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Imperfect Tenfe.

Sing. Io farei ftato,

tu farefti ftato,
egli farebbe stato,

Plur. noi faremmo ftati,
voi farefte ftati,
eglino farebbero ftati,

Preterit, or

Sing. Se io foffi ftato, Je tu foli ftato, s'egli foffe ftato,

Plur. fe noi foffimo ftati, Se voi fofte ftati, s'eglino foffero ftati,

I fhould or would have


thou should't have been. he should have been.

we should have been. should have been.


they should have been.

Definite Tense.

If I had been.

if thou hadst been.
if he had been.

if we had been..
if ye had been.
if they had been.

Infinitive Mood.

Effere ftato, to have been.


Effendo ftato, having been.

Note. It is to be obferved, that the Participle Common of this Verb, changes its Gender and Number, as Occafion requires; i. e. Stato Sing. Stati Plur. Mafc. Stata Sing. State Plural. Fem.


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That there has been, che ci, or, vi fia ftato Sing. che ci fiano ftati; or, vi fiano ftati Plur. If there had been, fe ci, or, vi foffe ftato Sing. ci, or vi foffero ftati Plur. That there had been, che vi foffe ftato Sing. che vi folero ftati Plur. There would have been, ci farebbe stato Sing. vi farebbero ftati Plur. When there has, or fhall have been, quando vi farà ftato Sing. quando vi faranno stati Plur.


There to have been, effervi ftato.
In there having been, effendovi stato.

** Learners alfo find a Difficulty in expreffing rightly in Italian the English Imperfonals, There is of it, or them; There is not of it; Is there of it? and the like: For their Eafe therefore I fhall here fet down these Imperfonals through all the Tenfes, Singular and Plural.

There is of it, cen'è, ven'è.

There is of them, cene fono, vene fono.

There is not of it, non cen'è; non cene fono.
Is there of it? cen'è? cene fono?

Is there not of it? non cen'è? non cene fono ?

There was of it, ven'èra; ven'erano.

There was not of it, non venʼera; non venʼerano.
Was there of it? ven'era? ven'erano?

Was there not of it? non ven’era? non ven’erano?

There was of it, vene fù; vene furono.

There was not of it, non vene fù; non vene furono. Was there of it? vene fù? vene furono ?

Was there not of it? non vene fu? non vene fun rono?

There fhall be of it, vene farà; vene faranno. There fhall not be of it, non vene farà; non vene faranno.

Shall there be of it? venè farà? vene faranno ? Shall there not be of it? non vene farà? non vene faranno ?

That there may be of it, There may not be of it, vene fiano.

che vene fia; che vene fiano. che non vene fia; che non


That there were of it, che vene foffe; che vene foffero.

There were not of it, che non vene foffe; che non vene foffero.

There would be of it, vene farebbe; vene farebbero. There would not be of it, non vene farebbe; non vene farebbero.

Would there not be of it? non vene farebbe ? non vene farebbero ?

If there had been of it, se vene foffe ftato; fe vene foffero ftati.

If there had not been of it, fe non vene foffe ftato; fe non vene foffero ftati.

Had there been of it? farabbero ftati?

vene farebbe stato? vene

Had there not been of it? quando non vene farebbe ftato? or, quando non vene farebbero stati ?

If there had been of it, fe vene foffe ftato; or, fe vene foffero ftati.

If there had not been of it, fe non vene fosse stato; fe non vene foffero stati.

There would have been of it, vene farebbe stato ; vene farebbero ftati.

There would not have been of it, non vene farebbe ftato; non vene farebbero ftati.

Would there have been of it? vene farebbe stato? vene farebbero ftati?

Would there not have been of it? non vene farebbe ftato? non vene farebbero ftati?

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