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angle diligently four or fix hours in a day, for three or four dayes together for a River Carp,and not have a bite and you are to note, that in fome Ponds it is as hard to catch a Carp as in a River; that is to fay, where they have store of feed, & the water is of a clayish colour; but you are to remember,that I have told you there is no rulewithout an exception, and therefore being poffeft with that hope and patience which I wish to all Fishers, especially to the CarpAngler, I fhall tell you with what bait to fish for him; but that must be either early or ate, and let me tell you,that in hot weather (for he will feldome bite in cold) you cannot bee too early or too late at it.

The Carp bites either at wormes or at Pafte; and of worms I think the blewish MarfhorMeadow worm is beft; but poffibly another worm not too big may do as well, and fo


may a Gentle: and as for l'aftes, there are almoft as many forts as there are Medicines for the Toothach, but doubtless sweet Pastes are beft; I mean,Pastes mixt with honey, or with Sugar; which, that you may the better beguile this crafty fish,should be thrown into the Pond or place in which you fish for him fome hours before you undertake your tryal of skil by the AngleRod: and doubtlefs, if it be thrown into the water a day or two before,at feveral times, and in fmal pellets, you are the likelier when you fish for the Carp, to obtain your defired fport or in a large Pond, to draw them to any certain place, that they may the better and with more hope be fished for: you are to throw into it, in fome certaine place, either grains, or bloud mixt with Cowdung,or with bran; or any Garbage, as Chickens guts or the like, and then fome of your fmal fweet pellets,

with which you purpose to angle; these final pellets,being few of them thrown in as you are Angling.

And your Paite must bee thus made: Take the flesh of a Rabet or Cat cut fmal,and Bean-flower,or (if not eafily got then) other flowre, and then mix these together,and put to them either Sugar, or Honey, which I think better, and then beat these together in a Mortar; or fometimes work them in your hands, (your hands being very clean) and then make it into a ball, or two, or three, as you like best for your ufe: but you must work or pound it fo long in the Mortar, as to make it fo tough as to hang upon your hook without washing from it,yet not too hard; or that you may the better keep it on your hook, you may kneade with your Paite a little(and not much) white or yellowish wool. And if you would have this Pafte year for

keep all the

any other fish


then mix with it Virgins-wax and clarified honey, and work them together with your hands before the fire; then make these into balls, and it will keep all the yeer.

And if you fish for a Carp with Gentles, then put upon your hook a small piece of Scarlet about this bignefs, it being foked in, or annointed with Oyl of Peter, called by some, Oyl of the Rock; and if your Gentles be put two or three dayes before into a box or horn anointed with Honey, and fo put upon your hook, as to preserve them to be living, you are as like to kill this craftie fish this way as any other; but still as you are fishing, chaw a little white or brown bread in your mouth, and caft it into the Pond about the place where your flote fwims. Other baits there be, but thefe with diligence, and patient watchfulness, will do it as well as any as I have ever practised, or


heard of: and yet

I fhall tell you,

that the crumbs of white bread and honey made into a Paste, is a good bait for a Carp, and you know it is more easily made. And having faid thus much of the Carp, my next discourse shal be of the Bream, which fhall not prove fo tedious, and therefore I defire the continuance of your attention.


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