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the consideration of every thoughtful, loving mother and teacher.




As a supplement to the article in the February JOURNAL on the Federation of Graduate Clubs it will be of interest to note the attitude taken toward granting degrees by the late convention of the Federation at Baltimore. This was the most important question discussed in the meeting. The general feeling of the delegates was that there is great need for unification of requirements for degrees and that many of the less rigid institutions should raise their standard. A majority of the convention expressed hearty disfavor of the practice of granting honorary degrees. As a result of their deliberations on these questions the following resolutions were adopted:

Resolved, That it is the sense of this convention:

I. That it is inexpedient for any institution to grant the same degree honoris causa as it grants in regular course on examination.

2. That in every case, the reason for bestowing an honorary degree should be openly avowed, and should be stated in the program of the commencement exercise and in the annual catalogue of the institution so bestowing it.

3. That bachelor degrees are inappropriate as honorable degrees or ex gratia and should be made to signify the completion of a recognized grade of undergraduate work in their respective departments.

4. That the master's degree should never be granted except for resident graduate work of at least one year's duration tested by adequate examinations.

5. That the minimum requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy should be as follows:

A. The previous attainment of a bachelor's deegree or its equivalent.

B. The completion of at least two years resident graduate study, not more than one year, however, to be required in residence at the institution conferring the degree.

C. Adequate examination and a thesis embodying the result of original research. Such thesis should bear the written acceptance of the professor or department in charge of the major subject, and should be accompanied by a short biography of the candidate.

6. That the degrees of Ph. D., Sc. D., M. D., Pd. D., should never be given honoris causa nor in absentia. That S. H. D., S. T. D., D. D., L. L. D., D. C. L. and Mus. D. be recognized as honorary degrees.

7. That the matter of publication of a list of thesis subject in the Handbook be left within the discretion of the Handbook.

The stipulation in resolution (5) B., that only one year shall be required at the institution conferring the degree, has an important bearing. It was adopted in the interest of student migration, that is, going from university to university for the purpose of coming in contact with the best men in the respective fields of study. The report of the committee on migration showed much less student migration in the United States than it seems would be desirable. Committees were appointed by the convention to make further report on migration, degrees, and other subjects of importance to graduate students and universities offering graduate courses. H. E. BOLTON. Madison, Wis.


While the influence of the report of the Committee of Ten is directly traceable in the present active movement towards better history teaching in the secondary schools, the movement is in fact but the larger outgrowth of precedent conditions which were themselves the immediate occasion of that famous report. There had been a general awakening to a consciousness of the defects of the then prevailing methods. These were seen to be not only barren of good results in the way of mental acquisition and growth, but positively dwarfing and stifling to thought, to the cultivation of literary taste, and to the development of personal independence in investigation and judgment. Even in the mere learning of facts and dates, which, it was coming to be seen, was but a small and subordinate element in real historical culture, the old methods were yielding far from satisfactory results. The higher schools were setting higher entrance requirements in history. Valuable literature on the subject was stimulating discussion in educational circles and leading to better practice in the schools. A better prepared class of teachers were being sought out from among college and university graduates, who having caught from the higher sources something of the true historical spirit, were by the power of their own inspiration helping to leaven the lump. Finally the ideals and the practice of the better teachers found expression in the re

port of '93. They had also prepared the way for the readier acceptance and application of its recommendations, so that now there are to be found few grade or high schools whose courses in history they have not greatly modified or thoroughly transformed.

Yet there are some who question the wisdom of attempting intensive study or research work in the lower schools-who insist that it is but a fad of callow collegiates to attempt to bring the methods of the university seminar down to the high school--that the girls and boys of the high school lack both the necessary preparation and the maturity of mind for such work. Besides, among those who do believe in the possibility of something better than mere text-book routine in the high school and even in the lower grades, there is much confusion and diversity of opinion as to methods, or the kind, quality, or amount of work to attempt. The only way to a solution of such questions lies through interchange of views, comparison of work and experiences, discussion and criticism. It is with a view to promoting such comparison and discussion that the following account is submitted of the semester's work in American history just finished by the senior class of the Broadway high school at Superior.

What may reasonably be expected of a given student or a given class is not a mere question of age, but rather of previous work and the methods, means, and motives that went to the doing of it. To judge intelligibly of the work done or attempted by the class under consideration, therefore, it is necessary to know something of the work in history and related subjects leading up to that of the senior year in the superior schools. Space forbids the briefest outline of any part of that work here, but the syllabi in English and Geography (40 pp.), Literature, History and Sociology (25 pp.), and the high school courses in English and History (11 pp.), will be freely sent to principals and others interested on application to Supt. W. H. Elson or to the writer. Briefly summed up, the work of the grades is planned to send the pupil up to the high school well grounded in the essential facts of his country's history, his memory enriched, his imagination quickened, his literary taste awakened, his patriotism aroused, his sense of kinship with man and the world touched by the tales of heroism of this and other lands, by the choice poems, the stirring. national songs which he has learned and by the literature he has read. During the first three years of the high school he studies in order civics, History of Greece and Rome, and

History of England, with a text for general guidance, but doing much collateral reading both in connection with his class and home readings of the courses in English Literature, and by way of copious references to special works in the high school and in the public library of some 11,000 volumes to which he has convenient access. The following statement from the Course of Study will indicate the scope and character of the work for the fourth year of the high school:

Fourth Year.

The work of this year will be in the nature of individual investigation of authorities, collation of original documents, personal correspondence, etc. The results of these researches will finally be reduced to the form of monographs, bound copies of which will be preserved in the high school library. B. STUDIES IN AMERICAN HISTORY. First and second quarters, three times a Three-fiths course. week, 20 weeks. Credit value, .6 Intensive study from authorities and public documents of special periods or phases of American history.

During the first and second quarters of '96-7 the class will study: (1) The History of the Lake Región, with especial reference to Northern Wisconsin; (2) The Diplomatic 'Relations between the United States and Great Britain since 1860.


Third and fourth quarters, three times a week, 20 weeks. Three-fifths course. Credit value, .6

Special investigations in assigned periods or topics, on a plan similar to that of American history studies. [B.]

Reading and references will be given as topics are assigned.

The work in (1) History of the Lake Region, etc., was arranged as follows: I. PREHISTORIC INHABITANTS.

1. Prehistoric Copper-miners of Wisconsin. 2. The Mound Builders in Prehistoric Wisconsin.


1. The Chippewas of Wisconsin.

2. Local Indian Legends.

3. Indian Names of Wisconsin, their Meaning and Origin.


1. French Occupation as told in Geographical Names.

2. French Missions of the Seventeenth Century.

3. Early Fur Traders of the Northwest.

4. Daniel Grayson Du L'Hut.

5. First Establishment of the French Government in the Northwest.

6. The Fox War and End of the French Régime.

7. Characteristics of the French Régime. IV. PERIOD OF BRITISH SUPREMACY. 1. British Control of the Northwest. 2. Jonathan Carver.

3. George Clark Rogers.

4. The Wresting of the Northwest from Great Britain-What due to Diplomacy? V. UNDER THE STARS AND STRIPES.

1. Pioneer Life in Wisconsin.

2. Missions of this Century.

3. The American Fur Trade Company. 4. Early Industries of Wisconsin.

5. The Story of Wisconsin's Admission to the Union.

6. The Indian Wars of the Century. 7. The Beginnings of West Superior.

8. History of the Old Lighthouse at the entrance to Superior Bay. (Early Navigation, Surveying and Military Operations at the Head of the Lakes.)

9. Indian Cemeteries of this Vicinity. 10. The Indian Problem of To-day.

The class in charge of Miss Jennie S. Shortt met twice a week to report on personal work, to read and discuss papers, and to take notes and references for future work. The intervening days were given to library and other personal work assigned, such as personal interviews, correspondence, visits to localities or collections of interest in connection with the work, etc. Each member kept a notebook of personal work and of the points developed in class meetings. When a period or epoch had been thus worked over by the entire class, each member was assigned a special topic under it to write up from the collected data.

Thus while preserving the historical unity and continuity of the work by making each member a participant in it and a contributor to the common fund of data, each became finally a specialist and an independent worker in the preparation of his final paper. These papers were carefully revised and rewritten in as complete and finished form as possible, preparatory to their final collection and arrangement in book form. A bound manuscript or type-written copy of each semester's work will be preserved in the high school library as reference material and as a memento of the class. The present work will be printed and published by the class in a limited edition of 100 copies.

Of the second quarter's work, the History of Diplomacy between the United States and

Great Britain since 1818, I can give no better notion than by submitting a specimen examination paper written at the final test. It is sent just as written, and without correction of any kind.

The work of the second semester this year will be in modern European history. The class will use Judson's Europe in the Nineteenth Century as a text, supplemented by a liberal collection of available references.



HISTORY IV. FINAL TEST 29 JAN. '97. [Broadway High School, Superior, Wis.] Select any three groups including I or II, and write what you can upon the included topics during the period. (2 hours.)

I. (a) State the origin of the America (United States) claims to the right of fishing along certain British coasts. (b) What waters and coasts have been the principal points of controversy in fishery question? (c) What special privileges have usually been claimed by us, and within what limits (of the coasts?) (d) Why has the question been so often reopened for discussion? (e) Give names, dates, and provisions of the most important treaties concerning this question. (f) (f) What is its present status, and what do you think of the arrangement-do you think it permanently settled? Criticise it either favorably or adversely.

II. (a) Discuss the question of boundaries between the United States and Great Britain, describing the most important changes down to the present. (b) What portion of the boundary has recently been under discussion? (c) State our claims in the case and our grounds for them. (d) What other boundary between the two countries is also in question, and give arguments for your side of the case. (e) Where and how far is the nearest British boundary from here, and how is it marked?

III. (a) Give a short history of the events leading up to the Treaty of Washington. (b) State the provisions of the treaty. (c) State important results (1) of direct benefit to this country, (2) of general benefit to the civilized world. (d) What did it establish (1) in regard to the relations of neutral powers toward belligerents? (2) as to the rights of belligerents? (e) What advance did it mark towards arbitration?

IV. (a) What was the immediate or chief occasion of the Extradition Treaty? (b) Speeify any good results which you think it has

produced, and give your reasons for your opinions.

V. (a) Give the history of the Bering Sea dispute. (b) From what pre-existing treaty with what other nation do we derive our claims in part? (c) What was Mr. Blaine's position in regard to the question, and what notable action did he take upon it.

VI. (a) State briefly the origin, scope, and main provisions of the proposed Arbitration Treaty? (d) What is to be the personal makeup of the proposed Board of Arbitration?

VII. Name six Americans whom you consider to have rendered the greatest service in our diplomatic relations with Great Britainstate what position was held, and what special services rendered by each.

VIII. Give names, dates, and leading features of our important treaties with England.

A Sample Examination Paper.

I. Origin of the American claims. The United States after its departure from the protection of England, after the Revolutionary War, claimed as an inherent right the privilege of sharing equally with British subjects the fishing localities in the Atlantic, especially the Newfoundland Bank.

British reply. All privileges enjoyed by

citizens of the United States were annulled by the war. And no part could be called valid without considering all so.

The principal points in dispute were: Newfoundland, Magdalen Islands, Quirpon Islands, and the coast from Cape Ray to the Rameau Islands, from Mt. Joli through the straits of Belle Isle, Rameau Islands and Prince Edward Isles and Gut of Canso.

In the first part of the controversy the American claimed that they should not be limited to any distance from the coast (three mile limit), but afterward did not make it one of their points of dispute. The British at one time (1854) tried to enforce what was known as the "headline" theory, or, that the limit should be three miles from a line drawn from point to point designated in the treaty. After a time they discontinued the attempt to enforce it.

(d) The fishery question has been open to discussion so long on account of the inability of the parties concerned to come to an agreement satisfactory to both. If, as in 1854, the United States can get satisfactory fishing privileges she must pay in return for them their equivalent in money or make other concessions, such as a reciprocity treaty. Both are unsatisfactory, as the amount paid or lost in

revenue is greater than the gain of fishing rights. Treaties on the subject were seldom continued for more than ten years, thus keeping it in discussion most of the time.

(e) The first treaty containing a fishing clause was that of 1783. It provided that American and British subjects should have as a common right the privilege of taking fish where they had been accustomed to fish before, but the Americans lost their right of drying and cutting their fish on Canadian shores. (Treaty of 1783 or Paris).

The next treaty containing a fishery clause was the treaty of 1818. It provided that: The Americans can take, dry or cure fish on shores of Magdalen Islands, Newfoundland, and along the coast from Rameau Islands to Cape Ray, from Cape Ray to Mt. Joli, from Mt. Joli to Quirpon Islands, from thence through the Straits of Belle Isle, thence along the coast of Labrador, northward indefinitely. The United States relinquished all rights of fishing closer than three miles of shore in any of the places not named. They were also prohibited from inland fishing, and of curing and drying their fish except in uninhabited places or obtaining permission of the owners or inhabitants. (Continued on 4.)

(f) Next treaty was the Reciprocity Treaty of 1854. In this the Americans were granted the same privileges in 1818, with the removal of the three mile limit, and the privilege of drying their fish anywhere, so long as they did not interfere with British subjects.

In return for these privileges the United States was to open her ports to Canadian products of forest, field, and stream. The Canadians were granted the privilege of fishing in United States waters down to the 36th parallel.

In the treaty of 1818 the Americans could enter Canadian harbors for the purpose of shelter, obtaining wood and water, and repairing damages, but for no other purposes.

The next treaty containing a fishing clause was that of Washington (1871). In that they were granted the same privileges as in 1854 with the exception that fish cured in oil should not be on the free trade list. For the privileges of fishing the United States paid $5,500,000, the award of the Halifax fishery commission.

We are at present living under the treaty of 1818, as regards the fishery question. All the treaties, except 1818, were abrogated after the limit determined had expired. The treaty of 1818 lasted from that time until '54. The treaty of 1854 lasted until '66 and the Washington treaty till '85. There are many

objections to the present conditions of the fishery clauses. Among them are:

Ist. Having to pay a license fee for shipping fish caught by Americans, from Canada to the United States.

2nd. Prohibiting vessels from entering Canadian ports for purposes except as stated in treaty of 1818. It makes the fishing business of the Americans unhandy to have to procure bait and supplies in their own country, being prohibited from getting them in Canada. is to be hoped that better understanding may be reached between the two countries relative to fishing rights, by the agreement to arbitrate future difficulties.



The proposed arbitration treaty of 1897 classifies the controversies as three classes:

Ist. Claims not exceeding £100,000, nor involving any territorial claims.

and the selection of an umpire shall decide it. In case no agreement can be made as to who shall act umpire, no hostile measures shall be resorted until the mediation of a friendly nation, has been asked by either party. In territorial claims, if the territory in dispute should be a colony of either party the executive shall have the right of appointing an official of that colony to act as arbitrator.

The men to be chosen in each, nearly, shall be "jurists of repute."

V. United States purchased Alaska in 1867, chiefly for its fur seal fishing. The amount paid was $7,000,000 to Russia. By purchasing Alaska the United States claimed exclusive right over the Bering sea, claiming that it had been recognized as in the sole possession of Russia while she owned it, and that by purchase she had inherited the same right.

She claimed that by the treaty of 1825 between England and Russia, England had rec

2nd. Claims exceeding £100,000 but not ognized the Bering sea as the exclusive propincluding territorial claims.

3rd. Territorial claims.

For claims in the first class the following provisions are made. A tribunal to settle said claims consisting of three members, one appointed by each government (shall be a jurist of repute) the two to choose an umpire within three months. If they cannot agree on one, he shall be chosen by Supreme Court of United States and members of Privy Council of England. If they cannot agree, shall be appointed by King of Sweden and Norway, if he is not suitable, the parties may choose a substitute. A decision of a majority shall be final. The third arbitrator shall be the president of the board. Second class claims shall be settled by a tribunal appointed as in "class I." A decision if unanimous shall be final, if not a tribunal consisting of five members, two to be appointed by each party, and those appointed by the United States must be members of the Supreme Court, or Justices of the Circuit Court, and those appointed by England must be members of the Supreme Court or members of the Privy Council of England. In case the umpire can be agreed upon by the arbitrators, he shall be appointed by the two governments, and if they cannot agree, by King of Sweden and Norway. Third class claims shall be settled by a tribunal composed of six members, three appointed by each party. An award by a majority of five to one shall be final. An award by a majority of less than five to one shall be final if neither party protests the decision within three months. If they stand tie, or decision is protested, a committee of five members appointed in the manner above, two to be chosen by each party,

erty of Russia. This, however, they could not prove. In 1886-87 several seizures of British vessels were made who were sealpoaching. For the seizures made the United States had to pay the sum of $450,000. An arbitration committee was appointed and the following regulations were made. Each vessel fishing should have a license, a flag, sailors expert in the catching of seals by methods allowed. The use of nets, firearms or any explosives should be prohibited, except the use of shotguns in the places and time. prescribed for their use. The Bering sea included between 35th and 180th meridian east, should be closed from July 1st to 31st inclusive. Indians should be prohibited from fishing in boats not manned by more than five men, and not catching seal under contract. During breeding time the coast around the Pribilof islands for a distance of sixty miles shall be closed.

Every captain of a "whaler" shall keep an account of each catch, the time and the sex of same.

Mr. Blaine was one of the men instrumental in bringing about the treaty in 1892. He claimed the right of the United States to protect her seal as being her own private property. This right they (United States) lost outside of the three mile limit.

The arbitrators were:

J. T. Morgan, Justice Harlan, American. James Hannen, J. Thompson, British. Baron de Courcelles, appointed by President of France.

Marquis Venosta, appointed by King of Italy.

W. W. Gram, appointed by King of Sweden.

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