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my honeft Scholer, are fome observations told to you as they now come fuddenly into my memory, of which you may make fome use: but for the practical part, it is that that makes an Angler; it is diligence, and obfervation, and practice that must do it.


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Ell, Scholer, I have held you too long about

thefe Cadis,and my spirits are almoft fpent,and fo I doubt is your patience; but being we are now within fight of Totenham, where I first met you, and where wee are to part, I will give you a little direction how to colour the hair of which you make your lines, for that is very needful to be known of an Angler; and also how to paint your rod, especially your top, for a right grown top is a choice Commoditie, and fhould be preferved from the water foking into it, which makes it in wet weather to be heavy, and fish ill favouredly. and alfo to rot quickly. Take

Take a pint of ftrong Ale, half a pound of foot, and a like quantity of thejuice of Walnut-tree leaves, and an equal quantitie of Allome, put these together into a pot, or pan, or pipkin, and boil them half an hour, and having fo done, let it cool, and being cold,put your hair into it,and there let it lye;it wil turn your hair to be a kind of water,or glafs colour,or greenish, and the longer you let it lye,the deeper coloured it will bee; you might be taught to make many other colours, but it is to little purpofe; for doubtleffe the water or glafs coloured haire is the most choice and most useful for an Angler.

But if you defire to colour haire green, then doe it thus: Take a quart of smal Ale, halfe a pound of Ällome, then put these into a pan or pipkin, and your haire into it with them, then put it upon a fire and let it boile foftly for half an hour, and


then take out your hair, and let it dry, and having fo done, then take a pottle of water,and put into it two handful of Mary-golds, and cover it with a tile or what you think fit, and set it again on the fire, where it is to boil foftly for half an hour, about which time the fcum will turn yellow, then put into it half a pound of Copporis beaten fmal, and with it the hair that you intend to colour, then let the hair be boiled foftly till half the liquor be wafted,& then let it cool three or four hours with your hair in it; and you are to obferve, that the more Copporis you put into it,thegreenerit will be,but doubtless the pale green is best; but if you defire yellow hair (which is only good when the weeds rot) then put in the more Mary-golds, and abate most of the Copporis,or leave it out, and take a little Verdigreece in ftead of it.

This for colouring your hair. And as for painting your rod, which must


be in Oyl, you must first make a fize with glue and water, boiled together until the glue be diffolved, and the fize of a lie colour; then strike your fize upon the wood with a bristle brush or penfil, whilst it is hot: that being quite dry, take white lead, and a little red lead, and a little cole black, so much as all together will make an ash colour, grind these all together with Linfeed oyle, letit be thick,and lay it thin upon the wood with a brush or penfil, this do for the ground of colour to lie upon wood.


For a Green.

Take Pink and Verdigreece, and grind them together in Linfeed oyl, as thick as you can well grind it, then lay it smoothly on with your brush, and drive it thin, once doing for the most part will ferve, if you lay it wel, and be fure your first colour be thoroughly dry, before you lay on a fecond.


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