; to transfer.

Ve'he-mence, n. ardour; fervour; great earnestness of mind and action.

Ve'hi-cle, n. that by which anything is carried or conveyed; a carriage.

VELLE-To be willing; to wish; Volo, I am willing.

Be-nev'o-lence, n. disposition to do good; kindness; charity.

Vol-un-teer', n. one who enters into military or other service of his own accord.-v. to enter into service of one's own free will.

VELOX-Swift; quick; fleet.

Ve-loc'i-ty, n. swiftness; speed.

VENERARI-To reverence; to regard with awe.

Ven'er-a-ble, adj. worthy of reverence or high respect.

Ven'er-ate, v. to regard with respect mingled with awe; to revere. Ven-er-a'tion, n. respect mingled with awe.

VENIRE-TO come; to arrive; Ventus, pt. arrived.

E-vent', n. that which comes out or happens; an incident; conse


In-ter-vene', v. to come between; to interpose; to interrupt.

In-ter-ven'tion, n. interposition; mediation; a coming between.

In-ven'tion, n. a coming upon something new; a discovery; contriv


Pre-vent', v. to come before so as to hinder.

Rev'e-nue, n. return in shape of rent, taxes, &c., income. VENTUS-The wind.

Vent, n. a passage for air; an aperture; a small outlet. VERBERARE-To beat; to whip.

Re-ver'ber-ate, v. to beat back; to bound back; to resound. VERBUM-A word; an expression.

Pro-verbi-al, adj. mentioned in a proverb or common saying. Verbal, adj. spoken; not written; by word of mouth. VERTERE-To turn; Versus, pt. turned.

Ad'ver-sa-ry, n. an opponent; an enemy.

Con'tro-ver-sy, n. dispute; debate; quarrel.

Con'ver-sant, adj. acquainted with; familiar; having to do with. Con-vert, v. to change into another form or state; to turn.

Di-ver'si-ty, n. difference; variety.

Re-verse', v. to turn back or to the contrary.


-n. a contrary; an op

Sub-vert', v. to overthrow; to overturn; to destroy.
Trans-versely, adv. in a cross direction.

Traverse, n. to cross; to sail across; to wander over.
VESTIGIUM-A trace; a track; a footstep.

In-ves-ti-ga'tion, n. a searching examination; strict inquiry.
Vestige, n. a footstep; a trace; a mark.

VETUS-Old; of long duration.

In-vet'er-ate, adj. old; deep-rooted; obstinate.

Vet'er-an, n. one long practised or experienced; an old soldier. VIBRARE-TO shake; to quiver.

Vi-bra'tion, n. the act of moving backwards and forwards; a quivering.

VICIS-Of change; first one and then the other.

Vi-cis'si-tude, n. regular change; succession.

VIDERE-TO see; Visus, pt. seen.

En'vi-a-ble, adj. exciting envy or earnest desire of possession.

Ev'i-dence, n. testimony; proof; witness.

In-vis'i-ble, adj. that cannot be seen.

Prov'i-dence, n. foresight; timely care; the care of God over his


Vision, n. the faculty of seeing; a phantom; a revelation from God.

Vision-a-ry, adj. seen only by the imagination; not real.

VIGERE-TO be strong; Vegere, to grow.

Veg'e-ta-ble, n. a plant.-adj. belonging to plants; having the nature of plants.

Veg-e-ta'tion, 1. the growth of plants.

Vigour, n. force; energy; strength.

VILLA-A country seat.

Village, n. a small collection of houses in the country, less than a


VINCERE TO conquer; Victus, pt. conquered.

Con-vict', v. to prove guilty.

Con-viction, n. the act of proving guilty; the act of convincing.

In-vinci-ble, adj. not to be conquered; not to be overcome.

Vic to'ri-ous, adj. superior in contest; triumphant.

VINDEX-A punisher of wrongs.

Vin-dictive, adj. given to revenge; revengeful.

VIRERE-TO be green; Ver, the spring.

Ver'dant, adj. green; fresh; springlike.


Vital, adj. necessary to life; eesential. Vi-tality, n. the principle of life. VITARE-TO shun; to avoid.

In-ev'i-ta-bly, adv. so as not to be escaped. VIVERE-TO live.

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