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thy insuppressible prompting made holy by the voice which lends it birth!

A neighbor afforded Jannette asylum since that night of consternation—when, woke by the window's smash, her futile erection had been intercepted by the rough grasp of a masked burglar—and her satisfactory cording to the bed ensued. Prostrated by apprehension, the interim to Zizine's remote exclamation the matron could not calculate; nor depict her own complicated sensations during the tedious age of prisoned silence that ushered strange dawning in. Bound tightly, she had perforce to wait the plash of an approximating barque ere raising that feeble clamor for release which, from the highway's distance and the interval to other tenement, had been equally inefficacious as regarded succor from the land. Liberated by a fishing-party and convoyed thence, no inducement could subsequently persuade her to revisit the habitation. Those with whom she refuged, however, yielded to her anxieties:-debarred inlet by the postern, they had to accomplish it from the water; which the recovery of Villiers' boat without its oars, miles down the Leman, adequately evidenced to have been their felonious precursors' mode of

exit-while various damp blotches through the interior, and more especially about Zizine's chamber, where most detention might have occurred, half-indicated access by swimming. But there presumption stopped. The Italian's couch was vacant—and the entire grounds indeed—without slightest clue to the particulars of her abduction; for hardly could it have been construed into flight -whilst who should name assassination? Of theft, notwithstanding, no trace was discernible; and, on supposition of Jannette's re-lodgment, the cot had been hastily left in that precise condition wherein Villiers detected it-the widow unable to conquer her antipathies, and the rustics ultimately investing the abode with the superstition of an unnatural, vague Awe.

Emile's primary conception-on elicitment hereof from the speedily-obtained woman-implicated Levasseur; and, with this, revived to remembrance the billet of Mr. Shaftesbury. Now glanced-over, its main points of interest to the reader of these records ran thus:

Such reports are merely to be despised; I have myself been only too conversant with Slander, to value its imposition upon others. To be sure, 'tis a source

No. 18.-Supplementary Fragments.

La crespe chiome d'or puro lucente,
E'l lampeggiar dell' angelico riso,
Che solean fare in terra un paradiso,
Poca polvere son che nulla sente.


The fourth eve was dragging its lazy shades across the land: across dense cities-where, midst the up-lighting of insatiate shops, the flaunting forth of undissembled strumpets, and late reveillé of less public sin, statesmen venally caballed, aristocrats selfishly paraded, commoners insidiously circumvented, and populaces doggedly pursued their imitative lines of art, arbitrariness, and crime across big towns-where slavery stalked through dining factors, vice limped mongst sullen artisans, and blasphemy laughed round irretrievable felons, amid bells' banging, ships'

[blocks in formation]

unloading, drays' trundling, lanes' resounding, and the clicking and the whiz of looms: across small villages-where petty courts dissolved, magistrates themselves condemning the trespasser on their demesnes, squires "of a brief authority" harried the too-independent, landlords ejected the undishonest for the enormity of indigence, fraudful hostelries heaped fuel on the decoying hearth, and emissaries rode-up to organise antagonistic faction: across lesser hamlets-where conservative farmers economised not for, but on, the poor, fagged laborers pilfered to avoid virtual suicide from insufficient pittances, rural janizaries denounced a doze beneath God's roof to those deprived of human habitation, and famined workhouses contracted to furnish county-gaols with one-fifth of their candidate-convicts: the fourth eve was dragging its lazy shades across THE REALM-regardless of the Loving and the Lovable, who had been for ever wafted from its sphere and so, across the solitudinous moorwhere his all of surviving feeling showed shattered to the naked eye of Villiers, still riveted to the room which eloquently preached destruction. Yet, in having that form, that face, passive although and speechless, unhidden, was a mitiga

tion of despair-in thus surveying the rigid trunk which Love had lent unrivaled lustre to, Virtue appanaged with exhaustless dowry, and Devotion and Suffering embalmed with a sacred and undecaying charm.

There crouched he-the tender, the proud, the braced of yore-in idiotic stupefaction.


But was she not with him now-the pure, the fair, the guileless, of whom the world was not worthy!—and was she not, here, entirely his? Now lurked none else about-here no earthly glances did profane—if anything could profane— her was she not, securelier than ever before, his own?—his own? He asked it of herself. lips stirred not: no throb evinced a dumb answer of affection cold, impassionless, unresponsive, that shape kept-on its petrifying lethargy. Yes, there, indeed, it stretched-changeless, it is true, in outward guise, undeparting, immovable; but, hour by hour, to his thinkings, its qualities of mind and soul exhaled, and left their former receptacle lonelier, more ice-like, and more dead; till, day after day, and night after night, the characteristics of the spirit freed themselves, one by one, and fleeted-and nothing, save the breathless, pulseless, lifeless outline of mortality

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