HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS. 207 And their tails, and their manes, and their sleek coats so bright; Some cream and some piebald, some black and some white; And how Mr. Merryman made us all shout, When he fell from the horse, and went rolling about; Mr. Punch, we'll have him too, our famous old friend; With the flourishing stick that knocks all of them down, Home for the Holidays, here we go! I can see George's uncle, and Edward's mamma! And Fred, there's your brother! look! look! there he stands ; Now, now it is steady-oh! pray let us out! ELIZA COOK. 193. A FAREWELL. My fairest child, I have no song to give you; No lark could pipe to skies so dull and grey : Yet ere we part, one lesson I can leave you For every day. Be good, sweet maid, and let who will be clever; Do noble things, not dream them, all day long, And so make life, death, and that vast for ever, One grand, sweet song. KINGSLEY. 144. Childhood's Hallowed Prayer (Trans. V. Hugo)... 162 176. The Fatherless 178. Written on the Loss of a Favourite Child 194. Now pray we for our Country BARBAULD, MRS. 183*. Mercy BATES, BEAUMONT & 98. Spring FLETCHER., ... 12. A Village Tale 22. Baby May ... 31. Cry of the Spring Flower Seller 41. A Summer Invocation 62. Baby's Shoes ... ... 179 81. From India 96 BRYDGES. 152. On Another's Sorrow 25. Bird in a Cage 183**. Mercy 108. Night Song (Translated from Claudius) 127. The Pied Piper of Hamelin 156. Couplets ... ... ... 156 ... 144 BURROWS, MARY. 87. Love and Friendship the Sunshine of the Heart 102 COOPER, T. 55. Peace ... 155 17 62 123. How glad I shall be when the Cuckoo is singing 140 145. Try Again 188. The Mouse and the Cake 191, Home for the Holidays 63. Lines written in a lovely Child's Album 86. The Woodman and his Dog 139. God the Infinite Artist 163 FIELDS. GAY. GOLDSMITH. GRAHAME. 10. Patience ... 60. The Flower more enduring than Marble 160. The Bramble Flower 93. Ballad of the Tempest 46. A Country Village 119. The Parish Schoolmaster ... 143. Evening in a Country Village 174 ... 74 84 176 146. "Suffer little Children to come unto Me !" GREEN, J. H. 107. Morning Invitation to a Child LADY F47. Get up, little Sister, the Morning is bright HEBER. 111. Home! Childhood's Home! HEMANS, MRS, 61. The Better Land 95. The Blind Boy and his Sister ... 58. The New Legend of Warkworth ... 65 KNOWLES, J. S. 162. Switzerland LANDON, L, E. 126. The Orphan LELAND. 170, The Fisher's Cottage (Translated from Heine) LOGAN. 38. The Cuckoo ... LONGFELLOw. 29. The Norman Baron 75. The Happiest Land 105. The Warden of the Cinque Ports... 148. The Village Blacksmith 166. Life's Bubbles... 159 5 32 207 ... 177 143 185 ... 128 166 97 33 44 47 59 130 132 199 64. God and His Angels everywhere 147**. Moonrise MITFORD, M. R. 82. Why should not I be merry? 86. The Meeting of the Waters 59. Wild Flowers... 89. The German Ballad Singer 33. The Orphan Boy OZIER, ELLEN.138. Flowers and their Speech PARDOE,MISS.184. Hymn of the Turkish Children 42. Short Reflections from Shakespeare |