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On Divine Consolation in Trouble.

“THE LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart."

None is so good and devout that he shall not meet with some troubles and heaviness. When then thou art in tribulation and sorrow of heart, thou art with JESUS on the Cross. But when thou art again comforted in prayer by the grace of the HOLY SPIRIT, then thou risest from the grave, as from the death with CHRIST, and celebratest the Paschal in newness of life with CHRIST, with joy in thy heart. And when thou hearest any speaking unkindly and harshly of thee, then is it given thee to drink of the cup of the LORD for the healing of thy soul.

2. Be silent and drink the cup of salvation without murmuring, and the LORD will answer for thee in life and in death. GOD will not forget thee. Nothing is more glorious than by silence and patience to close the mouth of him that speaketh unjustly, and to follow the example of CHRIST, silent before Pilate, though so many false charges were laid against Him. For thou art not better than GOD, beaten and mocked for thee, and at

1 Ps. xxxiv. 18.

length put to death by wicked hands. Man knows not how good and virtuous he is until he hath been tried by adversity. CHRIST hath many lovers and companions of the table, but few followers of abstinence.

3. A true lover of the Crucified shrinks not from suffering, grief, or being put to shame by the froward, that he may be like unto CHRIST in the offence of the Cross. For to him, to whom to live is CHRIST, it is greatest gain to suffer and die for CHRIST. The more ardently one loves GOD, the less he fears death; and the more he longs to be dissolved, that he may live happily with CHRIST, and joy for ever with the angels. Happy soul which heartily loveth JESUS, values as nothing present good from love of the future, and humbly prostrates itself at the feet of JESUS, and prays that it may grow in grace, and persevere unto the end.


On the Joy of a Good Conscience in the Holy Spirit.

"REJOICE in the LORD alway."


Rejoice with the good, bear with the evil, suffer with the afflicted, pardon the offenders, pray for all. Cast from thee evil sadness, which bringeth in bitterness and gall. Practise sweet and holy meditation on the Life and Passion of CHRIST, and thou shalt find true consolation against all sadness and temptation. A good life meriteth praise, a lukewarm conversation is troublesome to itself and others. A good conscience begetteth joy, an evil one torments. Strive ever to do well, and thou shalt be in peace. The evils of the wicked will not harm thee if thou stand firm in the straight road of the righteous. A good conversation bringeth with it joy of heart, and the report of just praise. Vain boasting speedily perisheth from the mouth of the flatterer. The smooth praise of the wicked is more hurtful than the harsh chiding of the righteous.

2. Humble prayer ascends into Heaven, appeases GOD, obtains grace, wards off the deceit of the devil. Humble confession wins pardon,

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mean apologies increase the fault. True contrition blots out the stain, fervent meditation lessens the punishment. Idle tales withdraw the grace of devotion, good conversation increaseth joy. Careful watch over the senses, everywhere necessary, is a useful castle to the wavering. Constant prayer is a firm protection, silence of mouth the domicile of peace. Many begin with fervour, but perseverance wins the crown of glory. The yoke of CHRIST is sweet to them that love Him, heavy to the lukewarm, bitter to the proud, light to the gentle, dear to the humble. Sweet JESUS makes all things sweet and light. The earthly ever seeks the soft and easy, the spiritual avoids and hates them. The most holy grieves that he cannot utterly destroy all vicious affections. But why does GOD permit this? To the end that man may ever humble himself, and implore Divine assistance.

3. As the proud man joyeth in his honours, and the rich in his wealth, so does the truly humble in contempt of himself, and the poor in spirit is delighted with the fewness of his possessions. The glory and riches of the servants of GOD is CHRIST the King of Heaven. Without GOD all delight is bad, all joy empty, all abundance want; forasmuch as nothing satisfies the hunger of the soul but GOD alone, Who created it. Great freedom

of the soul is it to long for nothing which is of this world.

4. It is the life of the righteous to do good, to suffer evil, to praise GOD in all things, never to be proud of his virtues. He truly praises GOD, who thinks little of himself, and whatever good he thinks, says, or does, ascribes it all faithfully to GOD. When then thou art tempted by vain glory consent not, but forthwith say humbly with the prophet, "Not unto us, O LORD, but unto Thy Name, give the glory."

It is the most

glorious triumph for man, for him to conquer what delights, to dare what alarms, and to bear meekly what bitterly pains.


Of the Good Habits of a Humble Brother.

"BUT GOD giveth grace to the humble." Every action, and speech of a religious brother, ought to be adorned with humble modesty, and occupied in no vain thing. It is a good sign of future probity in novices and young persons, to be of humble habits, to speak little and especially among their

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