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for tea? it's administered by cursedly-kind friends in strength that racks you into fever. If fortunate enough to praise confections, you're so dosed, that, unless endowed with the digestion of an ostrich, decease must infallibly succeed. In their desperate good-nature, they totally forget, that, though a man may laud his stars for one wife (which illustration but rarely occurs), it's by no means necessary to inflict on him the harem of a Turk!"

This had a sweepingness that dumbfounded Camell: but, ere his ire amassed breath, an ecclesiastic diverted the discourse.

"I detest a priest !" cried Berkeley :-" at least," correcting himself, "a modern. Yield me a jolly old father—”

"Camell!" interposed Villiers, "don't miss! Herbert, I pray you, hearken!-St. Leger's 'occupation's gone!' transferred from 'the sex,' he entreats you for a jolly old father!'"

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Oh, we're all aware," said Herbert, "that action and re-action are equal, and in opposite directions (though it's the first mechanical principle I've discovered applicable to our friend.)"

"Well!" retorted he, unabashed, with a smile of beautiful irony-"I don't recant. Why should

I? I'm Oxonian.-Yield me, I repeat, a jolly old father! whose meditations' hitch mainly upon 'spiritual things' ('on ne plaît pas long-temps quand on n'a qu' une sorte d'esprit'—one kind of whiskey)-whose orders' are unlimited (on the Abbey-cellar)-whose 'flesh' endures 'mortification' (from good-living)—whose 'miracle-working' consists in paternity not only to the 'fair penitents' he shrives, but the frequent retention of that blood-relationship to their 'pickaninnies' also who scrupulously superintendeth 'catalogues' (of the vintage)-and whose head, in pious exercise, turns continually upon collations.' Nor let the fair be offended; these same hermits of society teach us to regard the things of the other world, by enjoying their anti-types in this."

"Bravo, bravo!" cried Herbert, pierced apparently with a tremendous admiration: "that shall not be lost! Embody in a toast, and we'll signalise it by a bumper."

"One bumper,' then," cried Berkeley, "at parting !''THE MONKS OF OLD!' may we, Elisha-like, inherit their 'hoods'-and the second face, under' each, be, now as then, that of the prettiest girl in the parish!"

Such was St. Leger in his public-what in his uncompanioned-hours?

They left the Café.

No. 8.-Helps forward the history.

But how the subject-theme may gang,
Let time and chance determine;

Perhaps it may turn out a sang,

Perhaps turn out a sermon.

BURNS.-Epistle to a young friend.

Herbert signified, on separating, that he should forego their company for a few days. The few were, however, augmented to many.

Entering a second week without intelligence of the truant, Villiers loosed conjecture.

Customarily indifferent, "Où est-il ?" Camell said-"Peu importe! he'll care himself."

"Où est-il ?" St. Leger echoed

"Shooting folly as he flies !'

You knew not of his lien with Madame d'Ar


"What! sister to the baronne ?"

"The same and of immemorial seasoning. Nay, now-don't gape! nor catechise me on the deposition but file it. Our De Coucy and his


Gabriel meet during her spouse's reign; at whose demise, she removes to the Hôtel de Préville; and suppose you, the 'flowery band' of Plato severs? If so, I'll but enunciate, with Bombie of the Frizzled-Head, 'I know what I knowI've seen what I've seen'

"Nonsense!" would Villiers exclaim: "Madanie d'Arblay's here-but Herbert where?"

Then, off, St. Leger would caracol, crying—

"Cupid is a knavish lad,

Thus to make poor females mad’"

and with the very next opportunity redouble the attack.

Meanwhile Mary Travers occupied Emile, not yet master of her vicissitudes-a chirurgeon alleging the indispensability of mental rest, and the indisputable fatality of transportation even from her present infamous abode :-but his resorts were nocturnal-Lord Tobit's caustic Pru

dence propelling Benevolence into a sphere of greater Inculpation-or exacting its disuse.

Nor had the St. Aubins been unheeded hitherto. Aspic having mentioned the vacancy of Humbugby-communicated by Mr. Squealem's son (of Sappertonian celebrity) reverting from a prosperous mission-Villiers had mementoed Mr. Worthall, for his bull confirmatory to Selwyn.

Of the other Sappertonian project (Emily B.'s), their hurried retreat precluded furtherance, beyond Herbert's recommendation to a Patroness of the


. Widely intimate amongst the city's denizens, from De Préville be deduced most gratification. Conversant with Evrett in military youth, he had cordially welcomed his protégé : and Emile but complied with his express desire, in uniformly attending the baronne's levée.

St. Leger's encomium, though dazzling, was scarce exaggerate. She gained insensibly almost a similar valuation from himself. With disposition peculiarly sweet, singularly fascinating manners blent; and, with perfect etiquette, a naturalism, over which the rigidest ceremony threw no restraint. The baron's political implications required him much abroad: Camell seldom

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