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meet him upon Amwel hill to morrow morning by day break.

Pifc. Sir, my fortune hath answered my defires; and my purpose is to bestow a day or two in helping to destroy fome of thofe villanous vermin: for I hate them perfectly, because they love fish fo well, or rather,because theydestroyfo much: indeed, so much, that in my judgment, all men that keep Otter dogs ought to have a Penfion from the Commonwealth to incourage them to destroy the very breed of those bafe Otters, they do fo much mifchief.

Viat. But what say you to the Foxes of this Nation? would not you as willingly have them destroyed? for doubtleffe they do as much mischief as the Otters.

Pifc. Oh Sir, if they do, it is not so much to me and my Fraternitie, as that bafe Vermin the Otters do. Viat. Why Sir, I pray, of what Fra

Fraternity are you, that you are fo angry with the poor Otter?

Pif. I am a Brother of the Angle, and therefore an enemy to the Otter, he does me and my friends fo much mischief;for you are to know, that we Anglers all love one another: and therefore do I hate the Otter perfectly, even for their fakes that are of my Brotherhood.

Viat. Sir, to be plain with you, I am forry you are an Angler: for I have heard many grave, ferious men pitie, and many pleasant men fcoffe at Anglers.

Pifc. Sir, There are many men that are by others taken to be serious grave men, which we contemn and pitie; men of fowre complexions; mony-getting-men, that spend all their time first in getting, and next in anxious care to keep it: men that are condemn'd to be rich, and alwayes discontented, or bufie. For thefe poor-rich-men, wee Anglers

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in bis Apol.


pitie them; and stand in no need to borrow their thoughts to think our felves happie: For (trust me, Sir) we enjoy a contentedneffe above the reach of fuch difpofitions.

And as for any scoffer, qui mockat mockabitur. Let mee tell you, (that you may tell him) what the The Lord wittie French-man fayes in fuch a Mountagne Cafe. When my Cat and I enterfor Ra-Se- taine each other with mutuall apish tricks (as playing with a garter,)who knows but that I make her more fport then she makes me? Shall I conclude her fimple, that has her time to begin or refufe fportivenesse as freely as I my felf have? Nay, who knows but that our agreeing no better, is the defect of my not understanding her language? (for doubtleffe Catstalk and reafon with one another) and that shee laughs at, and cenfures my folly, for making her Sport, and pities mee for understanding her no better? To this purpose speaks Mountagne concer

ning Cats: And I hope I may take as great a libertie to blame any Scoffer, that has never heard what an Angler can say in the justification of his Art and Pleasure.

But, if this fatisfie not, I pray bid the Scoffer put this Epigram into his pocket, and read it every morning for his breakfast (for I wish him no better;) Hee shall finde it fix'd before the Dialogues of Lucian (who may be justly accounted the father of the Family of all Scoffers:) And though I owe none of that Fraternitie fo much as good will, yet I have taken a little pleafant pains to make fuch a converfion of it as may make it the fitter for all of that Fraternity.

Lucian well skill'd in scoffing, this has writ, Friend,that's your folly which you think your wit This you vent oft,void both of wit and fear, Meaning an other,when your felf you jeer.

But no more of the Scoffer; for fince Solomon fayes, he is an abomination to men, he shall be so to me; and I think, to all that love Vertue and Angling.

Viat. Sir, you have almoftamaPro. 24.9. zed me: for though I am no Scoffer, yet I have (I pray let me speak it without offence) alwayes look'd upon Anglers as more patient, and more fimplemen,then (I fear) Ifhall finde you to be.

Pifcat. Sir, I hope you will not judge my earnestneffe to be impatience and for my fimplicitie, if by that you mean a harmlesnesse, or thatfimplicity that was usually found in the Primitive Chriftians, who were (as moft Anglers are) quiet men, and followed peace; men that were too wife to fell their confciences to buy riches for vexation, and a fear to die. Men that lived in those times when there were fewer Lawyers; for then a Lordship might

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