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1820. August. A very warm contest for the election of Governor and Lieut. Governor in Kentucky.

1821. April 10. A Mr. Blair arrived at Frankfort in ten days from Philadelphia. It was published as a very quick trip.

1821. April 29. The Post Boy, a steamboat, commanded by R. DeHart, arrived at Shipping Port, 17 days from New Orleans.




On a letter not exceeding half an ounce in weight, 5 cents for any distance not exceeding 300 miles, and 10 cents for over that distance. Every additional half ounce is to be charged additional single postage; drop letters, 2 cents, and advertised letters pay cost of advertising.

Circulars, handbills, &c., printed on letter paper, unsealed, 2 cents each.

Newspapers of 1,900 square inches or less, 30 miles or under, free, over 30, and within the State where published, or not to exceed 100 miles, whether within the State or not, 1 cent; over 100 miles, out of the State, 12 cents.

Pamphlets, magazines, periodicals, and all other printed matter, 1 ounce or less, 2 cents. Every additional ounce, 1 cent. If there is any writing or any communication by marks or signs, letter postage is charged.

Letter paper is about 10 by 8 inches to the page, Foolscap, 13 by 8 inches; circulars on a sheet larger than cap go as pamphlets.


The weight of a sheet of common letter paper about 135 grains; of foolscap, 170 grs., of an envelope, about 50 grs., of wafers, usual size, 1 gr.,

sealing wax, usual quantity, 5 grs. An avoirdupois half-ounce is 2183 grs.-We may therefore send as a single letter, 1st-One and a half sheets of letter paper, sealed with wax or wafer. 2. One sheet of do., with large or small envelope, wax or wafer. 3. One sheet of foolscap, with small envelope, sealed with wafer. 4. One sheet of letter

paper, with a quarter eagle ($2 50) enclosed, and secured and sealed with wafers. 5. A sheet of letter paper may contain a dime and a half, or a half sheet may contain a quarter dollar. 6. A sheet of letter paper may inclose seven bank notes and be sealed with wax; or three bank notes, and the whole in an envelope.


The following are the legal rates of Interest allowed in the different States and territories within the government of the United States, and the punishment inflicted for usury by each State. Maine-6 per cent. Punished for the usury. New-Hampshire-6 per cent. Forfeit of three times the amount unlawfully taken.

Vermont-6 per cent. Recovery in an action with costs.

Massachusetts-6 per cent. Forfeit of threefold

the usury.


Rhode Island-6 and interest of the debt.

cent. Forfeit of the usury

Connecticut-6 per cent. Forfeit of the whole


New York-7 per cent. Usurious contracts void.

New Jersey-7 per cent. Forfeit of the whole


Pennsylvania-6 per cent. Forfeit of the whole


Delaware-6 per cent. Forfeit the whole debt. Maryland-6 per cent., and on tobacco contracts

8. Usurious contracts void.

Virginia-8 per cent. Forfeit double the



Contracts for

North Carolina-6 per cent. usury void. Forfeit double the usury. South Carolina-7 per cent.

Forfeit interest

and premium taken, with cost to debtors.

Georgia-8 per cent. Forfeit three times the

usury, and contracts void.

Alabama-8 per cent.


Mississippi-8 per cent., 10. Usury recoverable in Louisiana-5 per cent. conventional as high as 18. void.

Kentucky-6 per cent.

Forfeit interest and

by contract as high as an action for debt. Bank interest 6, and Beyond that, contracts

Usury may be recover

able with costs. Ohio-6 per cent. Indiana-6 per cent. may go as high as 10. double the excess. Illinois-6 per cent. By contract as high as 12. Penalty three-fold the amount of the whole interest. Missouri-6, and by agreement as high as 10 per cent., beyond that, forfeiture of the whole interest due and usury taken.

Usury contracts void.

Ön written agreements Penalty of usury a fine of

Michigan-7 per cent. Forfeit of the usury

taken and one-fourth of the debt.

Arkansas-6 per cent. By agreement any rate not exceeding 10. Amount of usury recoverable, contracts void.

District of Columbia-6 per cent. Usurious contracts void.

Florida-8 per cent. Forfeit interest and excess in case of usury.

Wisconsin-7 per cent. By agreement, not over 12. Forfeit treble the excess.

Iowa-The same as Wisconsin.

On debts of judgments in favor of the United States' interest is computed at 6 per cent.


Transylvania University, Lexington.
Louisville University, Louisville.

Augusta College, Augusta.

Georgetown College, Georgetown.

Centre College, Danville.

Bacon College, Harrodsburg.
Shelby College, Shelbyville.
St. Joseph's, Bardstown.
Masonic, Lagrange.

REVENUE STATISTICS OF KENTUCKY. The following statement contains each item of taxation, and its total value, in the State of Kentucky, for the year 1845 and 1846; also shows the increase and decrease in valuation and each item of taxation:

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