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THE Memoir now presented to the public was prepared by two of Dr WAUGH's friends resident in Scotland. Its object is to delineate a character richly marked by the image of Christ, to record the leading incidents of a life devoted to goodness, and to present an example whose excellence demands that imitation to which its beauty allures.

The facts detailed are such as fell under the observation of the writers, or were communicated to them from respectable sources. Among the persons whose valuable communications have enriched this Work, justice and gratitude require that the Rev. GEORGE BURDer of Fetter Lane, the Rev. GEORGE COLLISON of Hackney, the Rev. Dr MORRISON of Brompton, the Rev. Dr PHILIP of the Cape, and A. CHALMERS, Esq. of London, should be especially mentioned. The thanks of the compilers are also due to THOMAS PRINGLE, Esq., Secretary to the Antislavery Society, not only for his able editorial superintendence of the Work during its progress through the press, but also for some most judicious alterations and additions, which his frequent and recent intercourse with the members of Dr WAUGH's family has enabled him to introduce.

The letters inserted in this Memoir will be found peculiarly interesting, from the views which they give of Divine truth and duty, the scenes they describe, the

incidents they detail, and the qualities of heart which they so delightfully exhibit. Other specimens of Dr WAUGH's talent for letter-writing, fully equal to any of these could have been given: but that which charms. in friendship cannot in all cases be rendered interesting or suitable for the public.

For the deficiencies of this Work the candid will find an apology in the distance of the writers from the scenes of Dr WAUGH's life, and in the impossibility of doing full justice to services so extensive and to qualities so various. To the good of all parties it is affectionately dedicated, for he was the common friend of the pious of every name; and at the feet of that Saviour it is laid, to whose grace their venerable friend ascribed so piously all that he did and all that he enjoyed, and in whose service he was faithful to the death.

JAMES HAY, A. M. Kinross.

March 1, 1830.


In presenting a Second Edition of this Work, the writers cannot repress the expression of their high gratification at the favourable manner in which the public has been pleased to receive the First; the rapid sale of which evidences the deep interest felt by the wise and good in the memory of Dr WAUGH, and excites the hope of the extending influence of his spirit and example.

In this Edition will be found some additional letters and anecdotes, illustrative of the combined cheerfulness and piety of his character, and some further passages from his pulpit discourses, exhibiting more fully the light, beauty, and fervour of his teaching as a master in Israel.




Ir is gratifying to the surviving Author of this Memoir, that, after two large and high priced London Editions have been for some time entirely exhausted, a Third Edition, in consequence of an arrangement with the present respectable Publishers, is about to issue from the press in Scotland, Dr WAUGH's native and beloved land, where his memory is still tenderly cherished, and to be sold at such a moderate price, as will put it in the power of every class of readers to profit by that example of fervent piety, and expansive benevolence, for which he was eminently conspicuous. It may be proper to mention that, from the relinquishment on the part of Dr WAUGH's family of all pecuniary advantage in this Edition, it will be sold at one half the price of the former ones, though printed verbatim from the Second, with which they are so well satisfied, that they have agreed that nothing shall be added, and nothing suppressed.

Although but a few years have elapsed since the publication of the Second Edition, two highly respected individuals who took a deep interest in the preparation of the Work, are, alas! no more :-Dr BELFRAGE, my highly esteemed fellow-labourer and my bosom friend for nearly half a century, who, by his excellent and justly popular works, has bequeathed a rich legacy to the religious public; and Mr THOMAS PRINGLE, the able

and faithful superintendent of the First Edition, when it passed through the press, who, by his Sketches on South Africa, his poems, and his unwearied exertions to break the fetters of the slave, has gained an honourable name among those benefactors of the human race, who have distinguished themselves in the great cause of civil and religious liberty. The present writer must also soon close his eyes on this transitory scene, and he cherishes the humble but cheering hope, in regard to those dear relatives and friends, in whose society he has spent many of his sweetest and most profitable hours, that he will meet them again in that world, where death never enters, and where all the children of the same common family shall ever be with one another, and ever with the Lord.


KINROSS, December 6, 1838.

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