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college and the introduction of physics seems to have been necessary to the best development of the boy or girl whose education is thus early completed.

And it is apparently just as inadvisable for the college to grant what some high schools demand, because no satisfactory standard of values' has been proposed for measuring the value or thoroughness of scientific and other lines of work. We know less time is given to physics than to some other subjects and are also certain that from the nature of circumstances the work is less satisfactory. The teacher in Latin or mathematics being better prepared for his work, having more time and less need for daily growth, and all favorable conditions for this growth supplied, should be able to obtain more satisfactory results. The work done in physics in the high schools can not be counted as the fair equivalent even of one term of college work and any recognition of it as such equivalent must lower the standard of college work. The adjustment will come and is coming in the increasing demands and facilities for better work in the high schools.

Prin. H. A. Whipple, of Whitewater, represented the high school attitude in regard to Science Preparation in Secondary Schools-Difficulties and Limitations. In part Mr. Whipple said: The most important question before the teachers of this country to-day is that of the relation of the four elements of the educational system to each other, and the organization of a system consistent with the laws of psychology. The high schools now occupy an indefinable position; they are subjected to a strain from opposite directions, being unable to supply the deficiencies of the elementary schools or to satisfy the demands of the colleges. The subject of preparatory science has, in recent discussions, been given undeserved prominence. Little if any more time is given to the sciences in the high schools to-day than was devoted to them fifteen years ago. The difficulties that concern us now were caused by an over-crowding of the high school course by the introduction of other than scientific subjects.

High schools have a triple function; they must prepare for life, for teaching, and for college. The last is of least importance. While it is unwise, as the colleges have frequently indicated, to require a school of forty or fifty students to follow a specified course in order that a few may enter college without examination, it is not unfair to say that this is a common practice to-day in Wisconsin high schools.

Many of the larger eastern colleges require no science for entrance. We have been told, in this state, that except as it contributes to that power that comes from pursuing a well-balanced course, so far as the college work in science is concerned, the preparatory science is of little value. This being true, the preparatory courses may be somewhat shortened or modified The college requirement should be merely the ability to do the work of the course selected.

The college influence has been very helpful to the high schools of this state, but it would seem that the time has arrived, when for the interest of all it may be safely left to the high schools as being nearer to the people to determine, within certain limitations broader than those that at present obtain, what science shall be offered. The colleges might enlarge the options in science so that either physics, botany, chemistry, or zoology may be offered. The colleges must accept what the high schools can do and do well. They must begin where the high schools leave off, and not require the high schools to leave off where they wish to begin.

The sciences are probably as well taught to day as are the other branches of the course. High schools should not attempt to make scientists. If students are trained to perceive closely, to discriminate carefully, and to describe truthfully and concisely, they are prepared best for college and best for life. The text-book and classification-method of studying botany may not be the best, but it at least trains the powers of perception and discrimination, develops judgment, and enlarges the reasoning faculties. It is easier for the teacher and requires more work of student than the structural method. It is usually fairly well presented.

In botany, while the laboratory method is the best, great value comes from emphasizing the mathematical side of the subject.

The difficulties that the high schools meet are real, and their limitations are absolute. Most of their students are not prepared to do the work demanded by the college. Many teachers lack the necessary time. Others have not received the special kind of preparation demanded. Under the present requirement as to amount the colleges cannot justly insist on the method of the preparation But if they can unite in offering an option in the sciences they may properly insist that in the science selected, the work shall be carried on by approved methods.

The discussion of these papers developed interest in the question of the relative value of the old and the new method of teaching botany.

President Adams said: The high schools must inspire their pupils to go on to college; creating an inspiration to go on should constitute a large part of their work. Latest statistics show that twenty-two per cent. of high school graduates in Wisconsin go to college.

Prof. Rankin of Waukesha, said: Preliminary work must be thorough in order to make the higher courses profitable. Pres. Adams read a paper on the Accredited High School System.

After giving a brief history of the development of the accredited system, and admitting it has minor defects and weaknesses he says: "It still has advantages which in a state where the school system has the character of an organized whole, are not likely to be secured in any other way." These are some of the advantages enumerated: It has strengthened, consolidated and elevated the school system. It keeps the eyes of the pupils upon the grade of schools next above them as a possibility of attainment without the necessity of an examination.

It has stimulated the schools to a higher grade of work. The method of certificate increases the sense of responsibility on the part of the schools. The system improves scholarship since high school inspectors are uniformly reluctant to give certificates to those who are imperfectly prepared. The system tends to adapt the requirements of the universities and colleges more perfectly to the possibilities of the high schools; and, finally, the system is in accord with the best educational experience of other countries.

High School Section.

L. A. Williams, Chairman.

The meeting was called to order at 2:15 P. M. in the Normal Assembly room. There were about two hundred pres


The first paper was by Supt. B. T. Davis, of Oshkosh, subject: "What is the Relation of the High School to the University: Criticism of Existing Methods.''

Mr. Davis based his introduction on the following quotation from Mr. Huxley: "No system of education is worthy the name of national, unless it creates a great educational ladder with one end in the gutter and the other in the university.'

He sug

He spoke of the tendency to complete the articulations of the system in the United States, and prophesied that ere long our higher institutions would be more than mere garrets of the educational system and that the metaphorical ladder would be replaced by an ample stairway. gested that the ideal system of education might provide a suitable and well graded road connecting the homes of the nation by way of the kindergarten, rural and elementary schools with the high school, and in turn the high school would connect with the professional school, the college and the university. The high school was placed as the natural center of the school system it being nearest to the people and the institution of the people, for the people and by the people. The high school is not a college, but purely a secondary institution, yet the center of local education. high school must fit for higher education, but at the same time must fit for life. The showing was made that this was true of every grade throughout the entire system from the lowest primary. "In any properly organized scheme of education, higher courses must adjust themselves to lower, to the end that interruption at any point will occasion the least possible waste."


Various plans of university and high school articulation were discussed, especially those of Michigan, New York, the University of Chicago, Minnesota and Nebraska. The various distinctive and commendable features of these plans

were dwelt upon and important opinions were quoted. The Minnesota and Nebraska plans were shown to be the most comprehensive affecting the complete articulation of the entire public school system from the lowest grade to the university. Under that portion of the subject, "Criticism of Existing Relations," classified answers to a circular letter embracing ten questions were presented, giving in a comprehensive way and somewhat in detail the criticisms which school men have te offer on the Wisconsin plan. Mr. Davis concluded his remarks by making use of the following language:

The subject which I have endeavored to discuss is a live question throughout the entire country but particularly so in this state. My investigations have developed, what might have been reasonably expected, that our system of articulation is in some ways imperfect, but in more ways unsatisfactory, perhaps, because of misunderstanding rather than from material cause. There should be no clashing among the representatives of the different parts of our edu cational system. I think more frequent conference and frank discussion of the points in contest would be exceedingly helpful. I think there should be greater unity in our educational system, especially upon the matter of high school inspection. This among other things would suggest the propriety of a State Board of Education. This might

be an ex officio body representing the leading educational interests of the state, and should be clothed with such executive power as would harmonize, unify and strengthen our system of education.

Prof. F. G. Hubbard, University of Wisconsin, opened the discussion on this paper. He corroborated by statistics Supt. Davis's statement that about twenty per cent of the high school graduates of Wisconsin enter the university stating that in 1894, twenty-two and two-tenths per cent. of all graduates of accredited schools entered the university. The whole subject of the relations of high school courses to university requirements groups itself about two questions; That of entrance requirements; and that of inspection. Speaking of the courses of study, he said that there were in the four years course, English and General Science, six terms of work not covered by any specific requirements of the university. These six terms (called adaptive work) may be filled by work chosen from a wide range of subjects. comparison of the four years' course with the three years' course shows that of the additional year's work, only four terms are covered by university requirements; namely; three terms of English literature, and one term of solid geometry. But English literature cannot be called a strictly university preparatory study; so we have left only one term of solid geometry. That is, the three years' course, which presumably has no reference to university requirements covers nearly all the specific requirements for the English



With regard to inspection; some of the criticisms arise from misunderstanding; where the teacher's work has been recently inspected no re-inspection is required if she goes to a new position. The main objections brought against inspection are its imperfection and its expense, there is really but one objection, as much better inspection could be made but for the expense. It is a doubtful question as to which shall pay, the university, the state, or the community whose school is inspected. But the payment by the school, as at present, is a great embarrassment to the inspection.

There should be more frequent meetings, more conferences between university and high school men, and as a result there would be less misunderstanding.

Prof. Hubbard thought that the Minnesota plan, described by Supt. Davis, was ideal from the university standpoint, but we are at present far from that ideal.

In con

clusion, three suggestions were made as tending to improve existing relations. 1. That the expense of inspection be borne by the university. 2. That the university send out circulars to the high schools containing suggestions as to the teaching of different branches. 3. More frequent conferences should be held between university and high school


Prof. Terry, of Waukesha: Just complaints are brought against our high school work. Trouble lies in the work done in the grades. Teachers in the schools themselves are the severest critics of the work. One-third of our pupils are getting what they should from high school work. It is the

Our public


needs of our highest third that are considered. schools should exist for the majority. Two-thirds of our pupils would be benefitted by a letting up of the work somewhere. Too much work is detrimental to character. university is largely responsible for crowding work upon high schools. Conferences with university authorities would probably clear up the matter. Don't send specialists as inspectors.

Supt. Davis, of Oshkosh, spoke of the plan adopted in Michigan of the schoolmasters' club and suggested that we have some such organization here. He emphasized the value of more frequent conferences. Noted the absence of university professors from the meeting of superintendents recently held in Oshkosh; alluded to a recent informal conference in Janesville at which both university men and high school men chanced to be present, and spoke of the meeting as a very satisfactory one.

Mr. Rood, of Washburn, thought that the high school and university were better articulated than the grade school and the high school. There is a manual sent out for the high schools, but nothing of the kind for the grades.

Supt. Mayne, of Janesville, thought much of the trouble was purely imaginary. If we follow the outline of the manual we will have harmony. Things might be adjusted by a little correspondence. The idea of an ex-officio board of education appointed by the state might be considered. Mr. Mayne made the motion that it be the sense of the meeting that the recommendations in Mr. Davis's paper be referred to the committee on legislation of the State Association for consideration. Motion seconded by Mr. Riordan of Sheboygan. Discussion. Prof. Van Hise, of the university thought the schoolmasters' club a good thing. The relations between the university and high schools are right in the main; there are many points of accord. He thought double inspection good for the schools, there should be a variety of inspection. It would be better if three or four

men were sent out.

State Supt. Emery said he was more impressed by the harmony than by the little differences. About thirty per cent. of our high school graduates attend normal schools. Referring to the suggestion that had been made that one man do all the inspecting, Mr. Emery said that one man cannot do inspection for both state and university. There are 192 free high schools. Reports, diplomas, certificates -such work demand a great deal of time from the state department.

Mr. Rood of Washburn: Teachers are sent out by the university highly recommended, and yet their work must be inspected. I do not approve of specialists as inspectors. Mr. Mayne's motion was put and carried.

Mr. Riordan then read his paper, "How Can the Supervision of High Schools be made more Effective?'' L. E. Amidon of West Bend, opened the discussion. He thinks the success of our schools depends very largely on qualifications of teachers. State inspector should examine for admission to high school; possibly send all examination questions for high schools. This would have a stimulating effect. He would have the number of pupils to a teacher limited to twenty-five.

Sup't Hardy of Ishpeming, said when a high school in Michigan wished to be inspected, application was made and a course of study sent to the president of the university. Two inspectors are sent out: one for mathematics and the sciences, the other for languages, literature and history. If any dissatisfaction is felt in the high school they go to Ann Arbor and complain.

Sup't Emery asked, "Do many professors inspect?"
Ans.: "No; same few every years."


Any special pecuniary aid other than state tax? "No." "Inspected often?" "Once in three years." "Do you have a uniform course of study?" Mr. Chandler spoke of changes made in the course of study by principals of high schools to suit individual cases. Principals should consult university authorities if in doubt as to such substitution conflicting with university requirements. The main point is to keep up the standard of work. Mr. Chandler emphasized keeping up the English department. Thought the weakness of our high schools lies in the lower grades.

Question: "Should pupils be admitted to the high school on country diplomas?"

Mr. Chandler: "No law on the subject."

Miss Anderson, of Merrill: Inspectors should meet local school boards and discuss with them the work inspected, making criticisms definitely to the board.

Sup't Mayne spoke of the organization formed at Oshkosh which is to meet next May in Madison, and urged that all city superintendents, principals and teachers of high schools attend the meeting.

Prof. Freeman, of the state university: Mr. Chandler gives the impression that the university pushes Latin and Greek in secondary schools; but that is an error. The university does not want to multiply courses. No real change

is effected in the course of study by the new requirements for admission to the university. Are ideal inspectors to be had? Who is not more or less of a specialist?

Complaint has been made that teachers are recommended by the university, and still inspection is insisted upon. Those teachers were not recommended by the whole university faculty; but, perhaps, by only one professor, as doing good work in his department. If a teacher were recommended for scholarship by the entire faculty of the university, would that insure his being a good teacher? Cases on record prove to the contrary and justify inspection.' Owing to the lateness of the hour, the section adjourned. ELIZABETH WATERS, Sec'y.

Grammar and Intermediate Section.

D. O. Hibbard, Chairman.

The section was called to order at two o'clock P. M. Prof. F. H. Miller of Milwaukee read a paper entitled, "Are Civics and History Sufficiently Emphasized in the Schools?"

1. Civics is usually taught in the grades by learning the constitution of the United States. This has little value and is beyond the comprehension of grade pupils. The work should be in elementary and especially local govern


2. History work in the grades should cover Old World as well as United States history, and should be taught by means of mythology and biography.

3. The present crowded condition of the courses of study does not warrant the introduction of history and civics except incidentally into the grades below the high school.

This discussion was opened by Prof. W. H. Cheever of the State Normal School of Milwaukee, who thought that a very important matter in the study of history and civics is the attitude in which the pupil leaves the study, not his ability to remember the text. What is his attitude towards matters of public principle? Civil government must be made more concrete in its application.

Prin. Spoor, of Oshkosh, regretted that the study of civics was so often left until the pupil reached the seventh grade even when studied at all below the high school. The sentiment of the pupil should be appealed to along these lines in all the lower grades.

Prin. O'Hanlon, of Milwaukee, asserted that civics and history are not sufficiently emphasized in the schools at present as their formal teaching does not reach a large portion of our future citizens. A man who fails to keep his sidewalk free from snow is not patriotic even though he may wear a flag in his button hole. It is the action and spirit shown in small things which indicate true patriotism. Prin. A. B. West, of Lake Mills, thought that the teaching of history might begin at an early age in the form of biographical stories, and that the study could be profitably continued through the grades by the reading of attractive historical works adapted to the growing capacity of the pupil.

The subject, "In Schools of a Single Grade Should the Entire Grade be Taught as One Class or in Sections," was opened by a paper read by Miss Stella S. Carroll of Racine. 1. Duty of the teacher to study the mind of the childthe raw material-as zealously as the subject matter taught.

2. The necessity of a relation and harmony between the various parts of the course of study.

3. This course of study will result in a classification of the children.

4. The theory upon which the subjects in a course of study are grouped and the theory upon which the children are classified presupposes the same conditions.

5. The theory and the conditions often radically differ


6. Wrong ideal of good teaching developed by steady march of grades, year by year.

7. New education cries out against uniformity and overgradation.

8. School system should be sufficiently flexible to meet the needs of the individual.

9. In schools of a single grade, three distinct classes recognized bright, active pupils; dull, slow pupils and those of average ability.

10. Advantage of two sections.

A spirited discussion in which Prin. A. B. West, of Lake Mills; Prin. G. F. Bell, of Racine; Prin. Desmond, of Milwaukee and others favored the single section plan urging in its support the greater facility for aiding pupils in their study, the less liability of distracting attention from the preparation of lessons, and the concentration of effort upon the work in hand whether in study or recitation. Opposed to this some thought that the culture of studying in the room during the period of recitation developed self-control and ability to concentrate thought and encouraged the pupil's independence.

The subject; "What Methods of Promotion Secures the Highest Good to the Individual Pupil?"

"Must the Individual Sometimes Suffer for the Welfare of the Many?" was introduced by Prin. J. W. Congdon, of La Crosse.

Old ideals and aims are changing. New ideals are forming. The working of new ideals causes revision of courses of study throughout the land.

The aim of elementary education is to promote the growth of the child's mind through a course that presents the whole field of knowledge in its elements; to promote normal physical development; to provide the opportunity for the exercise of all the powers of his mind.

The class to be used as a means while use is profitable.
No equality of power among members of the class.
No injustice to the individuals of the class.

The decision of the question of the fitness of promotion to be the concurrent judgment of the teacher and the principal.

The teacher's judgment based upon her knowledge of the daily work of her pupil. The judgment of the principal would be formed upon the consideration of the age of the pupil, the circumstances under which he has worked and his ability to apply his mind to new conditions as shown by oral examinations or written tests.

Regular promotion twice a year, with frequent irregular promotion of bright pupils.

This subject was discussed by ex-Sup't W. E. Anderson and others. Mr. Andersan's theory that promotions should be considered as simple reclassifications, and made whenever a need for such reclassification was found to exist, rather than at fixed intervals, gained general favor as a sensible view of the subject.

Prof. C. P. Sinnott, of Milwaukee normal school, spoke on the "Value and Place of Nature Study in the Schools." He considered the great book of "Nature" among the most valuable of all books. Teachers who have not studied scientific subjects exhaustively may investigate and lead their pupils in the line of their own research.

He pointed out the intimate relation between nature study and literature, and suggested the natural introduction of literature after securing the pupils interest in nature study. He did not consider the destruction of plants or animals necessary or desirable in nature study.

Nature study may be made to serve a most helpful purpose by bringing pupils into sympathy with all objects possessing life

Prof. F. M. Jack, of the South Side high school of Milwaukee, pointed out the opportunity which nature study furnishes for stimulating observation and a love for investigation.

The pupil comes to appreciate his own relation to natural objects and acquires the power of accurate observation. His remarks were enforced by numerous quotations, appropriate and impressive, and at their close the section was declared adjourned.

D. S. GIBBON, Sec'y of Gram. and Intermediate Section.

Journal of Education



[blocks in formation]

No. 5

of a number of prominent medical men and experts as to the correctness and accuracy of the teachings regarding alcohol and narcotics contained in the several temperance physiologies endorsed by the association. The statements in these documents seem to be explicit and satisfactory as to the accuracy of the books, which were submitted to the doctors for examination. The circular refers to "the

irresponsible and indefinite charge of inaccuracy" as having led to the selection of the examiners. We do not quite understand why the paper published in the Popular Science Monthly by President David Starr Jordan, of Leland Stanford University, should be considered "irresponsible."

PROGRAMS for the National Educational Association, which meets at Milwaukee July 6–9, are issued in preliminary form and give promise of a strong meeting. Among those announced to address the general meetings we note Rev. Lyman Abbott, of Plymouth church, Brooklyn, Bishop Vincent, Miss Jane Addams, President Harper, Clinton Scollard, etc. The railroads have fixed one fare for the round trip plus two dollars membership in the association. Preparations are making by the local committee in Milwaukee for the entertainment of twenty thousand guests. Undoubtedly the meeting will be one of great interest, very large attendance and much enthusiasm. It is twelve years since the association met in this state, and our people will do all in their power, we feel sure, to make this meeting as marked an event in the history of the body as was the one at Madison.

THE next issue of THE JOURNAL will be a "Library Number." So much interest is manifested at present in free public and school libraries that we feel sure our readers will appreciate a number giving special attention to this subject. We have on hand for that issue a paper by Prof. Cheever giving the results of an investigation which he has been pursuing by correspondence as to the "Use and Abuse of Township Libraries." The interesting paper from Leipsic by Mr. F. E. Bolton, on Schools in Germany, which was crowded out this month, will also appear. Mrs. Harriett Beecher Stowe will be the subject in the Amer- being (a) the history of education and (b)

ican Literature Series.

A CIRCULAR from the Scientific Temperance Instruction Association contains the opinions

THE WISCONSIN SUMMER SCHOOL will open at the university on Monday, July 12th, and continue in session four weeks, to Friday August 6th, included. The date of beginning is made one week later on account of the National Educational Association which meets in Milwaukee the week preceding; this has also led to shortening the session and making the fee ten dollars for the present year. The school will offer the usual courses, that in Pedagogy

foundations of pedagogy in psychology, logic and ethics, with close relation to the practical work of the schools. It is hoped that the state

examinations may be deferred one week so as to come at the close of the school. Next year the six weeks course will be resumed and the curriculum will be considerably expanded, as the last legislature made provision for strengthening the school. After the association come to the school for four weeks to strengthen yourselves in study and enjoy the attractions of Madison.

AN ORGANIZATION known as the "North

Central Association of Colleges and Schools" discussed a resolution "That in every secondary school and in college as far as to the end of the sophomore year, the study of language and the study of mathematics should be predominantly and continuously pursued; that the study of English, including grammar, rhetoric, and composition, should continue throughout every course; that two languages besides English should be studied; and that no other studies should be allowed to interfere with the preeminence of the studies here designated. This looks very much like an attempt once more to get round our necks the old cord of tradition with which to strangle new western life. As a people we are conservative, but in the west not yet ready to give over the conception of progress. We are willing to believe that there is a valuable culture in science properly studied; we even incline to the opinion that manual training affords excellent educational discipline; we have a respect for languages and mathematics as effective for the training of thinkers. To shut ourselves up to the last as the only proper material for secondary schools, or the only "back bone" of their work, would seem to us narrow and retrogressive. Such "unity" in educational work as would result from the adoption of this policy would, as it seems to us, negate progress and strangle our schools. Far better are differences, experiment, discussion and. differentiation in our educational and social


"TOO MUCH Committeeing" is an inept but convenient phrase used to describe the latest educational ailment. The reports of the Ten and the Fifteen were useful, but a thirteen, a twelve and a seven weary us. Here is the Philological association agonized over the reductions made by the ten in the time allotted to Latin and Greek, from five periods for four years to five for two and four for two in the first, and from three to two years in the second. This will never do, and hence a committee of twelve to "report." We ought to have more time instead of less, they say: "American education has at best a six year

Latin course to present as against the nineyear or ten-year course found in Germany and England.". Hence colleges and schools are called upon to protest against the diminution and demand extension. We do not presume to decide in such a case, but only to plead for the public school. Do these gentlemen wish to sever the connection which has been rapidly forming between the public schools and the colleges? We fear the consequences of attempting to impose a heavier burden of "classics" than that now required, on the schools of the people. In our judgment the result will be a return of the schools to the old position of independence and indifference. If secondary training for college and secondary training for life are to part company again, which will lege? Why can not we settle American edube the greater sufferer, the school or the colcational problems by American conditions and let European usages alone?


Among the improvements needed in many city schools is one of very great importance, if we look at the usefulness of the schools to the pupils and not merely to the perfection of the machine. An ungraded department, or in a very large city several such, could be made useful in these ways:

1. Those children who are out of grade for any reason and who therefore are thrown back into the next lower grade, or who are carried along with difficulty in the grade for which they are only partly prepared, could have a much better opportunity for study in an ungraded department. It is true that efforts are frequently made to accommodate these children at the sacrifice of time and patience by the teachers. But the graded system is unfavorable to all who cannot keep step with its regular march. Among those who are now out of grade and who need such an opportunity are those who have staid out of school for sickness, those who have staid out to work at home or elsewhere, those who have moved into the city from other places with a different course of study, and those idle or dull pupils who do not keep up with their grades. The mere enumeration of these classes shows that there must be many pupils who are out of grade for good reasons and whose needs. ought to be carefully considered. Especially as pupils get into the upper grades of the ward schools are they apt to be needed by parents for work for irregular lengths of time. With an ungraded department such pupils could come back when not at work and at least fin

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