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ance with the subject of this Memoir, combined with some particulars respecting him which they would probably never gain from any other source;-the other, to avail himself of the interest attached to Captain Heywood's life, and the respect very widely felt for his character, to draw attention to those religious views which certainly were a marked feature in that character, were mainly connected with his vigorous intellect and right feelings, and, in the author's opinion, are the only true foundation of that love to God and love to man which constitute the essence of the gospel.

Yet the author is sensible that he owes some apology to Captain Heywood's family, and to many respected friends, for venturing to set forth a work to which he cannot be qualified to do justice. With regard to Captain Heywood's merits as an officer, as a scientific, intelligent, and honourable member of the naval profession, he can merely repeat what has been already said of him, or gather a little from some very imperfect memoranda. His contemporaries in the service are probably aware that he manifested talents of a very superior order on various occasions, which do not *appear in any writings respecting him, and which, if they did appear, the author of this volume, from his wholly different sphere of pursuit, would be incapable of properly appreciating.

Captain Heywood was among the first who paid particular attention to the use of Chronometers at sea, and aided in bringing that art to perfection. The arrangement of the signals at present in use in the English Navy is understood to have been indebted to him for some very beneficial suggestions. He constructed many valuable Charts of seas whose navigation was wholly unknown before he registered his observations. But perhaps his chief excellence as an officer was the activity and singleness of his attention to the duties of his station-his conscientiousness in their discharge-together with an entire freedom from ordinary weaknesses of character, from selfish ends and aims, which gave him an easy superiority in command, and invariably attached all around him to his person.

It was the author's chief wish to exhibit his character as a man. But for this also, his qualifications are feeble. Acquainted with him only a short time before his death, and that when his health was declining, how many traits of character must have escaped his knowledge! A great and good character, like one of nature's varied landscapes, may be admired at the first glance, but it requires to be seen in every variety of light and shade, to be again and again contemplated from one advantageous position and another, before all its value can be appreciated. How many scenes are there, that can never appear at first to the eye of the most ardent and tasteful

lover of the beautiful works of God with that deep and peculiar feeling of fond admiration, that comprehension of all their latent sources of interest and value, which time and familiarity have wrought for them in the heart of one who has been their companion from the rising to the going down of the sun, who has watched their varying aspect in stillness and in storm! Captain Heywood's was no ordinary mind. With that reserve which is always more or less the accompaniment of self-respect, never obtruding himself on the attention, he had 'that within which passeth show.' He was one of those richly-endowed beings, with respect to whose minds every succeeding interview impresses upon you the conviction, that there is still many an undiscovered vein of valuable ore to become the prize of some further acquaintance.

While the author confesses these disqualifications, he will be happy to see his omissions supplied, his errors corrected, by others who have enjoyed superior opportunities. Aware that many of Captain Heywood's letters are in the possession of his friends, and that a large collection of them has been made, he has of course been often tempted to wish that he could have enriched his volume with more of Captain Heywood's correspondence. The author owns he has no reason to make the observation from experience;-but it is a difficult and delicate thing to apply as a stranger to strangers-more

especially when the purpose of the applicant might be viewed with a very doubtful eye. He has been checked, too, by the remembrance of Captain Heywood's peculiar modesty and reserve, his disinclination to have his name and sentiments paraded before the public eye-a disinclination sufficiently manifested by the fact that he destroyed a considerable number of manuscripts before his death, perhaps the only materials for a faithful representation of his whole mind.

To the Mutiny of the Bounty the author owes more than general acknowledgment. With a few verbal alterations, the general arrangement and connecting links of the correspondence which took place previous to the trial have been adopted from that volume. It appeared unnecessary to attempt an improvement. But in the course of transcription for the press, some passages have escaped that reference to their source which ought to have been observed, particularly the introduction of the quotation from Lord Byron, with the preceding remarks in the narration of the shipwreck of the Pandora, which appeared too apt to be torn from their association; and the observations on Christian's motives for detaining Heywood, with the note, pp. 150152. Yet in this part of the Memoir some additions have been made to the correspondence from that family volume to which the historian of the Mutiny of the Bounty acknowledges his obligations.

The author has only to add, that for the appearance of this volume and its contents he alone is responsible. The diaries, from which some extracts are given, were entrusted to his hands by Mrs. Heywood out of regard to the interest which that lady knew the author to feel in Captain Heywood's memory, and to enable him to see better what Captain Heywood was, but without any view to publication. Upon himself, therefore, must entirely rest the blame, if there be any, arising from their apHe has endeavoured to avoid every pearance. thing which could apply otherwise than pleasantly to any living individual. To have done otherwise would have been injustice to Captain Heywood's memory as well as to the parties concerned.

He hopes that, although he may not have been successful in giving a perfect picture of this beloved and respected man, there may yet be found in this volume a sufficiently rude outline of his life and character to render it not unworthy the occasional contemplation of those who knew and loved him best. 'Passing sweet are the domains of tender memory;' and in these domains no spots are sweeter than the haunts of departed worth-the spots where we can meet and converse again with the honoured and virtuous dead.

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