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have been fafely conveyed in a piece of Parchment no bigger then your hand, though feveral skins are not fufficient to do it in this wifer Age. Ifay, Sir, if you take us Anglers to be fuch fimple men as I have fpoken of, then both my felf, and those of my profeffion will be glad to be fo understood. But if by fimplicitie you meant to expreffe any general defect in the understanding of those that professe and practise Angling, I hope to make it appear to you, that there is fo much contrareafon (if you have but the tience to hear it) as may remove all the anticipations that Time or Difcourse may have poffeff'd you with, against that Ancient and laudable Art.



Viat. Why (Sir) is Angling of Antiquitie, and an Art, and an art not easilylearn'd?

Pifc. Yes(Sir:) and I doubt not but that if you and I were to con

verfe together but til night, Ishould leave you poffeff'd with the fame happie thoughts that now poffeffe me; not onely for the Antiquitie of it, but that it deferves commendations; and that 'tis an Art; and worthy the knowledge and practice of a wife, and a serious


that both

Viat. Sir, I pray speak of them what you fhall think fit; for wee have yet five miles to walk before wee shall come to the Thatcht houfe. And, Sir, though my infirmities are yet I dare promile you, my patience and attention will indure to hear what you will fay till wee come thither: and if you please to begin in order with the antiquity, when that is done, you shall not want my attention to the commendations and accommodations of it: and laftly, if you shall convince me that 'tis an Art, and an Art worth learn

ing, I fhall beg I may become your Scholer, both to wait upon you, and to be inftructed in the Art it self.

Pifc. Oh Sir, 'tis not to be queftioned, but that it is an art, and an art worth your Learning: the question wil rather be, whether you be capable of learning it? For he that learns it, must not onely bring an enquiring,fearching,anddifcerning wit; but he must bring also that patience you talk of,and a love and propenfity to the art itself: but having once got and practised it, then doubt not but the Art will (both for the pleasure and profit of it) prove like to Vertue, a reward to it Self.

Viat. Sir, I am now become fo ful of expectation, that I long much to have you proceed in your difcourfe: And firft,I pray Sir,let me hear concerning the antiquity of it.

J. Da.

Pifc. Sir, I wil preface no longer, but proceed in order as you defire me: And firft for the Antiquity of Angling, I fhall notfay much; but; onely this; Some fay, it is as ancientas Deucalions Floud: and others

Jer. Mar (which I like better) fay, that Belus (who was the inventer of godly and vertuous Recreations) was the Inventer of it: and fome others say, (for former times have had their Difquifitionsabout it) that Seth, one of the fons of Adam, taught it to his fons, and that by them it was derived to Pofterity. Others fay, that he left it engraven on those Pillars which hee erected to preserve the knowledg of the Mathematicks,Mu fick, and the rest of those precious Arts, which by Gods appointment or allowance, and his noble industry were thereby preferved from perifhing in Noah's Floud.

Thefe (my worthy Friend) have been the opinions of fome men, that


Chap.4 2.

poffibly may have endeavoured to make it more ancient then may well be warranted. But for my part, I shall content my self in telling you, That Angling is much more ancient then the incarnation of our Saviour: For both in the Prophet Amos, and before him in Job, (which laft Book Chap. 41. is judged to be written by Mofes) mention is made offish-books, which muft imply Anglers in thofe times. But(my worthy friend) as I would rather prove my felf to be a Gentleman, by being learned and humble, valiant and inoffenfive,vertuous and communicable, then by a fond oftentation of riches; or (wanting these Vertues my felf) boaft that these were in my Ancestors; [And yet I confeffe, that where a noble and ancient Descent and fuch Meritsmeet in any man, itisa double dignification of that perfon: ] and fo, if this Antiquitie of Angling (which, for my part, I have not forc'd) fhall.

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