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and without fear for the rest, reign with CHRIST. There they now follow the Lamb, whithersoever He goeth: in that there is no separation from Him, but they shall rejoice for ever, joying in the LORD.

6. Contemplate these things, my soul, and extend thy thoughts, beyond everything visible. Truly that is a holy place, and the LORD is in it. Here peace and joy ever abound: here is plenty of all things, and an everlasting absence of evil. Oh! that thou couldest apprehend somewhat of the ineffable joys of the saints, that thereby thy sojourn might be in a measure comforted; because in me thou wilt find only labours and pains, temptations, and sorrow of the world. Oh! that the Author of supernal light would breathe somewhat into thee, and not send thee back empty to my dry food; but according to the riches of His superabundant grace, would cleanse and free thee from all material things, and lead thee even for a moment to the abyss of His eternal brightness. Would that thou couldst bring back from that heavenly sanctuary, the form and exemplar of true holiness, which thou shouldst imitate. For better, and truer are the examples of the confirmed heavenly things, than those which are tried by earthly proofs. Grant me, O LORD GOD, to know and understand, what is the perfect felicity of the saints, not from their writings, but by the HOLY SPIRIT, which teacheth touching

heavenly secrets, more than the human sense can attain unto. Grant me also to uplift my life much more fervently to more spiritual things, and midst the constant weight of trials, to bear boldly the palm of patience; until, when the debt of the flesh is paid, I of Thy mercy may attain to that bliss for which I long.


On access to Christ, Saint of Saints, and King of Angels.

"THOU art my King, and my GOD."1

Arise, my soul, come, and enter the admirable tabernacle, the House of GOD. For thou must cast aside all else, and proceed with suppliant reverence to salute our LORD JESUS CHRIST, thy SAVIOUR and Redeemer, Who is the Head of all principality and power, the Joy and Crown of all saints, the sure hope and certain expectation of all the faithful. He it is Who made and redeemed thee; He laboured, contended, and conquered for thee. He is thy advocate, and the propitiation for thy sins. He is thy Comforter, Preserver, and Governor. He is thy only and chief Beloved, Who feedeth among the lilies, and would tarry

1 Ps. xliv. 4.

between thy breasts. Who ever conferred such great boons upon thee? Who loved thee with so great a love? Approach, and give thyself unto Him. Open thy heart to Him, and tell out whatever thou hast long concealed. None will better tell, or reveal to thee, what hope or counsel must be had in human affairs, which have such manifold issues. With Him be thy wishes, and longings, and let thine remain in His counsels. Vain is hope in man, but He is the stay of peace. Through Him thou wilt have access to the FATHER, and by Him all grace is given thee, and greater virtue imparted.

2. Whether thou art in sorrow, or joy, ever go to Him. He is the mirror of life, the rule of righteousness. He is the unfailing light of the soul, the lover of purity, and the joy of the conscience. For Him thou wilt easily despise all pleasant things: for Him all bitter, and adverse will be endurable, and borne for love of Him, will please. In a word, from Him, and by Him, and in Him are all things. To Him chiefly all thy intentions, actions, words, reading, prayer, meditation, and thought should refer. By Him salvation is given thee, and life eternal prepared. For Him thou wilt not fear to die, nor refuse to live; because thou shouldst trust His faithfulness, and prefer nothing to His honour and love. Approach therefore now, and thank thy Redeemer.

3. O JESUS, sweetest and lovely above all, be Thou most devoutly saluted, most highly praised, and now and ever blessed by every creature. 0 most worthy JESUS, what honour shall I ever repay? or what thanks shall I render to Thee, Who hast shown boundless compassion to me? And could I find anywhat to offer unto Thee, was it not Thine before I gave it? What then shall I render? I have little or nothing. Can I sacrifice of nothing? Yet receive the sacrifice of my humility, poverty, and nothingness; and be all ascribed to Thee, which Thou hast imparted unto me. Let the choirs of the angels, ever near Thee, utter also great praises for me.

4. Let all the spirits of just men speak, repeating the same with great joy. But what still can I do, in remembrance and praise of Thy most holy Name? Much should I do: yea I am held and bound by many things, and am not sufficient for the least. Therefore, my sweetest JESUS, I will read, write, and sing of Thee. I will think of Thee, speak of Thee, work for Thee, suffer for Thee. I will rejoice in Thee, praise, magnify, and glorify Thee. I will as is fitting adore Thee, for Thou art my GOD, in Whom I have believed, Whom I have loved; Whom I have sought and longed for. Give me a sign for good, that mine eye may behold Thy beautiful countenance in Heaven. I cast myself

humbly at Thy feet, submissively intreating Thy clemency with tears, until Thou deignest to have mercy upon me. Let my name be written in the book of life, and let not Thy handwriting be ever blotted out.

5. I, unhappy, and removed from the deserts of the saints, of Thy superabundant prerogative, trusting in Thy merits, intreat, that I may be worthy at least to be reckoned among the weak and lowest members of Thy elect. I know that my life and conversation are such, that I cannot dare to place any confidence in myself; but all my hope and consolation consist and rest on the price of Thy precious blood, on which I wholly throw myself, with all that I have done, sinned, merited, and left undone. See then, most merciful JESUS, my poverty and want; mark the affections of my heart, which I bring to Thee, and have; not because I am worthy, but Thou art gracious, and disdainest not to be touched, and loved by sinners. My impurity affrights me; but Thy goodness and humility draw and allure me unto Thee; in that of true charity, Thou consentedst not only to become man, but also to suffer, die, and be buried, for man a sinner. Therefore to Thee I flee for refuge, for I find nothing good in myself. Supply Thou for me, what my own strength cannot accomplish.

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