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Chemicals, injurious, etc., may not be used as.

Dairy products, sale of for, prohibited.

Dairy vehicle, may not carry water in.

Ice Cream, Sherbet....




Nuisance (See "Nuisance"), Authority B. of H. to....

L. 336, 1855, s. 6.


Authority B. of H. to...

L. 269, 1858. s. 1


[blocks in formation]

Notice (See "Notice") to abate, must be served when. L. 85, 1882, s. 4 & 5.


ABATTOIR, (See "Slaughterhouse")

N. O. Butchers' Co-Op. Co., Ltd., original franchise to
A. J. Forstall, et al......

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Dairy vehicle, may not be carried in

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ADULTERATION, (See "Article," Adulterated), defined.. L. 82, 1882, s. 2.

Bill posting, announcing medicines and cures, prohibited. O. 3,121, O. Art. 1, s. 4.
Bill posting, on certain streets, prohibited....

Peddlers, hawkers, drugs, etc., cures and treatment

by, prohibited..

Appointment of, provided for....


Fire Escapes, must provide, when..

Laboratories, as to B. of H. rules regulating.

Lots (See "Lots" and "Grading").

Mosquito ordinance, must comply with, when

Nuisance, Filth, etc., must remove, when, after notice. Sidewalks, Grass, Weeds, etc., must remove, when, after notice..

Water Supply, must provide what and when, (See
"Water Supply"), after notice...

AIR, (See "Ventilation," B. of H., "Ventilation")—
AISLES OF MARKETS, Meat, sale of in centre, only,
in Dryades, Treme, Claiborne and Poydras.....

Common, Grade, when below established, Commr. Pub.
Works must give 10 days notice to....
Common, Repair, notice to, Commr. Pub. Works must
give 10 days notice..

Garbage can, may be placed on, collector shall not
throw can on..

Inspection, B. of H. authorized to enter and make. Nuisance, Filth, etc., may be removed, after notice.... AMMONIA

Albumenold, in water and ice, may not have more than 5-10 of a part per million..


Places of, spitting on floors of, prohibited... ANALYSIS, (See "Chemist, Analysis")

B. of H. must make on application of citizen, may charge reasonable fee for..

O. 408, N. C., s. 2..

L. 49, 1894, s. 12.

O. 4,718, N. C.

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ANIMALS. (See "Slaughterhouses" and under their

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Dead, disposition of those dying from Glanders, etc... O. 6,022, A., s. 30.
Contagious and infectious disease, dying from, to be

L. 89, 1898




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Garbage, dead, except cows, horses and mules, are.... O. 2,910, N. C., s. 4.
Glanders, disposal of....


O. 6,022, A., s. 30.


[blocks in formation]

Removal, owner, etc., must notify police within one
hour of death

Must be removed within three hours.

In covered vehicle

Deodorant must be used

Rendering of

Report, of those dying, contagious or infectious dis-
ease, etc., must be made to B. of H.
Must be made within three hours of death.
River, lake, etc., may not be, thrown into.

River, lake, etc., from which water supply for cities
be taken, may not be thrown into

River, lake, etc., unlawful to throw into

River, lake, etc., unlawful to throw into above water

River, lake, etc., unlawful to throw into above water
works, except at designated points

Flesh of, dying from disease, or diseased when killed,
sale of prohibited

[blocks in formation]

Glanders. (See "Charbon," same rules as to.)

L. 213, 1906

. O. 3,684, C.

May not be brought into city sick with; must be
reported to B. of H., and B. of H. may order killed. O. 6,022, A., s. 29

[blocks in formation]

Meat (non-game) must be inspected and have B. of H.
tag on before put on sale in markets..

Or anywhere else, and fees paid before sale.
Sale of. blown, from animal over fifteen months old,

Sale of, from animal under four weeks old, pro-

Milk, may not be kept in same room with..

Municipalities of 2000 or more inhabitants may enact
ordinances prohibiting running at large..
Offal. from cabs, vehicles, etc., must be removed twice
daily, at 12 M. and 5 P. M.

Vats, receiving tanks for

Roaming, city may enact ordinances to prevent.
Skin, may not be unlawfully taken from

Tenements, what may not be kept on premises.

Vats, receiving tanks for

Washing on sidewalks prohibited

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Sleeping. (See "Laundry," "Dairy," "Premises," "Ten-




(See "Pharmacy.")

.... O. 16.204, C., s. 4..

B. of H. may obtain in civil cases without bond.
Dairy, permit, from order revoking, provided for.
From order revoking, how and when made.
From order refusing to issue, provided for.
From order refusing to issue, how and when made.
Recorders' Courts, from, must be taken on day of sen-
tence, and how

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AREAS (open)-

O. 16,204, C., s. 24.

L. 80, 1877, E. S., s. 6.




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Manure, offal, foul, etc., matters, on, prohibited........ O. 6,022, A., s. 11.


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Barrels, etc.. picking over, etc., prohibited.

Keeping or depositing in yard, lot space, throwing on
streets, sidewalks, prohibited.

Not "garbage." must be placed in sound vessel for
removal "Thursday".

Unlawful to throw into streets or canal

ASIATIC CHOLERA. (See "Contagious and Infectious


L. 82, 1882, s. 3.


L. 82, 1882, s. 4


O. 6,022, A., s. 1.


[blocks in formation]

Must be reported to B. of H. with 24 hours, by whom.. O. 6,022, A., s. 27......... 100

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BANQUETTES. (See "Sidewalks.")

BARREL, etc.—

Cereals, standard of weight established..

Brand, must show correct weight and name.
Garbage, picking, etc., over, prohibited
Market, covered, must be used for offal, etc.
Must be emptied, etc., by 2 P. M...

Measure, standard of (except for oysters), established..
Oil, filled, received in parishes and cities not to be
opened until inspected, etc.

L. 157, 1906, s. 2.
L. 157, 1906 s. 3.
O. 2,984, C.

0. 4155, C., s. 16.
0. 4.155, C., s. 24.
L. 63, 1902

L. 37, 1877, E. S., s. 6.
"Explosives and Dangerous," when to be so marked.. L. 37, 1877, E. S., s. 6.
Marking to show inspection, how made, etc.
Vidangeurs, must be emptied one mile below city, in
mid-stream, then cleaned

Must use air-tight.

Water. (See "Fire Barrels.")

L. 37, 1877, E. S., s. 3.

L. 94. 1888, s. 3.
..... L. 94. 1888, s. 1.

Except fire barrels, must not keep water standing
in, more than five days from Feb. 1 to Dec. 1..
Weight and contents, must be stamped on, what


Liquor, sale of to, in, prohibited

Tobacco, cigarettes, etc., sale of to, prohibited


Candy, use of in, prohibited


Animals, dead, may not be thrown into

BEARD, Dr. J. C.—

0. 3.277, N. C., s. 3.
L. 197, 1906

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O. 2.417, N. C., s. 1.


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Ordinance acepting bid for small-pox hospital......... O. 10,569, C.

BEEF. (See "Meat.")

Salt and corned, for sale, must be on white tray, not
painted, 26 inches long, 16 inches wide, 6 inches
deep and kept in tight box, etc..


Must be used in blowing veal and mutton.

BENCHES. (See "Seats.")


Dead in, must be reported to B. of H. within twenty-
four hours by president, etc......

ΒΕΝΖΙΝΕ. (See "Oil.")




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...... O. 3,121, O., Art. 1, s. 4....

Medicine announcing sale of, or nature of treatment,

BIRTHS. (See "Recorder Births, Marriages and Deaths,"

and "Fees.")


Markets, must be on rollers, six inches from ground.... O. 4.155, C., s. 15......... 117

Meat may be blown with bellows only meat from
animal over fifteen months old may not be.......

[blocks in formation]

May make rules and regulations, must conform to
those of sanitation and sewerage authority.

May appoint inspectors

L. 194, 1902, s. 2.

L. 194. 1902, s. 3.

May charge reasonable fees for purposes of acts, what L. 194, 1902, s. 7
Plumbers must qualify before...

President B. of H. and City Engineer, ex-officio

members of

L. 194, 1902, s. 4.

L. 194, 1902, s. 1.....

[ocr errors]

(As to its authority,
duties, etc., see each article included under its
own caption; as to permits required of, see "Per-
mits," "Board of Health.")


Analysis. (See Chemist, Analysis.)

Must make when citizen requires; may charge rea-
sonable fee for.

Authority and power

[blocks in formation]

Marriages and

Births. (See "Recorder
Deaths, Births.")


Births, marriages and deaths, forms and blanks to be
prepared by, and may enforce use of

Bond, judicial proceedings, exempt from furnishing
for writs, appeals, etc..

Oil inspection act, none required to enjoin viola-
tion of

Books, Record. (See "B. of H. Complaint Book"),
must be kept in fireproof building or vault...

(See "Fines"), estimate must be made by,
and submitted to council; must be sworn to by
President and Secretary

See also

Buildings. (See "Premises," "Condemnation," "In-
spection," etc.)

With regard to filling, grading, may regulate...
Cesspool. (See "Privy.")

Chairman and Health Officer, Budget, must swear to
estimate for

Dairy, to issue permits for, revoke, etc.

Duty, must conform to orders State B. of H. as to
contagious and infectious diseases, when.
Ex-Officio Recorder of Births, Marriages and Deaths.
Health Officer, defined

Infected premises, authority to issue permit to
enter vested in

Plumbers, Board of Examiners, President B. of H.
ex-officio member of

L. 192, 1898, s. 8.
L. 80, 1877, E. S., s. 8.
O. 16,204, C., s. 19.

O. 16.238, C., s. 1.
L. 192, 1898

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L. 192, 1898, s. 7.........


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Qualifications of, must be physician, etc.; how
elected, and when, etc..

[blocks in formation]

Recorder Births, Marriages and Deaths, deputy may
be appointed by

Clothes, laundry of patient infected, must be disin-
fected before washed

Coal Oil. (See "B. of H.-Oil.")

Complaint Book, must be kept by, for citizens to lodge
complaints in


(See "Condemnation," and article or
thing condemned.)
Importation contagious or infectious substances or
things, etc.

Buildings, may be vacated or demolished, when.
Contagious and infectious, or suspicious cases of, dis-

ease. (See "Contagious and Infectious Disease.")
Animals. (See "Animals.")

Authority, disinfection and removal sick person..

To declare what are contagious and infectious.
To repress and exclude

To disinfect, ingress and egress, close, etc.

Clothing, may regulate disposition of.

Disease, what must be reported to.

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