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ters that are to meet you to murrow.


Viat. That we wil, Sir, and to all the lovers of Angling too, of which number, I am now one my self, for by the help of your good difcourfe and company, I have put on new thoughts both of the Art of Angling, and of all that profess it: and if you will but meet me too morrow at the time and place appointed, and bestow one day with me and my friends in hunting the Otter, I will the next two dayes wait upon you, and we two will for that time donothing but angle, and talk of fish and fishing.

Pifc. 'Tis a match, Sir, I'l not fail you,God willing, to be at Amwel Hil o morrow morning before Sunrifing.


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Y friend Pifcator, you have kept time with my thoughts, for the Sun is juft rifing, and I my self just now come to this place, and the dogs have just now put down an Otter, look down at the bottom of the hil, there in that Meadow, chequered with water Lillies and Ladyfmocks, there you may fee what work they make: look,you fee all bufie,men and dogs,dogs and men, all bufie.

Pifc. Sir, I am right glad to meet you, and glad to have so fair an entrance into this dayes fport,and glad to see so many dogs, and more men all in pursuit of the Otter; lets complement no longer, but joine unto them; come honest Viator, lets




lets make hafte, I long to be doing; no reasonable hedge or ditch fhall hold me.

Viat. Gentleman Huntsman where found you this Otter? Hunt. Marry (Sir) we found her a mile off this place a fifhing; fhe has this morning eaten the greatest part of this Trout, fhe has only left thus much of it as you fee, and was fishing for more; when we came we found her just atit: but we were here very early, we were here an hour before Sun-rife, and have given her no reft fince we came: fure she'l hardly escape all thefe dogs and men.I am to have the skin if we kill him.

Viat. Why, Sir, whats the skin worth?

Hunt. "Tis worth ten fhillings to make gloves; the gloves of an Otter are the beft fortification for your hands against wet weather that can be thought of. Pifc. I

Pifc. Ipray,honest Huntsman, let me ask you a pleasant question, Do you hunt a Beaft or a fish?

H. Sir,It is not in my power to refolve you; for the question has been debated among many great Clerks, and they seem to differ about it; but most agree, that his tail is fifh: and if his body be fish too, then I may fay, that a fish will walk upon land (for an Otter does fo) fometimes five or fix, or ten miles in a night. But (Sir) I can tell you certainly, that he devours much fifh, and kils and spoils much more: And I can tell you, that he can smel a fish ir the water one hundred yards from him (Gefner fayes,much farther) and that his stones are good against the Falling-fickness: and that there is an herb Benione, which being hung in a linen cloth near a Fish Pond,or any haunt that he uses, makes him to avoid the place, which proves he can imell both by water and land.



And thus much for my knowledg of the Otter, which you may now fee above water at vent, and the dogs close with him; I now fee he will not last long, follow therefore my Masters, follow, for Sweetlips was like to have him at this vent.

via. Oh me, all the Horse are got over the river, what fhall we do now?

Hun. Marry,stay alittle&follow, both they and the dogs will be fuddenly on this fide again, I warrant you, and the Otter too it may be: now have at him with Kil buck, for he vents again.

via. Marry fo he is, for look hevents in that corner. Now, now Ringwood has him. Come bring him to me. Look, 'tis a Bitch Otter upon my word, and she has lately whelped, lets go to the place where she was put down, and not far from it, you will find all her young ones, I dare warrant you: and kill them all too.


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