The Federal ReporterWest Publishing Company, 1941 |
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Стр. 55
... grantor and wife predeceased grantor and wife all trust prop- erty should on death of survivor pass to then surviving next of kin of grantor as in case of intestacy , the trust property should not be included in grantor's gross estate ...
... grantor and wife predeceased grantor and wife all trust prop- erty should on death of survivor pass to then surviving next of kin of grantor as in case of intestacy , the trust property should not be included in grantor's gross estate ...
Стр. 56
... grantor and his wife predecease their parents , leaving neither spouse nor issue surviving the grantor and his wife , all of the property held in trust shall at the death of the survivor of the grantor and his wife pass absolutely " to ...
... grantor and his wife predecease their parents , leaving neither spouse nor issue surviving the grantor and his wife , all of the property held in trust shall at the death of the survivor of the grantor and his wife pass absolutely " to ...
Стр. 95
... grantor . In the discretion of the trustee , the balance of the income was distributable to the grantor , to relatives of the grantor and her husband , or to the corpus of a trust , by way of accumulations , for the benefit of a minor ...
... grantor . In the discretion of the trustee , the balance of the income was distributable to the grantor , to relatives of the grantor and her husband , or to the corpus of a trust , by way of accumulations , for the benefit of a minor ...
Judges VI | 343 |
Table of Cases Reported XIII | 409 |
Text of Opinions 1 | 415 |
Авторские права | |
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
action affirmed agent agreement alleged amended amount appellant appellant's appellee April Asst Atty Bank bankruptcy bargaining Board of Tax bonds Braselton cease and desist charged Circuit Court Circuit Judges claim Commissioner of Internal Company contract corporation counts Court of Appeals debtor decision decree defendant denatured alcohol District Court District of Columbia drain drain commissioner employees estoppel evidence fact Federal filed grantor Helvering insured Internal Revenue issue judgment jury KEY NUMBER SYSTEM L.Ed Labor Relations Act Labor Relations Board lease liability Master and servant matter ment National Labor Relations paid parties patent payment Permanent Edition petition petitioner plaintiff ployees prior prior art proceedings question record res judicata respondent respondent's Revenue Act rule S.Ct servant 16 Stat statute suit supra Tax Appeals taxpayer testimony tion trade-mark trial court trust unfair labor practices union United Words and Phrases