Quarterly Report of Births and Deaths in ST. CHARLES PARISH_for the Months of October, November and December, 1906--Compiled from Returns by Dr. J. A. Estopinal. Parish Health Officer. Births White Births- Colored Under 1 Year Still Births--White, 1; Colored, 2; Total, 3. Quarterly Report of Births and Deaths in ST. JAMES PARISH for the Months of April, May and June, 1906- Compiled from Returns by Dr. Benj. Winchester, Parish Health Officer. Tuberculosis Chronic Alcoholic Gas tritis Typhoid Fever. Trigeminal Neuralgia. Births -White Births- Colored Grand Total.. Cerebral Hemorrhage. Acute Lobar Pneumonia] Regurgitation Totals Still Births White, 1: Total, 1. Quarterly Report of Births and Deaths in ST. JAMES PARISH for the Maths Typhoid Ferer. detatis grea detalls g detals ge detai's give detalls gred. erros Sistem Tuna's Male, 10 Female. Grand Total. **** Quarterly Report of Births and Deaths in ST. JAMES PARISH for the Months of October, November and December, 1906 Compiled from Returns by Quarterly Report of Births and Deaths in ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST PARISH for the Quarterly Report of Births and Deaths in ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST PARISH for the Quarterly Report of Births and Deaths in ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST PARISH for Month of July. Anguat and September, 1968 Complied from Reiras 15 Dr. L. I. Donaldson, Parish Health Officer. Quarterly Report of Births and Deaths in ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST PARISH for the Months of October, November and December, 1306-Compiled from Returns by Parishes of Louisiana. Quarterly Report of Births and Deaths in ST. MARTIN PARISH for the Months of Dr. L. A. de Laureal, Parish Health Officer. Male, 27 Quarterly Report of Births and Deaths in ST. MARTIN PARISH for the Months of April, May and June, 1906-Compiled from Returns by Dr. L. A. de Laureal, Parish Health Officer. Totals 10 3 38 Quarterly Report of Births and Deaths in ST. MARTIN PARISH for the Months of Births-White Births-Colored Quarterly Report of Births and Deaths in ST. MARTIN PARISH for the Months of Births-White Births-Colored Phthisis Dysentery Paralysis Eclampsia Apoplexy Heart Disease Pneumonia 3 Bronchitis 21 3 Bright's Disease. Senile Debility. Totals Still Births-White, 1; Colored, 2; Total, 3. 28 Quarterly Report of Births and Deaths in ST. MARY PARISH for the Months of October, |