The Small House at AllingtonThe Floating Press, 1 окт. 2010 г. - Всего страниц: 1122 This novel, the fifth in Trollope's Chronicles of Barsetshire series, tells the tale of the Dale family, which is trying to make ends meet in the aftermath of the death of the family patriarch. A nearly impenetrable knot of romantic entanglements ensues shortly after the family moves into the small house of the book's title. Long admired by fans of Trollope's writing, The Small House at Allington gained more widespread attention after it was named as a personal favorite by then-sitting Prime Minister John Major. |
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Результаты 1 – 5 из 82
Стр. 4
... John Eames Encounters Two Adventures, and Displays Great Courage in Both Chapter XXII - Lord De Guest at Home Chapter XXIII - Mr Plantagenet Palliser Chapter XXIV - A Mother-in-Law and a Father-in-Law Chapter XXV - Adolphus Crosbie ...
... John Eames Encounters Two Adventures, and Displays Great Courage in Both Chapter XXII - Lord De Guest at Home Chapter XXIII - Mr Plantagenet Palliser Chapter XXIV - A Mother-in-Law and a Father-in-Law Chapter XXV - Adolphus Crosbie ...
Стр. 5
... John Eames at His Office Chapter XLVII - The New Private Secretary Chapter XLVIII - Nemesis Chapter XLIX - Preparations for Going Chapter L - Mrs Dale Is Thankful for a Good Thing Chapter LI - John Eames Does Things Which He Ought Not ...
... John Eames at His Office Chapter XLVII - The New Private Secretary Chapter XLVIII - Nemesis Chapter XLIX - Preparations for Going Chapter L - Mrs Dale Is Thankful for a Good Thing Chapter LI - John Eames Does Things Which He Ought Not ...
Стр. 20
... John Eames," said Bell, who, by her tone of voice, did not seem inclined to undervalue the qualifications of Mr Crosbie. Now John Eames was a young man from Guestwick, who had been appointed to a clerkship in the Income-tax office, with ...
... John Eames," said Bell, who, by her tone of voice, did not seem inclined to undervalue the qualifications of Mr Crosbie. Now John Eames was a young man from Guestwick, who had been appointed to a clerkship in the Income-tax office, with ...
Стр. 26
... John Eames, have made him appear fabulously rich in the eyes of that brother clerk. His lodgings in Mount Street were elegant in their belongings. During three months of the season in London he called himself the master of a very neat ...
... John Eames, have made him appear fabulously rich in the eyes of that brother clerk. His lodgings in Mount Street were elegant in their belongings. During three months of the season in London he called himself the master of a very neat ...
Стр. 56
... John Eames had been petted by none but his mother, but I would not have it supposed, on this account, that John Eames had no friends. There is a class of young men who never get petted, though they may not be the less esteemed, or ...
... John Eames had been petted by none but his mother, but I would not have it supposed, on this account, that John Eames had no friends. There is a class of young men who never get petted, though they may not be the less esteemed, or ...
Chapter XXXII Pawkinss in Jermyn Street | 576 |
Chapter XXXIII The Time Will Come | 594 |
Chapter XXXIV The Combat | 616 |
Chapter XXXV Væ Victis | 629 |
Chapter XXXVI See the Conquering Hero Comes | 651 |
Chapter XXXVII An Old Mans Complaint | 673 |
Chapter XXXVIII Doctor Crofts Is Called In | 687 |
Chapter XXXIX Doctor Crofts Is Turned Out | 707 |
149 | |
171 | |
186 | |
200 | |
Chapter XIII A Visit to Guestwick | 227 |
Chapter XIV John Eames Takes a Walk | 245 |
Chapter XV The Last Day | 258 |
Chapter XVI Mr Crosbie Meets an Old Clergyman on His Way to Courcy Castle | 279 |
Chapter XVII Courcy Castle | 291 |
Chapter XVIII Lily Dales First LoveLetter | 317 |
Chapter XIX The Squire Makes a Visit to the Small House | 333 |
Chapter XX Dr Crofts | 351 |
Chapter XXI John Eames Encounters Two Adventures and Displays Great Courage in Both | 365 |
Chapter XXII Lord De Guest at Home | 388 |
Chapter XXIII Mr Plantagenet Palliser | 405 |
Chapter XXIV A MotherinLaw and a FatherinLaw | 438 |
Chapter XXV Adolphus Crosbie Spends an Evening at His Club | 448 |
Chapter XXVI Lord de Courcy in the Bosom of His Family | 467 |
Chapter XXVII On My Honour I Do Not Understand It | 486 |
Chapter XXVIII The Board | 506 |
Chapter XXIX John Eames Returns to Burton Crescent | 524 |
Chapter XXX Is It from Him? | 541 |
Chapter XXXI The Wounded Fawn | 561 |
Chapter XL Preparations for the Wedding | 730 |
Chapter XLI Domestic Troubles | 754 |
Chapter XLII Lilys Bedside | 770 |
Chapter XLIII Fie Fie | 787 |
Chapter XLIV Valentines Day at Allington | 807 |
Chapter XLV Valentines Day in London | 823 |
Chapter XLVI John Eames at His Office | 843 |
Chapter XLVII The New Private Secretary | 865 |
Chapter XLVIII Nemesis | 881 |
Chapter XLIX Preparations for Going | 901 |
Chapter L Mrs Dale Is Thankful for a Good Thing | 919 |
Chapter LI John Eames Does Things Which He Ought Not to Have Done | 934 |
Chapter LII The First Visit to the Guestwick Bridge | 959 |
Chapter LIII Loquitur Hopkins | 977 |
Chapter LIV The Second Visit to the Guestwick Bridge | 993 |
Chapter LV Not Very Fie Fie after All | 1013 |
Chapter LVI Showing How Mr Crosbie Became Again a Happy Man | 1036 |
Chapter LVII Lilian Dale Vanquishes Her Mother | 1051 |
Chapter LVIII The Fate of the Small House | 1069 |
Chapter LIX John Eames Becomes a Man | 1086 |
Chapter LX Conclusion | 1104 |
Другие издания - Просмотреть все
The Small House at Allington (Volume 3 of 5 ) (EasyRead Super Large 24pt ... Anthony Trollope Ограниченный просмотр - 1959 |
The Small House at Allington (Volume 2 of 3 ) (EasyRead Large Bold Edition) Anthony Trollope Ограниченный просмотр - 1946 |
The Small House at Allington (Volume 1 of 5 ) (EasyRead Super Large 24pt ... Anthony Trollope Ограниченный просмотр - 2002 |
Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
Adolphus Allington Amelia Roper answer asked believe Bell Bernard Dale better Boyce Burton Crescent Butterwell countess Courcy Castle course cousin Cradell croquet Crosbie Crosbie's Dale's daughter dear declared dine dinner Dr Crofts drawing-room earl earl's eyes feel felt Gazebee gentleman girl give gone Guestwick Manor hand happy Hartlebury heard heart hobbledehoy honour hope John Eames Johnny Eames knew Lady Alexandrina Lady Amelia Lady Dumbello Lady Julia Lily Dale Lily's live London look Lord De Guest lover Lupex mamma marriage married matter mean mind Miss Dale Miss Spruce morning mother never once Palliser perhaps Plantagenet Palliser poor Porlock port wine regarded Sir Raffle sister Small House speak spoke squire squire's suppose sure talk tell There's thing thought told truth uncle understand voice walked wife wish woman word young