The Plays of William Shakespeare: In Twenty-one Volumes, with the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators, to which are Added Notes, Том 5J. Nichols and Son, 1813 |
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Стр. 6
... gentlemen dwelling at Windsor . William Page , a boy , son to Mr. Page . Sir Hugh Evans , a Welch parson . Dr. Caius , a French physician . Host of the Garter Inn . Bardolph , Pistol , followers of Falstaff . Nym , Robin , page to ...
... gentlemen dwelling at Windsor . William Page , a boy , son to Mr. Page . Sir Hugh Evans , a Welch parson . Dr. Caius , a French physician . Host of the Garter Inn . Bardolph , Pistol , followers of Falstaff . Nym , Robin , page to ...
Стр. 9
... gentleman born , master parson ; who writes himself armigero ; * in any bill , warrant , quittance , or obligation , ar- migero . 6 SHAL . Ay , that we do ; and have done any time these three hundred years . SLEN . All his successors ...
... gentleman born , master parson ; who writes himself armigero ; * in any bill , warrant , quittance , or obligation , ar- migero . 6 SHAL . Ay , that we do ; and have done any time these three hundred years . SLEN . All his successors ...
Стр. 11
... gentleman living in the neighbourhood of Stratford , ( where he died fifty years since , ) who had not only heard , from several old people in that town , of Shakspeare's transgression , but could remember the first stanza of the bitter ...
... gentleman living in the neighbourhood of Stratford , ( where he died fifty years since , ) who had not only heard , from several old people in that town , of Shakspeare's transgression , but could remember the first stanza of the bitter ...
Стр. 27
... gentlemen welcome : Come , we have a hot venison pasty to dinner ; come , gentlemen , I hope we shall drink down all unkindness . [ Exeunt all but SHAL . SLENDER and Evans . SLEN . I had rather than forty shillings , I had my book of ...
... gentlemen welcome : Come , we have a hot venison pasty to dinner ; come , gentlemen , I hope we shall drink down all unkindness . [ Exeunt all but SHAL . SLENDER and Evans . SLEN . I had rather than forty shillings , I had my book of ...
Стр. 28
... Gentleman , bl . 1. 4to . 1586 , Sign . H 4 . See quotation in note to Much Ado about Nothing , Act II . sc . i . REED . 3 - upon Allhallowmas last , a fortnight afore Michael- mas ? ] Sure , Simple's a little out in his reckoning ...
... Gentleman , bl . 1. 4to . 1586 , Sign . H 4 . See quotation in note to Much Ado about Nothing , Act II . sc . i . REED . 3 - upon Allhallowmas last , a fortnight afore Michael- mas ? ] Sure , Simple's a little out in his reckoning ...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: With the Corrections and ..., Том 5 William Shakespeare Полный просмотр - 1806 |
Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
ancient believe Ben Jonson CAIUS called Clown comedy devil doctor doth DUKE edit editor Exeunt Exit fairies Falstaff FARMER fool FORD gentleman Gentlemen of Verona give hath heart heaven honour Host humour husband Illyria JOHNSON King Lear knave knight lady letter Lionello lord madam maid MALONE Malvolio marry master Brook master doctor means Measure for Measure mistress Anne mistress Ford Mutio old copy old quarto Olivia passage phrase PIST Pistol play pray quarto Queen QUICK quoth Richard III SCENE second folio Shakspeare Shakspeare's SHAL Shallow signifies Sir Andrew Sir ANDREW AGUE-CHEEK Sir Hugh Sir John Sir John Falstaff Sir Toby SLEN song speak speech STEEVENS suppose sweet tell thee Theobald thou art three merry Viola WARBURTON wife Windsor woman word