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Board from the contract price due the contractor; and that the general superintendent of said Board shall have the authority to dismiss all persons employed in violation of this clause; provided that this clause shall not apply to skilled mechanics and machinists brought to the City of New Orleans by the manufacturers of machinery solely for the purpose of erecting and testing the same.

No person shall be considered a bona fide resident of the City of New Orleans under this clause of this act, unless he has actually resided in the City of New Orleans for one year prior to his employment.

All the permanent employees of said Board, who are required to be appointed after civil service examination, shall be of good and moral character, and bona fide residents of the City of New Orleans for at least one year prior to their appointment. Said Board shall have power, and it shall be its duty, to demand and require bonds with good and sufficient surety for the faithful performance of their duties from all of its employees who handle money or material, or who fill positions of responsibility.

(As amended by Act No. 111 of 1902.)

Sec. 27. (Amd.) Be it further enacted, etc., That said Board shall have power to apportion the proceeds of said public improvement bonds, and the surplus of said taxes, among the three objects aforesaid, water, sewerage and drainage, but any such apportionment shall be made by a vote of not less than ten members of the Board, exclusive of the Mayor, and shall also be approved by the Mayor In writing; and in case ten members of said Board and the Mayor cannot agree on any apportionment, the matter shall be referred to the City Council, who shall have power to make said apportionment; provided, that no apportionment of said funds for drainage purposes shall exceed one-third of the proceeds of said public improvement bonds and surplus, until the water and sewerage systems are completed.

(As amended by Act No. 111 of 1902 and Act No. 69 of 1904.) Sec. 28. (Amd.) Be it further enacted, etc., That the City of New Orleans shall annually in her budget of expenses provide out of her alimony by proper appropriation, all the funds necessary and proper over and above the receipts of said Board for water rates, to maintain and operate in an efficient manner the said public systems of sewerage and drainage and the said public system of waterworks, inclusive of interest and sinking fund of any assumed mortgage bonds thereon, and the said Board shall, in the first week in November of each year, present to the council an estimate of the amount requisite for these purposes for the following year. No portion of the proceeds of said public improvement bonds or of the said taxes shall ever be applied to the maintenance and operation of said public systems of sewerage, water and drainage, but they shall be used for construction purposes only.

(As amended by Act No. 111 of 1902.)

Sec. 29. (Amd.) Be it further enacted, etc., That said Board shall not have the power to obligate itself or to create any debt for construction purposes in excess of the cash amount of the proceeds of said bonds, and the surplus of said tax, and all such debts and obligations in excess of the actual cash amount of these funds shall be absolutely null and void and of no effect; nor shall the said Board, in any year, have the power to expend any sum of money, or to create any debt for the maintenance and operation of said public systems of sewerage, water and drainage, in excess of the actual revenues of that year, and all such debts and obligations in excess of the actual revenue of that year shall be absolutely null and void. and of no effect. The surplus revenue of one year may be carried

forward and added to the revenues of the fol.owing year; but no contract for expenditures of any kind shall ever be made in anticipation of any surplus of either construction or maintenance fund.

(As amended by Act No. 111 of 1902.)

Sec. 30. Be it further enacted, etc., That all connections with the sewerage and water mains of the two public systems aforesaid shall be made at the cost of the said Board from the said mains to the edge of the foundations of the buildings on the property line, or if there are no foundations on the property line, then to the property line itself, and from that point on, they shall be made at the cost and expense of the owner of the property.

Each owner shall have the right to contract for the putting in of all such connections as he is chargeable with, but all such work shall be done under the rules and regulations, and subject to the inspection and control, of said Board. The Board shall take separate bids from contractors for putting all property-holders connections and sewerage fixtures, leaving to each property holder the right to require the work in his premises to be done by such contractor at the bid price, or to employ some one else for that purpose.

Sec. 31. (Amd.) Be it further enacted, etc., That said Board shall have the right to control and use all plants, machinery and apparatus heretofore constructed or controlled by the Drainage Commission for all the necessary and convenient purposes of said sewerage, water and drainage systems. In case the demand for power for sewerage, water or drainage purposes shall be such as to require the installation of additional machinery, the cost of such installation shall be charged to the funds apportioned for sewerage, water or drainage, as the case may be.

(As amended by Act No. 111 of 1902.)

Sec. 32. (Amd.) Be it further enacted, etc., That on the first of January and the first of July of each year, it shall be the duty of the said Board to make to the City Council, in writing, a full and detailed report of its acts, doings, receipts and expenditures, the same to be put in printed form for public distribution, and a synopsis of same, including a statement of receipts and disbursements published in the official journal of the City of New Orleans; provided, that the advertisements pending for any work, material or supplies or contracts of any kind, at the time of the passage of this act, shall not be affected thereby; but that same shall continue in the same manner and to the same effect as if this amendatory act had not been passed.

(As amended by Act No. 111 of 1902.)

Sec. 33. (Amd.) Be it further enacted, etc., That the contracts for the sewerage and water systems shall be let in such a manner as to cover the whole city, the Fifth District included, at the same time, and shall be prosecuted in such a manner that they shall be completed throughout the city, the Fifth District included, as far as possible at the same time.

The words "whole city" as used in this section shall not be construed to mean the whole Parish of Orleans, but to mean, as understood by the voters who voted this special tax, that inhabited portion of the city now divided into squares and lots where the streets are opened and in use as such, or whenever hereafter opened and in use. (As amended by Act No. 111 of 1902.)

Sec. 34. Be it further enacted, etc., That if the City of New Orleans can not get proper constitutional authority to issue the bonds aforesaid prior to January 1, 1901, then the special tax aforesaid levied shall cease and determine, and the unexpended proceeds thereof for the years 1899 and 1900 shall be paid over the Drainage Commission, to be used for drainage purposes. In that contingency, the Board

constituted by this Act shall be ipso facto dissolved, and all its books, papers, records, property, etc., shall be taken possession of and held by the Drainage Commission, and this act shall cease to be operative in all of its parts and provisions.

Sec. 35. Be it further enacted, etc., That as it is proposed to have this act ratified by an amendment to the Constitution, it is hereby specially declared to be the intent of this act, and of said ratifying constitutional amendment, that the General Assembly reserves the right and power to amend this act in any respect not violative of the conditions upon which the said special tax was voted by the property taxpayers of the City of New Orleans and not impairing the vested rights or the contract rights of the holders of the bonds issued under its provisions.

Sec. 36. (Amd.) Be it further enacted, etc., That this act shall take effect from and after the date of its promulgation, and that all laws or parts of laws contrary to or in conflict with the provisions of this act, be and the same are hereby repealed.

(As amended by Act No. 111 of 1902 and Act No. 69 of 1904.)
Approved August 18th, 1899.

ACT NO. 22 OF 1900.

Authorizing all municipalities in the State of Louisiana, over fifty thousand population, to pass ordinances and laws regulating the hawking and peddling, on foot or otherwise, in the streets and thoroughfares of said municipalities, of market produce, vegetables, meat, fish, game, fruit and oysters, and authorizing said municipalities to punish the violation of said laws and ordinances, by fine or imprisonment, and repealing all laws in conflict herewith. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, That all municipalities in the State of Louisiana, with over fifty thousand population, are hereby authorized to pass and enact laws and ordinances regulating the hawking and peddling, on foot or otherwise, in the streets and thoroughfares of said municipalities of market produce, vegetables, meat, fish, game, fruit and oysters; and said municipalities are further authorized to enforce said laws and ordinances by fine or imprisonment.

Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, etc., That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. Approved June 28th, 1900.

ACT NO. 34 OF 1900.


To authorize the City Council of the City of New Orleans to pass Ordinances for the Government and Regulation of Private Markets In the said City of New Orleans, and to provide for the enforce ment of said ordinances; to fix the limits within which said private markets may be located, and repealing all laws inconsistent therewith.

Due public notice having been given according to Article 50 of the Constitution, and evidence of such notice having been published having been exhibited to the General Assembly.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, That the City Council of the City of New Orleans be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to pass such ordinances for the government and regulation of Private Markets, in the City of New Orleans, as they, in their discretion, may deem proper, and that they be vested with full power to provide for the enforcement of said ordinances; provided, in so doing the Council shall not so construct their ordinances as to violate, in fact or impliedly, the constitutional provisions prohibiting monopolies.

Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, etc., That the said City Council of the City of New Orleans may prescribe the manner in which such Private Markets shall be kept, and the distance at which they may be located from all Public Markets.

Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, etc., That all laws or parts of laws contrary to or inconsistent herewith be and the same are hereby repealed.

Approved July 3rd, 1900.

ACT NO. 55 OF 1900.


Requiring persons, firms or corporations doing business in the State of Louisiana at retail, where female labor or female clerks are employed, to furnish seats for said employees, and give them not less than thirty (30) minutes each day for lunch or recreation, and providing a penalty for the evading or disobeying of the provisions of this Act.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, That hereafter it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation doing business in the State of Louisiana, where female labor or female clerks are employed, not to maintain seats, chairs or benches, which shall be so placed as to be accessible to said employees, for their use during the times when said employees are not actually engaged in the attention to their duties as employees of such firm, person or corporation.

Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, etc., That hereafter all persons, firms or corporations doing business at retail in the State of Louisiana where female labor or female clerks are employed, shall be required to give every employee each day, between the hours of ten (10) a. m. and three (3) p. m., not less than thirty (30) minutes for lunch or recreation.

Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, etc., That whoever shall be found guilty of evading or disobeying any of the provisions of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon arrest and conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum of not less than twenty-five ($25.00) dollars nor more than one hundred ($100.00) dollars, and in default of the payment thereof shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a period of not less than five (5) days or more than six (6) months.

Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, etc., That all acts or parts of acts contrary to or in conflict herewith shall be and the same are hereby repealed.

Approved July 5, 1900..

ACT NO. 61 OF 1900.


To authorize the Board of Control for the Leper Home to select a suitable site for the establishment of a permanent Leper Home in this State and to purchase the same; and to appropriate the sum of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) for the payment thereof and the necessary buildings and improvements to be constructed thereon.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, That the Board of Control for the Leper Home of this State is hereby authorized to select a suitable site for the establishment of a permanent Leper Home in this State, with the approval of the Governor, and to construct the necessary buildings and improvements thereon.

Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, etc., That for the purpose aforesaid the sum of Twenty-five Thousand ($25,000.00) Dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund for the said purpose.

Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, etc., That all laws or parts of laws in conflict or inconsistent with this Act, and especially the provisions of Act No. 205 of the General Assembly of 1898, be and the same are hereby repealed.

Approved July 6th, 1900.

ACT NO. 88 OF 1900.

(As amended by Act No. 132 of 1902 and Act No. 57 of 1906.)


To carry out Article 297 of the Constitution relative to the protection of the people from unqualified practitioners of dentistry; to create the Louisiana State Board of Dentistry; to confer on said Board all powers necessary for carrying out the purposes of this act; to authorize the members and officers of said Board to administer oaths in certain cases; to impose certain duties upon said Board; to make it a misdemeanor to practice, or attempt, or offer to practice dentistry in this State without having obtained and recorded a certificate from the said Board; to impose certain duties upon the Secretary of the Board of Health in the Parish of Orleans, and upon the Clerks of Court of the other parishes of the State, and authorizing said officers to charge certain fees; to require persons, corporations and associations to furnish sworn statements, and making the refusal or failure to furnish same and also the use of certain titles prima facie evidence of certain facts; to impose certain duties upon District Attorneys, and to repeal all laws in conflict with this act.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, That to carry out Article 297 of the Constitution requiring the General Assembly to provide for the protection of the people from unqualified practitioners in dentistry, the Louisiana State Board of Dentistry is hereby created, with power to sue and be sued, to have a seal and a domicile, to adopt by-laws for its own government, and regulations for carrying out the provisions and purposes of this act; and, generally with all powers and faculties necessary for the effectual carrying out of the purposes of this act.

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