BY MOSES MATHER, D. D. LATE PASTOR OF THE CHURCH OF CHRIST IN STAMFORD, Hear now, O house of Israel, Is not my way equal? EZEKIEL, XVIII. 25. STAMFORD, CON. PUBLISHED BY NATHAN WEED. A. Spooner, Printer, Brooklyn. NEW YOR PREFACE. A PROBATIONER for eternity, who must be accountable for his belief, as well as for his practice, can surely never need to apologize for his making a free inquiry into the principles of our holy religion. It is easier much, to take things upon trust, and to profess and practice according as things have been handed down by our predecessors, than to take the pains of examining for ourselves, that our faith may stand upon the clear evidence of the truth, rather than an implicit affiance in the sufficiency and certainty of those searches after truth, which have been made by such as have gone before us. But although a free inquiry is not only justifiable, but even laudable; yet a respect and veneration for our worthy predecessors ought so far to prevail, as to make us cautious how we depart from their sentiments; lest the love of novelty, (a passion incident to the human mind) should betray us into errors and dangerous mistakes: yet where the light of truth, upon a close and deliberate search after it, shines in upon : |