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the whole of the Ionians engaged in the Greek cause to return forthwith to their country; and summoned the chiefs to return within a fortnight to be tried for the offence, on pain of perpetual banishment and confiscation of property. The order not being complied with, the sentence was carried into effect against them all; and, at the same time, two Captains of Cephalonian ships, who had joined the cause with British colours, were declared pirates.

The Ionians, generally, were much incensed at these acts of the Government; but, unfortunately for themselves, the natural lawlessness of the people broke out in such unwarrantable acts of cruelty, that the public opinion was soon turned against them. About the end of August, Napoli di Malvasia capitulated to Prince Cantacuzeno; and its inhabitants stipulated that they should be conveyed to the nearest Turkish port. As there were then no means of doing so, permission was obtained to allow them to reside at Cerigo, until they could be sent on to Crete. Some had already arrived there; and, on a Saturday afternoon, a boat, containing forty-one others, of whom but seven were men, reached the island; and immediately despatched a messenger to the Governor, requesting leave to land.

The inhabitants were then diverting themselves



at a festa, and, seeing the Turkish messenger, detained him to hear his history. In that short time, a plot was laid to murder the whole party. The messenger was detained altogether, and a fictitious order sent down to disembark the prisoners. It was now growing dark, and the Turks, suspecting treachery, were with great difficulty prevailed upon to land; but the moment for attack had not yet arrived. Leading their victims among some rocks, they fired upon the unfortunate men; for, adding cowardice to barbarity, they were afraid of the consequences of coming to close quarters with even seven unarmed men driven to desperation. The women were then ravished without exception, murdered, and thrown into the sea. It is in vain to suppose that any palliation can be offered for such coldblooded villany, or that any of the inhabitants of Cerigo can excuse themselves from a participation in the foul deed: for, so prevalent was the general feeling, that, for three days, the massacre remained concealed from the knowledge of the Resident; and it was then only accidentally discovered by the conversation of some women. A party of the garrison was sent down to the spot, where the ground was found already ploughed up; and patches of hair, stained of divers colours, as is customary with the Turkish women, lay strewn about from the scene of massacre as far as the

beach. If there had been an opposition made to the discovery of the guilt, there was still more so to that of the guilty, and five only were executed; one of whom was proved to have ravished a very young girl and stabbed her immediately afterwards.

Not to be behindhand, the peasantry of Zante, about the same time, on a Turkish brig-of-war being driven on shore by the insurgent fleet, assembled in great numbers with hostile purposes. An officer's party was at once sent to conduct the Turks to the Lazaretto, and enforce the quarantine laws; but it found itself opposed by the peasantry. The officer ordered his men to fire over the people's heads, in order to intimidate them ; but he was immediately answered by a discharge, wounding the officer himself, and killing one of his men he had no alternative but to retire; leaving the body of the soldier to the Greeks, who, as soon as they obtained possession of it, mangled it in every way, and transfixed the head to the ground with his own bayonet. Zante was, at once, placed under martial law; the ringleaders were executed; and Sir Frederick Adam, who was then acting for the Lord High Commissioner, with great judgment seized the occasion to order the disarming of the entire peasantry of the islands: and, though this was carried into effect when they were in the highest degree disaffected, it was done with

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