The Central Law Journal, Том 92Soule, Thomas & Wentworth, 1921 Vols. 65-96 include "Central law journal's international law list." |
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accident action age of consent agent Amendment appeal attorney authority Bank bill bill of lading carrier cause charge child Cicero claim Code Commission common law Comp compensation Congress Constitution contract corporation court of equity damages decision declared defendant defendant's domicile duty Eighteenth Amendment employee employment equity eral evidence fact Federal fraud glossation held husband income injury interest Iowa judge judgment jurisdiction jury Justice land lawyers lease legislation liability liquor marriage ment Minn negligence Negotiable Instruments officer opinion owner party payment person plaintiff plaintiff in error practice prohibited purchaser purpose question railroad reason res ipsa loquitur Roscoe Pound rule statute Supreme Court tion trust United usury valid violation void Volstead Act warranty wife
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Стр. 62 - That all men are by nature equally free and independent, and have certain inherent rights, of which, when they enter into a state of society, they cannot by any compact deprive or divest their posterity ; namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.
Стр. 263 - ... patronize or to employ any party to such dispute, or from recommending, advising, or persuading others by peaceful and lawful means so to do; or from paying or giving to. or withholding from, any person engaged in such dispute, any strike benefits or other moneys or things of value; or from peaceably assembling in a lawful manner, and for lawful purposes; or from doing any act or thing which might lawfully be done in the absence of such dispute by any party thereto; nor shall any of the acts...
Стр. 299 - An act done by a person in contemplation or furtherance of a trade dispute shall not be actionable on the ground only that it induces some other person to break a contract of employment or that it is an interference with the trade, business, or employment of some other person, or with the right of some other person to dispose of his capital or his labour as he wills.
Стр. 448 - It must not be forgotten that you are not to extend arbitrarily those rules which say that a given contract is void as being against public policy, because if there is one thing which more than another public policy requires it is that men of full age and competent understanding shall have the utmost liberty of contracting, and that their contracts, when entered into freely and voluntarily, shall be held sacred, and shall be enforced by courts of justice.
Стр. 300 - A conspiracy consists not merely in the intention of two or more, but in the agreement of two or more to do an unlawful act, or to do a lawful act by unlawful means.
Стр. 4 - The provisions of this act shall not apply to agricultural products or live stock, while in the hands of the producer or raiser...
Стр. 157 - Under this test, if the injury can be seen to have followed as a natural incident of the work, and to have been contemplated by a reasonable person familiar with the whole situation as a result of the exposure occasioned by the nature of the employment, then it arises "out of
Стр. 354 - Edward II., which enacts that a prisoner who breaks prison shall be guilty of felony, does not extend to a prisoner who breaks out when the prison is on fire, ' for he is not to be hanged because he would not stay to be burnt.
Стр. 386 - ... in the case of a contract to sell or a sale of a specified article under its patent or other trade name, there is no implied warranty as to its fitness for any particular purpose...
Стр. 218 - But the fact that both parties are of full age and competent to contract does not necessarily deprive the state of the power to interfere, where the parties do not stand upon an equality, or where the public health demands that one party to the contract shall be protected against himself. The state still retains an interest in his welfare, however reckless he may be. The whole is no greater than the sum of all the parts, and when the individual health, safety, and welfare are sacrificed or neglected...