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POIRER, J., et BRUYANT, C. Les Monts-Dore et la Station Limnologique de Besse. Ann. Biol. Lacustre, v. 1, p. 1-32, 1906, 2 figs., 1 map.

PRINCE, E. E. The St. Andrews marine laboratory. An hour in a scientific laboratory on the Scottish coast. Macm. Ill. Engl. Mag., v. 60, p. 747-757, 1889, 5 figs. PRUVOT, G. Essai sur la topographie et la constitution des fonds sous-marins de la région de Banyuls. Arch. zool. exp. (3), v. 2, p. 599–672, 1894, 1 chart. Coup d'œil sur la distribution générale des invertébrés dans la région de Banyuls (Golfe de Lion). Ibid., v. 3, p. 629-658, 1895, pl. 30.

Essai sur les fonds et la faune de la Manche Occidentale (côtes de Bretagne) comparés à ceux du Golfe de Lion. Arch. Zool. (3), v. 5, p. 511-617, 1897, with table of 22 sheets and pls. 21-26.

Le Roland et sa première croisière sur les côtes de Catalogne en juillet-Août, 1900. Ibid. (3), v. 9, p. 1-42, 1901, 15 figs.

PRZIBRAM, H. Biologische Versuchsanstalt in Wien. Zool. Anz., Bd. 26, p. 373–375, 1903, 2 figs.

Die neue Anstalt für experimentele Biologie in Wien. Verh. Ges. Deutsch. Naturf. u. Ärzte, Karlsbad, 1902, II. Theil, I. Hälfte, p. 152-155, 1903. Zweck, Einrichtung und Tätigkeit während der ersten fünf Jahre ihres Bestandes (1902-1907). Bericht der zoologischen, botanischen und physikalisch-chemischen Abteilung. Zeitschr. f. biol. Technik u. Methodik, v. 1, p. 234–264, 329-362, 409-433, 1908-9, 8 figs.

RICHARD, J. Les campagnes scientifiques de S. A. S. le Prince Albert Ier de Monaco. 140 p., 1900, 10 pls., 60 figs. Monaco.

Sur le Muséum Océanographique de Monaco. Verh. VII. Intern. Geogr. Kongr. in Berlin 1899, p. 323–326, 1900.

Le Musée Océanographique de Monaco. 7 p., Monaco, 1908.

ROULE, L. Bulletin de la Station de Pisciculture pour l'année 1903. 59 p., 1904,

5 figs.

ROUSSEAU, E. Une station de biologie lacustre en Belgique. Ann. Soc. Roy. Zool. et Malac. de Belgique, v. 41, p. 74–85, 1906, 2 figs.

La Station Biologique d'Overmeire, Ann. Biol. Lacustre, v. 1, p. 311–320, 1906, 6 figs.

SAND, R. Les laboratoires maritimes de zoologie. Rev. Univ. de Bruxelles, v. 3, 91 p., 1897.

SCHMEIL, O. Die zoologische Station zu Rovigno. Zool. Anz., v. 16, p. 401-404, 1893. SCHMIDT, J. Fiskeriundersögelser ved Island og Færöerne i sommern 1903. Skr. Komm. Havundersög., v. 1, p. 1-148, 1904, pls. 1-10, 21 figs.

SCHMIDTLEIN, R. Beobachtungen über die Lebensweise einiger Seethiere innerhalb der Aquarien der Zoologischen Station. Mitth. Zool. Sta. Neapel, v. 1, p. 489541, 1879.

SCOURFIELD, D. J. Fresh-water biological stations. Jour. Quekett Micr. Club (2), v. 9, p. 129-136, 1905.

SELIGO, A. Die Finnländische Fischerei-Versuchsstation in Evoïs. Allg. FischereiZeit., v. 22, pp. 214-215, 1897.

SKORIKOW, A. S. Report on the activities of the Volga biological station during 1902. Yearbook of the Volga Biol. Sta., 1903, p. 1-18, 4 pls. (Russian.)

Mitteilungen aus den Arbeiten der biologischen Wolga-Station. Rev. Intern. de Pêche et de Pisciculture, 1903. Repr., 7 p., 1903, 1 fig.

SOVYET. Report of the activities of the Volga biological station for the summer of 1901. Trudy Saratoff. Obscest. Jestestvois., v. 3, p. 1-8, 1902, 5 pls. (Russian.) STORM, V. Oversigt over Trondhjemsfjordens fauna. Medd. Stations Arbeidskomite, Trondhjem, 1901, 20 p., 1 chart.

SUSTA, W. Bericht über die ersten Anfänge der teichwirthschaftlichen Versuchsstation in Frauenberg. Oester. Fisch.-Zeit., v. 4, p. 69-72, 1906.

SUPINO, F. Stazione di biologia e di idrobiologia applicata. 15 p., 1909, 6 pls. Milano. SWINGLE, W. T. Facilities for botanical research at the Naples zoological station. Bot. Gaz., v. 23, p. 278-282, 1897, 2 figs., 1 pl.

THEEL, H. Om Sveriges zoologiska hafsstation Kristineberg. 48 p., 1895, 1 chart, 4 pls., and 1 text figure. Stockholm.

Om utvecklingen af Sveriges zoologiska hafsstation Kristineberg och om djurlifvet i angränsande haf och fjordar. Ark. f. Zool., v. 4, No. 5, 136 p., 1907, 3 charts, 5 pls., and 2 text figs.

TODARO, F. XXV° anniversario della fondazione della stazione zoologica di Napoli. Vita Italiana., n. s., v. 3, 1897. Reprint, Roma, 15 p.

TODD, J. A. Handbook of the Millport Station, Keppel Pier, Millport. 66 p., 1901, 8 pls. Millport.

Van Beneden, P. J., et RENARD, A. F. La station marine d'Édimbourg. Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. (3), v. 7, p. 721-732, 1884.

VAN BREEMAN, P. J., en REDEKE, H. C. Bijdrage tot de kennis van de flora en fauna der Zuiderzee. Zuiderzee Rapport, Bijlage V, 21 p., 1908, pls. 37, 38. VAN DEN BROECK, E. Une visite à la station zoologique et à l'aquarium de Naples. Ann. Soc. Roy. Malac. de Belg., v. 17, p. 1-13, 1882.

VOGT, K. Die zoologische Station zu Neapel. Aus "Vom Fels zum Meer," 1884, p. 365-378, 523-529, 12 figs.


Die bei der Hamburgischen Elb-Untersuchung angewandten Methoden zur quantitativen Ermittelung des Planktons. Mitth. Natur.-hist. Museum, Hamburg, v. 23, p. 135–182, 1901, pls. 1-3, 12 text flgs. Hamburgische Elb-Untersuchung. I. Allgemeines über die biologischen Verhältnisse der Elbe bei Hamburg und über die Einwirkung der Sielwässer auf die Organismen des Stromes. Ibid., v. 19, p. 65-154, 1903, pls. 1-7.

VIII. Studien über die Einwirkung der Trocken periode im Sommer 1904 auf die biologischen Verhältnisse der Elbe bei Hamburg. Mit Nachtrag über chemische und planktologische Methoden. Ibid., v. 23, p. 1-101, 1906, 3 pls. Mittheilungen über die biologischen, Elb-Untersuchungen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Hamburg. Zeitsch. f. Fischerei, v. 14, p. 30-66, 1908, pls. 1-3. WARD, H. B. The fresh-water biological stations of the world. Rep. Smith. Inst., 1898, p. 499-513.

Album der Natuur, 15 p., 1889.
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WENT, F. A. F. C. Het zoologisch station te Napels.
WILLE, N. Studien über Chlorophyceen. I.-VII.
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WOLTERECK, R. Mitteilungen aus der biologischen Station in Lunz (N.-Ö.). Biol.
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Die biologische Station in Lunz (Nieder-Österreich). Intern. Rev. Hydrob. Hydrog., v. 1, p. 297-299, 1908, 1 fig.

45504°-Bull. 4-10-24

ZACHARIAS, O. Vorschlag zur Gründung von zoologischen Stationen behufs Beobachtung der Süsswasser-Fauna. Zool. Anz., v. 11, p. 18–27, 1888.

Ueber die lacustrisch-biologische Station am Gr. Plöner See. Zool. Anz., v. 12, p. 600-604, 655-656, 1889.

Einrichtung und Benutzung der von ihm begründeten biologischen Station am
Plöner See. Verh. deutsch. Naturf. u. Ärzte, v. 63, 11, p. 120–121, 1891.
Die biologische Station zu Plön. Zool. Anz., v. 15, p. 36-39, 1892, 1 fig.
Die Station für Fischzucht und Hydrobiologie an der Universität Toulouse. Allg.
Fisch.-Zeit., v. 30, p. 42-45, 1905.

Ueber die wissenschaftliche Bedeutung biologischer Süsswasser-Stationen. Vortrag auf dem Internationalen Fischereikongress zu Wien (Juni 1905). 16 p., Plön, 1905.

ZANDER, E. Eine werthvolle Methode um Glasscheiben in Aquarien einzukitten. Allg. Fisch.-Zeit., v. 27, p. 202–203, 1902, 1 fig.

ZERNOFF, S. A. Short description of the Sebastopol biological station of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. 19 p., 14 figs. St. Petersburg, 1905. (Russian.)

Outlines of the distribution of the fauna of the Black Sea. Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Petersburg, 1908, p. 881-904. (Russian.)

Kurzer historischer Überblick über die Tätigkeit der biologischen Station der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaft in Sebastopol. Bull. Biol., v. 1, p. 280-285, 1908.

Biologische Station der Kaiserl. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Sebastopol. Rev. Intern. Hydrob. u. Hydrog., v. 1, p. 861-863, 1908, 3 figs.

ZIEGLER, H. E. Die zoologische Station zu Neapel. Zur Feier ihres 26jährigen Bestehens. Velhagen und Klasing's Monatshefte, v. 11, II, p. 416-425, 1899, 10 figs.

ZOGRAF, N. What the hydrobiological station at Glubokoje has done and should do. Trav. Soc. Imp. Acclim., v. 2, p. 201–206, 1897, pl. 3.

ZSCHOKKE, F. Die biologische Station in Lunz-Seehof (Nieder-Österreich), eine neue Forschungsstätte der Naturwissenschaft. Aus der Natur, Jahrg. 1907. Reprint, 21 p., 14 Abb., 1907.



Aberdeen, Bay of Nigg, fish hatchery, 208.
Academy of sciences of St. Petersburg, 332.
Alexandrovsk, biological station, 334.

Allen, E. J,, director of station at Plymouth, and
staff, 146, 163.

Ambleteuse, biological station of, 133.
Americans attending the Naples station, 16.
Amsterdam, aquarium of zoological museum, 322.
Aneboda, fresh-water biological station, 310.
Aquaria, at the station of Aberdeen, 209; Alexan-
drovsk, 337; Amsterdam, 322; Arcachon, 87; Ban-
yuls, 76; Bay of Nigg, 208; Bergen, 282; Buda-
pest, 277; Concarneau, 92; Cette, 65; Cullercoats,
169; Dröbak, 293; Endoume, 59; Helgoland, 224;
Kristineberg, 304; Luc, 119; Lunz, 270; Millport,
195; Monaco, 41; Müggel-See, 236; Munich, 242;
Naples, 25; Overmeire, 326; Palma, 328; Ply-
mouth, 159; Portel, 123; Port Erin, 181; Roscoff,
103; Rovigno, 265; Sebastopol, 333; St. Andrews,
207; St. Vaast, 114; Tamaris, 56; Toulouse, 137;
Trieste, 256, Trondhjem, 291; Vienna, 249;
Villefranche, 53; Wimereux, 132.
Arcachon, France, biological station, 81.
Association, marine biological, West of Scotland, 187.
Attendance at Naples station, 16.
Austria-Hungary, biological stations, 247.


Bangor, marine station, 213.

Barr, Henry, president of Marine Biological Asso-
ciation, 187.

Bay of Nigg, marine laboratory, 208.
Beaulieu, laboratory of marine biology, 48.

Belgian fresh-water biological laboratory at Over-
meire, 325.

Belgium, biological stations in, 325.
Bergen, biological station, 280.

Berlin, German scientific commission for investi-
gation of the sea, 218; Institut für Meereskunde,

Besse-en-Chandesse, limnological station of, 134
Bibliography of biological stations in Europe, 343.
Biological experiment station, at Munich, 239; at
Vienna, 247.

Biological station, at Ambleteuse, 133; at Arca-
chon, France, 81; at Bergen, 280; at Haegadalen
near Trondhjem, 288; at Hirschberg, 272; at
Lunz, 266; at Millport, 187; at Piel-in-Barrow,
185; at Plön, 243; at Port Erin, Isle of Man, 175;
at Roscoff, 94; for fisheries, at Budapest, 275; of
Helgoland, 221; of University of Christiania at
Dröbak, 292; of the academy of sciences at
Sebastopol, 332.

Biological stations, in Europe, 1; in Austria-Hun-
gary, 247; in Belgium, 325; in Bulgaria, 342; in
Denmark, 311; in Finland, 330; in France, 35; in
Germany, 217; in Great Britain, 144; in Holland,
318; in Italy, 7; in Monaco, 35; in Russia, 332; in
Scandinavia, 279; in Spain, 327.

Board of agriculture and fisheries, in England, 163.
Bohemian fresh-water station, 273.
Bolsena, limnological station, 32.
Bordeaux, fish-cultural station of, 143.

Borodin, Ivan P., director of station at Lake Seliger,

[blocks in formation]

Budget of station of Dutch fisheries bureau, 321;
at Arcachon, 83; at Banyuls-sur-Mer, 67; at Ber-
gen, 281; at Boulogne-sur-Mer, 125; at Budapest,
276; at Concarneau, 89; at Copenhagen, 313; at
Millport, 187; at Müggel-See, 234; at Plymouth,
150; at Port Erin, 177; at Sebastopol, 332; at Tou-
louse, 137; at Trieste, 251; at Trondhjem, 289.
Bulgaria, zoological station at Varna, 342.
Bureau of international commission for investiga-
tion of the sea, Copenhagen, 316; for international
investigation of the sea in Norway, 297.

Bureau for international investigation of the sea,
Russian, 338.


Cagliari, biological station, 34.

Casfield, Sutton Broad fresh-water laboratory, 166.
Caullery, Prof. M., director of station at Wimereux,
and staff, 126.

Central bureau of international commission for in-
vestigation of the sea. Copenhagen, 314.
Cette (Herault), zoological station, 60.
Challenger office, Edinburgh, 212.

Christiania, central laboratory of international com-
mission, 299.

Clermont-Ferrand, fish-cultural station of, 134.
Cligny, Dr. A., director of station at Boulogne-sur-
Mer, 123.

Collections, at the station of Arcachon, 88; Banyuls,
80; Bergen, 287; Berlin, 231; Concarneau, 93; Cette,
65; Helgoland, 228; Kristineberg, 308; Monaco, 45;
Naples, 19; Palma, 329; Plymouth, 160; Roscoff,
100; Sebastopol, 333; St. Andrews, 205; St. Vaast,
113; Tamaris, 56; Trieste, 261; Vienna, 249.
Committee of perfection, institute of oceanography
at Monaco, 37.

Concarneau, laboratory of marine zoology and
physiology, 88.

Cori, Prof. Carl I., director of station at Trieste, and
staff, 250.

Cos, Prof. Odón-de-Buén y del, director of station
at Palma, 327.

Council for investigation of the sea, international,

Council of administration, institute of oceanography
at Monaco, 37.


Danish biological station, 311.
Danish deep-sea commission, 316.

Danish fresh-water biological laboratory, 313.
Dannevig, G. M., director of Flödevig station, 296.
Deep-sea commission, Danish, 316.

Delage, Yves, director of station at Roscoff, and
staff, 94.

Description of station, at Alexandrovsk, 336; Ane-
boda, 310; Arcachon, 85; Banyuls, 74; Beaulieu,
48; Bergen, 282; Bornö, 309; Budapest, 277; Cette,
62; Clermont-Ferrand, 135; Concarneau, 91; Copen-
hagen, 314; Cullercoats, 169; Dröbak, 293; En-
doume, 58; Grenoble, 140; Helgoland, 225; Luc,
118; Lunz, 268; Kristineberg, 303; Millport, 193;
Monaco, 40; Müggel See, 235; Munich, 242; Naples,
21; Overmeire, 326; Palma, 328; Plön, 244; Ply-
mouth, 152; Portel, 122; Port Erin, 177; Prague,
273; Roscoff, 99; Rovigno, 263; Saratoff, 341; Sebas-
topol, 333; St. Andrews, 203: St. Vaast, 112; Tama-
ris, 51; Toulouse, 138; Trieste, 253; Trondhjem,
289; Vienna, 249; Villefranche, 49: Wimereux, 129.
Dohrn, Prof. Dr. R., director of station in Naples,
and staff, 7.

Dove marine laboratory at Cullercoats, near New-
castle, 168.

Drechsel, C. F., commissioner of central bureau,
Copenhagen, 316.

Dröbak, biological station, 292.

Duboseg, Prof. O., director of zoological station of
Cette, and staff, 60.

Dutch sea fisheries scientific bureau, 320.


Edinburgh, Challenger office, 212; oceanographical
laboratory, 212; survey of Scottish lakes, 212.
Endoume, marine zoological laboratory, 56.
Equipment of station, at Aberdeen, 210; Alexan-
drovsk, 337; Arcachon, 85; Banyuls, 72; Bergen,
283; Berlin, 232; Budapest, 277; Cette, 61; Cler-
mont-Ferrand, 135; Concarneau, 92; Copenhagen,
314; Cullercoats, 170; Dröbak, 294; Grenoble, 140;
Helder, 321; Helgoland, 226; Kiel, 218; Kristine-
berg, 302; Luc-sur-Mer, 118; Lunz, 268; Millport,
197; Monaco, 40; Müggel See, 236; Nyborg 311;
Overmeire, 326; Piel-in-Barrow, 185; Plymouth,
161; Portel, 123; Port Erin, 181; Roscoff, 106; Ro-
vigno, 264; Sebastopol, 334; St. Andrews, 206;
St. Vaast-la-Hougue, 112; Toulouse, 138; Trieste,
258; Trondhjem, 291; Vienna, 249; Wimereux, 132.
Esbo-Lofo, summer zoological station, 330.
Europe, biological stations, 1.

Evois, fisheries experiment station, 330.
Experiment station, biological, in Vienna, 247: fish-
eries, in Vienna, 272; of pond-culture, at Frauen-
berg, 274.

Experiments made at station in Budapest, 277.


Faculty of sciences of University of Paris, Labora-
tory Arago, 67.
Finland, biological stations in, 330; fisheries experi-
ment station, at Evois, 330; hydrographical-bio-
logical commission, 330.

Fish cultural laboratory, at Bordeaux, 143; at
Clermont-Ferrand, 134; of University of Gren-
oble, 139; Russian, at Nikolskoje, 340.

Fish hatchery, at Bay of Nigg, Aberdeen, 208; at
Piel-in-Barrow, 185.

Fisheries board, for Norway, 297; for Scotland, 208.
Fisheries committee, Lancashire and Western
Sea, 184.

Fisheries experiment station in Vienna, 272.
Fisheries laboratory at Lowestoft, 164.
Fiume, marine biological station, 274.
Flödevig hatchery, 296.

France, biological stations, 35.

Frauenberg, pond-culture experiment station, 274.
Fresh-water laboratory at Catfield, 166,
Fresh-water biological laboratory, at Aneboda, 310;
Borodin's, at Lake Seliger, 339; at Overmeire,
325; of Bohemia, 273; on Füresee, Denmark, 313.
Friedrichshagen am Müggel See, institute for in-
land fisheries, 233.

Fritsch, Prof. Anton, director of Bohemian fresh-
water station, 273.

Fulton, Dr. T. W., director marine laboratory at

Aberdeen, and staff, 208.

Functions of biological stations, 1.


Garády, Victor, director of station at Fiume, 274.
Gatty marine laboratory at St. Andrews, 202.

[blocks in formation]

Haegadalen, biological station, 288.

Hallez, Prof. Paul, director of station at Portel, 120.
Heincke, Prof. Fr., director of station of Helgoland,
and staff, 221.

Helgoland, royal Prussian biological station, 221.
Helland-Hansen, Bjorn, director of station at Ber-
gen, 280.

Henneguy, L. F., director of station at Concarneau,
and staff, 88.

Herdman, Prof. W. A., president of committee at
Liverpool, 174; director of station at Piel-in-Bar-
row, 185.

Hirschberg, biological station, 272.

Hjort, Dr. Johan, director of fisheries board of Nor-
way, and staff, 297.

Hofer, Prof. Bruno, director of experiment station
at Munich, and staff, 239.

Hoffbauer, Prof. C., director of station at Trachen-
berg, 244.

Holland, biological stations in, 318.

Hydrographic and meteorological work at Plym
outh, 148.

Hydrographical-biological commission of Finland,


Hydrographical station, at Lake Glubokoje, 341:
at Toulouse, 135; Bornö Island, 309.


Imperial society of naturalists, St. Petersburg, 338.
Institut für Meereskunde in Berlin, 230.
Institute, of marine biology of University of Lyon,
at Tamaris-sur-Mer, 55; of oceanography, st
Monaco, 37.

International commission for investigation of the
sea, Copenhagen, 316.

International council for investigation of the sea,
Scottish department, 211.

International fisheries investigation for Great
Britain, 163.

International investigation of the sea, Finland, 330,
Norway, 297; Russian bureau, 338.

Investigation, international fisheries for Great
Britain, 163; of the Lower Elbe, 245; of the sea,
international council, Scottish department, 211;
of the sea, scientific, in Germany,218; at the Buda-
pest station, 277.

Irish fisheries investigation, 214.
Italy, biological stations in, 7.


Jenkins, J. Travis, superintendent of Lancashire and
western sea committee, and staff, 184.

Jolyet, Prof. Felix, director of biological station of
Arcachon, and staff, 81.

Jourdan, Prof. Et., director of marine laboratory at
Endoume, 56.

Joyeux, Prof. Jean, director of the station at Luc-
sur-Mer, and staff, 116.


Kerbert, Dr. C., director of aquarium at Amsterdam,

Kiel, Laboratorium für Meeresforschung, 219.
Korbuly, Dr. M., director of station at Budapest,


Korotneff, Prof. A., director of station at Ville-
franche-sur-Mer, 49.

Kraepelin, Prof. K., director of investigation of the
lower Elbe river, 245.

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