The New Leader, Том 51New Leader Pub. Association, 1968 |
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Стр. 26
... writing began , " she explained , " writers start with a germ of an idea . Somewhere , some- thing he's seen . " That's the technique she follows . " Many people say the character of Ann in Valley of the Dolls , " she re- vealed , " is ...
... writing began , " she explained , " writers start with a germ of an idea . Somewhere , some- thing he's seen . " That's the technique she follows . " Many people say the character of Ann in Valley of the Dolls , " she re- vealed , " is ...
Стр. 18
WRITERS & WRITING Shirley Jackson's ' Magic Style ' By Geoffrey Wolff THE NEW LEADER CUA 22 A 匙 O UNIV OF. T HAS ALWAYS been a comfort to me to make stories out of things that happen , things like mov- ing , and kittens , and Christmas ...
WRITERS & WRITING Shirley Jackson's ' Magic Style ' By Geoffrey Wolff THE NEW LEADER CUA 22 A 匙 O UNIV OF. T HAS ALWAYS been a comfort to me to make stories out of things that happen , things like mov- ing , and kittens , and Christmas ...
Стр. 19
... writing career : the need for expression , the search for a public , the influence of the fortuitous . How much difference really exists between the literary hack and the political hack ? Or between the two worlds when it comes to ways ...
... writing career : the need for expression , the search for a public , the influence of the fortuitous . How much difference really exists between the literary hack and the political hack ? Or between the two worlds when it comes to ways ...
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212 Fifth Avenue Albert Bermel American bombing called cent City color Columbia Communist copy 100 copies crisis critics Czech Czechoslovakia DAVID EVANIER democratic dollars economic election fact feel film force French Gaulle Gaullist GEOFFREY WOLFF Hanoi Herb Lubalin House Humphrey issue Jean Garrigue Jews John Johnson Kennedy Labor LEADER less liberal live Lyndon Johnson major Marvin Kitman McCarthy ment military munist Negro never Nixon North Vietnam novel party peace play poems poet political President problems Reinhold Niebuhr Republican revolution Robert Robert Lekachman role Russian Saigon Scalapino scene Schoenbrun seems Senator sense social society South Soviet Union Stanley Edgar Hyman story style talk television Theodore Draper thing tion tive United University urban Vietcong Vietnamese vote writing young