PAN. Where? Bor. At your own house; there he unarms him. PAN. I'll be with you, niece, by and by. PAN. Ay, a token from Troilus. Men prize the thing ungain'd more than it is: • At your own house; there he unarms him.] These neceffary words are added from the quarto edition. POPE. The words added are only there he unarms him. JOHNSON. 3-joy's foul lies in the doing :) So read both the old editions, for which the later editions have poorly given: the foul's joy lies in doing. JOHNSON. It is the reading of the second folio. RITSON. * Achievement is command; ungain'd, beseech:] The meaning of this obfcure line seems to be "Men, after poffeffion, become our commanders; before it, they are our fuppliants." STEEVENS. : The Grecian Camp. Before Agamemnon's Tent. Trumpets. Enter AGAMEMNON, NESTOR, ULYSSES, AGAM. Princes, What grief hath set the jaundice on your cheeks? Fails in the promis'd largeness: checks and dif afters Grow in the veins of actions highest rear'd; That we come short of our suppose so far, 6 Then though - The quarto reads - Then; the folio and the modern editions read improperly, that. JOHNSON. ク my heart's content - Content, for capacity. WARBURTON. On confidering the context, it appears to me that we ought to read, "my heart's confent," not content. M. MASON. my heart's content - ) Perhaps means, my heart's fatisfaction or joy: my well pleased heart. So, in our author's Dedi. cation of his Venus and Adonis to Lord Southampton: "I leave it to your honorable survey, and your honour to your heart's content." This is the reading of the quarto. The folio has - contents. signifies - the acquiescence of my My heart's content, I believe, heart. STEEVENS. MALONE. 1 That, after seven years' fiege, yet Troy walls stand; elfe But the protractive trials of great Jove, In fortune's love: for then, the bold and coward, NEST. With due observance of thy godlike feat, -affin'd-] i. e. joined by affinity. The fame adje&ive occurs in Othello: "If partially affin'd, or leagu'd in office." STEEVENS 9-broad - So, the quarto; the folio reads-loud. JOHNSON. * With due obfervance of thy godlike Seat, Goodly [the reading of the folio) is an epithet that carries no very great compliment with it; and Neftor seems bere to be paying deference to Agamemnon's state and pre-eminence. The old books [the quartos) have it, to thy godly feat: godlike, as I have r ormed the text, seems to me the epithet designed; and is very conformable to what Æneas afterwards says of Agamemnon: "Which is that god in office, guiding men?" So godlike feat is here, ftate supreme above all other commanders. THEOBALD. This emendation Theobald might have found in the quarto, which has the godlike feat. JOHNSON. thy godlike Seat,] The throne in which thou fitteft, "like a descended god." MALONE. Great Agamemnon, Nestor shall apply But let the ruffian Boreas once enrage The strong-ribb'd bark through liquid mountains cut, Bounding between the two moist elements, Like Perfeus' horfe: Where's then the saucy boat, Neftor Mall apply Thy latest words. ] Neftor applies the words to another instance. Perhaps Neftor means, that he will attend particularly to, and confider, Agamemnon's lateft words. So, in an ancient interlude, entitled, The Nice Wanton, 1560: O ye children, let your time be well spent; See also Vol. IX. p. 232, n. 7. MALONE. JOHNSON. * With those of nobler bulk? Statius has the fame thought, though more diffufively expreffed : "Sic ubi magna novum Phario de littore puppis Mr. Pope has imitated the paffage. STEEVENS. The gentle Thetis, So, in Lord Cromwell, 1602: "When I have seen, Boreas begin to play the ruffian with us, then would I down on my knees. MALONE. 7 Bounding between the two moist elements, Like Perfeus horse: Mercury, according to the fable, presented Perfeus with talaria, but we no where hear of his horfe. The only flying horse of antiquity was Pegafus, and he was the property, not of Perfeus, but Bellerophon. But our poet followed a more modern fabulift, the author of The Destruction of Troy, a Whose weak untimber'd fides but even now And flies fled under shade, Why, then, the thing book which furnished him with fome other circumstances of this play Of the horse alluded to in the text he found in that book the following account: Of the blood that issued out [from Medusa's head] there engendered Pegafus, or the flying horse. By the flying horse that was engendered of the blood issued from her head, is understood, that of her riches issuing of that realme he (Perfeus) founded and made a ship named Pegase, and this ship was likened unto an horse Aying, &c. Again: "By this fashion Perfeus conquered the head of Medufa, and did make Pegase, the most swift ship that was in all the world." In another place the same writer assures us, that this ship, which he always calls Perfeus' flying horse, "Αιw on the fea like unto a bird." Deft. of Troy, 410. 1617, p. 155-164. MALONE. The foregoing note is a very curious one; and yet out author perhaps would not have contented himself with merely comparing one ship to another. Unallegorized Pegasus might be fairly ftyled Perfeus horse, because the heroism of Perfeus had given him existence. STEEVENS. 8 by the brize,] The brize is the gad or horse-Ay. So, in Monheur Thomas, 139: Have ye got the brize there? "Give me the holy sprinkle." Again, in Vittoria Corombona, or the White Devil, 1612: “I will put brize in his tail, set him a gadding presently. " See note on Antony and Cleopatra, A& III. fc. viii. STEEVENS. • And flies fled under shade, i. e. And flies are fled under shade. I have observed fimilar omiffions in the works of many of our author's contemporaries. MALONE. 2 the king of courage, It is said of the tiger, that in forms and high winds he rages and roars most furiously. HANMER. |